-- File: MakeCone.cdl -- Created: Wed Aug 26 14:30:57 1992 -- Author: Remi GILET -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1992 class MakeCone from gce inherits Root from gce ---Purpose : This class implements the following algorithms used -- to create a Cone from gp. -- * Create a Cone coaxial to another and passing -- through a point. -- * Create a Cone coaxial to another at a distance -- . -- * Create a Cone by 4 points. -- * Create a Cone by its axis and 2 points. -- * Create a Cone by 2 points and 2 radius. -- * Create a Cone by an Ax2 an angle and the radius of -- its reference section. uses Pnt from gp, Ax1 from gp, Lin from gp, Cone from gp, Ax2 from gp, Real from Standard raises NotDone from StdFail is Create (A2 : Ax2 from gp ; Ang : Real from Standard ; Radius : Real from Standard ) returns MakeCone; --- Purpose : -- Creates an infinite conical surface. A2 locates the cone -- in the space and defines the reference plane of the surface. -- Ang is the conical surface semi-angle between 0 and PI/2 radians. -- Radius is the radius of the circle in the reference plane of -- the cone. -- If Radius is lower than 0.0 the status is " -- If Ang < Resolution from gp or Ang >= (PI/2) - Resolution. Create(Cone : Cone from gp; Point : Pnt from gp) returns MakeCone; ---Purpose : Makes a Cone from gp coaxial to another -- Cone and passing through a Pnt . Create(Cone : Cone from gp ; Dist : Real from Standard) returns MakeCone; ---Purpose : Makes a Cone from gp coaxial to another -- Cone at the distance which can -- be greater or lower than zero. Create(P1 : Pnt from gp; P2 : Pnt from gp; P3 : Pnt from gp; P4 : Pnt from gp) returns MakeCone; ---Purpose : Makes a Cone from gp by four points , -- , and . -- Its axis is and the radius of its base is -- the distance between and . -- The distance between and is the radius of -- the section passing through . -- If and are confused or and are -- confused we have the status "ConfusedPoints" -- if ,,, are colinear we have the -- status "ColinearPoints" -- If is perpendicular to we have the -- status "NullAngle". -- is colinear to we have the status -- "NullAngle". Create(Axis : Ax1 from gp; P1,P2 : Pnt from gp) returns MakeCone; ---Purpose: Makes a Cone by its axis and and two points. -- The distance between and the axis is the radius -- of the section passing through . -- The distance between and the axis is the radius -- of the section passing through . -- If is colinear to we have the status -- "NullAngle" -- If is perpendicular to we have the status -- "NullAngle" -- If and are confused we have the status -- "ConfusedPoints" Create(Axis : Lin from gp; P1,P2 : Pnt from gp) returns MakeCone; ---Purpose: Makes a Cone by its axis and and two points. -- The distance between and the axis is the radius -- of the section passing through -- The distance between and the axis is the radius -- of the section passing through -- If is colinear to we have the status -- "NullAngle" -- If is perpendicular to we have the status -- "NullAngle" -- If and are confused we have the status -- "ConfusedPoints" Create(P1 : Pnt from gp ; P2 : Pnt from gp ; R1 : Real from Standard; R2 : Real from Standard) returns MakeCone; ---Purpose: Makes a Cone with two points and two radius. -- The axis of the solution is the line passing through -- and . -- is the radius of the section passing through -- and the radius of the section passing through . -- If and are confused we have the status "NullAxis". -- Warning -- If an error occurs (that is, when IsDone returns -- false), the Status function returns: -- - gce_NegativeRadius if Radius, R1 or R2 is less than 0.0; -- - gce_BadAngle if Ang is less than -- gp::Resolution() or greater than Pi/2.- gp::Resolution(); -- - gce_ConfusedPoints if P1 and P2 or P3 and P4 are coincident; -- - gce_NullAxis if the points P1 and P2, are coincident (5th syntax only); -- - gce_NullAngle if: -- - the vector joining P1 to P2 is parallel to either -- Axis or the line joining P3 to P4, or -- - R1 and R2 are equal, (that is, their difference is -- less than gp::Resolution()); or -- - gce_NullRadius if: -- - the vector joining P1 to P2 is perpendicular to the line joining P3 to P4, -- - the vector joining P1 to P2 is perpendicular to Axis, or -- - P1, P2, P3, and P4 are collinear. Value(me) returns Cone from gp raises NotDone is static; ---C++: return const& ---Purpose: Returns the constructed cone. -- Exceptions StdFail_NotDone if no cone is constructed. Operator(me) returns Cone from gp is static; ---C++: return const& ---C++: alias "Standard_EXPORT operator gp_Cone() const;" fields TheCone : Cone from gp; --The solution from gp. end MakeCone;