---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1991, 1992 class Lin from gp inherits Storable ---Purpose: -- Describes a line in 3D space. -- A line is positioned in space with an axis (a gp_Ax1 -- object) which gives it an origin and a unit vector. -- A line and an axis are similar objects, thus, we can -- convert one into the other. A line provides direct access -- to the majority of the edit and query functions available -- on its positioning axis. In addition, however, a line has -- specific functions for computing distances and positions. -- See Also -- gce_MakeLin which provides functions for more complex -- line constructions -- Geom_Line which provides additional functions for -- constructing lines and works, in particular, with the -- parametric equations of lines uses Ax1 from gp, Ax2 from gp, Dir from gp, Trsf from gp, Vec from gp, Pnt from gp raises ConstructionError from Standard is Create returns Lin; ---C++:inline --- Purpose : Creates a Line corresponding to Z axis of the -- reference coordinate system. Create (A1 : Ax1) returns Lin; ---C++:inline --- Purpose : Creates a line defined by axis A1. Create (P : Pnt; V : Dir) returns Lin; --- Purpose : Creates a line passing through point P and parallel to -- vector V (P and V are, respectively, the origin and -- the unit vector of the positioning axis of the line). Reverse (me : in out) ---C++:inline is static; Reversed (me) returns Lin is static; ---C++:inline --- Purpose : Reverses the direction of the line. -- Note: -- - Reverse assigns the result to this line, while -- - Reversed creates a new one. SetDirection (me : in out; V : Dir) is static; ---C++:inline --- Purpose : Changes the direction of the line. SetLocation (me : in out; P : Pnt) is static; ---C++:inline --- Purpose : Changes the location point (origin) of the line. SetPosition (me : in out; A1 : Ax1) is static; ---C++:inline --- Purpose : -- Complete redefinition of the line. -- The "Location" point of is the origin of the line. -- The "Direction" of is the direction of the line. Direction (me) returns Dir is static; ---C++:inline --- Purpose : Returns the direction of the line. ---C++: return const& Location (me) returns Pnt is static; ---C++:inline --- Purpose : -- Returns the location point (origin) of the line. ---C++: return const& Position (me) returns Ax1 is static; --- Purpose : -- Returns the axis placement one axis whith the same -- location and direction as . ---C++: inline ---C++: return const& Angle (me; Other : Lin) returns Real is static; ---C++: inline --- Purpose : Computes the angle between two lines in radians. Contains (me; P : Pnt; LinearTolerance : Real) returns Boolean is static; ---C++: inline --- Purpose : Returns true if this line contains the point P, that is, if the -- distance between point P and this line is less than or -- equal to LinearTolerance.. Distance (me; P : Pnt) returns Real is static; ---C++: inline --- Purpose : Computes the distance between and the point P. Distance (me; Other : Lin) returns Real is static; --- Purpose : Computes the distance between two lines. SquareDistance (me; P : Pnt) returns Real is static; ---C++: inline --- Purpose : -- Computes the square distance between and the point P. SquareDistance (me; Other : Lin) returns Real is static; ---C++: inline --- Purpose : Computes the square distance between two lines. Normal (me; P : Pnt) returns Lin ---C++: inline --- Purpose : -- Computes the line normal to the direction of , passing -- through the point P. Raises ConstructionError -- if the distance between and the point P is lower -- or equal to Resolution from gp because there is an infinity of -- solutions in 3D space. raises ConstructionError is static; Mirror (me : in out; P : Pnt) is static; Mirrored (me; P : Pnt) returns Lin is static; --- Purpose : -- Performs the symmetrical transformation of a line -- with respect to the point P which is the center of -- the symmetry. Mirror (me : in out; A1 : Ax1) is static; Mirrored (me; A1 : Ax1) returns Lin is static; --- Purpose : -- Performs the symmetrical transformation of a line -- with respect to an axis placement which is the axis -- of the symmetry. Mirror (me : in out; A2 : Ax2) is static; Mirrored (me; A2 : Ax2) returns Lin is static; --- Purpose : -- Performs the symmetrical transformation of a line -- with respect to a plane. The axis placement -- locates the plane of the symmetry : -- (Location, XDirection, YDirection). Rotate(me : in out; A1 : Ax1; Ang : Real) ---C++: inline is static; Rotated (me; A1 : Ax1; Ang : Real) returns Lin is static; ---C++: inline --- Purpose : -- Rotates a line. A1 is the axis of the rotation. -- Ang is the angular value of the rotation in radians. Scale (me : in out; P : Pnt; S : Real) ---C++: inline is static; Scaled (me; P : Pnt; S : Real) returns Lin is static; ---C++: inline --- Purpose : -- Scales a line. S is the scaling value. -- The "Location" point (origin) of the line is modified. -- The "Direction" is reversed if the scale is negative. Transform (me : in out; T : Trsf) ---C++: inline is static; Transformed (me; T : Trsf) returns Lin is static; ---C++: inline --- Purpose : -- Transforms a line with the transformation T from class Trsf. Translate (me : in out; V : Vec) ---C++: inline is static; Translated (me; V : Vec) returns Lin is static; ---C++: inline --- Purpose : -- Translates a line in the direction of the vector V. -- The magnitude of the translation is the vector's magnitude. Translate (me : in out; P1, P2 : Pnt) is static; ---C++: inline Translated (me; P1, P2 : Pnt) returns Lin is static; ---C++: inline --- Purpose : -- Translates a line from the point P1 to the point P2. fields pos : Ax1; end;