-- File: gce.cdl -- Created: Thu Apr 30 11:36:51 1992 -- Author: Remi GILET -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1992 package gce uses gp, StdFail --- Level : Public -- All methods of all classes will be public. is enumeration ErrorType is Done, ConfusedPoints, NegativeRadius, ColinearPoints, IntersectionError, NullAxis, NullAngle, NullRadius, InvertAxis,BadAngle,InvertRadius,NullFocusLength, NullVector,BadEquation; --- Purpose: Indicates the outcome of a construction, i.e. -- whether it is successful or not, as explained below. -- gce_Done: Construction was successful. -- gce_ConfusedPoints: Two points are coincident. -- gce_NegativeRadius: Radius value is negative. -- gce_ColinearPoints: Three points are collinear. -- gce_IntersectionError: Intersection cannot be computed. -- gce_NullAxis: Axis is undefined. -- gce_NullAngle: Angle value is invalid (usually null). -- gce_NullRadius: Radius is null. -- gce_InvertAxis: Axis value is invalid. -- gce_BadAngle: Angle value is invalid. -- gce_InvertRadius: Radius value is incorrect -- (usually with respect to another radius). -- gce_NullFocusLength: Focal distance is null. -- gce_NullVector: Vector is null. -- gce_BadEquation: Coefficients are -- incorrect (applies to the equation of a geometric object). private deferred class Root; ---Purpose: Root of classes with error report. class MakeDir2d; ---Purpose: Makes a dir2d from gp. class MakeLin2d; ---Purpose: Makes a Lin2d from gp. class MakeCirc2d; ---Purpose: Makes a Circ2d from gp. class MakeHypr2d; ---Purpose: Makes an hypr2d from gp. class MakeElips2d; ---Purpose: Makes an Elips2d from gp. class MakeParab2d; ---Purpose: Makes a parab2d from gp. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Purpose : Constructions of Trsf2d from gp. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MakeTranslation2d; ---Purpose: Returns a translation transformation. class MakeMirror2d; ---Purpose: Returns a symmetry transformation. class MakeRotation2d; ---Purpose: Returns a rotation transformation. class MakeScale2d; ---Purpose: Returns a scaling transformation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Purpose: scalar product. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --class MakeDot; ---Purpose: Makes a scalar product between the two vectors P1P2 and P3P4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Purpose: vector product. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --class MakeCross2d; ---Purpose: Makes a Cross between the two vectors P1P2 and P1P3. --class MakeDotCross; ---Purpose: Makes the triple scalar product P1P2 * (P3P4 ^ P5P6). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Purpose : Constructions of 3d geometrical elements from gp. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MakeDir; ---Purpose: Makes a dir from gp. class MakeLin; ---Purpose: Makes a Line from gp. class MakeCirc; ---Purpose: Makes a Circle from gp. class MakeHypr; ---Purpose: Makes an hyperbola from gp. class MakeElips; ---Purpose: Makes an ellipse from gp. class MakeParab; ---Purpose: Makes a parabola

from gp. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Purpose : Constructions of planes from gp. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MakePln; ---Purpose: Makes a plane from gp. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Purpose: Construction of surfaces from gp. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MakeCylinder; ---Purpose: Makes a cylinder from gp. class MakeCone; ---Purpose: Makes a cone from gp. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Purpose : Constructions of Trsf from gp. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MakeTranslation; ---Purpose: returns a translation transformation. class MakeMirror; ---Purpose: returns a symmetry transformation. class MakeRotation; ---Purpose: returns a rotation transformation. class MakeScale; ---Purpose: returns a scaling transformation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---Purpose: vector product. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --class MakeCross; ---Purpose: Makes a Cross product between the two vectors P1P2 and P1P3. --class MakeDotCross; ---Purpose: Makes the triple scalar product P1P2 * (P3P4 ^ P5P6). end gce;