#define TEST /* GG_220998 // Ne pas detruire ls structure display qui peut etre // utilisee par plusieurs windows d'ou plantage // a la destruction (pb de liberation du static destructeur) */ #define RIC120302 /* GG Add Xw_set_display function to pass // Display structure directly // Add Xw_get_display_name function to retrieve // the display string. */ #include #include /* ifdef then trace on */ #ifdef TRACE #define TRACE_OPEN_DISPLAY #define TRACE_CLOSE_DISPLAY #define TRACE_GET_DISPLAY #define TRACE_GET_DISPLAY_NAME #define TRACE_SET_DISPLAY #endif /* XW_EXT_DISPLAY* Xw_open_display(displayname) char *displayname ; Display Name must be "NODE:[:]server.screen" or NULL if default screen. Return the ext display address corresponding to the required displayname or NULL if name is wrong or Display is protected XW_EXT_DISPLAY* Xw_get_display(connexion) char *connexion ; Display Name must be "NODE:[:]server.screen" or NULL if default screen. Return the ext display address corresponding to the required displayname or NULL if Display is no more open char* Xw_get_display_name(adisplay) XW_EXT_DISPLAY* adisplay ; Returns the display name. XW_EXT_DISPLAY* Xw_set_display(vdisplay) Display* vdisplay ; Display structure pointer. Return the ext display address corresponding to the required displayname or NULL if vdisplay is NULL XW_STATUS Xw_close_display(adisplay) XW_EXT_DISPLAY* adisplay ; Close ALL ressources attached to this display int Xw_get_plane_layer(adisplay,visualid); XW_EXT_DISPLAY* adisplay int visualid Returns the plane layer ID from the Visual ID. */ #ifdef XW_PROTOTYPE int Xw_get_plane_layer(void* adisplay,int visualid) #else int Xw_get_plane_layer(adisplay,visualid) void* adisplay; int visualid; #endif /*XW_PROTOTYPE*/ /* GETS the plane layer ID from visual ID */ { XW_EXT_DISPLAY *pdisplay = (XW_EXT_DISPLAY*) adisplay ; static Atom oatom = 0; int layer = 0; if( !oatom ) { oatom = XInternAtom(_DDISPLAY, "SERVER_OVERLAY_VISUALS", True); } if( oatom ) { unsigned long nitem,left; int aformat; Status status; union { unsigned char *string; XOverlayVisualInfo *oinfo; } prop; Atom aatom; status = XGetWindowProperty(_DDISPLAY, _DROOT, oatom, 0, 100, False, AnyPropertyType, &aatom, &aformat, &nitem, &left, &prop.string); nitem /= 4; if( (status == Success) && (aformat == 32) && (nitem > 0) ) { int i; for( i=0 ; (unsigned int ) i < nitem ; i++ ) { if( prop.oinfo[i].overlay_visual == visualid ) { layer = prop.oinfo[i].layer; break; } } } } else if( pdisplay->server == XW_SERVER_IS_SUN ) { int mOptCode,fEvent,fError; if( XQueryExtension(_DDISPLAY,"SUN_OVL",&mOptCode,&fEvent,&fError) ) { if( visualid == 0x2a ) layer = 1; } } return layer; } extern int Xw_error_handler() ; #ifdef XW_PROTOTYPE void* Xw_open_display(char* connexion) #else void* Xw_open_display(connexion) char *connexion ; #endif /*XW_PROTOTYPE*/ /* OPEN the display and Return the display address corresponding to the required displayname or NULL if name is wrong or Display is protected */ { XW_EXT_DISPLAY *pdisplay ; //XW_STATUS status ; char *vendor ; pdisplay = (XW_EXT_DISPLAY*) Xw_get_display(connexion) ; if( !pdisplay ) { pdisplay = Xw_add_display_structure(sizeof(XW_EXT_DISPLAY)) ; } if( !pdisplay ) return (NULL) ; if( !_DDISPLAY ) { _DDISPLAY = XOpenDisplay(connexion) ; if( _DDISPLAY ) { vendor = ServerVendor(_DDISPLAY) ; if( !strncmp(vendor,"DEC",3) ) pdisplay->server = XW_SERVER_IS_DEC ; else if( !strncmp(vendor,"Sil",3) ) pdisplay->server = XW_SERVER_IS_SGI ; else if( !strncmp(vendor,"Sun",3) ) pdisplay->server = XW_SERVER_IS_SUN ; else if( !strncmp(vendor,"Hew",3) ) pdisplay->server = XW_SERVER_IS_HP ; else pdisplay->server = XW_SERVER_IS_UNKNOWN ; pdisplay->gname = (char*)strdup(connexion) ; _DSCREEN = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(_DDISPLAY) ; _DVISUAL = DefaultVisualOfScreen(_DSCREEN) ; _DCOLORMAP = DefaultColormapOfScreen(_DSCREEN) ; _DROOT = RootWindowOfScreen(_DSCREEN) ; _DWIDTH = WidthOfScreen(_DSCREEN) ; _DHEIGHT = HeightOfScreen(_DSCREEN) ; _DGC = DefaultGCOfScreen(_DSCREEN) ; XSetFunction(_DDISPLAY,_DGC,GXxor) ; if( Xw_get_trace() > 0 ) { Xw_set_synchronize(_DDISPLAY,True) ; } else { Xw_set_synchronize(_DDISPLAY,False) ; XSetErrorHandler(Xw_error_handler) ; } #ifdef TRACE_OPEN_DISPLAY if( Xw_get_trace() ) { printf (" Xw_Server_Vendor is '%s' on Display '%s->%s'\n", vendor,connexion,DisplayString(_DDISPLAY)); printf(" Xw_ProtocolVersion is %d,Revision is %d\n", ProtocolVersion(_DDISPLAY),ProtocolRevision(_DDISPLAY)); } #endif } else { /*ERROR*Bad Display connexion*/ Xw_set_error(66,"Xw_open_display",connexion) ; Xw_del_display_structure(pdisplay) ; pdisplay = NULL ; } } #ifdef TRACE_OPEN_DISPLAY if( Xw_get_trace() ) { printf (" %lx = Xw_open_display('%s')\n",(long ) pdisplay,connexion) ; } #endif return (pdisplay) ; } /*RIC120302*/ #ifdef XW_PROTOTYPE char* Xw_get_display_name(void* adisplay) #else char* Xw_get_display_name(aDisplay) void* adisplay; #endif /*XW_PROTOTYPE*/ /* Retrieve the display name */ { XW_EXT_DISPLAY *pdisplay = (XW_EXT_DISPLAY*)adisplay ; char *connexion; if( !Xw_isdefine_display(pdisplay) ) { /*ERROR*Bad EXT_DISPLAY Address*/ Xw_set_error(96,"Xw_get_display_name",pdisplay) ; return (NULL) ; } connexion = DisplayString(_DDISPLAY); #ifdef TRACE_GET_DISPLAY_NAME if( Xw_get_trace() ) { printf (" '%s' = Xw_get_display_name(%x)\n", connexion, (long ) pdisplay) ; } #endif return connexion; } #ifdef XW_PROTOTYPE void* Xw_set_display(void *vdisplay) #else void* Xw_open_display(vdisplay) void *vdisplay ; #endif /*XW_PROTOTYPE*/ /* REGISTER the display and Return the ext display address or NULL if the vdisplay is wrong */ { XW_EXT_DISPLAY *pdisplay ; //XW_STATUS status ; char *vendor,*connexion ; if( !vdisplay ) return (NULL) ; connexion = DisplayString((Display*)vdisplay); pdisplay = (XW_EXT_DISPLAY*) Xw_get_display(connexion) ; if( !pdisplay ) { pdisplay = Xw_add_display_structure(sizeof(XW_EXT_DISPLAY)) ; } if( !pdisplay ) return (NULL) ; if( !_DDISPLAY ) { _DDISPLAY = (Display*)vdisplay ; vendor = ServerVendor(_DDISPLAY) ; if( !strncmp(vendor,"DEC",3) ) pdisplay->server = XW_SERVER_IS_DEC ; else if( !strncmp(vendor,"Sil",3) ) pdisplay->server = XW_SERVER_IS_SGI ; else if( !strncmp(vendor,"Sun",3) ) pdisplay->server = XW_SERVER_IS_SUN ; else if( !strncmp(vendor,"Hew",3) ) pdisplay->server = XW_SERVER_IS_HP ; else pdisplay->server = XW_SERVER_IS_UNKNOWN ; pdisplay->gname = (char*)strdup(connexion) ; _DSCREEN = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(_DDISPLAY) ; _DVISUAL = DefaultVisualOfScreen(_DSCREEN) ; _DCOLORMAP = DefaultColormapOfScreen(_DSCREEN) ; _DROOT = RootWindowOfScreen(_DSCREEN) ; _DWIDTH = WidthOfScreen(_DSCREEN) ; _DHEIGHT = HeightOfScreen(_DSCREEN) ; _DGC = DefaultGCOfScreen(_DSCREEN) ; XSetFunction(_DDISPLAY,_DGC,GXxor) ; if( Xw_get_trace() > 0 ) { Xw_set_synchronize(_DDISPLAY,True) ; } else { Xw_set_synchronize(_DDISPLAY,False) ; XSetErrorHandler(Xw_error_handler) ; } #ifdef TRACE_SET_DISPLAY if( Xw_get_trace() ) { printf (" Xw_Server_Vendor is '%s' on Display '%s->%s'\n", vendor,connexion,DisplayString(_DDISPLAY)); printf(" Xw_ProtocolVersion is %d,Revision is %d\n", ProtocolVersion(_DDISPLAY),ProtocolRevision(_DDISPLAY)); } #endif } #ifdef TRACE_SET_DISPLAY if( Xw_get_trace() ) { printf (" %lx = Xw_set_display(%x = '%s')\n", (long ) pdisplay,vdisplay,connexion) ; } #endif return (pdisplay) ; } /*RIC120302*/ static XW_EXT_DISPLAY *PdisplayList = NULL ; #ifdef XW_PROTOTYPE void* Xw_get_display(char* uname) #else void* Xw_get_display(uname) char *uname ; #endif /*XW_PROTOTYPE*/ /* Return the display address corresponding to the required displayname or NULL if Display is no more open */ { XW_EXT_DISPLAY *pdisplay ; for( pdisplay=PdisplayList ; pdisplay ; pdisplay = (XW_EXT_DISPLAY*) pdisplay->link ) { if( pdisplay->display ) { if( !uname || !strlen(uname) || !strcmp(pdisplay->gname,uname) ) break ; } } return (pdisplay) ; } #ifdef XW_PROTOTYPE XW_STATUS Xw_close_display(void* adisplay) #else XW_STATUS Xw_close_display(adisplay) void *adisplay ; #endif /*XW_PROTOTYPE*/ /* Close the Display */ { XW_EXT_DISPLAY *pdisplay = (XW_EXT_DISPLAY*)adisplay ; if( !Xw_isdefine_display(pdisplay) ) { /*ERROR*Bad EXT_DISPLAY Address*/ Xw_set_error(96,"Xw_close_display",pdisplay) ; return (XW_ERROR) ; } if( !pdisplay ) { while( Xw_del_display_structure(NULL) ) ; } else { #ifndef TEST Xw_del_display_structure(pdisplay) ; #endif } #ifdef TRACE_CLOSE_DISPLAY if( Xw_get_trace() ) { printf (" Xw_close_display(%lx)\n",(long ) pdisplay) ; } #endif return (XW_SUCCESS) ; } #ifdef XW_PROTOTYPE void Xw_set_synchronize(Display* display,int state) #else void Xw_set_synchronize(display,state) Display *display ; int state ; #endif /*XW_PROTOTYPE*/ /* Set Synchronization on display or ALL display if NULL */ { XW_EXT_DISPLAY *pdisplay ; //int i,sync = (state > 0) ? True : False ; int sync = (state > 0) ? True : False ; if( display ) { XSynchronize(display,sync) ; } else { for( pdisplay=PdisplayList ; pdisplay ; pdisplay = (XW_EXT_DISPLAY*) pdisplay->link) { XSynchronize(_DDISPLAY,sync) ; } } } #ifdef XW_PROTOTYPE XW_EXT_DISPLAY* Xw_add_display_structure(int size) #else XW_EXT_DISPLAY* Xw_add_display_structure(size) int size ; #endif /*XW_PROTOTYPE*/ /* Create and Insert one Extended display structure in the EXtended Display List returns Extended display address if successful or NULL if Bad Allocation */ { XW_EXT_DISPLAY *pdisplay = (XW_EXT_DISPLAY*) Xw_malloc(size) ; if( pdisplay ) { pdisplay->type = DISPLAY_TYPE ; pdisplay->link = PdisplayList ; pdisplay->display = NULL ; pdisplay->screen = NULL ; pdisplay->visual = NULL ; pdisplay->colormap = 0 ; pdisplay->rootwindow = 0 ; pdisplay->grabwindow = 0 ; pdisplay->gamma = 0. ; pdisplay->gname = NULL ; PdisplayList = pdisplay ; } else { /*ERROR*EXT_DISPLAY allocation failed*/ Xw_set_error(94,"Xw_add_display_structure",0) ; } return (pdisplay) ; } #ifdef XW_PROTOTYPE XW_EXT_DISPLAY* Xw_get_display_structure(Display *display) #else XW_EXT_DISPLAY* Xw_get_display_structure(display) Display *display ; #endif /*XW_PROTOTYPE*/ /* Return the Extended display address corresponding to the required Display Id or NULL if not found */ { XW_EXT_DISPLAY *pdisplay = PdisplayList ; while (pdisplay) { if( _DDISPLAY == display ) { break ; } pdisplay = (XW_EXT_DISPLAY*) pdisplay->link ; } return (pdisplay) ; } #ifdef XW_PROTOTYPE XW_STATUS Xw_del_display_structure(XW_EXT_DISPLAY* pdisplay) #else XW_STATUS Xw_del_display_structure(pdisplay) XW_EXT_DISPLAY *pdisplay; #endif /*XW_PROTOTYPE*/ /* Remove the Extended display address or the next from the Extended List and Free the Extended Display returns ERROR if the display address is not Found in the list or NO more Display exist returns SUCCESS if successful */ { XW_EXT_DISPLAY *qdisplay = PdisplayList ; //int i ; if( !qdisplay ) return (XW_ERROR) ; if( pdisplay == qdisplay ) { PdisplayList = (XW_EXT_DISPLAY*) pdisplay->link ; } else if( !pdisplay ) { if( !PdisplayList ) return (XW_ERROR) ; pdisplay = PdisplayList ; PdisplayList = (XW_EXT_DISPLAY*) PdisplayList->link ; } else { for( ; qdisplay ; qdisplay = (XW_EXT_DISPLAY*) qdisplay->link ) { if( qdisplay->link == pdisplay ) { qdisplay->link = pdisplay->link ; break ; } } } #ifdef BUG if( _DDISPLAY ) XCloseDisplay(_DDISPLAY) ; #endif if( pdisplay->gname ) Xw_free(pdisplay->gname); Xw_free(pdisplay) ; return (XW_SUCCESS) ; } #ifndef Xw_malloc void* Xw_malloc(size) int size ; /* Dynamic Memory allocation of char size */ { void *address ; address = malloc(size) ; return (address) ; } #endif #ifndef Xw_calloc void* Xw_calloc(length,size) int length,size ; /* Dynamic Memory allocation of char length*size and set memory to 0 */ { void *address ; address = calloc(length,size) ; return (address) ; } #endif #ifndef Xw_free void Xw_free(address) void *address ; /* Free Dynamic memory */ { free(address) ; } #endif #ifdef XW_PROTOTYPE void Xw_longcopy (register long* from,register long* to,register unsigned n) #else void Xw_longcopy (from,to,n) register long *from,*to ; register unsigned n; #endif /* Copy long from to ... */ { while ( n ) { *to++ = *from++ ; --n ; } } #ifdef XW_PROTOTYPE void Xw_shortcopy (register short* from,register short* to,register unsigned n) #else void Xw_shortcopy (from,to,n) register short *from,*to ; register unsigned n; #endif /* Copy short from to ... */ { while ( n ) { *to++ = *from++ ; --n ; } } #ifdef XW_PROTOTYPE void Xw_bytecopy (register char* from,register char* to,register unsigned n) #else void Xw_bytecopy (from,to,n) register char *from,*to ; register unsigned n; #endif /* Copy byte from to ... */ { while ( n ) { *to++ = *from++ ; --n ; } }