-- File: MakeCylinder.cdl -- Created: Wed Aug 26 14:30:57 1992 -- Author: Remi GILET -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1992 class MakeCylinder from gce inherits Root from gce ---Purpose : This class implements the following algorithms used -- to create a Cylinder from gp. -- * Create a Cylinder coaxial to another and passing -- through a point. -- * Create a Cylinder coaxial to another at a distance -- . -- * Create a Cylinder with 3 points. -- * Create a Cylinder by its axis and radius. -- * Create a cylinder by its circular base. uses Pnt from gp, Ax1 from gp, Ax2 from gp, Circ from gp, Cylinder from gp, Real from Standard raises NotDone from StdFail is Create (A2 : Ax2 from gp ; Radius : Real from Standard) returns MakeCylinder; --- Purpose : is the local cartesian coordinate system of . -- The status is "NegativeRadius" if R < 0.0 Create(Cyl : Cylinder from gp; Point : Pnt from gp) returns MakeCylinder; ---Purpose : Makes a Cylinder from gp coaxial to another -- Cylinder and passing through a Pnt . Create(Cyl : Cylinder from gp ; Dist : Real from Standard) returns MakeCylinder; ---Purpose : Makes a Cylinder from gp coaxial to another -- Cylinder at the distance which can -- be greater or lower than zero. -- The radius of the result is the absolute value of the -- radius of plus Create(P1 : Pnt from gp; P2 : Pnt from gp; P3 : Pnt from gp) returns MakeCylinder; ---Purpose : Makes a Cylinder from gp with 3 points -- ,,. -- Its axis is and its radius is the distance -- between and Create(Axis : Ax1 from gp ; Radius : Real from Standard) returns MakeCylinder; ---Purpose: Makes a Cylinder by its axis and radius . Create(Circ : Circ from gp) returns MakeCylinder; ---Purpose: Makes a Cylinder by its circular base. -- Warning -- If an error occurs (that is, when IsDone returns -- false), the Status function returns: -- - gce_NegativeRadius if: -- - Radius is less than 0.0, or -- - Dist is negative and has an absolute value -- which is greater than the radius of Cyl; or -- - gce_ConfusedPoints if points P1 and P2 are coincident. Value(me) returns Cylinder from gp raises NotDone is static; ---C++: return const& ---Purpose: Returns the constructed cylinder. -- Exceptions StdFail_NotDone if no cylinder is constructed. Operator(me) returns Cylinder from gp is static; ---C++: return const& ---C++: alias "Standard_EXPORT operator gp_Cylinder() const;" fields TheCylinder : Cylinder from gp; --The solution from gp. end MakeCylinder;