-- File: VrmlConverter_LineAspect.cdl -- Created: Wed Apr 23 15:14:48 1997 -- Author: Alexander BRIVIN -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1997 class LineAspect from VrmlConverter inherits TShared from MMgt ---Purpose: qualifies the aspect properties for -- the VRML conversation of a Curve and a DeflectionCurve . uses Material from Vrml is Create returns mutable LineAspect from VrmlConverter; ---Purpose: create a default LineAspect. -- Default value: HasMaterial = False - a line hasn't own material (color) Create (aMaterial: Material from Vrml; OnOff: Boolean from Standard) returns mutable LineAspect from VrmlConverter; SetMaterial(me: mutable; aMaterial: Material from Vrml) is static; Material(me) returns mutable Material from Vrml is static; SetHasMaterial(me: mutable; OnOff: Boolean from Standard) ---Purpose: defines the necessary of writing own Material from Vrml into output OStream. -- By default False - the material is not writing into OStream, -- True - the material is writing. is static; HasMaterial(me) returns Boolean from Standard ---Purpose: returns True if the materials is writing into OStream. is static; -- Copy (me) returns mutable like me; fields myMaterial : Material from Vrml; myHasMaterial : Boolean from Standard; end LineAspect;