-- -- File: Visual3d_PickDescriptor.cdl -- Created: Jeudi 21 Novembre 1991 -- Author: NW,JPB,CAL -- ---Copyright: MatraDatavision 1991,1992,1993 -- class PickDescriptor from Visual3d ---Version: ---Purpose: This class contains the pick information. -- It contains a certain number of PickPaths. ---Keywords: Pick Descriptor, Path, Structure, PickId ---Warning: ---References: uses Structure from Graphic3d, ContextPick from Visual3d, PickPath from Visual3d, HSequenceOfPickPath from Visual3d raises PickError from Visual3d is Create ( CTX : ContextPick from Visual3d ) returns PickDescriptor from Visual3d; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Creates a PickDescriptor . --------------------------------------------------- -- Category: Methods to modify the class definition --------------------------------------------------- AddPickPath ( me : in out; APickPath : PickPath from Visual3d ) is static; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Adds a PickPath to PickDescriptor . ---Category: Methods to modify the class definition Clear ( me : in out ) is static; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Erases all the information in . ---Category: Methods to modify the class definition ---------------------------- -- Category: Inquire methods ---------------------------- Depth ( me ) returns Integer from Standard is static; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Returns the pick depth, that is the -- number of PickPaths available in the PickDescriptor. ---Category: Inquire methods PickPath ( me ) returns HSequenceOfPickPath from Visual3d is static; ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Returns the group of PickPaths of . ---Category: Inquire methods TopStructure ( me ) returns Structure from Graphic3d ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Returns the root structure. -- If the pick order was of the type TOO_TOPFIRST -- then it's the first structure. -- If the pick order was of the type TOO_BOTTOMFIRST -- Then it's the last structure. -- The pick order is set by the method SetOrder -- from ContextPick. -- Category: Inquire methods -- Warning: Raises PickError if Depth == 0 (no picked structure). raises PickError from Visual3d is static; TopPickId ( me ) returns Integer from Standard ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Returns the root structure pickid. -- If the pick order was of the type TOO_TOPFIRST -- then it's the first pickid. -- If the pick order was of the type TOO_BOTTOMFIRST -- then it's the last pickid. -- The pick order is set by the method SetOrder -- from ContextPick. -- Category: Inquire methods -- Warning: Raises PickError if Depth == 0 (no picked structure). raises PickError from Visual3d is static; TopElementNumber ( me ) returns Integer from Standard ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Returns the root structure element number. -- If the pick order was of the type TOO_TOPFIRST -- then it's the first element number. -- If the pick order was of the type TOO_BOTTOMFIRST -- then it's the last element number. -- The pick order is set by the method SetOrder -- from ContextPick. -- Category: Inquire methods -- Warning: Raises PickError if Depth == 0 (no picked structure). raises PickError from Visual3d is static; -- fields -- -- Class : Visual3d_PickDescriptor -- -- Purpose : Declaration of variables specific to the class -- describing a pick. -- -- Reminders : A pick return is defined by: -- - a sequence of (Elem_number, Pick_Id, Struct_Id) -- - a depth -- pick sequence MyPickPathSequence : HSequenceOfPickPath from Visual3d; -- context associated to a pick MyContext : ContextPick from Visual3d; end PickDescriptor;