-- -- File: Xw_PixMap.cdl -- Created: 14 October 1999 -- Author: VKH -- Updated: GG IMP100701 Add the "depth" field and method -- to the pixmap object. -- ---Copyright: MatraDatavision 1999 class PixMap from Xw ---Version: ---Purpose: This class defines a X11 pixmap ---Keywords: Bitmap, Pixmap, X11 inherits PixMap from Aspect uses Handle from Aspect, Color from Quantity, Window from Aspect, Window from Xw raises PixmapDefinitionError from Aspect, PixmapError from Aspect is Create ( aWindow : Window from Aspect; aWidth, anHeight : Integer from Standard; aDepth : Integer from Standard = 0 ) returns mutable PixMap from Xw raises PixmapDefinitionError from Aspect; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Warning! When is NULL , the pixmap is created -- with the SAME depth than the window --------------------------------------------------- -- Category: Methods to modify the class definition --------------------------------------------------- Destroy ( me : mutable ) ---Level: Advanced ---Purpose: Destroies the Pixmap -- Trigger: Raises if Pixmap is not defined properly raises PixmapError from Aspect is virtual; Dump ( me ; aFilename : CString from Standard; aGammaValue: Real from Standard = 1.0 ) returns Boolean is virtual; ---Level: Advanced ---Purpose: -- Dumps the Bitmap to an image file with -- an optional gamma correction value -- and returns TRUE if the dump occurs normaly. ---Category: Methods to modify the class definition PixelColor ( me : in; theX, theY : in Integer from Standard ) returns Color from Quantity is virtual; ---Purpose: -- Returns the pixel color. ---------------------------- -- Category: Inquire methods ---------------------------- PixmapID ( me ) returns Handle from Aspect is virtual; ---Level: Advanced ---Purpose: Returns the ID of the just created pixmap ---Category: Inquire methods ---------------------------- -- Category: Private methods ---------------------------- PreferedDepth( me ; aWindow : Window from Aspect; aDepth : Integer from Standard) returns Integer from Standard is private; fields myPixmap : Handle from Aspect is protected; myWindow : Window from Xw; end PixMap;