#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //================================================================== // function: FindLimits // purpose: //================================================================== static void FindLimits(const Adaptor3d_Curve& aCurve, const Standard_Real aLimit, Standard_Real& First, Standard_Real& Last) { First = aCurve.FirstParameter(); Last = aCurve.LastParameter(); Standard_Boolean firstInf = Precision::IsNegativeInfinite(First); Standard_Boolean lastInf = Precision::IsPositiveInfinite(Last); if (firstInf || lastInf) { gp_Pnt P1,P2; Standard_Real delta = 1; if (firstInf && lastInf) { do { delta *= 2; First = - delta; Last = delta; aCurve.D0(First,P1); aCurve.D0(Last,P2); } while (P1.Distance(P2) < aLimit); } else if (firstInf) { aCurve.D0(Last,P2); do { delta *= 2; First = Last - delta; aCurve.D0(First,P1); } while (P1.Distance(P2) < aLimit); } else if (lastInf) { aCurve.D0(First,P1); do { delta *= 2; Last = First + delta; aCurve.D0(Last,P2); } while (P1.Distance(P2) < aLimit); } } } //================================================================== // function: DrawCurve // purpose: //================================================================== static void DrawCurve (const Adaptor3d_Curve& aCurve, const Standard_Integer NbP, const Standard_Real U1, const Standard_Real U2, const Handle(VrmlConverter_Drawer)& aDrawer, // for passsing of LineAspect Standard_OStream& anOStream) { Standard_Integer nbintervals = 1, i; Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfVec) HAV1; Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) HAI1; if (aCurve.GetType() == GeomAbs_BSplineCurve) { nbintervals = aCurve.NbKnots() - 1; // cout << "NbKnots "<SetValue(1,V); p = aCurve.Value(U2); V.SetX(p.X()); V.SetY(p.Y()); V.SetZ(p.Z()); HAV1->SetValue(2,V); HAI1 = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1,3); // array of indexes of line HAI1->SetValue(1,0); HAI1->SetValue(2,1); HAI1->SetValue(3,-1); } break; default: { Standard_Real U; Standard_Integer N = Max(2, NbP*nbintervals); // cout << "nbintervals " << nbintervals << endl; // cout << "N " << N << endl; gp_Vec V; HAV1 = new TColgp_HArray1OfVec(1, N); // HAI1 = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1,(N/2*3+N%2)); HAI1 = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1,N+1); Standard_Real DU = (U2-U1) / (N-1); gp_Pnt p; for (i = 1; i <= N;i++) { U = U1 + (i-1)*DU; p = aCurve.Value(U); V.SetX(p.X()); V.SetY(p.Y()); V.SetZ(p.Z()); HAV1->SetValue(i,V); } // Standard_Integer j=1,k; // for (i=HAI1->Lower(); i <= HAI1->Upper(); i++) // { // k = i % 3; // if(k == 0) // { // HAI1->SetValue(i,-1); // j++; // } // else // { // HAI1->SetValue(i,i-j); // } // } for (i=HAI1->Lower(); i < HAI1->Upper(); i++) { HAI1->SetValue(i,i-1); } HAI1->SetValue(HAI1->Upper(),-1); } } // cout << " Array HAI1 - coordIndex " << endl; // for ( i=HAI1->Lower(); i <= HAI1->Upper(); i++ ) // { // cout << HAI1->Value(i) << endl; // } // creation of Vrml objects Handle(VrmlConverter_LineAspect) LA = new VrmlConverter_LineAspect; LA = aDrawer->LineAspect(); // cout << "LA->HasMaterial() = " << LA->HasMaterial() << endl; // Separator 1 { Vrml_Separator SE1; SE1.Print(anOStream); // Material if (LA->HasMaterial()){ Handle(Vrml_Material) M; M = LA->Material(); M->Print(anOStream); } // Coordinate3 Handle(Vrml_Coordinate3) C3 = new Vrml_Coordinate3(HAV1); C3->Print(anOStream); // IndexedLineSet Vrml_IndexedLineSet ILS; ILS.SetCoordIndex(HAI1); ILS.Print(anOStream); // Separator 1 } SE1.Print(anOStream); } //================================================================== // function: Add 1 // purpose: //================================================================== void VrmlConverter_Curve::Add(const Adaptor3d_Curve& aCurve, const Handle(VrmlConverter_Drawer)& aDrawer, Standard_OStream& anOStream) { Standard_Integer NbPoints = aDrawer->Discretisation(); Standard_Real V1, V2; Standard_Real aLimit = aDrawer->MaximalParameterValue(); FindLimits(aCurve, aLimit, V1, V2); // cout << "V1 = "<< V1 << endl; // cout << "V2 = "<< V2 << endl; // cout << "NbPoints = "<< NbPoints << endl; // cout << "aLimit = "<< aLimit << endl; DrawCurve(aCurve, NbPoints, V1 , V2, aDrawer, anOStream); } //================================================================== // function: Add 2 // purpose: //================================================================== void VrmlConverter_Curve::Add(const Adaptor3d_Curve& aCurve, const Standard_Real U1, const Standard_Real U2, const Handle(VrmlConverter_Drawer)& aDrawer, Standard_OStream& anOStream) { Standard_Integer NbPoints = aDrawer->Discretisation(); Standard_Real V1 = U1; Standard_Real V2 = U2; if (Precision::IsNegativeInfinite(V1)) V1 = -aDrawer->MaximalParameterValue(); if (Precision::IsPositiveInfinite(V2)) V2 = aDrawer->MaximalParameterValue(); // cout << "V1 = "<< V1 << endl; // cout << "V2 = "<< V2 << endl; // cout << "NbPoints = "<< NbPoints << endl; DrawCurve(aCurve, NbPoints, V1 , V2, aDrawer, anOStream); } //================================================================== // function: Add 3 // purpose: //================================================================== void VrmlConverter_Curve::Add(const Adaptor3d_Curve& aCurve, const Standard_Real U1, const Standard_Real U2, Standard_OStream& anOStream, const Standard_Integer aNbPoints) { Handle(VrmlConverter_Drawer) aDrawer = new VrmlConverter_Drawer; Handle(VrmlConverter_LineAspect) la = new VrmlConverter_LineAspect; aDrawer->SetLineAspect(la); Standard_Real V1 = U1; Standard_Real V2 = U2; if (Precision::IsNegativeInfinite(V1)) V1 = -aDrawer->MaximalParameterValue(); if (Precision::IsPositiveInfinite(V2)) V2 = aDrawer->MaximalParameterValue(); // cout << "V1 = "<< V1 << endl; // cout << "V2 = "<< V2 << endl; // cout << "NbPoints = "<< aNbPoints << endl; DrawCurve(aCurve, aNbPoints, V1 , V2, aDrawer, anOStream); }