// File: VrmlData_WorldInfo.cxx // Created: 01.08.07 08:21 // Author: Alexander GRIGORIEV // Copyright: Open Cascade 2007 #include #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #endif #include IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_HANDLE (VrmlData_WorldInfo, VrmlData_Node) IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT (VrmlData_WorldInfo, VrmlData_Node) //======================================================================= //function : VrmlData_WorldInfo::VrmlData_WorldInfo //purpose : Constructor //======================================================================= VrmlData_WorldInfo::VrmlData_WorldInfo (const VrmlData_Scene& theScene, const char * theName, const char * theTitle) : VrmlData_Node (theScene, theName), myInfo (theScene.Allocator()) { SetTitle (theTitle); } //======================================================================= //function : SetTitle //purpose : Set or modify the title. //======================================================================= void VrmlData_WorldInfo::SetTitle (const char * theString) { if (theString == 0L) myTitle = 0L; else { const size_t len = strlen (theString) + 1; if (len == 1) myTitle = 0L; else { myTitle = static_cast (Scene().Allocator()->Allocate(len)); memcpy (const_cast (myTitle), theString, len); } } } //======================================================================= //function : AddInfo //purpose : Add a string to the list of info strings. //======================================================================= void VrmlData_WorldInfo::AddInfo (const char * theString) { if (theString != 0L) if (* theString != '\0') { const size_t len = strlen (theString) + 1; char * aStr = static_cast (Scene().Allocator()->Allocate(len)); memcpy (aStr, theString, len); myInfo.Append (aStr); } } //======================================================================= //function : Clone //purpose : Create a copy of this node //======================================================================= Handle(VrmlData_Node) VrmlData_WorldInfo::Clone (const Handle(VrmlData_Node)& theOther) const { Handle(VrmlData_WorldInfo) aResult = Handle(VrmlData_WorldInfo)::DownCast (VrmlData_Node::Clone(theOther)); if (aResult.IsNull()) aResult = new VrmlData_WorldInfo (theOther.IsNull() ? Scene() : theOther->Scene(), Name()); if (&aResult->Scene() == &Scene()) { aResult->myTitle = myTitle; aResult->myInfo = myInfo; } else { aResult->SetTitle (myTitle); NCollection_List ::Iterator anIter (myInfo); for (; anIter.More(); anIter.Next()) aResult->AddInfo (anIter.Value()); } return aResult; } //======================================================================= //function : Read //purpose : Read the Node from input stream. //======================================================================= VrmlData_ErrorStatus VrmlData_WorldInfo::Read (VrmlData_InBuffer& theBuffer) { VrmlData_ErrorStatus aStatus; while (OK(aStatus, VrmlData_Scene::ReadLine(theBuffer))) { if (VRMLDATA_LCOMPARE (theBuffer.LinePtr, "title")) { TCollection_AsciiString aTitleString; if (OK (aStatus, ReadString (theBuffer, aTitleString))) SetTitle (aTitleString.ToCString()); } else if (VRMLDATA_LCOMPARE (theBuffer.LinePtr, "info")) { NCollection_List lstInfo; if (OK (aStatus, ReadMultiString (theBuffer, lstInfo))) { NCollection_List::Iterator anIter (lstInfo); for (; anIter.More(); anIter.Next()) AddInfo (anIter.Value().ToCString()); } } else break; } // Read the terminating (closing) brace if (OK(aStatus)) aStatus = readBrace (theBuffer); return aStatus; } //======================================================================= //function : Write //purpose : Write the Node to the Scene output. //======================================================================= VrmlData_ErrorStatus VrmlData_WorldInfo::Write (const char * thePrefix) const { VrmlData_ErrorStatus aStatus (VrmlData_StatusOK); const VrmlData_Scene& aScene = Scene(); static char header[] = "WorldInfo {"; if (aScene.IsDummyWrite() == Standard_False && OK (aStatus, aScene.WriteLine (thePrefix, header, GlobalIndent()))) { char buf[4096]; if (myTitle) { sprintf (buf, "title \"%s\"", myTitle); aStatus = aScene.WriteLine (buf); } if (myInfo.IsEmpty() == Standard_False && OK(aStatus)) { if (OK (aStatus, aScene.WriteLine ("info [", 0L, GlobalIndent()))) { NCollection_List::Iterator anIter (myInfo); while (anIter.More()) { sprintf (buf, "\"%s\"", anIter.Value()); anIter.Next(); if (anIter.More()) aStatus = aScene.WriteLine (buf, ","); else aStatus = aScene.WriteLine (buf); } } aStatus = aScene.WriteLine ("]", 0L, -GlobalIndent()); } aStatus = WriteClosing(); } return aStatus; } //======================================================================= //function : IsDefault //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean VrmlData_WorldInfo::IsDefault() const { return (myTitle == 0L && myInfo.IsEmpty()); }