// File Visual3d_PickPath.cxx // Created Fevrier 1992 // Author NW,JPB,CAL //-Copyright MatraDatavision 1991,1992 //-Version //-Design Declaration of variables specific to the classe // describing a marking. //-Warning Marking is defined by : // - vector (Elem_Num, Pick_Id, Structure) //-References //-Language C++ 2.0 //-Declarations // for the class #include //-Aliases //-Global data definitions // -- le vecteur // MyElementNumber : Standard_Integer; // MyPickId : Standard_Integer; // MyStructure : Structure; // -- les flags pour definition // MyElementNumberIsDef : Standard_Boolean; // MyPickIdIsDef : Standard_Boolean; // MyStructureIsDef : Standard_Boolean; //-Constructors //-Destructors //-Methods, in order Visual3d_PickPath::Visual3d_PickPath (): MyElementNumberIsDef (Standard_False), MyPickIdIsDef (Standard_False), MyStructureIsDef (Standard_False) { } Visual3d_PickPath::Visual3d_PickPath (const Standard_Integer AnElemNumber, const Standard_Integer APickId, const Handle(Graphic3d_Structure)& AStructure): MyElementNumber (AnElemNumber), MyPickId (APickId), MyStructure (AStructure), MyElementNumberIsDef (Standard_True), MyPickIdIsDef (Standard_True), MyStructureIsDef (Standard_True) { } void Visual3d_PickPath::SetElementNumber (const Standard_Integer AnElemNumber) { MyElementNumber = AnElemNumber; MyElementNumberIsDef = Standard_True; } void Visual3d_PickPath::SetPickIdentifier (const Standard_Integer APickId) { MyPickId = APickId; MyPickIdIsDef = Standard_True; } void Visual3d_PickPath::SetStructIdentifier (const Handle(Graphic3d_Structure)& AStructure) { MyStructure = AStructure; MyStructureIsDef = Standard_True; } Standard_Integer Visual3d_PickPath::ElementNumber () const { if (!MyElementNumberIsDef) Visual3d_PickError::Raise ("No defined ElementNumber"); return (MyElementNumber); } Standard_Integer Visual3d_PickPath::PickIdentifier () const { if (!MyPickIdIsDef) Visual3d_PickError::Raise ("No defined PickIdentifier"); return (MyPickId); } Handle(Graphic3d_Structure) Visual3d_PickPath::StructIdentifier () const { if (!MyStructureIsDef) Visual3d_PickError::Raise ("No defined StructIdentifier"); return (MyStructure); }