// File: ViewerTest_ObjectsCommands.cxx // Created: Thu Nov 12 15:50:42 1998 // Author: Robert COUBLANC // Copyright: OPEN CASCADE 1998 //=============================================== // // AIS Objects Creation : Datums (axis,trihedrons,lines,planes) // //=============================================== #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H #include #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #endif extern ViewerTest_DoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName& GetMapOfAIS(); extern Standard_Boolean VDisplayAISObject (const TCollection_AsciiString& theName, const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)& theAISObj, Standard_Boolean theReplaceIfExists = Standard_True); extern int ViewerMainLoop(Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv); extern Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext)& TheAISContext(); //============================================================================== //function : Vtrihedron 2d //purpose : Create a plane with a 2D trihedron from a faceselection //Draw arg : vtri2d name //============================================================================== #include static int VTrihedron2D (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { // Verification des arguments if ( argc!=2) {di<CloseAllContexts(); // Ouverture d'un contexte local et recuperation de son index. TheAISContext()->OpenLocalContext(); myCurrentIndex=TheAISContext()->IndexOfCurrentLocal(); // On active les modes de selections faces. TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(4) ); di<<" Select a face ."<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argccc, argvvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle TopoDS_Shape ShapeB; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeB = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } TopoDS_Face FaceB=TopoDS::Face(ShapeB); // Construction du Plane // recuperation des edges des faces. TopExp_Explorer FaceExpB(FaceB,TopAbs_EDGE); TopoDS_Edge EdgeB=TopoDS::Edge(FaceExpB.Current() ); // declarations gp_Pnt A,B,C; // si il y a plusieurs edges if (FaceExpB.More() ) { FaceExpB.Next(); TopoDS_Edge EdgeC=TopoDS::Edge(FaceExpB.Current() ); BRepAdaptor_Curve theCurveB(EdgeB); BRepAdaptor_Curve theCurveC(EdgeC); A=theCurveC.Value(0.1); B=theCurveC.Value(0.9); C=theCurveB.Value(0.5); } else { // FaceB a 1 unique edge courbe BRepAdaptor_Curve theCurveB(EdgeB); A=theCurveB.Value(0.1); B=theCurveB.Value(0.9); C=theCurveB.Value(0.5); } // Construction du Geom_Plane GC_MakePlane MkPlane(A,B,C); Handle(Geom_Plane) theGeomPlane=MkPlane.Value(); // Construction de l'AIS_PlaneTrihedron Handle(AIS_PlaneTrihedron) theAISPlaneTri= new AIS_PlaneTrihedron(theGeomPlane ); // Fermeture du contexte local. TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(myCurrentIndex); // on le display & bind TheAISContext()->Display(theAISPlaneTri ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind ( theAISPlaneTri ,argv[1]); return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : VTriherdron //author : ege //purpose : Create a trihedron. If no arguments are set, the default // trihedron (Oxyz) is created. //Draw arg : vtrihedron name [Xo] [Yo] [Zo] [Zu] [Zv] [Zw] [Xu] [Xv] [Xw] //============================================================================== static int VTrihedron (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { // Verification des arguments if ( argc<2 || argc>11) {di< 5 && argc!=11) {di<2){ Standard_Integer i ; for( i=0;i<=2;i++) coord[i]= atof(argv[2+i]); if(argc>5){ for(i=0;i<=2;i++){ coord[3+i] = atof(argv[6+i]); coord[6+i] = atof(argv[8+i]); } } } gp_Pnt ThePoint(coord[0],coord[1],coord[2]); gp_Dir TheZVector(coord[3],coord[4],coord[5]); gp_Dir TheXVector(coord[6],coord[7],coord[8]); if ( !TheZVector.IsNormal(TheXVector,PI/180)) {di<Display(aShape); return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : VSize //author : ege //purpose : Change the size of a named or selected trihedron // if no name : it affects the trihedrons witch are selected otherwise nothing is donne // if no value, the value is set at 100 by default //Draw arg : vsize [name] [size] //============================================================================== static int VSize (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { // Declaration de booleens Standard_Boolean ThereIsName; Standard_Boolean ThereIsCurrent; Standard_Real value; Standard_Boolean hascol; #ifdef DEB Quantity_NameOfColor col; #else Quantity_NameOfColor col = Quantity_NOC_BLACK ; #endif // Verification des arguments if ( argc>3 ) {di<HasOpenedContext()) TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(); // On set le booleen ThereIsCurrent if (TheAISContext() -> NbCurrents() > 0) {ThereIsCurrent=Standard_True;} else {ThereIsCurrent=Standard_False;} //=============================================================== // Il n'y a pas de nom mais des objets selectionnes //=============================================================== if (!ThereIsName && ThereIsCurrent) { ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it (GetMapOfAIS()); while ( it.More() ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aShape= Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); if (!aShape.IsNull() && TheAISContext()->IsCurrent(aShape) ) { // On verifie que l'AIS InteraciveObject selectionne est bien // un AIS_Trihedron if (aShape->Type()==AIS_KOI_Datum && aShape->Signature()==3) { if (aShape->HasColor()) { hascol=Standard_True; // On recupere la couleur de aShape col=aShape->Color();} else hascol=Standard_False; // On downcast aShape de AIS_InteractiveObject a AIS_Trihedron // pour lui appliquer la methode SetSize() Handle(AIS_Trihedron) aTrihedron = *(Handle(AIS_Trihedron)*) &aShape; // C'est bien un triedre,on chage sa valeur! aTrihedron->SetSize(value); // On donne la couleur au Trihedron if(hascol) aTrihedron->SetColor(col); else aTrihedron->UnsetColor(); // The trihedron hasn't be errased from the map // so you just have to redisplay it TheAISContext() ->Redisplay(aTrihedron,Standard_False); } } it.Next(); } TheAISContext() ->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } //=============================================================== // Il n'y a pas d'arguments et aucuns objets selectionne Rien A Faire! //=============================================================== //=============================================================== // Il y a un nom de triedre passe en argument //=============================================================== if (ThereIsName) { TCollection_AsciiString name=argv[1]; // on verifie que ce nom correspond bien a une shape Standard_Boolean IsBound= GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(name); if (IsBound) { // on recupere la shape dans la map des objets displayes Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(GetMapOfAIS().Find2(name)); // On verifie que l'AIS InteraciveObject est bien // un AIS_Trihedron if (!aShape.IsNull() && aShape->Type()==AIS_KOI_Datum && aShape->Signature()==3) { if (aShape->HasColor()) { hascol=Standard_True; // On recupere la couleur de aShape col=aShape->Color();} else hascol=Standard_False; // On downcast aShape de AIS_InteractiveObject a AIS_Trihedron // pour lui appliquer la methode SetSize() Handle(AIS_Trihedron) aTrihedron = *(Handle(AIS_Trihedron)*) &aShape; // C'est bien un triedre,on chage sa valeur aTrihedron->SetSize(value); // On donne la couleur au Trihedron if(hascol) aTrihedron->SetColor(col); else aTrihedron->UnsetColor(); // The trihedron hasn't be errased from the map // so you just have to redisplay it TheAISContext() ->Redisplay(aTrihedron,Standard_False); TheAISContext() ->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } } } return 0; } //============================================================================== //============================================================================== //function : VPlaneTrihedron //purpose : Create a plane from a trihedron selection. If no arguments are set, the default //Draw arg : vplanetri name //============================================================================== #include static int VPlaneTrihedron (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { // Verification des arguments if ( argc!=2) {di<CloseAllContexts(); // On recupere tous les trihedrons de la GetMapOfAIS() // et on active le mode de selection par face. // ================================================= // Ouverture d'un contexte local et recuperation de son index. TheAISContext()->OpenLocalContext(Standard_False); myCurrentIndex=TheAISContext()->IndexOfCurrentLocal(); ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it (GetMapOfAIS()); while(it.More()){ Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) ShapeA = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); // On verifie que c'est bien un trihedron if (!ShapeA.IsNull() && ShapeA->Type()==AIS_KOI_Datum && ShapeA->Signature()==3 ) { // on le downcast Handle(AIS_Trihedron) TrihedronA =((*(Handle(AIS_Trihedron)*)&ShapeA)); // on le charge dans le contexte et on active le mode Plane. TheAISContext()->Load(TrihedronA,0,Standard_False); TheAISContext()->Activate(TrihedronA,3); } it.Next(); } di<<" Select a plane."<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argccc, argvvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) theIOB; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { theIOB = TheAISContext()->Interactive(); } // on le downcast Handle(AIS_Plane) PlaneB =((*(Handle(AIS_Plane)*)&theIOB)); // Fermeture du contexte local. TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(myCurrentIndex); // on le display & bind TheAISContext()->Display(PlaneB ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind ( PlaneB ,argv[1]); return 0; } //============================================================================== // Fonction First click 2de click // // vaxis vertex vertex // edge None // vaxispara edge vertex // vaxisortho edge Vertex // vaxisinter Face Face //============================================================================== //============================================================================== //function : VAxisBuilder //purpose : //Draw arg : vaxis AxisName Xa Ya Za Xb Yb Zb //============================================================================== #include #include #include #include static int VAxisBuilder(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { // Declarations Standard_Boolean HasArg; TCollection_AsciiString name; Standard_Integer MyCurrentIndex; // Verification if (argc<2 || argc>8 ) {di<<" Syntaxe error"<<"\n";return 1;} if (argc==8) HasArg=Standard_True; else HasArg=Standard_False; name=argv[1]; // Fermeture des contextes TheAISContext()->CloseAllContexts(); // Cas ou il y a des arguments // Purpose: Teste le constructeur AIS_Axis::AIS_Axis(x: Line from Geom) if (HasArg) { Standard_Real coord[6]; for(Standard_Integer i=0;i<=5;i++){ coord[i]=atof(argv[2+i]); } gp_Pnt p1(coord[0],coord[1],coord[2]), p2(coord[3],coord[4],coord[5]) ; gp_Vec myVect (p1,p2); Handle(Geom_Line) myLine=new Geom_Line (p1 ,myVect ); Handle(AIS_Axis) TheAxis=new AIS_Axis (myLine ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (TheAxis,name); TheAISContext()->Display(TheAxis); } // Pas d'arguments else { // fonction vaxis // Purpose: Teste le constructeur AIS_Axis::AIS_Axis (x:Axis1Placement from Geom) if ( !strcasecmp(argv[0], "vaxis")) { TheAISContext()->OpenLocalContext(); MyCurrentIndex=TheAISContext()->IndexOfCurrentLocal(); // Active le mode edge et le mode vertex TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode(AIS_Shape::SelectionType(1) ); TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode(AIS_Shape::SelectionType(2) ); di<<" Select an edge or a vertex."<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argcc = 5; const char *buff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvv = (const char **) buff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argcc, argvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle // recuperation de la shape. TopoDS_Shape ShapeA; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeA = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } // recuperation de l'AIS_InteractiveObject //Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) myAISio=TheAISContext()->Current(); // down cast en AIS_Point si sig et type // AIS_Point -> Geom_Pnt .... if (ShapeA.ShapeType()==TopAbs_VERTEX) { // on desactive le mode edge TheAISContext()->DeactivateStandardMode(AIS_Shape::SelectionType(2) ); di<<" Select a different vertex."<<"\n"; TopoDS_Shape ShapeB; do { // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argccc, argvvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeB = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } } while(ShapeB.IsSame(ShapeA) ); // Fermeture du context local TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(MyCurrentIndex); // Construction de l'axe gp_Pnt A=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeA) ); gp_Pnt B=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeB) ); gp_Vec V (A,B); gp_Dir D (V); Handle(Geom_Axis1Placement) OrigineAndVect=new Geom_Axis1Placement (A,D); Handle(AIS_Axis) TheAxis=new AIS_Axis (OrigineAndVect); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (TheAxis,name); TheAISContext()->Display(TheAxis); } else { // Un unique edge (ShapeA) a ete picke // Fermeture du context local TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(MyCurrentIndex); // Constuction de l'axe TopoDS_Edge ed =TopoDS::Edge(ShapeA); TopoDS_Vertex Va,Vb; TopExp::Vertices(ed,Va,Vb ); gp_Pnt A=BRep_Tool::Pnt(Va); gp_Pnt B=BRep_Tool::Pnt(Vb); gp_Vec V (A,B); gp_Dir D (V); Handle(Geom_Axis1Placement) OrigineAndVect=new Geom_Axis1Placement (A,D); Handle(AIS_Axis) TheAxis=new AIS_Axis (OrigineAndVect); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (TheAxis,name); TheAISContext()->Display(TheAxis); } } // Fonction axispara // Purpose: Teste le constructeur AIS_Axis::AIS_Axis(x: Axis2Placement from Geom, y: TypeOfAxis from AIS) else if ( !strcasecmp(argv[0], "vaxispara")) { TheAISContext()->OpenLocalContext(); MyCurrentIndex=TheAISContext()->IndexOfCurrentLocal(); // Active le mode edge TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode(AIS_Shape::SelectionType(2) ); di<<" Select an edge."<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argcc = 5; const char *buff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvv = (const char **) buff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argcc, argvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle TopoDS_Shape ShapeA; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeA = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } // Active le mode vertex et deactive edges TheAISContext()->DeactivateStandardMode(AIS_Shape::SelectionType(2) ); TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode(AIS_Shape::SelectionType(1) ); di<<" Select a vertex."<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argccc, argvvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle // On peut choisir un pnt sur l'edge TopoDS_Shape ShapeB; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeB = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } // Fermeture du context local TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(MyCurrentIndex); // Construction de l'axe TopoDS_Edge ed=TopoDS::Edge(ShapeA) ; gp_Pnt B=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeB) ); TopoDS_Vertex Va,Vc; TopExp::Vertices(ed,Va,Vc ); gp_Pnt A=BRep_Tool::Pnt(Va); gp_Pnt C=BRep_Tool::Pnt(Vc); gp_Vec V (A,C); gp_Dir D (V); Handle(Geom_Axis1Placement) OrigineAndVect=new Geom_Axis1Placement (B,D); Handle(AIS_Axis) TheAxis=new AIS_Axis (OrigineAndVect); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (TheAxis,name); TheAISContext()->Display(TheAxis); } // Fonction axisortho else { TheAISContext()->OpenLocalContext(); MyCurrentIndex=TheAISContext()->IndexOfCurrentLocal(); // Active le mode edge TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode(AIS_Shape::SelectionType(2) ); di<<" Select an edge."<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argcc = 5; const char *buff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvv = (const char **) buff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argcc, argvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle TopoDS_Shape ShapeA; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeA = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } // Active le mode vertex et deactive edges TheAISContext()->DeactivateStandardMode(AIS_Shape::SelectionType(2) ); TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode(AIS_Shape::SelectionType(1) ); di<<" Slect a vertex."<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argccc, argvvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle // On peut choisir un pnt sur l'edge TopoDS_Shape ShapeB; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeB = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } // Fermeture du context local TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(MyCurrentIndex); // Construction de l'axe TopoDS_Edge ed=TopoDS::Edge(ShapeA) ; gp_Pnt B=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeB) ); TopoDS_Vertex Va,Vc; TopExp::Vertices(ed,Va,Vc ); gp_Pnt A=BRep_Tool::Pnt(Va); gp_Pnt C=BRep_Tool::Pnt(Vc); gp_Pnt E(A.Y()+A.Z()-C.Y()-C.Z() ,C.X()-A.X() ,C.X()-A.X() ); gp_Vec V (A,E); gp_Dir D (V); Handle(Geom_Axis1Placement) OrigineAndVect=new Geom_Axis1Placement (B,D); Handle(AIS_Axis) TheAxis=new AIS_Axis (OrigineAndVect); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (TheAxis,name); TheAISContext()->Display(TheAxis); } } return 0; } //============================================================================== // Fonction First click Result // // vpoint vertex AIS_Point=Vertex // edge AIS_Point=Middle of the edge //============================================================================== //============================================================================== //function : VPointBuilder //purpose : Build an AIS_Point from coordinates or with a selected vertex or edge //Draw arg : vpoint PoinName [Xa] [Ya] [Za] //============================================================================== #include #include #include #include #include static int VPointBuilder(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { // Declarations Standard_Boolean HasArg; TCollection_AsciiString name; Standard_Integer myCurrentIndex; // Verification if (argc<2 || argc>5 ) {di<<" Syntaxe error"<<"\n";return 1;} if (argc==5) HasArg=Standard_True; else HasArg=Standard_False; name=argv[1]; // Fermeture des contextes TheAISContext()->CloseAllContexts(); // Il y a des arguments: teste l'unique constructeur AIS_Pnt::AIS_Pnt(Point from Geom) if (HasArg) { Standard_Real thecoord[3]; for(Standard_Integer i=0;i<=2;i++) thecoord[i]=atof(argv[2+i]); Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myGeomPoint= new Geom_CartesianPoint (thecoord[0],thecoord[1],thecoord[2]); Handle(AIS_Point) myAISPoint=new AIS_Point(myGeomPoint ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (myAISPoint,name); TheAISContext()->Display(myAISPoint); } // Il n'a pas d'arguments else { TheAISContext()->OpenLocalContext(); myCurrentIndex=TheAISContext()->IndexOfCurrentLocal(); // Active le mode Vertex et Edges TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(1) ); TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(2) ); di<<" Select a vertex or an edge(build the middle)"<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argcc = 5; const char *buff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvv = (const char **) buff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argcc, argvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle TopoDS_Shape ShapeA; for (TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeA= TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } if (ShapeA.ShapeType()==TopAbs_VERTEX ) { // Un vertex a ete selectionne // Fermeture du context local TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(myCurrentIndex); // Construction du point gp_Pnt A=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeA ) ); Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint) myGeomPoint= new Geom_CartesianPoint (A ); Handle(AIS_Point) myAISPoint = new AIS_Point (myGeomPoint ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind(myAISPoint,name); TheAISContext()->Display(myAISPoint); } else { // Un Edge a ete selectionne // Fermeture du context local TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(myCurrentIndex); // Construction du point milieu de l'edge TopoDS_Edge myEdge=TopoDS::Edge(ShapeA); TopoDS_Vertex myVertexA,myVertexB; TopExp::Vertices (myEdge ,myVertexA ,myVertexB ); gp_Pnt A=BRep_Tool::Pnt(myVertexA ); gp_Pnt B=BRep_Tool::Pnt(myVertexB ); // M est le milieu de [AB] Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint) myGeomPointM= new Geom_CartesianPoint ( (A.X()+B.X())/2 , (A.Y()+B.Y())/2 , (A.Z()+B.Z())/2 ); Handle(AIS_Point) myAISPointM = new AIS_Point (myGeomPointM ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind(myAISPointM,name); TheAISContext()->Display(myAISPointM); } } return 0; } //============================================================================== // Fonction 1st click 2de click 3de click // vplane Vertex Vertex Vertex // Vertex Edge // Edge Vertex // Face // vplanepara Face Vertex // Vertex Face // vplaneortho Face Edge // Edge Face //============================================================================== //============================================================================== //function : VPlaneBuilder //purpose : Build an AIS_Plane from selected entities or Named AIs components //Draw arg : vplane PlaneName [AxisName] [PointName] // [PointName] [PointName] [PointName] // [PlaneName] [PointName] //============================================================================== #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int VPlaneBuilder(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { // Declarations Standard_Boolean HasArg; TCollection_AsciiString name; Standard_Integer myCurrentIndex; // Verification if (argc<2 || argc>5 ) {di<<" Syntaxe error"<<"\n";return 1;} if (argc==5 || argc==4) HasArg=Standard_True; else HasArg=Standard_False; name=argv[1]; // Fermeture des contextes TheAISContext()->CloseAllContexts(); // Il y a des arguments if (HasArg) { if (!GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(argv[2] ) ) {di<<"vplane: error 1st name doesn't exist in the GetMapOfAIS()."<<"\n";return 1;} // on recupere la shape dans la map Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) theShapeA = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (GetMapOfAIS().Find2(argv[2] )); // Le premier argument est un AIS_Point 1 if (!theShapeA.IsNull() && theShapeA->Type()==AIS_KOI_Datum && theShapeA->Signature()==1) { // le deuxieme argument doit etre un AIS_Point aussi if (argc<5 || !GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(argv[3] ) ) {di<<"vplane: error 2de name doesn't exist in the GetMapOfAIS()."<<"\n";return 1;} // on recupere la shape dans la map Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) theShapeB = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (GetMapOfAIS().Find2(argv[3])); // si B n'est pas un AIS_Point if (theShapeB.IsNull() || (!(theShapeB->Type()==AIS_KOI_Datum && theShapeB->Signature()==1))) { di<<"vplane: error 2de object is expected to be an AIS_Point. "<<"\n"; return 1; } // le troisieme objet est un AIS_Point if (!GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(argv[4]) ) {di<<"vplane: error 3de name doesn't exist in the GetMapOfAIS()."<<"\n";return 1; } // on recupere la shape dans la map Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) theShapeC = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (GetMapOfAIS().Find2(argv[4])); // si C n'est pas un AIS_Point if (theShapeC.IsNull() || (!(theShapeC->Type()==AIS_KOI_Datum && theShapeC->Signature()==1))) { di<<"vplane: error 3de object is expected to be an AIS_Point. "<<"\n"; return 1; } // Traitement des objets A,B,C // Downcaste de AIS_IO en AIS_Point Handle(AIS_Point) theAISPointA= *(Handle(AIS_Point)*)& theShapeA; Handle(AIS_Point) theAISPointB= *(Handle(AIS_Point)*)& theShapeB; Handle(AIS_Point) theAISPointC= *(Handle(AIS_Point)*)& theShapeC; Handle(Geom_Point ) myGeomPointA= theAISPointA->Component(); Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointA= *((Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint)*)& myGeomPointA); // Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointA= *(Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint)*)& (theAISPointA->Component() ) ; Handle(Geom_Point ) myGeomPointB = theAISPointB->Component(); Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointB= *((Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint)*)& theAISPointB); // Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointB= *(Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint)*)& (theAISPointB->Component() ) ; Handle(Geom_Point ) myGeomPointBC= theAISPointC->Component(); Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointC= *((Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint)*)& theAISPointC); // Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointC= *(Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint)*)& (theAISPointC->Component() ) ; // Verification que les 3 points sont bien differents. if (myCartPointB->X()==myCartPointA->X() && myCartPointB->Y()==myCartPointA->Y() && myCartPointB->Z()==myCartPointA->Z() ) { // B=A di<<"vplane error: same points"<<"\n";return 1; } if (myCartPointC->X()==myCartPointA->X() && myCartPointC->Y()==myCartPointA->Y() && myCartPointC->Z()==myCartPointA->Z() ) { // C=A di<<"vplane error: same points"<<"\n";return 1; } if (myCartPointC->X()==myCartPointB->X() && myCartPointC->Y()==myCartPointB->Y() && myCartPointC->Z()==myCartPointB->Z() ) { // C=B di<<"vplane error: same points"<<"\n";return 1; } gp_Pnt A= myCartPointA->Pnt(); gp_Pnt B= myCartPointB->Pnt(); gp_Pnt C= myCartPointC->Pnt(); // Construction de l'AIS_Plane GC_MakePlane MkPlane (A,B,C); Handle(Geom_Plane) myGeomPlane = MkPlane.Value(); Handle(AIS_Plane) myAISPlane = new AIS_Plane(myGeomPlane ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (myAISPlane,name ); TheAISContext()->Display(myAISPlane); } // si le premier argument est un AIS_Axis 2 // creation d'un plan orthogonal a l'axe passant par un point else if (theShapeA->Type()==AIS_KOI_Datum && theShapeA->Signature()==2 ) { // le deuxieme argument doit etre un AIS_Point if (argc!=4 || !GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(argv[3] ) ) { di<<"vplane: error 2de name doesn't exist in the GetMapOfAIS()."<<"\n"; return 1; } // on recupere la shape dans la map Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) theShapeB = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (GetMapOfAIS().Find2(argv[3])); // si B n'est pas un AIS_Point if (theShapeB.IsNull() || (!(theShapeB->Type()==AIS_KOI_Datum && theShapeB->Signature()==1))) { di<<"vplane: error 2de object is expected to be an AIS_Point. "<<"\n"; return 1; } // Traitement des objets A et B Handle(AIS_Axis) theAISAxisA= *(Handle(AIS_Axis)*)& theShapeA; Handle(AIS_Point) theAISPointB= *(Handle(AIS_Point)*)& theShapeB; Handle(Geom_Line ) myGeomLineA = theAISAxisA ->Component(); Handle(Geom_Point) myGeomPointB= theAISPointB->Component() ; gp_Ax1 myAxis= myGeomLineA->Position(); Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointB= *(Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint )*)& myGeomPointB; // Pas de moyens de verifier que le point B n'est pas sur l'axe gp_Dir D=myAxis.Direction(); gp_Pnt B= myCartPointB->Pnt(); // Construction de l'AIS_Plane Handle(Geom_Plane) myGeomPlane= new Geom_Plane(B,D); Handle(AIS_Plane) myAISPlane = new AIS_Plane(myGeomPlane,B ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (myAISPlane,name ); TheAISContext()->Display(myAISPlane); } // Si le premier argument est un AIS_Plane 7 // Creation d'un Plan parallele a ce plan passant par le point else if (theShapeA->Type()==AIS_KOI_Datum && theShapeA->Signature()==7 ) { // le deuxieme argument doit etre un AISPoint if (argc!=4 || !GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(argv[3] ) ) { di<<"vplane: error 2de name doesn't exist in the GetMapOfAIS()."<<"\n"; return 1; } // on recupere la shape dans la map Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) theShapeB = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (GetMapOfAIS().Find2(argv[3])); // si B n'est pas un AIS_Point if (theShapeB.IsNull() || (!(theShapeB->Type()==AIS_KOI_Datum && theShapeB->Signature()==1))) { di<<"vplane: error 2de object is expected to be an AIS_Point. "<<"\n"; return 1; } // Traitement des objets A et B Handle(AIS_Plane) theAISPlaneA= *(Handle(AIS_Plane)*)& theShapeA; Handle(AIS_Point) theAISPointB= *(Handle(AIS_Point)*)& theShapeB; Handle (Geom_Plane) theNewGeomPlane= theAISPlaneA->Component(); Handle(Geom_Point) myGeomPointB= theAISPointB->Component() ; Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointB= *(Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint )*)& myGeomPointB; gp_Pnt B= myCartPointB->Pnt(); // Construction de l'AIS_Plane Handle(AIS_Plane) myAISPlane = new AIS_Plane(theNewGeomPlane,B ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (myAISPlane,name ); TheAISContext()->Display(myAISPlane); } // Sinon erreur else {di<<"vplane: error 1st object is not an AIS. "<<"\n";return 1;} } // Il n'y a pas d'arguments else { // Fonction vplane // Teste le constructeur AIS_Plane::AIS_Plane(Geom_Plane, Standard_Boolean ) if (!strcasecmp(argv[0] ,"vplane" ) ) { TheAISContext()->OpenLocalContext(); myCurrentIndex=TheAISContext()->IndexOfCurrentLocal(); // Active les modes Vertex, Edge et Face TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(1) ); TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(2) ); TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(4) ); di<<"Select a vertex, a face or an edge. "<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argcc = 5; const char *buff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvv = (const char **) buff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argcc, argvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle TopoDS_Shape ShapeA; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeA = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } // ShapeA est un Vertex if (ShapeA.ShapeType()==TopAbs_VERTEX ) { TheAISContext()->DeactivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(4) ); di<<" Select an edge or a different vertex."<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argccc, argvvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle TopoDS_Shape ShapeB; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeB = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } // ShapeB est un Vertex if (ShapeB.ShapeType()==TopAbs_VERTEX ) { // Si A et B sont le meme point if (ShapeB.IsSame(ShapeA) ) {di<<" vplane: error, same points selected"<<"\n";return 1; } TheAISContext()->DeactivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(2) ); di<<" Select a different vertex."<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argcccc = 5; const char *buffff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvvv = (const char **) buffff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argcccc, argvvvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle TopoDS_Shape ShapeC; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeC = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } // ShapeC est aussi un vertex... if (ShapeC.IsSame(ShapeA)||ShapeC.IsSame(ShapeB) ) {di<<" vplane: error, same points selected"<<"\n";return 1; } // Fermeture du contexte local TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(myCurrentIndex); // Construction du plane gp_Pnt A=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeA ) ); gp_Pnt B=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeB ) ); gp_Pnt C=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeC ) ); GC_MakePlane MkPlane(A,B,C); Handle(Geom_Plane) theGeomPlane=MkPlane.Value(); Handle(AIS_Plane) myAISPlane=new AIS_Plane (theGeomPlane ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (myAISPlane ,name ); TheAISContext()->Display(myAISPlane); } // ShapeB est un edge else { // il s'agit de verifier que le vertex ShapeA n'est pas sur l'edge ShapeB TopoDS_Edge EdgeB=TopoDS::Edge(ShapeB); TopoDS_Vertex VertA=TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeA); BRepExtrema_ExtPC OrthoProj (VertA, EdgeB ); if (OrthoProj.SquareDistance(1)<1e-6 ) { // Le vertex est sur l'edge di<<" vplane: error point is on the edge."<<"\n";return 1; } else { // le vertex n'appartient pes a l'edge on peut construire le plane // Fermeture du contexte local TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(myCurrentIndex); // Construction du plane gp_Pnt A=BRep_Tool::Pnt(VertA ); TopoDS_Vertex VBa,VBb; TopExp::Vertices(EdgeB ,VBa ,VBb ); gp_Pnt Ba=BRep_Tool::Pnt(VBa); gp_Pnt Bb=BRep_Tool::Pnt(VBb); GC_MakePlane MkPlane (A,Ba,Bb); Handle(Geom_Plane) theGeomPlane=MkPlane.Value(); Handle(AIS_Plane) myAISPlane=new AIS_Plane (theGeomPlane ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (myAISPlane ,name ); TheAISContext()->Display(myAISPlane); } } } // ShapeA est un edge else if (ShapeA.ShapeType()==TopAbs_EDGE ) { TheAISContext()->DeactivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(4) ); TheAISContext()->DeactivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(2) ); di<<" Select a vertex that don't belong to the edge."<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argccc, argvvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle TopoDS_Shape ShapeB; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeB = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } // ShapeB est forcement un Vertex // On verifie que le vertex ShapeB n'est pas sur l'edge ShapeA TopoDS_Edge EdgeA=TopoDS::Edge(ShapeA); TopoDS_Vertex VertB=TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeB); BRepExtrema_ExtPC OrthoProj (VertB,EdgeA ); if (OrthoProj.SquareDistance(1)<1e-6) { // Le vertex est sur l'edge di<<" vplane: error point is on the edge."<<"\n";return 1; } else { // le vertex n'appartient pas a l'edge on peut construire le plane // Fermeture du contexte local TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(myCurrentIndex); // Construction du plane gp_Pnt B=BRep_Tool::Pnt(VertB ); TopoDS_Vertex VAa,VAb; TopExp::Vertices(EdgeA ,VAa ,VAb ); gp_Pnt Aa=BRep_Tool::Pnt(VAa); gp_Pnt Ab=BRep_Tool::Pnt(VAb); GC_MakePlane MkPlane (B,Aa,Ab); Handle(Geom_Plane) theGeomPlane=MkPlane.Value(); Handle(AIS_Plane) myAISPlane=new AIS_Plane (theGeomPlane ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (myAISPlane ,name ); TheAISContext()->Display(myAISPlane); } } // ShapeA est une Face else { // Fermeture du contexte local: Plus rien a selectionner TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(myCurrentIndex); // Construction du plane TopoDS_Face myFace=TopoDS::Face(ShapeA); BRepAdaptor_Surface mySurface (myFace, Standard_False ); if (mySurface.GetType()==GeomAbs_Plane ) { gp_Pln myPlane=mySurface.Plane(); Handle(Geom_Plane) theGeomPlane=new Geom_Plane (myPlane ); Handle(AIS_Plane) myAISPlane=new AIS_Plane (theGeomPlane ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (myAISPlane ,name ); TheAISContext()->Display(myAISPlane); } else { di<<" vplane: error"<<"\n";return 1; } } } // Fonction vPlanePara // =================== // teste le constructeur AIS_Plane::AIS_Plane(Geom_Plane,gp_Pnt ) else if (!strcasecmp(argv[0] ,"vplanepara" )) { TheAISContext()->OpenLocalContext(); myCurrentIndex=TheAISContext()->IndexOfCurrentLocal(); // Active les modes Vertex et Face TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(1) ); TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(4) ); di<<" Select a vertex or a face."<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argcc = 5; const char *buff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvv = (const char **) buff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argcc, argvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle TopoDS_Shape ShapeA; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeA = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } if (ShapeA.ShapeType()==TopAbs_VERTEX ) { // ShapeA est un vertex // On desactive le mode Vertex TheAISContext()->DeactivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(1) ); di<<" Select a face."<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argccc, argvvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle TopoDS_Shape ShapeB; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { // Le vertex ShapeA peut etre dans la Face ShapeB ShapeB = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } // Fermeture du context local TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(myCurrentIndex); // Construction du plane gp_Pnt A=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeA ) ); TopoDS_Face myFace=TopoDS::Face(ShapeB); BRepAdaptor_Surface mySurface (myFace, Standard_False ); if (mySurface.GetType()==GeomAbs_Plane ) { gp_Pln myPlane=mySurface.Plane(); // construit un plan parallele a theGeomPlane passant par A myPlane.SetLocation(A); Handle(Geom_Plane) theGeomPlane=new Geom_Plane (myPlane ); Handle(AIS_Plane) myAISPlane=new AIS_Plane (theGeomPlane ,A ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (myAISPlane ,name ); TheAISContext()->Display(myAISPlane); } else { di<<" vplane: error"<<"\n";return 1; } } else{ // ShapeA est une Face // On desactive le mode Face TheAISContext()->DeactivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(4) ); di<<" Select a vertex."<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argccc, argvvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle TopoDS_Shape ShapeB; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { // Le vertex ShapeB peut etre dans la Face ShapeA ShapeB = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } // Fermeture du context local TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(myCurrentIndex); // Construction du plane gp_Pnt B=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeB ) ); TopoDS_Face myFace=TopoDS::Face(ShapeA); BRepAdaptor_Surface mySurface (myFace, Standard_False ); if (mySurface.GetType()==GeomAbs_Plane ) { gp_Pln myPlane=mySurface.Plane(); myPlane.SetLocation(B); Handle(Geom_Plane) theGeomPlane=new Geom_Plane (myPlane ); // construit un plan parallele a theGeomPlane passant par B Handle(AIS_Plane) myAISPlane=new AIS_Plane (theGeomPlane ,B ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (myAISPlane ,name ); TheAISContext()->Display(myAISPlane); } else { di<<" vplane: error"<<"\n";return 1; } } } // Fonction vplaneortho // ==================== // teste le constructeur AIS_Plane::AIS_Plane(Geom_Plane,gp_Pnt,gp_Pnt,gp_Pnt) else { TheAISContext()->OpenLocalContext(); myCurrentIndex=TheAISContext()->IndexOfCurrentLocal(); // Active les modes Edge et Face TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(2) ); TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(4) ); di<<" Select a face and an edge coplanar."<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argcc = 5; const char *buff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvv = (const char **) buff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argcc, argvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle TopoDS_Shape ShapeA; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeA = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } if (ShapeA.ShapeType()==TopAbs_EDGE ) { // ShapeA est un edge, on desactive le mode edge... TheAISContext()->DeactivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(2) ); di<<" Select a face."<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argccc, argvvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle TopoDS_Shape ShapeB; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { // L'edge ShapeA peut etre dans la Face ShapeB ShapeB = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } // Fermeture du context local TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(myCurrentIndex); // Construction du plane TopoDS_Edge EdgeA=TopoDS::Edge(ShapeA); TopoDS_Vertex VAa,VAb; // vi TopExp::Vertices(EdgeA ,VAa ,VAb ); gp_Pnt Aa=BRep_Tool::Pnt(VAa); gp_Pnt Ab=BRep_Tool::Pnt(VAb); gp_Vec ab (Aa,Ab); gp_Dir Dab (ab); // Creation de mon axe de rotation gp_Ax1 myRotAxis (Aa,Dab); TopoDS_Face myFace=TopoDS::Face(ShapeB); // Il faut imperativement que l'edge soit parallele a la face // vi BRepExtrema_ExtPF myHauteurA (VAa , myFace ); BRepExtrema_ExtPF myHauteurB (VAb , myFace ); // on compare les deux hauteurs a la tolerance pres if ( fabs(sqrt(myHauteurA.SquareDistance(1)) - sqrt (myHauteurB.SquareDistance(1)) )>0.1 ) { // l'edge n'est pas parallele a la face di<<" vplaneOrtho error: l'edge n'est pas parallele a la face."<<"\n";return 1; } // l'edge est OK BRepAdaptor_Surface mySurface (myFace, Standard_False ); if (mySurface.GetType()==GeomAbs_Plane ) { gp_Pln myPlane=mySurface.Plane(); // On effectue une rotation d'1/2 tour autour de l'axe de rotation myPlane.Rotate(myRotAxis , PI/2 ); Handle(Geom_Plane) theGeomPlane=new Geom_Plane (myPlane ); // construit un plan parallele a theGeomPlane contenant l'edgeA (De centre le milieu de l'edgeA) gp_Pnt theMiddle ((Aa.X()+Ab.X() )/2 ,(Aa.Y()+Ab.Y() )/2 ,(Aa.Z()+Ab.Z() )/2 ); Handle(AIS_Plane) myAISPlane=new AIS_Plane (theGeomPlane ,theMiddle ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (myAISPlane ,name ); TheAISContext()->Display(myAISPlane); } else { di<<" vplaneOrtho: error"<<"\n";return 1; } } else { // ShapeA est une Face, on desactive le mode face. TheAISContext()->DeactivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(4) ); di<<" Select an edge."<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argccc, argvvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle TopoDS_Shape ShapeB; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { // L'edge ShapeB peut etre dans la Face ShapeA ShapeB = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } // Fermeture du context local TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(myCurrentIndex); // Construction du plane TopoDS_Edge EdgeB=TopoDS::Edge(ShapeB); TopoDS_Vertex VBa,VBb; TopExp::Vertices(EdgeB ,VBa ,VBb ); gp_Pnt Ba=BRep_Tool::Pnt(VBa); gp_Pnt Bb=BRep_Tool::Pnt(VBb); gp_Vec ab (Ba,Bb); gp_Dir Dab (ab); // Creation de mon axe de rotation gp_Ax1 myRotAxis (Ba,Dab); TopoDS_Face myFace=TopoDS::Face(ShapeA); // Il faut imperativement que l'edge soit parallele a la face BRepExtrema_ExtPF myHauteurA (VBa , myFace ); BRepExtrema_ExtPF myHauteurB (VBb , myFace ); // on compare les deux hauteurs a la tolerance pres if ( fabs(sqrt(myHauteurA.SquareDistance(1)) - sqrt(myHauteurB.SquareDistance(1)) )>0.1 ) { // l'edge n'est pas parallele a la face di<<" vplaneOrtho error: l'edge n'est pas parallele a la face."<<"\n";return 1; } // l'edge est OK BRepAdaptor_Surface mySurface (myFace, Standard_False ); if (mySurface.GetType()==GeomAbs_Plane ) { gp_Pln myPlane=mySurface.Plane(); // On effectue une rotation d'1/2 tour autour de l'axe de rotation myPlane.Rotate(myRotAxis , PI/2 ); Handle(Geom_Plane) theGeomPlane=new Geom_Plane (myPlane ); // construit un plan parallele a theGeomPlane contenant l'edgeA (De centre le milieu de l'edgeA) gp_Pnt theMiddle ((Ba.X()+Bb.X() )/2 , (Ba.Y()+Bb.Y() )/2 , (Ba.Z()+Bb.Z() )/2 ); Handle(AIS_Plane) myAISPlane=new AIS_Plane (theGeomPlane ,theMiddle ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (myAISPlane ,name ); TheAISContext()->Display(myAISPlane); } else { di<<" vplaneOrtho: error"<<"\n";return 1; } } } } return 0; } //============================================================================== // Fonction vline // --------------- Uniquement par parametre. Pas de selection dans le viewer. //============================================================================== //============================================================================== //function : VLineBuilder //purpose : Build an AIS_Line //Draw arg : vline LineName [AIS_PointName] [AIS_PointName] // [Xa] [Ya] [Za] [Xb] [Yb] [Zb] //============================================================================== #include #include static int VLineBuilder(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { Standard_Integer myCurrentIndex; // Verifications if (argc!=4 && argc!=8 && argc!=2 ) {di<<"vline error: number of arguments not correct "<<"\n";return 1; } // Fermeture des contextes TheAISContext()->CloseAllContexts(); // On recupere les parametres Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) theShapeA; Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) theShapeB; // Parametres: AIS_Point AIS_Point // =============================== if (argc==4) { theShapeA= Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (GetMapOfAIS().Find2(argv[2])); // On verifie que c'est bien une AIS_Point if (!theShapeA.IsNull() && theShapeA->Type()==AIS_KOI_Datum && theShapeA->Signature()==1) { // on recupere le deuxieme AIS_Point theShapeB= Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (GetMapOfAIS().Find2(argv[3])); if (theShapeA.IsNull() || (!(theShapeB->Type()==AIS_KOI_Datum && theShapeB->Signature()==1))) { di <<"vline error: wrong type of 2de argument."<<"\n"; return 1; } } else {di <<"vline error: wrong type of 1st argument."<<"\n";return 1; } // Les deux parametres sont du bon type. On verifie que les points ne sont pas confondus Handle(AIS_Point) theAISPointA= *(Handle(AIS_Point)*)& theShapeA; Handle(AIS_Point) theAISPointB= *(Handle(AIS_Point)*)& theShapeB; Handle(Geom_Point ) myGeomPointBA= theAISPointA->Component(); Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointA= *((Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint)*)& myGeomPointBA); // Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointA= *(Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint)*)& (theAISPointA->Component() ) ; Handle(Geom_Point ) myGeomPointB= theAISPointB->Component(); Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointB= *((Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint)*)& myGeomPointB); // Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointB= *(Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint)*)& (theAISPointB->Component() ) ; if (myCartPointB->X()==myCartPointA->X() && myCartPointB->Y()==myCartPointA->Y() && myCartPointB->Z()==myCartPointA->Z() ) { // B=A di<<"vline error: same points"<<"\n";return 1; } // Les deux points sont OK...Construction de l'AIS_Line (en faite, le segment AB) Handle(AIS_Line) theAISLine= new AIS_Line(myCartPointA,myCartPointB ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind(theAISLine,argv[1] ); TheAISContext()->Display(theAISLine ); } // Parametres 6 Reals // ================== else if (argc==8) { // On verifie que les deux points ne sont pas confondus Standard_Real coord[6]; for(Standard_Integer i=0;i<=2;i++){ coord[i]=atof(argv[2+i]); coord[i+3]=atof(argv[5+i]); } Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointA=new Geom_CartesianPoint (coord[0],coord[1],coord[2] ); Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointB=new Geom_CartesianPoint (coord[3],coord[4],coord[5] ); Handle(AIS_Line) theAISLine= new AIS_Line(myCartPointA,myCartPointB ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind(theAISLine,argv[1] ); TheAISContext()->Display(theAISLine ); } // Pas de parametres: Selection dans le viewer. // ============================================ else { TheAISContext()->OpenLocalContext(); myCurrentIndex=TheAISContext()->IndexOfCurrentLocal(); // Active le mode Vertex. TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(1) ); di<<" Select a vertex "<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argcc = 5; const char *buff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvv = (const char **) buff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argcc, argvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle TopoDS_Shape ShapeA; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeA = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } // ShapeA est un Vertex if (ShapeA.ShapeType()==TopAbs_VERTEX ) { di<<" Select a different vertex."<<"\n"; TopoDS_Shape ShapeB; do { // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argccc, argvvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeB = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } } while(ShapeB.IsSame(ShapeA) ); // Fermeture du context local TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(myCurrentIndex); // Construction de la line gp_Pnt A=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeA) ); gp_Pnt B=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeB) ); Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointA=new Geom_CartesianPoint(A); Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointB=new Geom_CartesianPoint(B); Handle(AIS_Line) theAISLine= new AIS_Line(myCartPointA,myCartPointB ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind(theAISLine,argv[1] ); TheAISContext()->Display(theAISLine ); } else { di<<"vline error."<<"\n"; } } return 0; } //============================================================================== // Fonction vcircle // ----------------- Uniquement par parametre. Pas de selection dans le viewer. //============================================================================== //============================================================================== //function : VCircleBuilder //purpose : Build an AIS_Circle //Draw arg : vcircle CircleName PlaneName PointName Radius // PointName PointName PointName //============================================================================== #include #include #include #include #include #include static int VCircleBuilder(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { Standard_Integer myCurrentIndex; // verification of the arguments if (argc>5 || argc<2 ) {di<<"vcircle error: expect 3 arguments."<<"\n";return 1; } TheAISContext()->CloseAllContexts(); // Il y a des arguments if (argc==5 ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) theShapeA; Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) theShapeB; theShapeA= Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (GetMapOfAIS().Find2(argv[2])); theShapeB= Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (GetMapOfAIS().Find2(argv[3])); // Arguments: AIS_Point AIS_Point AIS_Point // ======================================== if (!theShapeA.IsNull() && theShapeB.IsNull() && theShapeA->Type()==AIS_KOI_Datum && theShapeA->Signature()==1) { if (theShapeB->Type()!=AIS_KOI_Datum || theShapeB->Signature()!=1 ) { di<<"vcircle error: 2de argument is unexpected to be a point."<<"\n"; return 1; } // Le troisieme objet doit etre un point Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) theShapeC = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (GetMapOfAIS().Find2(argv[4])); if (theShapeC.IsNull() || theShapeC->Type()!=AIS_KOI_Datum || theShapeC->Signature()!=1 ) { di<<"vcircle error: 3de argument is unexpected to be a point."<<"\n"; return 1; } // tag // On verifie que les 3 points sont differents. Handle(AIS_Point) theAISPointA= *(Handle(AIS_Point)*)& theShapeA; Handle(AIS_Point) theAISPointB= *(Handle(AIS_Point)*)& theShapeB; Handle(AIS_Point) theAISPointC= *(Handle(AIS_Point)*)& theShapeC; Handle(Geom_Point ) myGeomPointA= theAISPointA->Component(); Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointA= *((Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint)*)& myGeomPointA); Handle(Geom_Point ) myGeomPointB = theAISPointB->Component(); Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointB= *((Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint)*)& theAISPointB); Handle(Geom_Point ) myGeomPointBC= theAISPointC->Component(); Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointC= *((Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint)*)& theAISPointC); // Test A=B if (myCartPointA->X()==myCartPointB->X() && myCartPointA->Y()==myCartPointB->Y() && myCartPointA->Z()==myCartPointB->Z() ) { di<<"vcircle error: Same points."<<"\n";return 1; } // Test A=C if (myCartPointA->X()==myCartPointC->X() && myCartPointA->Y()==myCartPointC->Y() && myCartPointA->Z()==myCartPointC->Z() ) { di<<"vcircle error: Same points."<<"\n";return 1; } // Test B=C if (myCartPointB->X()==myCartPointC->X() && myCartPointB->Y()==myCartPointC->Y() && myCartPointB->Z()==myCartPointC->Z() ) { di<<"vcircle error: Same points."<<"\n";return 1; } // Construction du cercle GC_MakeCircle Cir=GC_MakeCircle (myCartPointA->Pnt(),myCartPointB->Pnt(),myCartPointC->Pnt() ); Handle (Geom_Circle) theGeomCircle=Cir.Value(); Handle(AIS_Circle) theAISCircle=new AIS_Circle(theGeomCircle ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind(theAISCircle,argv[1] ); TheAISContext()->Display(theAISCircle ); } // Arguments: ASI_Plane AIS_Point Real // =================================== else if (theShapeA->Type()==AIS_KOI_Datum && theShapeA->Signature()==7 ) { if (theShapeB->Type()!=AIS_KOI_Datum || theShapeB->Signature()!=1 ) { di<<"vcircle error: 2de element is a unexpected to be a point."<<"\n";return 1; } // On verifie que le rayon est bien >=0 if (atof(argv[4])<=0 ) {di<<"vcircle error: the radius must be >=0."<<"\n";return 1; } // On recupere la normale au Plane. Handle(AIS_Plane) theAISPlane= *(Handle(AIS_Plane)*)& theShapeA; Handle(AIS_Point) theAISPointB= *(Handle(AIS_Point)*)& theShapeB; // Handle(Geom_Plane ) myGeomPlane= *(Handle(Geom_Plane)*)& (theAISPlane->Component() ); Handle(Geom_Plane ) myGeomPlane= theAISPlane->Component(); Handle(Geom_Point ) myGeomPointB = theAISPointB->Component(); Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint ) myCartPointB= *((Handle(Geom_CartesianPoint)*)& theAISPointB); gp_Pln mygpPlane = myGeomPlane->Pln(); gp_Ax1 thegpAxe = mygpPlane.Axis(); gp_Dir theDir = thegpAxe.Direction(); gp_Pnt theCenter=myCartPointB->Pnt(); Standard_Real TheR = atof(argv[4]); GC_MakeCircle Cir=GC_MakeCircle (theCenter, theDir ,TheR); Handle (Geom_Circle) theGeomCircle=Cir.Value(); Handle(AIS_Circle) theAISCircle=new AIS_Circle(theGeomCircle ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind(theAISCircle,argv[1] ); TheAISContext()->Display(theAISCircle ); } // Error else{ di<<"vcircle error: !st argument is a unexpected type."<<"\n";return 1; } } // Pas d'arguments: selection dans le viewer // ========================================= else { TheAISContext()->OpenLocalContext(); myCurrentIndex=TheAISContext()->IndexOfCurrentLocal(); // Active le mode Vertex et face. TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(1) ); TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(4) ); di<<" Select a vertex or a face."<<"\n"; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argcc = 5; const char *buff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvv = (const char **) buff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argcc, argvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle TopoDS_Shape ShapeA; for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeA = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } // ShapeA est un Vertex if (ShapeA.ShapeType()==TopAbs_VERTEX ) { TheAISContext()->DeactivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(4) ); di<<" Select a different vertex."<<"\n"; TopoDS_Shape ShapeB; do { // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argccc, argvvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeB = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } } while(ShapeB.IsSame(ShapeA) ); // Selection de ShapeC di<<" Select the last vertex."<<"\n"; TopoDS_Shape ShapeC; do { // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argcccc = 5; const char *buffff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvvv = (const char **) buffff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argcccc, argvvvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeC = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } } while(ShapeC.IsSame(ShapeA) || ShapeC.IsSame(ShapeB) ); // Fermeture du context local TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(myCurrentIndex); // Construction du cercle gp_Pnt A=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeA) ); gp_Pnt B=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeB) ); gp_Pnt C=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeC) ); GC_MakeCircle Cir=GC_MakeCircle (A,B,C ); Handle (Geom_Circle) theGeomCircle=Cir.Value(); Handle(AIS_Circle) theAISCircle=new AIS_Circle(theGeomCircle ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind(theAISCircle,argv[1] ); TheAISContext()->Display(theAISCircle ); } // ShapeA est une face. else { di<<" Select a vertex (in your face)."<<"\n"; TheAISContext()->DeactivateStandardMode (AIS_Shape::SelectionType(4) ); TopoDS_Shape ShapeB; // Boucle d'attente waitpick. Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while (ViewerMainLoop( argccc, argvvv) ) { } // fin de la boucle for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected() ;TheAISContext()->MoreSelected() ;TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ) { ShapeB = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); } // Recuperation du rayon. Standard_Integer theRad; do { di<<" Enter the value of the radius:"<<"\n"; cin>>theRad; } while (theRad<=0); // Fermeture du context local TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(myCurrentIndex); // Construction du cercle. // On recupere la normale au Plane. tag TopoDS_Face myFace=TopoDS::Face(ShapeA); BRepAdaptor_Surface mySurface (myFace, Standard_False ); gp_Pln myPlane=mySurface.Plane(); Handle(Geom_Plane) theGeomPlane=new Geom_Plane (myPlane ); gp_Pln mygpPlane = theGeomPlane->Pln(); gp_Ax1 thegpAxe = mygpPlane.Axis(); gp_Dir theDir = thegpAxe.Direction(); // On recupere le centre. gp_Pnt theCenter=BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(ShapeB) ); // On construit l'AIS_Circle GC_MakeCircle Cir=GC_MakeCircle (theCenter, theDir ,theRad ); Handle (Geom_Circle) theGeomCircle=Cir.Value(); Handle(AIS_Circle) theAISCircle=new AIS_Circle(theGeomCircle ); GetMapOfAIS().Bind(theAISCircle,argv[1] ); TheAISContext()->Display(theAISCircle ); } } return 0; } //=============================================================================================== //function : VDrawText //author : psn //purpose : Create a text. //Draw arg : vdrawtext name [X] [Y] [Z] [R] [G] [B] [hor_align] [ver_align] [angle] [zoomable] //=============================================================================================== #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(MyTextClass, AIS_InteractiveObject) class MyTextClass:public AIS_InteractiveObject { public: // CASCADE RTTI DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI(MyTextClass ); MyTextClass(){}; MyTextClass ( const TCollection_ExtendedString& , const gp_Pnt& , Quantity_Color color, Standard_Integer aHJust, Standard_Integer aVJust , Standard_Real Angle , Standard_Boolean Zoom , Standard_Real Height, OSD_FontAspect FontAspect, Standard_CString Font ); private: void Compute ( const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d)& aPresentationManager, const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPresentation, const Standard_Integer aMode); void ComputeSelection ( const Handle(SelectMgr_Selection)& aSelection, const Standard_Integer aMode){} ; protected: TCollection_ExtendedString aText; gp_Pnt aPosition; Standard_Real Red; Standard_Real Green; Standard_Real Blue; Standard_Real aAngle; Standard_Real aHeight; Standard_Boolean aZoomable; Quantity_Color aColor; Standard_CString aFont; OSD_FontAspect aFontAspect; Graphic3d_HorizontalTextAlignment aHJustification; Graphic3d_VerticalTextAlignment aVJustification; }; IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_HANDLE(MyTextClass, AIS_InteractiveObject) IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(MyTextClass, AIS_InteractiveObject) MyTextClass::MyTextClass( const TCollection_ExtendedString& text, const gp_Pnt& position, Quantity_Color color = Quantity_NOC_YELLOW, Standard_Integer aHJust = Graphic3d_HTA_LEFT, Standard_Integer aVJust = Graphic3d_VTA_BOTTOM, Standard_Real angle = 0.0 , Standard_Boolean zoomable = Standard_True, Standard_Real height = 12., OSD_FontAspect fontAspect = OSD_FA_Regular, Standard_CString font = "Courier") { aText = text; aPosition = position; aHJustification = Graphic3d_HorizontalTextAlignment(aHJust); aVJustification = Graphic3d_VerticalTextAlignment(aVJust); aAngle = angle; aZoomable = zoomable; aHeight = height; aColor = color; aFontAspect = fontAspect; aFont = font; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MyTextClass::Compute(const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d)& aPresentationManager, const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPresentation, const Standard_Integer aMode) { aPresentation->Clear(); Handle_Prs3d_TextAspect asp = myDrawer->TextAspect(); asp->SetFont(aFont); asp->SetColor(aColor); asp->SetHeight(aHeight); // I am changing the myHeight value asp->SetHorizontalJustification(aHJustification); asp->SetVerticalJustification(aVJustification); asp->Aspect()->SetTextZoomable(aZoomable); asp->Aspect()->SetTextAngle(aAngle); asp->Aspect()->SetTextFontAspect(aFontAspect); Prs3d_Text::Draw(aPresentation, asp, aText, aPosition); /* This comment code is worked Handle(Graphic3d_Group) TheGroup = Prs3d_Root::CurrentGroup(aPresentation); Handle(Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d) aspect = myDrawer->ShadingAspect()->Aspect(); Graphic3d_Vertex vertices_text; vertices_text.SetCoord(aPosition.X(),aPosition.Y(),aPosition.Y()); TheGroup->SetPrimitivesAspect(aspect); TheGroup->BeginPrimitives(); TheGroup->Text(aText,vertices_text,aHeight,Standard_True); TheGroup->EndPrimitives(); */ }; static int VDrawText (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { // Check arguments if (argc < 14) { di<<"Error: "<Display(myT,Standard_True); } return 0; } #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //=============================================================================================== //function : CalculationOfSphere //author : psn //purpose : Create a Sphere //=============================================================================================== Handle( Poly_Triangulation ) CalculationOfSphere( double X , double Y , double Z , int res , double Radius ){ double mRadius = Radius; double mCenter[3] = {X,Y,Z}; int mThetaResolution; int mPhiResolution; double mStartTheta = 0;//StartTheta; double mEndTheta = 360;//EndTheta; double mStartPhi = 0;//StartPhi; double mEndPhi = 180;//EndPhi; res = res < 4 ? 4 : res; mThetaResolution = res; mPhiResolution = res; int i, j; int jStart, jEnd, numOffset; double x[3], n[3], deltaPhi, deltaTheta, phi, theta, radius; double startTheta, endTheta, startPhi, endPhi; int base, numPoles=0, thetaResolution, phiResolution; int pts[3]; int piece = -1; int numPieces = 1; if ( numPieces > mThetaResolution ) { numPieces = mThetaResolution; } int localThetaResolution = mThetaResolution; double localStartTheta = mStartTheta; double localEndTheta = mEndTheta; while ( localEndTheta < localStartTheta ) { localEndTheta += 360.0; } deltaTheta = (localEndTheta - localStartTheta) / localThetaResolution; // Change the ivars based on pieces. int start, end; start = piece * localThetaResolution / numPieces; end = (piece+1) * localThetaResolution / numPieces; localEndTheta = localStartTheta + (double)(end) * deltaTheta; localStartTheta = localStartTheta + (double)(start) * deltaTheta; localThetaResolution = end - start; // Create north pole if needed int number_point = 0; int number_pointArray = 0; if ( mStartPhi <= 0.0 ) { number_pointArray++; numPoles++; } if ( mEndPhi >= 180.0 ) { number_pointArray++; numPoles++; } // Check data, determine increments, and convert to radians startTheta = (localStartTheta < localEndTheta ? localStartTheta : localEndTheta); startTheta *= Standard_PI / 180.0; endTheta = (localEndTheta > localStartTheta ? localEndTheta : localStartTheta); endTheta *= Standard_PI / 180.0; startPhi = ( mStartPhi < mEndPhi ? mStartPhi : mEndPhi); startPhi *= Standard_PI / 180.0; endPhi = ( mEndPhi > mStartPhi ? mEndPhi : mStartPhi); endPhi *= Standard_PI / 180.0; phiResolution = mPhiResolution - numPoles; deltaPhi = (endPhi - startPhi) / ( mPhiResolution - 1); thetaResolution = localThetaResolution; if ( fabs(localStartTheta - localEndTheta) < 360.0 ) { ++localThetaResolution; } deltaTheta = (endTheta - startTheta) / thetaResolution; jStart = ( mStartPhi <= 0.0 ? 1 : 0); jEnd = ( mEndPhi >= 180.0 ? mPhiResolution - 1 : mPhiResolution); // Create intermediate points for ( i = 0; i < localThetaResolution; i++ ) { for ( j = jStart; j < jEnd; j++ ) { number_pointArray++; } } //Generate mesh connectivity base = phiResolution * localThetaResolution; int number_triangle = 0 ; if ( mStartPhi <= 0.0 ) { // around north pole number_triangle += localThetaResolution; } if ( mEndPhi >= 180.0 ) { // around south pole number_triangle += localThetaResolution; } // bands in-between poles for ( i=0; i < localThetaResolution; i++){ for ( j=0; j < (phiResolution-1); j++){ number_triangle +=2; } } Handle( Poly_Triangulation ) polyTriangulation = new Poly_Triangulation(number_pointArray, number_triangle, false); TColgp_Array1OfPnt& PointsOfArray = polyTriangulation->ChangeNodes(); Poly_Array1OfTriangle& pArrayTriangle = polyTriangulation->ChangeTriangles(); if ( mStartPhi <= 0.0 ){ x[0] = mCenter[0]; x[1] = mCenter[1]; x[2] = mCenter[2] + mRadius; PointsOfArray.SetValue(1,gp_Pnt(x[0],x[1],x[2])); } // Create south pole if needed if ( mEndPhi >= 180.0 ){ x[0] = mCenter[0]; x[1] = mCenter[1]; x[2] = mCenter[2] - mRadius; PointsOfArray.SetValue(2,gp_Pnt(x[0],x[1],x[2])); } number_point = 3; for ( i=0; i < localThetaResolution; i++){ theta = localStartTheta * Standard_PI / 180.0 + i*deltaTheta; for ( j = jStart; j < jEnd; j++){ phi = startPhi + j*deltaPhi; radius = mRadius * sin((double)phi); n[0] = radius * cos((double)theta); n[1] = radius * sin((double)theta); n[2] = mRadius * cos((double)phi); x[0] = n[0] + mCenter[0]; x[1] = n[1] + mCenter[1]; x[2] = n[2] + mCenter[2]; PointsOfArray.SetValue(number_point,gp_Pnt(x[0],x[1],x[2])); number_point++; } } numPoles = 3; number_triangle = 1; if ( mStartPhi <= 0.0 ){// around north pole for (i=0; i < localThetaResolution; i++){ pts[0] = phiResolution*i + numPoles; pts[1] = (phiResolution*(i+1) % base) + numPoles; pts[2] = 1; pArrayTriangle.SetValue(number_triangle,Poly_Triangle(pts[0],pts[1],pts[2])); number_triangle++; } } if ( mEndPhi >= 180.0 ){ // around south pole numOffset = phiResolution - 1 + numPoles; for (i=0; i < localThetaResolution; i++){ pts[0] = phiResolution*i + numOffset; pts[2] = ((phiResolution*(i+1)) % base) + numOffset; pts[1] = numPoles - 1; pArrayTriangle.SetValue(number_triangle,Poly_Triangle(pts[0],pts[1],pts[2])); number_triangle++; } } // bands in-between poles for (i=0; i < localThetaResolution; i++){ for (j=0; j < (phiResolution-1); j++){ pts[0] = phiResolution*i + j + numPoles; pts[1] = pts[0] + 1; pts[2] = ((phiResolution*(i+1)+j) % base) + numPoles + 1; pArrayTriangle.SetValue(number_triangle,Poly_Triangle(pts[0],pts[1],pts[2])); number_triangle++; pts[1] = pts[2]; pts[2] = pts[1] - 1; pArrayTriangle.SetValue(number_triangle,Poly_Triangle(pts[0],pts[1],pts[2])); number_triangle++; } } Poly_Connect* pc = new Poly_Connect(polyTriangulation); Handle(TShort_HArray1OfShortReal) Normals = new TShort_HArray1OfShortReal(1, polyTriangulation->NbNodes() * 3); Standard_Integer index[3]; Standard_Real Tol = Precision::Confusion(); gp_Dir Nor; for (i = PointsOfArray.Lower(); i <= PointsOfArray.Upper(); i++) { gp_XYZ eqPlan(0, 0, 0); for ( pc->Initialize(i); pc->More(); pc->Next()) { pArrayTriangle(pc->Value()).Get(index[0], index[1], index[2]); gp_XYZ v1(PointsOfArray(index[1]).Coord()-PointsOfArray(index[0]).Coord()); gp_XYZ v2(PointsOfArray(index[2]).Coord()-PointsOfArray(index[1]).Coord()); gp_XYZ vv = v1^v2; Standard_Real mod = vv.Modulus(); if(mod < Tol) continue; eqPlan += vv/mod; } Standard_Real modmax = eqPlan.Modulus(); if(modmax > Tol) Nor = gp_Dir(eqPlan); else Nor = gp_Dir(0., 0., 1.); Standard_Integer j = (i - PointsOfArray.Lower()) * 3; Normals->SetValue(j + 1, (Standard_ShortReal)Nor.X()); Normals->SetValue(j + 2, (Standard_ShortReal)Nor.Y()); Normals->SetValue(j + 3, (Standard_ShortReal)Nor.Z()); } delete pc; polyTriangulation->SetNormals(Normals); return polyTriangulation; } //=============================================================================================== //function : VDrawSphere //author : psn //purpose : Create an AIS shape. //=============================================================================================== static int VDrawSphere (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { // check for errors Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) aContextAIS = ViewerTest::GetAISContext(); if (aContextAIS.IsNull()) { std::cout << "Call vinit before!\n"; return 1; } else if (argc < 3) { std::cout << "Use: " << argv[0] << " shapeName Fineness [X=0.0 Y=0.0 Z=0.0] [Radius=100.0] [ToEnableVBO=1] [NumberOfViewerUpdate=1] [ToShowEdges=0]\n"; return 1; } // read the arguments TCollection_AsciiString aShapeName (argv[1]); Standard_Integer aResolution = atoi (argv[2]); Standard_Real aCenterX = (argc > 5) ? atof (argv[3]) : 0.0; Standard_Real aCenterY = (argc > 5) ? atof (argv[4]) : 0.0; Standard_Real aCenterZ = (argc > 5) ? atof (argv[5]) : 0.0; Standard_Real aRadius = (argc > 6) ? atof (argv[6]) : 100.0; Standard_Boolean isVBOEnabled = (argc > 7) ? atoi (argv[7]) : Standard_True; Standard_Integer aRedrawsNb = (argc > 8) ? atoi (argv[8]) : 1; Standard_Boolean toShowEdges = (argc > 9) ? atoi (argv[9]) : Standard_False; if (aRedrawsNb <= 0) { aRedrawsNb = 1; } // remove AIS object with given name from map if (GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2 (aShapeName)) { Handle(Standard_Transient) anObj = GetMapOfAIS().Find2 (aShapeName); Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) anInterObj = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (anObj); if (anInterObj.IsNull()) { std::cout << "Shape name was used for non AIS viewer\n!"; return 1; } aContextAIS->Remove (anInterObj, Standard_False); GetMapOfAIS().UnBind2 (aShapeName); } // enable/disable VBO Handle(Graphic3d_GraphicDriver) aDriver = Handle(Graphic3d_GraphicDriver)::DownCast (aContextAIS->CurrentViewer()->Device()->GraphicDriver()); if (!aDriver.IsNull()) { aDriver->EnableVBO (isVBOEnabled); } std::cout << "Compute Triangulation...\n"; Handle(AIS_Triangulation) aShape = new AIS_Triangulation (CalculationOfSphere (aCenterX, aCenterY, aCenterZ, aResolution, aRadius)); Standard_Integer aNumberPoints = aShape->GetTriangulation()->Nodes().Length(); Standard_Integer aNumberTriangles = aShape->GetTriangulation()->Triangles().Length(); // register the object in map GetMapOfAIS().Bind (aShape, aShapeName); // stupid initialization of Green color in RGBA space as integer // probably wrong for big-endian CPUs Standard_Integer aRed = 0; Standard_Integer aGreen = 255; Standard_Integer aBlue = 0; Standard_Integer anAlpha = 0; // not used Standard_Integer aColorInt = aRed; aColorInt += aGreen << 8; aColorInt += aBlue << 16; aColorInt += anAlpha << 24; // setup colors array per vertex Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aColorArray = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger (1, aNumberPoints); for (Standard_Integer aNodeId = 1; aNodeId <= aNumberPoints; ++aNodeId) { aColorArray->SetValue (aNodeId, aColorInt); } aShape->SetColors (aColorArray); // show statistics Standard_Integer aPointsSize = aNumberPoints * 3 * sizeof(float); // 3x GLfloat Standard_Integer aNormalsSize = aNumberPoints * 3 * sizeof(float); // 3x GLfloat Standard_Integer aColorsSize = aNumberPoints * 3 * sizeof(float); // 3x GLfloat without alpha Standard_Integer aTrianglesSize = aNumberTriangles * 3 * sizeof(int); // 3x GLint Standard_Integer aPolyConnectSize = aNumberPoints * 4 + aNumberTriangles * 6 * 4; Standard_Integer aTotalSize = aPointsSize + aNormalsSize + aColorsSize + aTrianglesSize; aTotalSize >>= 20; //MB aNormalsSize >>= 20; aColorsSize >>= 20; aTrianglesSize >>= 20; aPolyConnectSize >>= 20; std::cout << "NumberOfPoints: " << aNumberPoints << "\n" << "NumberOfTriangles: " << aNumberTriangles << "\n" << "Amount of memory required for PolyTriangulation without Normals: " << (aTotalSize - aNormalsSize) << " Mb\n" << "Amount of memory for colors: " << aColorsSize << " Mb\n" << "Amount of memory for PolyConnect: " << aPolyConnectSize << " Mb\n" << "Amount of graphic card memory required: " << aTotalSize << " Mb\n"; // Setting material properties, very important for desirable visual result! Graphic3d_MaterialAspect aMat (Graphic3d_NOM_PLASTIC); aMat.SetAmbient (0.2); aMat.SetSpecular (0.5); Handle(Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d) anAspect = new Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d (Aspect_IS_SOLID, Quantity_NOC_RED, Quantity_NOC_YELLOW, Aspect_TOL_SOLID, 1.0, aMat, aMat); Handle(Prs3d_ShadingAspect) aShAsp = new Prs3d_ShadingAspect(); if (toShowEdges) { anAspect->SetEdgeOn(); } else { anAspect->SetEdgeOff(); } aShAsp->SetAspect (anAspect); aShape->Attributes()->SetShadingAspect (aShAsp); aContextAIS->Display (aShape, Standard_False); // Two viewer updates are needed in order to measure time spent on // loading triangulation to graphic card memory + redrawing (1st update) and // time spent on redrawing itself (2nd and all further updates) OSD_Chronometer aTimer; Standard_Real aUserSeconds, aSystemSeconds; aTimer.Start(); const Handle(V3d_Viewer)& aViewer = aContextAIS->CurrentViewer(); for (Standard_Integer anInteration = 0; anInteration < aRedrawsNb; ++anInteration) { for (aViewer->InitActiveViews(); aViewer->MoreActiveViews(); aViewer->NextActiveViews()) { if (anInteration == 0) { aViewer->ActiveView()->Update(); } else { aViewer->ActiveView()->Redraw(); } } } aTimer.Show (aUserSeconds, aSystemSeconds); aTimer.Stop(); std::cout << "Number of scene redrawings: " << aRedrawsNb << "\n" << "CPU user time: " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(16) << 1000.0 * aUserSeconds << " msec\n" << "CPU system time: " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(16) << 1000.0 * aSystemSeconds << " msec\n" << "CPU average time of scene redrawing: " << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(16) << 1000.0 * (aUserSeconds / (Standard_Real )aRedrawsNb) << " msec\n"; return 0; } //=============================================================================================== //function : VClipPlane //purpose : //=============================================================================================== static int VClipPlane (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { Handle(V3d_Viewer) aViewer = ViewerTest::GetViewerFromContext(); Handle(V3d_View) aView = ViewerTest::CurrentView(); Standard_Real coeffA, coeffB, coeffC, coeffD; if (aViewer.IsNull() || aView.IsNull()) { std::cout << "Viewer not initialized!\n"; return 1; } // count an active planes count Standard_Integer aNewPlaneId = 1; Standard_Integer anActivePlanes = 0; for (aViewer->InitDefinedPlanes(); aViewer->MoreDefinedPlanes(); aViewer->NextDefinedPlanes(), ++aNewPlaneId) { Handle(V3d_Plane) aPlaneV3d = aViewer->DefinedPlane(); if (aView->IsActivePlane (aPlaneV3d)) { ++anActivePlanes; } } if (argc == 1) { // just show info about existing planes Standard_Integer aPlaneId = 1; std::cout << "Active planes: " << anActivePlanes << " from maximal " << aView->View()->PlaneLimit() << "\n"; for (aViewer->InitDefinedPlanes(); aViewer->MoreDefinedPlanes(); aViewer->NextDefinedPlanes(), ++aPlaneId) { Handle(V3d_Plane) aPlaneV3d = aViewer->DefinedPlane(); aPlaneV3d->Plane (coeffA, coeffB, coeffC, coeffD); gp_Pln aPlane (coeffA, coeffB, coeffC, coeffD); const gp_Pnt& aLoc = aPlane.Location(); const gp_Dir& aNor = aPlane.Axis().Direction(); Standard_Boolean isActive = aView->IsActivePlane (aPlaneV3d); std::cout << "Plane #" << aPlaneId << " " << aLoc.X() << " " << aLoc.Y() << " " << aLoc.Z() << " " << aNor.X() << " " << aNor.Y() << " " << aNor.Z() << (isActive ? " on" : " off") << (aPlaneV3d->IsDisplayed() ? ", displayed" : ", hidden") << "\n"; } if (aPlaneId == 1) { std::cout << "No defined clipping planes\n"; } return 0; } else if (argc == 2 || argc == 3) { Standard_Integer aPlaneIdToOff = (argc == 3) ? atoi (argv[1]) : 1; Standard_Boolean toIterateAll = (argc == 2); TCollection_AsciiString isOnOffStr ((argc == 3) ? argv[2] : argv[1]); isOnOffStr.LowerCase(); Standard_Integer aPlaneId = 1; for (aViewer->InitDefinedPlanes(); aViewer->MoreDefinedPlanes(); aViewer->NextDefinedPlanes(), ++aPlaneId) { if (aPlaneIdToOff == aPlaneId || toIterateAll) { Handle(V3d_Plane) aPlaneV3d = aViewer->DefinedPlane(); if (isOnOffStr.Search ("off") >= 0) { aView->SetPlaneOff (aPlaneV3d); std::cout << "Clipping plane #" << aPlaneId << " was disabled\n"; } else if (isOnOffStr.Search ("on") >= 0) { // avoid z-fighting glitches aPlaneV3d->Erase(); if (!aView->IsActivePlane (aPlaneV3d)) { if (anActivePlanes < aView->View()->PlaneLimit()) { aView->SetPlaneOn (aPlaneV3d); std::cout << "Clipping plane #" << aPlaneId << " was enabled\n"; } else { std::cout << "Maximal active planes limit exceeded (" << anActivePlanes << ")\n" << "You should disable or remove some existing plane to activate this one\n"; } } else { std::cout << "Clipping plane #" << aPlaneId << " was already enabled\n"; } } else if (isOnOffStr.Search ("del") >= 0 || isOnOffStr.Search ("rem") >= 0) { aPlaneV3d->Erase(); // not performed on destructor!!! aView->SetPlaneOff (aPlaneV3d); aViewer->DelPlane (aPlaneV3d); std::cout << "Clipping plane #" << aPlaneId << " was removed\n"; if (toIterateAll) { for (aViewer->InitDefinedPlanes(); aViewer->MoreDefinedPlanes(); aViewer->InitDefinedPlanes(), ++aPlaneId) { aPlaneV3d = aViewer->DefinedPlane(); aPlaneV3d->Erase(); // not performed on destructor!!! aView->SetPlaneOff (aPlaneV3d); aViewer->DelPlane (aPlaneV3d); std::cout << "Clipping plane #" << aPlaneId << " was removed\n"; } break; } else { break; } } else if (isOnOffStr.Search ("disp") >= 0 || isOnOffStr.Search ("show") >= 0) { // avoid z-fighting glitches aView->SetPlaneOff (aPlaneV3d); aPlaneV3d->Display (aView); std::cout << "Clipping plane #" << aPlaneId << " was shown and disabled\n"; } else if (isOnOffStr.Search ("hide") >= 0) { aPlaneV3d->Erase(); std::cout << "Clipping plane #" << aPlaneId << " was hidden\n"; } else { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [x y z dx dy dz] [planeId {on/off/del/display/hide}]\n"; return 1; } } } if (aPlaneIdToOff >= aPlaneId && !toIterateAll) { std::cout << "Clipping plane with id " << aPlaneIdToOff << " not found!\n"; return 1; } aView->Update(); return 0; } else if (argc != 7) { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [x y z dx dy dz] [planeId {on/off/del/display/hide}]\n"; return 1; } Standard_Real aLocX = atof (argv[1]); Standard_Real aLocY = atof (argv[2]); Standard_Real aLocZ = atof (argv[3]); Standard_Real aNormDX = atof (argv[4]); Standard_Real aNormDY = atof (argv[5]); Standard_Real aNormDZ = atof (argv[6]); Handle(V3d_Plane) aPlaneV3d = new V3d_Plane(); gp_Pln aPlane (gp_Pnt (aLocX, aLocY, aLocZ), gp_Dir (aNormDX, aNormDY, aNormDZ)); aPlane.Coefficients (coeffA, coeffB, coeffC, coeffD); aPlaneV3d->SetPlane(coeffA, coeffB, coeffC, coeffD); aViewer->AddPlane (aPlaneV3d); // add to defined planes list std::cout << "Added clipping plane #" << aNewPlaneId << "\n"; if (anActivePlanes < aView->View()->PlaneLimit()) { aView->SetPlaneOn (aPlaneV3d); // add to enabled planes list aView->Update(); } else { std::cout << "Maximal active planes limit exceeded (" << anActivePlanes << ")\n" << "You should disable or remove some existing plane to activate the new one\n"; } return 0; } //============================================================================= //function : VComputeHLR //purpose : //============================================================================= static int VComputeHLR (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) aContextAIS = ViewerTest::GetAISContext (); if (aContextAIS.IsNull ()) { di << "Please call vinit before\n"; return 1; } if ( argc != 3 && argc != 12 ) { di << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " ShapeName HlrName " << "[ eye_x eye_y eye_z dir_x dir_y dir_z upx upy upz ]" << "\n" << " ShapeName - name of the initial shape\n" << " HlrName - result hlr object from initial shape\n" << " eye, dir are eye position and look direction\n" << " up is the look up direction vector\n" << " Use vtop to see projected hlr shape\n"; return 1; } // shape and new object name TCollection_AsciiString aShapeName (argv[1]); TCollection_AsciiString aHlrName (argv[2]); TopoDS_Shape aSh = DBRep::Get (argv[1]); if (aSh.IsNull()) { BRep_Builder aBrepBuilder; BRepTools::Read (aSh, argv[1], aBrepBuilder); if (aSh.IsNull ()) { di << "No shape with name " << argv[1] << " found\n"; return 1; } } if (GetMapOfAIS ().IsBound2 (aHlrName)) { di << "Presentable object with name " << argv[2] << " already exists\n"; return 1; } // close local context if (aContextAIS->HasOpenedContext ()) aContextAIS->CloseLocalContext (); Handle(HLRBRep_PolyAlgo) aPolyAlgo = new HLRBRep_PolyAlgo(); HLRBRep_PolyHLRToShape aHLRToShape; gp_Pnt anEye; gp_Dir aDir; gp_Ax2 aProjAx; if (argc == 9) { gp_Dir anUp; anEye.SetCoord (atof (argv[3]), atof (argv[4]), atof (argv[5])); aDir.SetCoord (atof (argv[6]), atof (argv[7]), atof (argv[8])); anUp.SetCoord (atof (argv[9]), atof (argv[10]), atof (argv[11])); aProjAx.SetLocation (anEye); aProjAx.SetDirection (aDir); aProjAx.SetYDirection (anUp); } else { gp_Dir aRight; Handle(V3d_Viewer) aViewer = ViewerTest::GetViewerFromContext(); Handle(V3d_View) aView = ViewerTest::CurrentView(); Standard_Integer aWidth, aHeight; Standard_Real aCentX, aCentY, aCentZ, aDirX, aDirY, aDirZ; Standard_Real aRightX, aRightY, aRightZ; aView->Window()->Size (aWidth, aHeight); aView->ConvertWithProj (aWidth, aHeight/2, aRightX, aRightY, aRightZ, aDirX, aDirY, aDirZ); aView->ConvertWithProj (aWidth/2, aHeight/2, aCentX, aCentY, aCentZ, aDirX, aDirY, aDirZ); anEye.SetCoord (-aCentX, -aCentY, -aCentZ); aDir.SetCoord (-aDirX, -aDirY, -aDirZ); aRight.SetCoord (aRightX - aCentX, aRightY - aCentY, aRightZ - aCentZ); aProjAx.SetLocation (anEye); aProjAx.SetDirection (aDir); aProjAx.SetXDirection (aRight); } HLRAlgo_Projector aProjector (aProjAx); aPolyAlgo->Projector (aProjector); aPolyAlgo->Load (aSh); aPolyAlgo->Update (); aHLRToShape.Update (aPolyAlgo); // make hlr shape from input shape TopoDS_Compound aHlrShape; BRep_Builder aBuilder; aBuilder.MakeCompound (aHlrShape); TopoDS_Shape aCompound = aHLRToShape.VCompound(); if (!aCompound.IsNull ()) { aBuilder.Add (aHlrShape, aCompound); } // extract visible outlines aCompound = aHLRToShape.OutLineVCompound(); if (!aCompound.IsNull ()) { aBuilder.Add (aHlrShape, aCompound); } // create an AIS shape and display it Handle(AIS_Shape) anObject = new AIS_Shape (aHlrShape); GetMapOfAIS().Bind (anObject, aHlrName); aContextAIS->Display (anObject); aContextAIS->UpdateCurrentViewer (); return 0; } // This class is a wrap for Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives; it is used for // manipulating and displaying such an array with AIS context DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(MyPArrayObject, AIS_InteractiveObject) class MyPArrayObject : public AIS_InteractiveObject { public: MyPArrayObject (const Handle(Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives) theArray) { myArray = theArray; } DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTI(MyPArrayObject); private: void Compute (const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d)& aPresentationManager, const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPresentation, const Standard_Integer aMode); void ComputeSelection (const Handle(SelectMgr_Selection)& aSelection, const Standard_Integer aMode) {}; protected: Handle(Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives) myArray; }; IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_HANDLE(MyPArrayObject, AIS_InteractiveObject) IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(MyPArrayObject, AIS_InteractiveObject) void MyPArrayObject::Compute (const Handle(PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d)& aPresentationManager, const Handle(Prs3d_Presentation)& aPresentation, const Standard_Integer aMode) { aPresentation->Clear(); Handle (Graphic3d_Group) aGroup = Prs3d_Root::CurrentGroup (aPresentation); aGroup->BeginPrimitives (); aGroup->AddPrimitiveArray (myArray); aGroup->EndPrimitives (); } static bool CheckInputCommand (const TCollection_AsciiString theCommand, const char **theArgStr, int &theArgIndex, int theArgCount, int theMaxArgs) { // check if there is more elements than expected if (theArgIndex >= theMaxArgs) return false; TCollection_AsciiString aStrCommand(theArgStr[theArgIndex]); aStrCommand.LowerCase(); if (aStrCommand.Search(theCommand) != 1 || theArgIndex + (theArgCount - 1) >= theMaxArgs) return false; // go to the first data element theArgIndex++; // check data if it can be converted to numeric for (int aElement = 0; aElement < theArgCount; aElement++, theArgIndex++) { aStrCommand = theArgStr[theArgIndex]; if (!aStrCommand.IsRealValue()) return false; } return true; } //============================================================================= //function : VDrawPArray //purpose : Draws primitives array from list of vertexes, bounds, edges //============================================================================= static int VDrawPArray (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) aContextAIS = ViewerTest::GetAISContext(); if (aContextAIS.IsNull()) { di << "Call vinit before!\n"; return 1; } else if (argc < 3) { di << "Use: " << argv[0] << " Name TypeOfArray [EnableVBO={0 | 1}]" << " [vertex] ... [bounds] ... [edges]\n" << " TypeOfArray={ points | segments | polylines | triangles |\n" << " trianglefan | trianglestrips | quads |\n" << " quadstrips | polygons }\n" << " vertex={ 'v' x y z [normal={ 'n' nx ny nz }] [color={ 'c' r g b }]" << " [texel={ 't' tx ty }] } \n" << " bounds={ 'b' verticies_count [color={ 'c' r g b }] }\n" << " edges={ 'e' vertex_id [hidden_edge={'h'}] }\n"; return 1; } // read the arguments TCollection_AsciiString aName (argv[1]); TCollection_AsciiString anArrayType (argv[2]); // is argument list has an vbo flag Standard_Boolean hasFlagVbo = Standard_False; if (isdigit (argv[3][0]) && atoi (argv[3]) >= 0 && atoi (argv[3]) <= 1) hasFlagVbo = Standard_True; // parse number of verticies, bounds, edges Standard_Integer aVertexNum = 0, aBoundNum = 0, aEdgeNum = 0; Standard_Boolean hasVColors, hasBColors, hasNormals, hasInfos, hasTexels; hasVColors = hasNormals = hasBColors = hasInfos = hasTexels = Standard_False; Standard_Integer aArgIndex = (hasFlagVbo) ? 4 : 3; TCollection_AsciiString aCommand; while (aArgIndex < argc) { aCommand = argv[aArgIndex]; aCommand.LowerCase(); if (!aCommand.IsAscii()) { di << "Unexpected argument: #" << aArgIndex - 1 << " , " << "should be an array element: 'v', 'b', 'e' \n"; break; } // vertex command if (CheckInputCommand ("v", argv, aArgIndex, 3, argc)) { // vertex has a normal or normal with color or texel if (CheckInputCommand ("n", argv, aArgIndex, 3, argc)) hasNormals = Standard_True; // vertex has a color if (CheckInputCommand ("c", argv, aArgIndex, 3, argc)) hasVColors = Standard_True; // vertex has a texel if (CheckInputCommand ("t", argv, aArgIndex, 2, argc)) hasTexels = Standard_True; aVertexNum++; } // bound command else if (CheckInputCommand ("b", argv, aArgIndex, 1, argc)) { // bound has color if (CheckInputCommand ("c", argv, aArgIndex, 3, argc)) hasBColors = Standard_True; aBoundNum++; } // edge command else if (CheckInputCommand ("e", argv, aArgIndex, 1, argc)) { // edge has a hide flag if (CheckInputCommand ("h", argv, aArgIndex, 0, argc)) hasInfos = Standard_True; aEdgeNum++; } // unknown command else aArgIndex++; } if (aVertexNum == 0) { di << "You should pass any verticies in the list of array elements\n"; return 1; } // create an array of primitives by types Handle(Graphic3d_ArrayOfPrimitives) anArray; if (anArrayType == "points") anArray = new Graphic3d_ArrayOfPoints (aVertexNum); else if (anArrayType == "segments") anArray = new Graphic3d_ArrayOfSegments (aVertexNum, aEdgeNum, hasVColors); else if (anArrayType == "polylines") anArray = new Graphic3d_ArrayOfPolylines (aVertexNum, aBoundNum, aEdgeNum, hasVColors, hasBColors, hasInfos); else if (anArrayType == "triangles") anArray = new Graphic3d_ArrayOfTriangles (aVertexNum, aEdgeNum, hasNormals, hasVColors, hasTexels, hasInfos); else if (anArrayType == "trianglefans") anArray = new Graphic3d_ArrayOfTriangleFans (aVertexNum, aBoundNum, hasNormals, hasVColors, hasBColors, hasTexels); else if (anArrayType == "trianglestrips") anArray = new Graphic3d_ArrayOfTriangleStrips (aVertexNum, aBoundNum, hasNormals, hasVColors, hasBColors, hasTexels); else if (anArrayType == "quads") anArray = new Graphic3d_ArrayOfQuadrangles (aVertexNum, aEdgeNum, hasNormals, hasVColors, hasTexels, hasInfos); else if (anArrayType == "quadstrips") anArray = new Graphic3d_ArrayOfQuadrangleStrips (aVertexNum, aBoundNum, hasNormals, hasVColors, hasBColors, hasTexels); else if (anArrayType == "polygons") anArray = new Graphic3d_ArrayOfPolygons (aVertexNum, aBoundNum, aEdgeNum, hasNormals, hasVColors, hasBColors, hasTexels, hasInfos); else { di << "Unexpected type of primitiives array\n"; return 1; } // parse an array of primitives aArgIndex = (hasFlagVbo) ? 4 : 3; while (aArgIndex < argc) { aCommand = argv[aArgIndex]; aCommand.LowerCase(); if (!aCommand.IsAscii()) break; // vertex command if (CheckInputCommand ("v", argv, aArgIndex, 3, argc)) { anArray->AddVertex (atof (argv[aArgIndex - 3]), atof (argv[aArgIndex - 2]), atof (argv[aArgIndex - 1])); // vertex has a normal or normal with color or texel if (CheckInputCommand ("n", argv, aArgIndex, 3, argc)) anArray->SetVertexNormal (anArray->VertexNumber (), atof (argv[aArgIndex - 3]), atof (argv[aArgIndex - 2]), atof (argv[aArgIndex - 1])); if (CheckInputCommand ("c", argv, aArgIndex, 3, argc)) anArray->SetVertexColor (anArray->VertexNumber (), atof (argv[aArgIndex - 3]), atof (argv[aArgIndex - 2]), atof (argv[aArgIndex - 1])); if (CheckInputCommand ("t", argv, aArgIndex, 2, argc)) anArray->SetVertexTexel (anArray->VertexNumber (), atof (argv[aArgIndex - 2]), atof (argv[aArgIndex - 1])); } // bounds command else if (CheckInputCommand ("b", argv, aArgIndex, 1, argc)) { Standard_Integer aVertCount = atoi (argv[aArgIndex - 1]); if (CheckInputCommand ("c", argv, aArgIndex, 3, argc)) anArray->AddBound (aVertCount, atof (argv[aArgIndex - 3]), atof (argv[aArgIndex - 2]), atof (argv[aArgIndex - 1])); else anArray->AddBound (aVertCount); } // edge command else if (CheckInputCommand ("e", argv, aArgIndex, 1, argc)) { Standard_Integer aVertIndex = atoi (argv[aArgIndex - 1]); // edge has/hasn't hide flag if (CheckInputCommand ("h", argv, aArgIndex, 0, argc)) anArray->AddEdge (aVertIndex, Standard_False); else anArray->AddEdge (aVertIndex, Standard_True); } // unknown command else aArgIndex++; } if (hasFlagVbo) { // enable / disable vbo Handle(Graphic3d_GraphicDriver) aDriver = Handle(Graphic3d_GraphicDriver)::DownCast ( aContextAIS->CurrentViewer()->Device()->GraphicDriver()); if (!aDriver.IsNull()) aDriver->EnableVBO ((Standard_Boolean) atoi (argv[3])); } // create primitives array object Handle (MyPArrayObject) aPObject = new MyPArrayObject (anArray); // register the object in map VDisplayAISObject (aName, aPObject); return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : ObjectsCommands //purpose : //======================================================================= void ViewerTest::ObjectCommands(Draw_Interpretor& theCommands) { const char *group ="AISObjects"; theCommands.Add("vtrihedron", "vtrihedron : vtrihedron name [Xo] [Yo] [Zo] [Zu] [Zv] [Zw] [Xu] [Xv] [Xw] ", __FILE__,VTrihedron,group); theCommands.Add("vtri2d", "vtri2d Name Selection in the viewer only ", __FILE__,VTrihedron2D ,group); theCommands.Add("vplanetri", "vplanetri Name Selection in the viewer only ", __FILE__,VPlaneTrihedron ,group); theCommands.Add("vsize", "vsize : vsize [name(Default=Current)] [size(Default=100)] ", __FILE__,VSize,group); theCommands.Add("vaxis", "vaxis nom [Xa] [Ya] [Za] [Xb] [Yb] [Zb]", __FILE__,VAxisBuilder,group); theCommands.Add("vaxispara", "vaxispara nom ", __FILE__,VAxisBuilder,group); theCommands.Add("vaxisortho", "vaxisotho nom ", __FILE__,VAxisBuilder,group); theCommands.Add("vpoint", "vpoint PointName [Xa] [Ya] [Za] ", __FILE__,VPointBuilder,group); theCommands.Add("vplane", "vplane PlaneName [AxisName/PlaneName/PointName] [PointName/PointName/PointName] [Nothing/Nothing/PointName] ", __FILE__,VPlaneBuilder,group); theCommands.Add("vplanepara", "vplanepara PlaneName ", __FILE__,VPlaneBuilder,group); theCommands.Add("vplaneortho", "vplaneortho PlaneName ", __FILE__,VPlaneBuilder,group); theCommands.Add("vline", "vline: vline LineName [Xa/PointName] [Ya/PointName] [Za] [Xb] [Yb] [Zb] ", __FILE__,VLineBuilder,group); theCommands.Add("vcircle", "vcircle CircleName [PointName/PlaneName] [PointName] [Radius] ", __FILE__,VCircleBuilder,group); theCommands.Add("vdrawtext", "vdrawtext : vdrawtext name X Y Z R G B hor_align ver_align angle zoomable height Aspect [Font [isMultiByte]]", __FILE__,VDrawText,group); theCommands.Add("vdrawsphere", "vdrawsphere: vdrawsphere shapeName Fineness [X=0.0 Y=0.0 Z=0.0] [Radius=100.0] [ToEnableVBO=1] [NumberOfViewerUpdate=1] [ToShowEdges=0]\n", __FILE__,VDrawSphere,group); theCommands.Add("vclipplane", "vclipplane : vclipplane [x y z dx dy dz] [planeId {on/off/del/display/hide}]", __FILE__,VClipPlane,group); theCommands.Add ( "vcomputehlr", "vcomputehlr: shape hlrname [ eyex eyey eyez lookx looky lookz ]", __FILE__, VComputeHLR, group); theCommands.Add("vdrawparray", "vdrawparray : vdrawparray Name TypeOfArray [EnableVbo=1] [vertex = { 'v' x y z [vertex_normal = { 'n' x y z }] [vertex_color = { 'c' r g b }] ] ... [bound = { 'b' vertex_count [bound_color = { 'c' r g b }] ] ... [edge = { 'e' vertex_id [edge_hidden = { 'h' }] ]", __FILE__,VDrawPArray,group); }