// File: VrmlData_Material.cxx // Created: 17.07.07 12:10:32 // Author: Alexander GRIGORIEV // Copyright: Open Cascade 2007 #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #endif #include IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_HANDLE (VrmlData_Material, VrmlData_Node) IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT (VrmlData_Material, VrmlData_Node) //======================================================================= //function : VrmlData_Material() //purpose : Empty Constructor //======================================================================= VrmlData_Material::VrmlData_Material () : myAmbientIntensity (0.2), myShininess (0.2), myTransparency (0.), myDiffuseColor (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, Quantity_TOC_RGB), myEmissiveColor (0., 0., 0., Quantity_TOC_RGB), mySpecularColor (0., 0., 0., Quantity_TOC_RGB) {} //======================================================================= //function : VrmlData_Material //purpose : Constructor //======================================================================= VrmlData_Material::VrmlData_Material (const VrmlData_Scene& theScene, const char * theName, const Standard_Real theAmbientIntens, const Standard_Real theShininess, const Standard_Real theTransparency) : VrmlData_Node (theScene, theName), myAmbientIntensity (theAmbientIntens < 0. ? 0.2 : theAmbientIntens), myShininess (theShininess < 0. ? 0.2 : theShininess), myTransparency (theTransparency < 0 ? 0. : theTransparency), myDiffuseColor (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, Quantity_TOC_RGB), myEmissiveColor (0., 0., 0., Quantity_TOC_RGB), mySpecularColor (0., 0., 0., Quantity_TOC_RGB) {} //======================================================================= //function : VrmlData_Material::Clone //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(VrmlData_Node) VrmlData_Material::Clone (const Handle(VrmlData_Node)& theOther) const { Handle(VrmlData_Material) aResult = Handle(VrmlData_Material)::DownCast (VrmlData_Node::Clone(theOther)); if (aResult.IsNull()) aResult = new VrmlData_Material (theOther.IsNull() ? Scene() : theOther->Scene(), Name()); aResult->SetAmbientIntensity (myAmbientIntensity); aResult->SetShininess (myShininess); aResult->SetTransparency (myTransparency); aResult->SetDiffuseColor (myDiffuseColor); aResult->SetEmissiveColor (myEmissiveColor); aResult->SetSpecularColor (mySpecularColor); return aResult; } //======================================================================= //function : VrmlData_Material::Read //purpose : //======================================================================= VrmlData_ErrorStatus VrmlData_Material::Read (VrmlData_InBuffer& theBuffer) { VrmlData_ErrorStatus aStatus; const Standard_Real aConf = 0.001 * Precision::Confusion(); Standard_Real anIntensity[3] = { 0.2, 0.2, 0. }; gp_XYZ aColor[3] = { gp_XYZ (0.8, 0.8, 0.8), gp_XYZ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), gp_XYZ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) }; while (OK(aStatus, VrmlData_Scene::ReadLine(theBuffer))) { if (VRMLDATA_LCOMPARE (theBuffer.LinePtr, "ambientIntensity")) { if (OK(aStatus, Scene().ReadReal (theBuffer, anIntensity[0], Standard_False, Standard_False))) if (anIntensity[0] < -aConf || anIntensity[0] > 1.+aConf) { aStatus = VrmlData_IrrelevantNumber; break; } } else if (VRMLDATA_LCOMPARE (theBuffer.LinePtr, "shininess")) { if (OK(aStatus, Scene().ReadReal (theBuffer, anIntensity[1], Standard_False, Standard_False))) if (anIntensity[1] < -aConf || anIntensity[1] > 1.+aConf) { aStatus = VrmlData_IrrelevantNumber; break; } } else if (VRMLDATA_LCOMPARE (theBuffer.LinePtr, "transparency")) { if (OK(aStatus, Scene().ReadReal (theBuffer, anIntensity[2], Standard_False, Standard_False))) if (anIntensity[2] < -aConf || anIntensity[2] > 1.+aConf) { aStatus = VrmlData_IrrelevantNumber; break; } } else if (VRMLDATA_LCOMPARE (theBuffer.LinePtr, "diffuseColor")) { if (OK(aStatus, Scene().ReadXYZ (theBuffer, aColor[0], Standard_False, Standard_False))) if (aColor[0].X() < -aConf || aColor[0].X() > 1.+aConf || aColor[0].Y() < -aConf || aColor[0].Y() > 1.+aConf || aColor[0].Z() < -aConf || aColor[0].Z() > 1.+aConf) { aStatus = VrmlData_IrrelevantNumber; break; } } else if (VRMLDATA_LCOMPARE (theBuffer.LinePtr, "emissiveColor")) { if (OK(aStatus, Scene().ReadXYZ (theBuffer, aColor[1], Standard_False, Standard_False))) if (aColor[1].X() < -aConf || aColor[1].X() > 1.+aConf || aColor[1].Y() < -aConf || aColor[1].Y() > 1.+aConf || aColor[1].Z() < -aConf || aColor[1].Z() > 1.+aConf) { aStatus = VrmlData_IrrelevantNumber; break; } } else if (VRMLDATA_LCOMPARE (theBuffer.LinePtr, "specularColor")) { if (OK(aStatus, Scene().ReadXYZ (theBuffer, aColor[2], Standard_False, Standard_False))) if (aColor[2].X() < -aConf || aColor[2].X() > 1.+aConf || aColor[2].Y() < -aConf || aColor[2].Y() > 1.+aConf || aColor[2].Z() < -aConf || aColor[2].Z() > 1.+aConf) { aStatus = VrmlData_IrrelevantNumber; break; } } else break; if (!OK(aStatus)) break; } // Read the terminating (closing) brace if (OK(aStatus)) aStatus = readBrace (theBuffer); // Store the values in the Material node instance if (OK(aStatus)) { myAmbientIntensity = anIntensity[0]; myShininess = anIntensity[1]; myTransparency = anIntensity[2]; myDiffuseColor.SetValues (aColor[0].X(), aColor[0].Y(), aColor[0].Z(), Quantity_TOC_RGB); myEmissiveColor.SetValues (aColor[1].X(), aColor[1].Y(), aColor[1].Z(), Quantity_TOC_RGB); mySpecularColor.SetValues (aColor[2].X(), aColor[2].Y(), aColor[2].Z(), Quantity_TOC_RGB); } return aStatus; } //======================================================================= //function : VrmlData_Material::Write //purpose : //======================================================================= VrmlData_ErrorStatus VrmlData_Material::Write (const char * thePrefix) const { VrmlData_ErrorStatus aStatus = VrmlData_StatusOK; const VrmlData_Scene& aScene = Scene(); static char header[] = "Material {"; if (aScene.IsDummyWrite() == Standard_False && OK (aStatus, aScene.WriteLine (thePrefix, header, GlobalIndent()))) { char buf[128]; Standard_Real val[3]; Quantity_TypeOfColor bidType (Quantity_TOC_RGB); const Standard_Real aConf (0.001 * Precision::Confusion()); if (OK(aStatus) && fabs(myAmbientIntensity - 0.2) > aConf) { sprintf (buf, "%.6g", myAmbientIntensity); aStatus = aScene.WriteLine ("ambientIntensity ", buf); } if (OK(aStatus)) { myDiffuseColor.Values (val[0], val[1], val[2], bidType); if ((val[0] - 0.8) * (val[0] - 0.8) + (val[1] - 0.8) * (val[1] - 0.8) + (val[2] - 0.8) * (val[2] - 0.8) > 1e-7) { sprintf (buf, "%.6g %.6g %.6g", val[0], val[1], val[2]); aStatus = aScene.WriteLine ("diffuseColor ", buf); } } if (OK(aStatus)) { myEmissiveColor.Values (val[0], val[1], val[2], bidType); if (val[0] * val[0] + val[1] * val[1] + val[2] * val[2] > 1e-7) { sprintf (buf, "%.6g %.6g %.6g", val[0], val[1], val[2]); aStatus = aScene.WriteLine ("emissiveColor ", buf); } } if (OK(aStatus) && fabs(myShininess - 0.2) > aConf) { sprintf (buf, "%.6g", myShininess); aStatus = aScene.WriteLine ("shininess ", buf); } if (OK(aStatus)) { mySpecularColor.Values (val[0], val[1], val[2], bidType); if (val[0] * val[0] + val[1] * val[1] + val[2] * val[2] > 1e-7) { sprintf (buf, "%.6g %.6g %.6g", val[0], val[1], val[2]); aStatus = aScene.WriteLine ("specularColor ", buf); } } if (OK(aStatus) && myTransparency > aConf) { sprintf (buf, "%.6g", myTransparency); aStatus = aScene.WriteLine ("transparency ", buf); } aStatus = WriteClosing(); } return aStatus; } //======================================================================= //function : IsDefault //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean VrmlData_Material::IsDefault () const { const Standard_Real aConf (0.001 * Precision::Confusion()); Standard_Boolean aResult (Standard_False); if (fabs(myAmbientIntensity - 0.2) < aConf && fabs(myShininess - 0.2) < aConf && myTransparency < aConf) { Standard_Real val[3][3]; Quantity_TypeOfColor bidType (Quantity_TOC_RGB); myDiffuseColor.Values (val[0][0], val[0][1], val[0][2], bidType); myEmissiveColor.Values (val[1][0], val[1][1], val[1][2], bidType); mySpecularColor.Values (val[2][0], val[2][1], val[2][2], bidType); aResult = (((val[0][0] - 0.8)*(val[0][0] - 0.8) + (val[0][1] - 0.8)*(val[0][1] - 0.8) + (val[0][2] - 0.8)*(val[0][2] - 0.8) < 1e-7) && (val[1][0] * val[1][0] + val[1][1] * val[1][0] + val[1][2] * val[1][0] < 1e-7) && (val[2][0] * val[2][0] + val[2][1] * val[2][0] + val[2][2] * val[2][0] < 1e-7)); } return aResult; }