#include Vrml_SFImage::Vrml_SFImage() { myArray = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1,1); myArrayFlag = Standard_False; } Vrml_SFImage::Vrml_SFImage(const Standard_Integer aWidth, const Standard_Integer aHeight, const Vrml_SFImageNumber aNumber, const Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)& anArray) { Standard_Integer size = aWidth*aHeight; if (anArray->Length() != size) { Standard_Failure::Raise("The size of Array is no equal (aWidth*aHeight)"); } myWidth = aWidth; myHeight = aHeight; myNumber = aNumber; myArray = anArray; myArrayFlag = Standard_True; } void Vrml_SFImage::SetWidth(const Standard_Integer aWidth) { myWidth = aWidth; } Standard_Integer Vrml_SFImage::Width() const { return myWidth; } void Vrml_SFImage::SetHeight(const Standard_Integer aHeight) { myHeight = aHeight; } Standard_Integer Vrml_SFImage::Height() const { return myHeight; } void Vrml_SFImage::SetNumber(const Vrml_SFImageNumber aNumber) { myNumber = aNumber; } Vrml_SFImageNumber Vrml_SFImage::Number() const { return myNumber; } void Vrml_SFImage::SetArray(const Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)& anArray) { Standard_Integer size = myWidth*myHeight; if (anArray->Length() != size) { Standard_Failure::Raise("The size of Array is no equal (aWidth*aHeight)"); } myArray = anArray; myArrayFlag = Standard_True; } Standard_Boolean Vrml_SFImage::ArrayFlag() const { return myArrayFlag; } Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) Vrml_SFImage::Array() const { return myArray; }