#include Vrml_PointLight::Vrml_PointLight(): myOnOff(Standard_True), myIntensity(1) { gp_Vec tmpVec(0,0,1); myLocation = tmpVec; Quantity_Color tmpColor(1,1,1,Quantity_TOC_RGB); myColor = tmpColor; } Vrml_PointLight::Vrml_PointLight( const Standard_Boolean aOnOff, const Standard_Real aIntensity, const Quantity_Color& aColor, const gp_Vec& aLocation) { if (aIntensity < 0. || aIntensity > 1.) { Standard_Failure::Raise("Error : Light intensity must be in the range 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive."); } myOnOff = aOnOff; myIntensity = aIntensity; myColor = aColor; myLocation = aLocation; } void Vrml_PointLight::SetOnOff(const Standard_Boolean aOnOff) { myOnOff = aOnOff; } Standard_Boolean Vrml_PointLight::OnOff() const { return myOnOff; } void Vrml_PointLight::SetIntensity(const Standard_Real aIntensity) { if (aIntensity < 0. || aIntensity > 1.) { Standard_Failure::Raise("Error : Light intensity must be in the range 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive."); } myIntensity = aIntensity; } Standard_Real Vrml_PointLight::Intensity() const { return myIntensity; } void Vrml_PointLight::SetColor(const Quantity_Color& aColor) { myColor = aColor; } Quantity_Color Vrml_PointLight::Color() const { return myColor; } void Vrml_PointLight::SetLocation(const gp_Vec& aLocation) { myLocation = aLocation; } gp_Vec Vrml_PointLight::Location() const { return myLocation; } Standard_OStream& Vrml_PointLight::Print(Standard_OStream& anOStream) const { anOStream << "PointLight {" << endl; if ( myOnOff != Standard_True ) { anOStream << " on" << "\t\t" << "FALSE" << endl; // anOStream << myOnOff << endl; } if ( Abs(myIntensity - 1) > 0.0001 ) { anOStream << " intensity" << '\t'; anOStream << myIntensity << endl; } if ( Abs(myColor.Red() - 1) > 0.0001 || Abs(myColor.Green() - 1) > 0.0001 || Abs(myColor.Blue() - 1) > 0.0001 ) { anOStream << " color" << '\t'; anOStream << myColor.Red() << ' ' << myColor.Green() << ' ' << myColor.Blue() << endl; } if ( Abs(myLocation.X() - 0) > 0.0001 || Abs(myLocation.Y() - 0) > 0.0001 || Abs(myLocation.Z() - 1) > 0.0001 ) { anOStream << " location" << '\t'; anOStream << myLocation.X() << ' ' << myLocation.Y() << ' ' << myLocation.Z() << endl; } anOStream << '}' << endl; return anOStream; }