// File: XDEDRAW_Common.cxx // Created: Fri Aug 15 12:19:56 2003 // Author: Sergey ZARITCHNY // Copyright: Open CASCADE S.A. 2003 const static char sccsid[] = "@(#) 3.0-00-1, 10/03/03@(#)"; // Lastly modified by : // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // ! szy ! Creation/moved from XDEDRAWEXE !15-08-2003! 5.1-00-1! // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //============================================================ // Support for several models in DRAW //============================================================ static Handle(Dico_DictionaryOfTransient) thedictws = new Dico_DictionaryOfTransient; static Standard_Boolean ClearDicWS() { thedictws->Clear(); return Standard_True; } static void AddWS(TCollection_AsciiString filename, const Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)& WS) { WS->SetVars ( new XSDRAW_Vars ); // support of DRAW variables thedictws->SetItem( filename, WS ); } static Standard_Boolean FillDicWS(Handle(STEPCAFControl_DictionaryOfExternFile)& dicFile) { ClearDicWS(); if ( dicFile->IsEmpty() ) { return Standard_False; } Handle(STEPCAFControl_ExternFile) EF; STEPCAFControl_IteratorOfDictionaryOfExternFile DicEFIt ( dicFile ); for (; DicEFIt.More(); DicEFIt.Next() ) { TCollection_AsciiString filename = DicEFIt.Name(); EF = DicEFIt.Value(); AddWS ( filename, EF->GetWS() ); } return Standard_True; } static Standard_Boolean SetCurrentWS (TCollection_AsciiString filename) { if ( !thedictws->HasItem(filename) ) return Standard_False; Handle(XSControl_WorkSession) CurrentWS = Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)::DownCast( thedictws->Item(filename) ); XSDRAW::Pilot()->SetSession( CurrentWS ); return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : SetCurWS //purpose : Set current file if many files are read //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer SetCurWS (Draw_Interpretor& di , Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { if (argc <2) { di<<"Use: "<IsEmpty() ) return 1; Dico_IteratorOfDictionaryOfTransient DicIt ( DictWS ); di << " The list of last translated files:" << "\n"; Standard_Integer num = 0; for (; DicIt.More() ; DicIt.Next(), num++ ) { TCollection_AsciiString strng ( DicIt.Name() ); if ( num ) di << "\n"; di << "\"" << strng.ToCString() << "\""; } return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : GetCurWS //purpose : Return name of file which is current //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer GetCurWS (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer /*argc*/, const char** /*argv*/) { Handle(XSControl_WorkSession) WS = XSDRAW::Session(); di << "\"" << WS->LoadedFile() << "\""; return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : FromShape //purpose : Apply fromshape command to all the loaded WSs //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer FromShape (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { if ( argc <2 ) { di << argv[0] << " shape: search for shape origin among all last tranalated files" << "\n"; return 0; } char command[256]; sprintf ( command, "fromshape %.200s -1", argv[1] ); Handle(Dico_DictionaryOfTransient) DictWS = thedictws; if ( DictWS->IsEmpty() ) return di.Eval ( command ); Handle(XSControl_WorkSession) WS = XSDRAW::Session(); Dico_IteratorOfDictionaryOfTransient DicIt ( DictWS ); // di << "Searching for shape among all the loaded files:" << "\n"; Standard_Integer num = 0; for (; DicIt.More() ; DicIt.Next(), num++ ) { Handle(XSControl_WorkSession) CurrentWS = Handle(XSControl_WorkSession)::DownCast( DicIt.Value() ); XSDRAW::Pilot()->SetSession( CurrentWS ); di.Eval ( command ); } XSDRAW::Pilot()->SetSession( WS ); return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : ReadIges //purpose : Read IGES to DECAF document //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer ReadIges (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { if ( argc <3 ) { di << "Use: " << argv[0] << " Doc filename [mode]: read IGES file to a document" << "\n"; return 0; } DeclareAndCast(IGESControl_Controller,ctl,XSDRAW::Controller()); if (ctl.IsNull()) XSDRAW::SetNorm("IGES"); IGESCAFControl_Reader reader ( XSDRAW::Session(),Standard_True); if (argc == 4) { Standard_Boolean mode = Standard_True; for ( Standard_Integer i = 0; argv[3][i] ; i++ ) switch (argv[3][i]) { case '-' : mode = Standard_False; break; case '+' : mode = Standard_True; break; case 'c' : reader.SetColorMode (mode); break; case 'n' : reader.SetNameMode (mode); break; case 'l' : reader.SetLayerMode (mode); break; } } TCollection_AsciiString fnom,rnom; Standard_Boolean modfic = XSDRAW::FileAndVar (argv[2],argv[1],"IGES",fnom,rnom); if (modfic) di<<" File IGES to read : "<NbStartingEntities() > 0) readstat = IFSelect_RetDone; if (readstat != IFSelect_RetDone) { if (modfic) di<<"Could not read file "<NewDocument("MDTV-XCAF",doc); TDataStd_Name::Set(doc->GetData()->Root(),argv[1]); Handle(DDocStd_DrawDocument) DD = new DDocStd_DrawDocument(doc); Draw::Set(argv[1],DD); // di << "Document saved with name " << argv[1]; } if ( ! reader.Transfer ( doc ) ) { di << "Cannot read any relevant data from the IGES file" << "\n"; return 1; } // Handle(DDocStd_DrawDocument) DD = new DDocStd_DrawDocument(doc); // Draw::Set(argv[1],DD); di << "Document saved with name " << argv[1]; return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : WriteIges //purpose : Write DECAF document to IGES //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer WriteIges (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { if ( argc <3 ) { di << "Use: " << argv[0] << " Doc filename [mode]: write document to IGES file" << "\n"; return 0; } Handle(TDocStd_Document) Doc; DDocStd::GetDocument(argv[1], Doc); if ( Doc.IsNull() ) { di << argv[1] << " is not a document" << "\n"; return 1; } XSDRAW::SetNorm ("IGES"); // IGESControl_Writer ICW (Interface_Static::CVal("write.iges.unit"), // Interface_Static::IVal("write.iges.brep.mode")); IGESCAFControl_Writer writer ( XSDRAW::Session(), Standard_True ); if (argc == 4) { Standard_Boolean mode = Standard_True; for ( Standard_Integer i = 0; argv[3][i] ; i++ ) switch (argv[3][i]) { case '-' : mode = Standard_False; break; case '+' : mode = Standard_True; break; case 'c' : writer.SetColorMode (mode); break; case 'n' : writer.SetNameMode (mode); break; case 'l' : writer.SetLayerMode (mode); break; } } writer.Transfer ( Doc ); di << "Writig IGES model to file " << argv[2] << "\n"; if ( writer.Write ( argv[2] ) ) di<<" Write OK"<<"\n"; else di<<" Write failed"<<"\n"; return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : ReadStep //purpose : Read STEP file to DECAF document //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer ReadStep (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { if ( argc <3 ) { di << "Use: " << argv[0] << " Doc filename [mode]: read STEP file to a document" << "\n"; return 0; } DeclareAndCast(STEPControl_Controller,ctl,XSDRAW::Controller()); if (ctl.IsNull()) XSDRAW::SetNorm("STEP"); STEPCAFControl_Reader reader ( XSDRAW::Session(),Standard_True); if (argc == 4) { Standard_Boolean mode = Standard_True; for ( Standard_Integer i = 0; argv[3][i] ; i++ ) switch (argv[3][i]) { case '-' : mode = Standard_False; break; case '+' : mode = Standard_True; break; case 'c' : reader.SetColorMode (mode); break; case 'n' : reader.SetNameMode (mode); break; case 'l' : reader.SetLayerMode (mode); break; case 'v' : reader.SetPropsMode (mode); break; } } TCollection_AsciiString fnom,rnom; Standard_Boolean modfic = XSDRAW::FileAndVar (argv[2],argv[1],"STEP",fnom,rnom); if (modfic) di<<" File STEP to read : "<NbStartingEntities() > 0) readstat = IFSelect_RetDone; if (readstat != IFSelect_RetDone) { if (modfic) di<<"Could not read file "<NewDocument("MDTV-XCAF",doc); TDataStd_Name::Set(doc->GetData()->Root(),argv[1]); Handle(DDocStd_DrawDocument) DD = new DDocStd_DrawDocument(doc); Draw::Set(argv[1],DD); // di << "Document saved with name " << argv[1]; } if ( ! reader.Transfer ( doc ) ) { di << "Cannot read any relevant data from the STEP file" << "\n"; return 1; } Handle(DDocStd_DrawDocument) DD = new DDocStd_DrawDocument(doc); Draw::Set(argv[1],DD); di << "Document saved with name " << argv[1]; Handle(STEPCAFControl_DictionaryOfExternFile) DicFile = reader.ExternFiles(); FillDicWS( DicFile ); AddWS ( fnom , XSDRAW::Session() ); return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : WriteStep //purpose : Write DECAF document to STEP //======================================================================= static Standard_Integer WriteStep (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { if ( argc <3 ) { di << "Use: " << argv[0] << " Doc filename [mode=a [multifile_prefix]]: write document to the STEP file" << "\n"; di << "Parameter mode can be: a or 0 : AsIs (default)" << "\n"; di << "f or 1 : FacettedBRep s or 2 : ShellBasedSurfaceModel" << "\n"; di << "m or 3 : ManifoldSolidBrep w or 4 : GeometricCurveSet/WireFrame" << "\n"; return 0; } Handle(TDocStd_Document) Doc; DDocStd::GetDocument(argv[1], Doc); if ( Doc.IsNull() ) { di << argv[1] << " is not a document" << "\n"; return 1; } Standard_CString multifile = ( argc >4 ? argv[4] : 0 ); DeclareAndCast(STEPControl_Controller,ctl,XSDRAW::Controller()); if (ctl.IsNull()) XSDRAW::SetNorm("STEP"); STEPCAFControl_Writer writer ( XSDRAW::Session(), Standard_True ); STEPControl_StepModelType mode = STEPControl_AsIs; if ( argc >3 ) { switch (argv[3][0]) { case 'a' : case '0' : mode = STEPControl_AsIs; break; case 'f' : case '1' : mode = STEPControl_FacetedBrep; break; case 's' : case '2' : mode = STEPControl_ShellBasedSurfaceModel; break; case 'm' : case '3' : mode = STEPControl_ManifoldSolidBrep; break; case 'w' : case '4' : mode = STEPControl_GeometricCurveSet; break; default : di<<"3st arg = mode, incorrect [give fsmw]"<<"\n"; return 1; } Standard_Boolean wrmode = Standard_True; for ( Standard_Integer i = 0; argv[3][i] ; i++ ) switch (argv[3][i]) { case '-' : wrmode = Standard_False; break; case '+' : wrmode = Standard_True; break; case 'c' : writer.SetColorMode (wrmode); break; case 'n' : writer.SetNameMode (wrmode); break; case 'l' : writer.SetLayerMode (wrmode); break; case 'v' : writer.SetPropsMode (wrmode); break; } } di << "Translating document " << argv[1] << " to STEP" << "\n"; if ( ! writer.Transfer ( Doc, mode, multifile ) ) { di << "The document cannot be translated or gives no result" << "\n"; } di << "Writing STEP file " << argv[2] << "\n"; IFSelect_ReturnStatus stat = writer.Write(argv[2]); switch (stat) { case IFSelect_RetVoid : di<<"No file written"<<"\n"; break; case IFSelect_RetDone : { di<<"File "<