// File: ViewerTest.cxx // Created: Wed Jul 23 14:14:01 1997 // Author: Henri JEANNIN // // Modified by Eric Gouthiere [sep-oct 98] -> add commands for display... // // Modified by Robert Coublanc [nov 16-17-18 1998] // -split ViewerTest.cxx into 3 files : ViewerTest.cxx, // ViewerTest_ObjectCommands.cxx // ViewerTest_RelationCommands.cxx // -add Functions and commands for interactive selection of shapes and objects // in AIS Viewers. (PickShape(s), PickObject(s), #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include // avoid warnings on 'extern "C"' functions returning C++ classes #ifdef _MSC_VER #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #pragma warning(4:4190) #endif #include #include extern int ViewerMainLoop(Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv); //======================================================================= //function : GetColorFromName //purpose : get the Quantity_NameOfColor from a string //======================================================================= #include #include #include #include #define DEFAULT_COLOR Quantity_NOC_GOLDENROD #define DEFAULT_MATERIAL Graphic3d_NOM_BRASS static Quantity_NameOfColor GetColorFromName( const char *name ) { Quantity_NameOfColor ret = DEFAULT_COLOR; Standard_Boolean Found = Standard_False; Standard_CString colstring; for(Standard_Integer i=0;i<=514 && !Found;i++) { colstring = Quantity_Color::StringName(Quantity_NameOfColor(i)); if (!strcasecmp(name,colstring)) { ret = (Quantity_NameOfColor)i; Found = Standard_True; } } return ret; } //======================================================================= //function : GetMaterialFromName //purpose : get the Graphic3d_NameOfMaterial from a string //======================================================================= static Graphic3d_NameOfMaterial GetMaterialFromName( const char *name ) { Graphic3d_NameOfMaterial mat = DEFAULT_MATERIAL; if ( !strcasecmp(name,"BRASS" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_BRASS; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"BRONZE" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_BRONZE; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"COPPER" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_COPPER; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"GOLD" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_GOLD; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"PEWTER" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_PEWTER; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"SILVER" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_SILVER; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"STEEL" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_STEEL; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"METALIZED" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_METALIZED; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"STONE" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_STONE; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"CHROME" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_CHROME; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"ALUMINIUM" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_ALUMINIUM; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"STONE" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_STONE; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"NEON_PHC" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_NEON_PHC; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"NEON_GNC" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_NEON_GNC; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"PLASTER" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_PLASTER; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"SHINY_PLASTIC" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_SHINY_PLASTIC; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"SATIN" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_SATIN; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"PLASTIC" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_PLASTIC; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"OBSIDIAN" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_OBSIDIAN; else if ( !strcasecmp(name,"JADE" ) ) mat = Graphic3d_NOM_JADE; return mat; } //======================================================================= //function : GetTypeNames //purpose : //======================================================================= static const char** GetTypeNames() { static const char* names[14] = {"Point","Axis","Trihedron","PlaneTrihedron", "Line","Circle","Plane", "Shape","ConnectedShape","MultiConn.Shape", "ConnectedInter.","MultiConn.", "Constraint","Dimension"}; static const char** ThePointer = names; return ThePointer; } //======================================================================= //function : GetTypeAndSignfromString //purpose : //======================================================================= void GetTypeAndSignfromString (const char* name,AIS_KindOfInteractive& TheType,Standard_Integer& TheSign) { const char ** thefullnames = GetTypeNames(); Standard_Integer index(-1); for(Standard_Integer i=0;i<=13 && index==-1;i++) if(!strcasecmp(name,thefullnames[i])) index = i; if(index ==-1){ TheType = AIS_KOI_None; TheSign = -1; return; } if(index<=6){ TheType = AIS_KOI_Datum; TheSign = index+1; } else if (index <=9){ TheType = AIS_KOI_Shape; TheSign = index-7; } else if(index<=11){ TheType = AIS_KOI_Object; TheSign = index-10; } else{ TheType = AIS_KOI_Relation; TheSign = index-12; } } #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //============================================================================== //function : GetTypeNameFromShape //purpose : get the shape type as a string from a shape //============================================================================== static const char* GetTypeNameFromShape( const TopoDS_Shape& aShape ) { const char *ret = "????"; if ( aShape.IsNull() ) ret = "Null Shape"; switch ( aShape.ShapeType() ) { case TopAbs_COMPOUND : ret = "COMPOUND" ; break; case TopAbs_COMPSOLID : ret = "COMPSOLID" ; break; case TopAbs_SOLID : ret = "SOLID" ; break; case TopAbs_SHELL : ret = "SHELL" ; break; case TopAbs_FACE : ret = "FACE" ; break; case TopAbs_WIRE : ret = "WIRE" ; break; case TopAbs_EDGE : ret = "EDGE" ; break; case TopAbs_VERTEX : ret = "VERTEX" ; break; case TopAbs_SHAPE : ret = "SHAPE" ; break; } return ret; } //============================================================================== // VIEWER OBJECT MANAGEMENT GLOBAL VARIABLES //============================================================================== Standard_EXPORT ViewerTest_DoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName& GetMapOfAIS(){ static ViewerTest_DoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName TheMap; return TheMap; } //============================================================================== //function : VDisplayAISObject //purpose : register interactive object in the map of AIS objects; // if other object with such name already registered, it will be kept // or replaced depending on value of , // if "true" - the old object will be cleared from AIS context; // returns Standard_True if registered in map; //============================================================================== Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean VDisplayAISObject (const TCollection_AsciiString& theName, const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)& theAISObj, Standard_Boolean theReplaceIfExists = Standard_True) { ViewerTest_DoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName& aMap = GetMapOfAIS(); Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) aContextAIS = ViewerTest::GetAISContext(); if (aContextAIS.IsNull()) { std::cout << "AIS context is not available.\n"; return Standard_False; } if (aMap.IsBound2 (theName)) { if (!theReplaceIfExists) { std::cout << "Other interactive object has been already " << "registered with name: " << theName << ".\n" << "Please use another name.\n"; return Standard_False; } // stop displaying object Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) anOldObj = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (aMap.Find2 (theName)); if (!anOldObj.IsNull()) aContextAIS->Clear (anOldObj, Standard_True); // remove name and old object from map aMap.UnBind2 (theName); } // unbind AIS object if was bound with another name aMap.UnBind1 (theAISObj); // can be registered without rebinding aMap.Bind (theAISObj, theName); aContextAIS->Display (theAISObj, Standard_True); return Standard_True; } static TColStd_MapOfInteger theactivatedmodes(8); static TColStd_ListOfTransient theEventMgrs; static void VwrTst_InitEventMgr(const Handle(NIS_View)& aView, const Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext)& Ctx) { theEventMgrs.Clear(); theEventMgrs.Prepend(new ViewerTest_EventManager(aView, Ctx)); } static Handle(V3d_View)& a3DView(){ static Handle(V3d_View) Viou; return Viou; } Standard_EXPORT Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext)& TheAISContext(){ static Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) aContext; return aContext; } Handle(V3d_View) ViewerTest::CurrentView() { return a3DView(); } void ViewerTest::CurrentView(const Handle(V3d_View)& V) { a3DView() = V; } Standard_EXPORT const Handle(NIS_InteractiveContext)& TheNISContext() { static Handle(NIS_InteractiveContext) aContext; if (aContext.IsNull()) { aContext = new NIS_InteractiveContext; aContext->SetSelectionMode (NIS_InteractiveContext::Mode_Normal); } return aContext; } Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ViewerTest::GetAISContext() { return TheAISContext(); } void ViewerTest::SetAISContext (const Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext)& aCtx) { TheAISContext() = aCtx; ViewerTest::ResetEventManager(); } Handle(V3d_Viewer) ViewerTest::GetViewerFromContext() { return !TheAISContext().IsNull() ? TheAISContext()->CurrentViewer() : Handle(V3d_Viewer)(); } Handle(V3d_Viewer) ViewerTest::GetCollectorFromContext() { return !TheAISContext().IsNull() ? TheAISContext()->CurrentViewer() : Handle(V3d_Viewer)(); } void ViewerTest::SetEventManager(const Handle(ViewerTest_EventManager)& EM){ theEventMgrs.Prepend(EM); } void ViewerTest::UnsetEventManager() { theEventMgrs.RemoveFirst(); } void ViewerTest::ResetEventManager() { const Handle(NIS_View) aView = Handle(NIS_View)::DownCast(ViewerTest::CurrentView()); VwrTst_InitEventMgr(aView, ViewerTest::GetAISContext()); } Handle(ViewerTest_EventManager) ViewerTest::CurrentEventManager() { Handle(ViewerTest_EventManager) EM; if(theEventMgrs.IsEmpty()) return EM; Handle(Standard_Transient) Tr = theEventMgrs.First(); EM = *((Handle(ViewerTest_EventManager)*)&Tr); return EM; } //======================================================================= //function : Get Context and active viou.. //purpose : //======================================================================= void GetCtxAndView(Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext)& Ctx, Handle(V3d_View)& Viou) { Ctx = ViewerTest::GetAISContext(); if (!Ctx.IsNull()) { const Handle(V3d_Viewer)& Vwr = Ctx->CurrentViewer(); Vwr->InitActiveViews(); if(Vwr->MoreActiveViews()) Viou = Vwr->ActiveView(); } } //============================================================================== //function : GetShapeFromName //purpose : Compute an Shape from a draw variable or a file name //============================================================================== static TopoDS_Shape GetShapeFromName(const char* name) { TopoDS_Shape S = DBRep::Get(name); if ( S.IsNull() ) { BRep_Builder aBuilder; BRepTools::Read( S, name, aBuilder); } return S; } //============================================================================== //function : GetShapeFromName //purpose : Compute an Shape from a draw variable or a file name //============================================================================== // Unused : #ifdef DEB static TopoDS_Shape GetShapeFromAIS(const AIS_InteractiveObject & TheAisIO ) { TopoDS_Shape TheShape=((*(Handle(AIS_Shape)*)&TheAisIO))->Shape(); return TheShape; } #endif //============================================================================== //function : GetAISShapeFromName //purpose : Compute an AIS_Shape from a draw variable or a file name //============================================================================== Handle(AIS_Shape) GetAISShapeFromName(const char* name) { Handle(AIS_Shape) retsh; if(GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(name)){ const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) IO = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(GetMapOfAIS().Find2(name)); if (!IO.IsNull()) { if(IO->Type()==AIS_KOI_Shape) { if(IO->Signature()==0){ retsh = *((Handle(AIS_Shape)*)&IO); } else cout << "an Object which is not an AIS_Shape " "already has this name!!!"<HasOpenedContext()) TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(); ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it(GetMapOfAIS()); while ( it.More() ) { cout << "Remove " << it.Key2() << endl; if (it.Key1()->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) anObj = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (it.Key1()); TheAISContext()->Remove(anObj,Standard_False); } else if (it.Key1()->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(NIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject) anObj = Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (it.Key1()); TheNISContext()->Remove(anObj); } it.Next(); } TheAISContext()->UpdateCurrentViewer(); // TheNISContext()->UpdateViews(); GetMapOfAIS().Clear(); } } //============================================================================== //function : StandardModesActivation //purpose : Activate a selection mode, vertex, edge, wire ..., in a local // Context //============================================================================== void ViewerTest::StandardModeActivation(const Standard_Integer mode ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) aContext = ViewerTest::GetAISContext(); if(mode==0) { if (TheAISContext()->HasOpenedContext()) aContext->CloseLocalContext(); } else { if(!aContext->HasOpenedContext()) { // To unhilight the preselected object aContext->UnhilightCurrents(Standard_False); // Open a local Context in order to be able to select subshape from // the selected shape if any or for all if there is no selection if (!aContext->FirstCurrentObject().IsNull()){ aContext->OpenLocalContext(Standard_False); for(aContext->InitCurrent();aContext->MoreCurrent();aContext->NextCurrent()){ aContext->Load( aContext->Current(),-1,Standard_True); } } else aContext->OpenLocalContext(); } const char *cmode="???"; switch (mode) { case 0: cmode = "Shape"; break; case 1: cmode = "Vertex"; break; case 2: cmode = "Edge"; break; case 3: cmode = "Wire"; break; case 4: cmode = "Face"; break; case 5: cmode = "Shell"; break; case 6: cmode = "Solid"; break; case 7: cmode = "Compound"; break; } if(theactivatedmodes.Contains(mode)) { // Desactivate aContext->DeactivateStandardMode(AIS_Shape::SelectionType(mode)); theactivatedmodes.Remove(mode); cout<<"Mode "<< cmode <<" OFF"<ActivateStandardMode(AIS_Shape::SelectionType(mode)); theactivatedmodes.Add(mode); cout<<"Mode "<< cmode << " ON" << endl; } } } //============================================================================== //function : SelectFromContext //purpose : pick / select an object from the last MoveTo() on a // ButtonPress event //============================================================================== Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) Select(Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv, Standard_Boolean shift, Standard_Boolean pick ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) ret; Handle (ViewerTest_EventManager) EM = ViewerTest::CurrentEventManager(); if ( shift ) { EM->ShiftSelect(); } else { EM->Select(); } const Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) aContext = EM->Context(); if ( !aContext->HasOpenedContext() ) { aContext->InitCurrent(); while ( aContext->MoreCurrent() ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aisPickedShape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(aContext->Current()); //JR/Hp const char *name = (GetMapOfAIS().IsBound1(aisPickedShape))? // const char *name = (GetMapOfAIS().IsBound1(aisPickedShape))? GetMapOfAIS().Find1(aisPickedShape).ToCString() : "????"; Handle(AIS_Shape) TheRealSh = Handle(AIS_Shape)::DownCast(aisPickedShape); if(!TheRealSh.IsNull()){ cout << "Current is " << name << " (" << GetTypeNameFromShape(TheRealSh->Shape()) << ")" << endl; } ret = aisPickedShape; if(!TheRealSh.IsNull()){ if ( pick && argc > 4 ) { DBRep::Set(argv[4], TheRealSh->Shape()); } } aContext->NextCurrent(); } } else { // A LocalContext is opened, the use xxxxSelected() // to select an object and its SubShape aContext->InitSelected(); while ( aContext->MoreSelected() ) { if ( !aContext->HasSelectedShape() ) { } else { TopoDS_Shape PickedShape = aContext->SelectedShape(); if ( pick && argc > 5 ) { DBRep::Set(argv[5], PickedShape); } } if ( aContext->Interactive().IsNull() ) { cout << "??? (No InteractiveObject selected)" << endl; } else { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aisPicked = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(aContext->Interactive()); ret = aisPicked; Handle(AIS_Shape) aisPickedShape = Handle(AIS_Shape)::DownCast(aisPicked); // Get back its name //JR/Hp const char *name = ( GetMapOfAIS().IsBound1(aisPicked) )? // const char *name = ( GetMapOfAIS().IsBound1(aisPicked) )? GetMapOfAIS().Find1(aisPicked).ToCString() : "????"; if(!aisPickedShape.IsNull()){ if ( pick && argc > 4 ) { // Create a draw variable to store the wohole shape // for vpick command DBRep::Set(argv[4], aisPickedShape->Shape()); } cout << name << " (" << GetTypeNameFromShape(aisPickedShape->Shape()) << ")" << endl ; } } // Goto the next selected object aContext->NextSelected(); } } return ret; } //============================================================================== //function : DetectedFromContext //purpose : hilight dynamicaly an object from the last MoveTo() on a // MouseMove event //============================================================================== Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) DetectedFromContext( Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) aContext ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) ret; if ( aContext->HasDetected() ) { if ( !aContext->HasDetectedShape() ) { //No SubShape selected } else { // Get the detected SubShape TopoDS_Shape PickedShape = aContext->DetectedShape(); } if ( !aContext->DetectedInteractive().IsNull() ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aisPickedShape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(aContext->DetectedInteractive()); ret = aisPickedShape; } } return ret; } //============================================================================== //function : VDispAreas,VDispSensitive,... //purpose : Redraw the view //Draw arg : No args //============================================================================== static int VDispAreas (Draw_Interpretor& ,Standard_Integer , const char** ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) Ctx; Handle(V3d_View) Viou; GetCtxAndView(Ctx,Viou); Ctx->DisplayActiveAreas(Viou); return 0; } static int VClearAreas (Draw_Interpretor& ,Standard_Integer , const char** ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) Ctx; Handle(V3d_View) Viou; GetCtxAndView(Ctx,Viou); Ctx->ClearActiveAreas(Viou); return 0; } static int VDispSensi (Draw_Interpretor& ,Standard_Integer , const char** ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) Ctx; Handle(V3d_View) Viou; GetCtxAndView(Ctx,Viou); Ctx->DisplayActiveSensitive(Viou); return 0; } static int VClearSensi (Draw_Interpretor& ,Standard_Integer , const char** ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) Ctx; Handle(V3d_View) Viou; GetCtxAndView(Ctx,Viou); Ctx->ClearActiveSensitive(Viou); return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : VDebug //purpose : To list the displayed object with their attributes //Draw arg : No args //============================================================================== static int VDebug(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer , const char** ) { if ( !a3DView().IsNull() ) { di << "List of object in the viewer :" << "\n"; ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it(GetMapOfAIS()); while ( it.More() ) { di << "\t" << it.Key2().ToCString() << "\n"; it.Next(); } } return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : VDump //purpose : To dump the active view snapshot to image file //Draw arg : Picture file name with extension corresponding to desired format //============================================================================== static Standard_Integer VDump (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { if (argc < 2) { di<<"Use: "<.{png|bmp|jpg|gif} [buffer={rgb|rgba|depth}] [width height]\n"; return 1; } Image_TypeOfImage aBufferType = Image_TOI_RGB; if (argc > 2) { TCollection_AsciiString aBuffTypeStr (argv[2]); if (TCollection_AsciiString::ISSIMILAR (aBuffTypeStr, TCollection_AsciiString ("rgb"))) { aBufferType = Image_TOI_RGB; } else if (TCollection_AsciiString::ISSIMILAR (aBuffTypeStr, TCollection_AsciiString ("rgba"))) { aBufferType = Image_TOI_RGBA; } else if (TCollection_AsciiString::ISSIMILAR (aBuffTypeStr, TCollection_AsciiString ("depth"))) { aBufferType = Image_TOI_FLOAT; } } Standard_Integer aWidth = (argc > 3) ? atoi (argv[3]) : 0; Standard_Integer aHeight = (argc > 4) ? atoi (argv[4]) : 0; Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) IC; Handle(V3d_View) view; GetCtxAndView (IC, view); if (!view.IsNull()) { if (aWidth > 0 && aHeight > 0) { return view->ToPixMap (aWidth, aHeight, aBufferType)->Dump (argv[1]) ? 0 : 1; } else { return view->Dump (argv[1], aBufferType) ? 0 : 1; } } else { di << "Cannot find an active viewer/view" << "\n"; return 1; } } //============================================================================== //function : Displays,Erase... //purpose : //Draw arg : //============================================================================== static int VwrTst_DispErase(const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)& IO, const Standard_Integer Mode, const Standard_Integer TypeOfOperation, const Standard_Boolean Upd) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) Ctx = ViewerTest::GetAISContext(); switch(TypeOfOperation){ case 1: Ctx->Display(IO,Mode,Upd); break; case 2:{ Ctx->Erase(IO,Mode,Upd); break; } case 3:{ if(IO.IsNull()) Ctx->SetDisplayMode((AIS_DisplayMode)Mode,Upd); else Ctx->SetDisplayMode(IO,Mode,Upd); break; } case 4:{ if(IO.IsNull()) Ctx->SetDisplayMode(0,Upd); else Ctx->UnsetDisplayMode(IO,Upd); break; } } return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : //purpose : //======================================================================= static int VDispMode (Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { TCollection_AsciiString name; if(argc>3) return 1; // display others presentations Standard_Integer TypeOfOperation = (strcasecmp(argv[0],"vdispmode")==0)? 1: (strcasecmp(argv[0],"verasemode")==0) ? 2 : (strcasecmp(argv[0],"vsetdispmode")==0) ? 3 : (strcasecmp(argv[0],"vunsetdispmode")==0) ? 4 : -1; Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) Ctx = ViewerTest::GetAISContext(); //unset displaymode.. comportement particulier... if(TypeOfOperation==4){ if(argc==1){ if(Ctx->NbCurrents()==0 || Ctx->NbSelected()==0){ Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) IO; VwrTst_DispErase(IO,-1,4,Standard_False); } else if(!Ctx->HasOpenedContext()){ for(Ctx->InitCurrent();Ctx->MoreCurrent();Ctx->NextCurrent()) VwrTst_DispErase(Ctx->Current(),-1,4,Standard_False); } else{ for(Ctx->InitSelected();Ctx->MoreSelected();Ctx->NextSelected()) VwrTst_DispErase(Ctx->Interactive(),-1,4,Standard_False);} Ctx->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } else{ Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) IO; name = argv[1]; if(GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(name)){ IO = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(GetMapOfAIS().Find2(name)); if (!IO.IsNull()) VwrTst_DispErase(IO,-1,4,Standard_True); } } } else if(argc==2){ Standard_Integer Dmode = atoi(argv[1]); if(Ctx->NbCurrents()==0 && TypeOfOperation==3){ Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) IO; VwrTst_DispErase(IO,Dmode,TypeOfOperation,Standard_True); } if(!Ctx->HasOpenedContext()){ // set/unset display mode sur le Contexte... for(Ctx->InitCurrent();Ctx->MoreCurrent();Ctx->NextCurrent()){ VwrTst_DispErase(Ctx->Current(),Dmode,TypeOfOperation,Standard_False); } Ctx->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } else{ for(Ctx->InitSelected();Ctx->MoreSelected();Ctx->NextSelected()) Ctx->Display(Ctx->Interactive(),Dmode); } } else{ Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) IO; name = argv[1]; if(GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(name)) IO = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(GetMapOfAIS().Find2(name)); if (!IO.IsNull()) VwrTst_DispErase(IO,atoi(argv[2]),TypeOfOperation,Standard_True); } return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : //purpose : //======================================================================= static int VSubInt(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { if(argc==1) return 1; Standard_Integer On = atoi(argv[1]); const Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext)& Ctx = ViewerTest::GetAISContext(); if(argc==2){ if(!Ctx->HasOpenedContext()){ di<<"sub intensite "; if(On==1) di<<"On"; else di<<"Off"; di<<" pour "<NbCurrents()<<" objets"<<"\n"; for(Ctx->InitCurrent();Ctx->MoreCurrent();Ctx->NextCurrent()){ if(On==1){ Ctx->SubIntensityOn(Ctx->Current(),Standard_False);} else{ di <<"passage dans off"<<"\n"; Ctx->SubIntensityOff(Ctx->Current(),Standard_False); } } } else{ for(Ctx->InitSelected();Ctx->MoreSelected();Ctx->NextSelected()){ if(On==1){ Ctx->SubIntensityOn(Ctx->Interactive(),Standard_False);} else{ Ctx->SubIntensityOff(Ctx->Interactive(),Standard_False);} } } Ctx->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } else { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) IO; TCollection_AsciiString name = argv[2]; if(GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(name)){ IO = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(GetMapOfAIS().Find2(name)); if (!IO.IsNull()) { if(On==1) Ctx->SubIntensityOn(IO); else Ctx->SubIntensityOff(IO); } } else return 1; } return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : VColor2 //Author : ege //purpose : change the color of a selected or named or displayed shape //Draw arg : vcolor2 [name] color //============================================================================== static int VColor2 (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { Standard_Boolean ThereIsCurrent; Standard_Boolean ThereIsArgument; Standard_Boolean IsBound = Standard_False ; Standard_Boolean HaveToSet; if (!strcasecmp( argv[0],"vsetcolor")) HaveToSet=Standard_True; else HaveToSet=Standard_False; if (HaveToSet) { if ( argc<2 || argc > 3 ) { di << argv[0] << " syntax error: Passez 2 ou 3 arguments" << "\n"; return 1; } if ( argc == 2 ) {ThereIsArgument=Standard_False;} else ThereIsArgument=Standard_True; } else { if ( argc > 2 ) { di << argv[0] << " syntax error: Passez au plus un argument" << "\n"; return 1; } if(argc==2) ThereIsArgument=Standard_True; else ThereIsArgument=Standard_False; } if ( !a3DView().IsNull() ) { TCollection_AsciiString name; if (ThereIsArgument) { name = argv[1]; IsBound= GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(name); } if (TheAISContext()->HasOpenedContext()) TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(); // On set le Booleen There is current if (TheAISContext() -> NbCurrents() > 0 ) {ThereIsCurrent =Standard_True; } else ThereIsCurrent =Standard_False; //======================================================================= // Il y a un argument //======================================================================= if ( ThereIsArgument && IsBound ) { const Handle(Standard_Transient) anObj = GetMapOfAIS().Find2(name); if (anObj->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_InteractiveObject))) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) ashape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (anObj); #ifdef DEB //cout << "HaveToSet "<SetColor(ashape,GetColorFromName(argv[2]) ); } else TheAISContext()->UnsetColor(ashape); } else if (anObj->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(NIS_InteractiveObject))) { Handle(NIS_Triangulated) ashape = Handle(NIS_Triangulated)::DownCast (anObj); if (ashape.IsNull() == Standard_False) ashape->SetColor (GetColorFromName(argv[2])); } } //======================================================================= // Il n'y a pas d'arguments // Mais un ou plusieurs objets on des current representation //======================================================================= if (ThereIsCurrent && !ThereIsArgument) { for (TheAISContext() -> InitCurrent() ; TheAISContext() -> MoreCurrent() ; TheAISContext() ->NextCurrent() ) { const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) ashape= TheAISContext()->Current(); if (ashape.IsNull()) continue; #ifdef DEB //cout << "HaveToSet "<SetColor(ashape,GetColorFromName(argv[1]),Standard_False); else TheAISContext()->UnsetColor(ashape,Standard_False); } TheAISContext()->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } //======================================================================= // Il n'y a pas d'arguments(nom de shape) ET aucun objet courrant // on impose a tous les objets du viewer la couleur passee //======================================================================= else if (!ThereIsCurrent && !ThereIsArgument){ ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it(GetMapOfAIS()); while ( it.More() ) { const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) ashape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); if (!ashape.IsNull()) { if(HaveToSet) TheAISContext()->SetColor(ashape,GetColorFromName(argv[1]), Standard_False); else TheAISContext()->UnsetColor(ashape,Standard_False); } it.Next(); } TheAISContext()->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } } return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : VTransparency //Author : ege //purpose : change the transparency of a selected or named or displayed shape //Draw arg : vtransparency [name] TransparencyCoeficient //============================================================================== static int VTransparency (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { Standard_Boolean ThereIsCurrent; Standard_Boolean ThereIsArgument; Standard_Boolean IsBound = Standard_False ; Standard_Boolean HaveToSet; if (!strcasecmp( argv[0],"vsettransparency")) HaveToSet=Standard_True; else HaveToSet=Standard_False; if (HaveToSet) { if ( argc < 2 || argc > 3 ) { di << argv[0] << " syntax error passez 1 ou 2 arguments" << "\n"; return 1; } if ( argc == 2 ) {ThereIsArgument=Standard_False;} else ThereIsArgument=Standard_True; } else{ if ( argc > 2 ) { di << argv[0] << " syntax error: Passez au plus un argument" << "\n"; return 1; } if(argc==2) ThereIsArgument=Standard_True; else ThereIsArgument=Standard_False; } if ( !a3DView().IsNull() ) { TCollection_AsciiString name; if (ThereIsArgument) { name = argv[1]; IsBound= GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(name); } if (TheAISContext()->HasOpenedContext()) TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(); if (TheAISContext() -> NbCurrents() > 0 ) {ThereIsCurrent =Standard_True; } else ThereIsCurrent = Standard_False; //======================================================================= // Il y a des arguments: un nom et une couleur //======================================================================= if ( ThereIsArgument && IsBound ) { const Handle(Standard_Transient) anObj = GetMapOfAIS().Find2(name); if (anObj->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) ashape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(anObj); if(HaveToSet) TheAISContext()->SetTransparency(ashape,atof(argv[2]) ); else TheAISContext()->UnsetTransparency(ashape); } else if (anObj->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(NIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject) ashape = Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(anObj); if(HaveToSet) ashape->SetTransparency(atof(argv[2]) ); else ashape->UnsetTransparency(); } } //======================================================================= // Il n'y a pas d'arguments // Mais un ou plusieurs objets on des current representation //======================================================================= if (ThereIsCurrent && !ThereIsArgument) { for (TheAISContext() -> InitCurrent() ; TheAISContext() -> MoreCurrent() ; TheAISContext() ->NextCurrent() ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) ashape = TheAISContext() -> Current(); if(HaveToSet) { TheAISContext()->SetTransparency(ashape,atof(argv[1]),Standard_False); } else TheAISContext()->UnsetTransparency(ashape,Standard_False); } TheAISContext()->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } //======================================================================= // Il n'y a pas d'arguments ET aucun objet courrant //======================================================================= else if ( !ThereIsCurrent && !ThereIsArgument ) { ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it(GetMapOfAIS()); while ( it.More() ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) ashape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); if (!ashape.IsNull()) { if(HaveToSet) TheAISContext()->SetTransparency(ashape,atof(argv[1]), Standard_False); else TheAISContext()->UnsetTransparency(ashape,Standard_False); } it.Next(); } TheAISContext()->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } } return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : VMaterial //Author : ege //purpose : change the Material of a selected or named or displayed shape //Draw arg : vmaterial [Name] Material //============================================================================== static int VMaterial (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { Standard_Boolean ThereIsCurrent; Standard_Boolean ThereIsName; Standard_Boolean IsBound = Standard_False ; Standard_Boolean HaveToSet; if (!strcasecmp( argv[0],"vsetmaterial")) HaveToSet=Standard_True; else HaveToSet=Standard_False; if (HaveToSet) { if ( argc < 2 || argc > 3 ) { di << argv[0] << " syntax error passez 1 ou 2 arguments" << "\n"; return 1; } if ( argc == 2 ) {ThereIsName=Standard_False;} else ThereIsName=Standard_True; } else { if ( argc>2 ) { di << argv[0] << " syntax error passez au plus un argument" << "\n"; return 1; } if (argc==2) ThereIsName=Standard_True; else ThereIsName=Standard_False; } if ( !a3DView().IsNull() ) { TCollection_AsciiString name; if (ThereIsName) { name = argv[1]; IsBound= GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(name); } if (TheAISContext()->HasOpenedContext()) TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(); if (TheAISContext() -> NbCurrents() > 0 ) ThereIsCurrent =Standard_True; else ThereIsCurrent =Standard_False; //======================================================================= // Ther is a name of shape and a material name //======================================================================= if ( ThereIsName && IsBound ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) ashape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (GetMapOfAIS().Find2(name)); if (!ashape.IsNull()) { if (HaveToSet) TheAISContext()->SetMaterial (ashape, GetMaterialFromName (argv[2]) ); else TheAISContext()->UnsetMaterial(ashape); } } //======================================================================= // Il n'y a pas de nom de shape // Mais un ou plusieurs objets on des current representation //======================================================================= if (ThereIsCurrent && !ThereIsName) { for (TheAISContext() -> InitCurrent() ; TheAISContext() -> MoreCurrent() ; TheAISContext() ->NextCurrent() ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) ashape = TheAISContext() -> Current(); if (HaveToSet) TheAISContext()->SetMaterial(ashape,GetMaterialFromName(argv[1]), Standard_False); else TheAISContext()->UnsetMaterial(ashape,Standard_False); } TheAISContext()->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } //======================================================================= // Il n'y a pas de noms de shape ET aucun objet courrant // On impose a tous les objets du viewer le material passe en argument //======================================================================= else if (!ThereIsCurrent && !ThereIsName){ ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it(GetMapOfAIS()); while ( it.More() ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) ashape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (it.Key1()); if (!ashape.IsNull()) { if (HaveToSet) TheAISContext()->SetMaterial(ashape,GetMaterialFromName(argv[1]), Standard_False ); else TheAISContext()->UnsetMaterial(ashape,Standard_False); } it.Next(); } TheAISContext()->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } } return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : VWidth //Author : ege //purpose : change the width of the edges of a selected or named or displayed shape //Draw arg : vwidth [Name] WidthValue(1->10) //============================================================================== static int VWidth (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { Standard_Boolean ThereIsCurrent; Standard_Boolean ThereIsArgument; Standard_Boolean IsBound = Standard_False ; Standard_Boolean HaveToSet; if (!strcasecmp( argv[0],"vsetwidth")) HaveToSet=Standard_True; else HaveToSet=Standard_False; if (HaveToSet) { if ( argc < 2 || argc > 3 ) { di << argv[0] << " syntax error passez 1 ou 2 arguments" << "\n"; return 1; } if ( argc == 2 ) {ThereIsArgument=Standard_False;} else ThereIsArgument=Standard_True; } else { if ( argc>2 ) { di << argv[0] << " syntax error passez au plus 1 argument" << "\n"; return 1; } if (argc==2) ThereIsArgument=Standard_True; else ThereIsArgument=Standard_False; } if ( !a3DView().IsNull() ) { TCollection_AsciiString name; if (ThereIsArgument) { name = argv[1]; IsBound= GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(name); } if (TheAISContext()->HasOpenedContext()) TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(); if (TheAISContext() -> NbCurrents() > 0 ) ThereIsCurrent =Standard_True; else ThereIsCurrent =Standard_False; if ( ThereIsArgument && IsBound ) { const Handle(Standard_Transient) anObj = GetMapOfAIS().Find2(name); if (anObj->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) ashape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(GetMapOfAIS().Find2(name)); if (HaveToSet) TheAISContext()->SetWidth ( ashape,atof (argv[2]) ); else TheAISContext()->UnsetWidth (ashape); } else if (anObj->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(NIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(NIS_Triangulated) ashape = Handle(NIS_Triangulated)::DownCast(GetMapOfAIS().Find2(name)); if (HaveToSet && !ashape.IsNull()) ashape->SetLineWidth ( atof (argv[2]) ); } } //======================================================================= // Il n'y a pas d'arguments // Mais un ou plusieurs objets on des current representation //======================================================================= if (ThereIsCurrent && !ThereIsArgument) { for (TheAISContext() -> InitCurrent() ; TheAISContext() -> MoreCurrent() ; TheAISContext() ->NextCurrent() ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) ashape = TheAISContext() -> Current(); if (HaveToSet) TheAISContext()->SetWidth(ashape,atof (argv[1]),Standard_False); else TheAISContext()->UnsetWidth (ashape,Standard_False); } TheAISContext()->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } //======================================================================= // Il n'y a pas d'arguments ET aucun objet courrant //======================================================================= else if (!ThereIsCurrent && !ThereIsArgument){ ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it(GetMapOfAIS()); while ( it.More() ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) ashape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (it.Key1()); if (!ashape.IsNull()) { if (HaveToSet) TheAISContext()->SetWidth(ashape,atof (argv[1]),Standard_False ); else TheAISContext()->UnsetWidth (ashape,Standard_False); } it.Next(); } TheAISContext()->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } } return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : VDonly2 //author : ege //purpose : Display only a selected or named object // if there is no selected or named object s, nothing is donne //Draw arg : vdonly2 [name1] ... [name n] //============================================================================== static int VDonly2(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { if ( a3DView().IsNull() ) return 1; Standard_Boolean ThereIsCurrent = TheAISContext() -> NbCurrents() > 0; Standard_Boolean ThereIsArgument= argc>1; if (TheAISContext()->HasOpenedContext()) TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(); //=============================================================== // Il n'y a pas d'arguments mais des objets selectionnes(current) // dans le viewer //=============================================================== if (!ThereIsArgument && ThereIsCurrent) { #ifdef DEB ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it (GetMapOfAIS()); #endif for(TheAISContext()->InitCurrent(); TheAISContext()->MoreCurrent(); TheAISContext()->NextCurrent()){ Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = TheAISContext()->Current(); TheAISContext()->Erase(aShape,Standard_False);} } TheAISContext() ->UpdateCurrentViewer(); //=============================================================== // Il y a des arguments //=============================================================== if (ThereIsArgument) { ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it (GetMapOfAIS()); while ( it.More() ) { if (it.Key1()->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); TheAISContext()->Erase(aShape,Standard_False); } else if (it.Key1()->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(NIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); TheNISContext()->Erase(aShape); } it.Next(); } // On display les objets passes par parametre for (int i=1; iIsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (anObj); TheAISContext()->Display(aShape, Standard_False); } else if (anObj->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(NIS_InteractiveObject))) { Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (anObj); TheNISContext()->Display(aShape); } } } TheAISContext() ->UpdateCurrentViewer(); // TheNISContext() ->UpdateViews(); } return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : VErase2 //author : ege //purpose : Erase some selected or named objects // if there is no selected or named objects, the whole viewer is erased //Draw arg : verase2 [name1] ... [name n] //============================================================================== static int VErase2(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { if ( a3DView().IsNull() ) return 1; Standard_Boolean ThereIsCurrent = TheAISContext() -> NbCurrents() > 0; Standard_Boolean ThereIsArgument= argc>1; if(TheAISContext()->HasOpenedContext()) TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(); //=============================================================== // Il n'y a pas d'arguments mais des objets selectionnes(current) // dans le viewer //=============================================================== if (!ThereIsArgument && ThereIsCurrent) { ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it (GetMapOfAIS()); while ( it.More() ) { if (it.Key1()->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); if (TheAISContext()->IsCurrent(aShape)) TheAISContext()->Erase(aShape,Standard_False); } it.Next(); } TheAISContext() ->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } //=============================================================== // Il n'y a pas d'arguments et aucuns objets selectionnes // dans le viewer: // On erase tout le viewer //=============================================================== if (!ThereIsArgument && !ThereIsCurrent) { ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it (GetMapOfAIS()); while ( it.More() ) { if (it.Key1()->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); TheAISContext()->Erase(aShape,Standard_False); } else if (it.Key1()->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(NIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); TheNISContext()->Erase(aShape); } it.Next(); } TheAISContext() ->UpdateCurrentViewer(); // TheNISContext()->UpdateViews(); } //=============================================================== // Il y a des arguments //=============================================================== if (ThereIsArgument) { for (int i=1; iIsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (anObj); TheAISContext()->Erase(aShape,Standard_False); } else if (anObj->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(NIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (anObj); TheNISContext()->Erase(aShape); } } } TheAISContext() ->UpdateCurrentViewer(); // TheNISContext() ->UpdateViews(); } return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : VEraseAll //author : ege //purpose : Erase all the objects displayed in the viewer //Draw arg : veraseall //============================================================================== static int VEraseAll(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { // Verification des arguments if (argc>1){ di<<" Syntaxe error: "<CloseAllContexts(Standard_False); ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it(GetMapOfAIS()); while ( it.More() ) { if (it.Key1()->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); TheAISContext()->Erase(aShape,Standard_False); } else if (it.Key1()->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(NIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); TheNISContext()->Erase(aShape); } it.Next(); } TheAISContext() ->UpdateCurrentViewer(); // TheNISContext() ->UpdateViews(); return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : VDisplayAll //author : ege //purpose : Display all the objects of the Map //Draw arg : vdisplayall //============================================================================== static int VDisplayAll( Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { if (! a3DView().IsNull() ) { if (argc > 1) {di<HasOpenedContext()) TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(); ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it (GetMapOfAIS()); while ( it.More() ) { if (it.Key1()->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); TheAISContext()->Erase(aShape,Standard_False); } else if (it.Key1()->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(NIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); TheNISContext()->Erase(aShape); } it.Next(); } it.Reset(); while ( it.More() ) { if (it.Key1()->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_InteractiveObject))) { const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); TheAISContext()->Display(aShape, Standard_False); } else if (it.Key1()->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(NIS_InteractiveObject))) { Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); TheNISContext()->Display(aShape); } it.Next(); } TheAISContext() ->UpdateCurrentViewer(); // TheNISContext() ->UpdateViews(); } return 0; } //####################################################################################################### static TCollection_AsciiString GetEnvir (Draw_Interpretor& di) { static Standard_Boolean IsDefined=Standard_False ; static TCollection_AsciiString VarName; if ( !IsDefined ) { const char *envir, *casroot ; envir = getenv("CSF_MDTVTexturesDirectory") ; Standard_Boolean HasDefinition = Standard_False ; if ( !envir ) { casroot = getenv("CASROOT"); #ifdef OCE_INSTALL_DATA_DIR if ( !casroot ) { casroot = OCE_INSTALL_DATA_DIR; } #endif if ( casroot ) { VarName = TCollection_AsciiString (casroot); VarName += "/src/Textures" ; HasDefinition = Standard_True ; } } else { VarName = TCollection_AsciiString (envir); HasDefinition = Standard_True ; } if ( HasDefinition ) { OSD_Path aPath ( VarName ); OSD_Directory aDir(aPath); if ( aDir.Exists () ) { TCollection_AsciiString aTexture = VarName + "/2d_MatraDatavision.rgb" ; OSD_File TextureFile ( aTexture ); if ( !TextureFile.Exists() ) { di << " CSF_MDTVTexturesDirectory or CASROOT not correctly setted " << "\n"; di << " not all files are found in : "<SetSurfaceDetail(V3d_TEX_ALL); if (GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(name)) TheAisIO = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast (GetMapOfAIS().Find2(name)); if (TheAisIO.IsNull()) { di <<"shape "<IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_TexturedShape)) && !TheAisIO.IsNull()) { myShape = Handle(AIS_TexturedShape)::DownCast(TheAisIO); myPreviousMode = myShape->DisplayMode() ; } else { myAISContext->Clear(TheAisIO,Standard_False); myShape = new AIS_TexturedShape (DBRep::Get(argv[1])); GetMapOfAIS().UnBind1(TheAisIO); GetMapOfAIS().UnBind2(name); GetMapOfAIS().Bind(myShape, name); } switch (command) { case 1: // vtexture : we only map a texture on the shape if(argc<=1) { di << argv[0] <<" syntax error - Type 'help vtex'" << "\n"; return 1; } if (argc>2 && argv[2]) { if(strcasecmp(argv[2],"?")==0) { TCollection_AsciiString monPath = GetEnvir (di) ; di<<"\n Files in current directory : \n"<<"\n"; TCollection_AsciiString Cmnd ("glob -nocomplain *"); di.Eval(Cmnd.ToCString()); Cmnd = TCollection_AsciiString("glob -nocomplain ") ; Cmnd += monPath ; Cmnd += "/* " ; di<<"Files in "<SetTextureFileName(argv[2]); } else { di <<"Texture mapping disabled \n \ To enable it, use 'vtexture NameOfShape NameOfTexture' \n"<<"\n"; myAISContext->SetDisplayMode(myShape,1,Standard_False); if (myPreviousMode == 3 ) myAISContext->RecomputePrsOnly(myShape); myAISContext->Display(myShape, Standard_True); return 0; } break; case 2: // vtexscale : we change the scaling factor of the texture if(argc<2) { di << argv[0] <<" syntax error - Type 'help vtex'" << "\n"; return 1; } myShape->SetTextureScale (( argv[2] ? Standard_True : Standard_False ), ( argv[2] ? atof(argv[2]) : 1.0 ), ( argv[2] ? atof(argv[argc-1]) : 1.0 ) ); break; case 3: // vtexorigin : we change the origin of the texture on the shape if(argc<2) { di << argv[0] <<" syntax error - Type 'help vtex'" << "\n"; return 1; } myShape->SetTextureOrigin (( argv[2] ? Standard_True : Standard_False ), ( argv[2] ? atof(argv[2]) : 0.0 ), ( argv[2] ? atof(argv[argc-1]) : 0.0 )); break; case 4: // vtexrepeat : we change the number of occurences of the texture on the shape if(argc<2) { di << argv[0] <<" syntax error - Type 'help vtex'" << "\n"; return 1; } if (argc>2 && argv[2]) { di <<"Texture repeat enabled"<<"\n"; myShape->SetTextureRepeat(Standard_True, atof(argv[2]), atof(argv[argc-1]) ); } else { di <<"Texture repeat disabled"<<"\n"; myShape->SetTextureRepeat(Standard_False); } break; case 5: // vtexdefault : default texture mapping // ScaleU = ScaleV = 100.0 // URepeat = VRepeat = 1.0 // Uorigin = VOrigin = 0.0 if(argc<2) { di << argv[0] <<" syntax error - Type 'help vtex'" << "\n"; return 1; } myShape->SetTextureRepeat(Standard_False); myShape->SetTextureOrigin(Standard_False); myShape->SetTextureScale (Standard_False); break; } if ((myShape->DisplayMode() == 3) || (myPreviousMode == 3 )) myAISContext->RecomputePrsOnly(myShape); else { myAISContext->SetDisplayMode(myShape,3,Standard_False); myAISContext->Display(myShape, Standard_True); myAISContext->Update(myShape,Standard_True); } return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : VDisplay2 //author : ege //purpose : Display an object from its name //Draw arg : vdisplay name1 [name2] ... [name n] //============================================================================== static int VDisplay2 (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { // Verification des arguments if ( a3DView().IsNull() ) { ViewerTest::ViewerInit(); di<<"La commande vinit n'a pas ete appele avant"<<"\n"; // return 1; } if ( argc<2) { di<HasOpenedContext()) TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(); for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { name = argv[i]; Standard_Boolean IsBound = GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(name); Standard_Boolean IsDatum = Standard_False; Handle(Standard_Transient) anObj; if ( IsBound ) { anObj = GetMapOfAIS().Find2(name); if (anObj->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_InteractiveObject))) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(anObj); if (aShape->Type()==AIS_KOI_Datum) { IsDatum = Standard_True; TheAISContext()->Display(aShape, Standard_False); } if (!IsDatum) { di << "Display " << name.ToCString() << "\n"; // Get the Shape from a name TopoDS_Shape NewShape = GetShapeFromName((const char *)name.ToCString()); // Update the Shape in the AIS_Shape Handle(AIS_Shape) TheRealSh = Handle(AIS_Shape)::DownCast(aShape); if(!TheRealSh.IsNull()) TheRealSh->Set(NewShape); TheAISContext()->Redisplay(aShape, Standard_False); TheAISContext()->Display(aShape, Standard_False); } aShape.Nullify(); } else if (anObj->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(NIS_InteractiveObject))) { Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(NIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(anObj); TheNISContext()->Display(aShape); } } else { // Create the AIS_Shape from a name const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = GetAISShapeFromName((const char *)name.ToCString()); if ( !aShape.IsNull() ) { GetMapOfAIS().Bind(aShape, name); TheAISContext()->Display(aShape, Standard_False); } } } // Upadate the screen and redraw the view TheAISContext()->UpdateCurrentViewer(); // TheNISContext()->UpdateViews(); return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : VMoveA //purpose : Test the annimation of an object along a // predifined trajectory //Draw arg : vmove ShapeName //============================================================================== #ifdef DEB static int VMoveA (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { OSD_Timer myTimer; myTimer.Start(); if (TheAISContext()->HasOpenedContext()) TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(); Standard_Real Step=2*PI/180; Standard_Real Angle=0; // R est le rayon de l'hellicoide Standard_Real R=50; // D est la distance parcourue en translation en 1 tour Standard_Real D=50; Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aIO; if (GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(argv[1])) aIO = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(GetMapOfAIS().Find2(argv[1])); if (aIO.IsNull()) { di<<" Syntaxe error: "<Deactivate(aIO); // boucle generant le mouvement if(argc==3) { di<<" Transformations"<<"\n"; for (Standard_Real myAngle=0;Angle<5*2*PI; myAngle++) { Angle=Step*myAngle; gp_Ax3 newBase(gp_Pnt(R*cos(Angle), R*sin(Angle), D*Angle/(2*PI) ), gp_Vec(0,0,1), gp_Vec(1,0,0) ); gp_Trsf myTransfo; myTransfo.SetTransformation(newBase.Rotated(gp_Ax1(gp_Pnt(R*cos(Angle),R*sin(Angle),0), gp_Dir(0,0,1) ),Angle ) ); TheAISContext()->SetLocation(aIO,myTransfo); TheAISContext() ->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } } else { di<<" Locations"<<"\n"; gp_Trsf myAngleTrsf; myAngleTrsf.SetRotation(gp_Ax1(gp_Pnt(0,0,0),gp_Dir(0,0,1) ), Step ); TopLoc_Location myDeltaAngle (myAngleTrsf); gp_Trsf myDistTrsf; myDistTrsf.SetTranslation(gp_Dir(0,0,1) ); TopLoc_Location myDeltaDist (myDistTrsf); TopLoc_Location myTrueLoc; for (Standard_Real myAngle=0;Angle<5*2*PI; myAngle++) { Angle=Step*myAngle; myTrueLoc=myTrueLoc*myDeltaAngle*myDeltaDist; TheAISContext()->SetLocation(aIO,myTrueLoc ); TheAISContext() ->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } } TopoDS_Shape ShapeBis=((*(Handle(AIS_Shape)*)&aIO)->Shape()).Located( aIO->Location() ); //TopLoc_Location Tempo=aIO->Location(); //TopoDS_Shape ShapeBis=((*(Handle(AIS_Shape)*)&aIO)->Shape()); //ShapeBis.Located(Tempo); // On reset la location (origine) contenue dans l'AISInteractiveObject TheAISContext() ->ResetLocation(aIO); // On force aShape a devenir l'AIS IO propre a ShapeBis // Pour cela on force aShape(AIS IO) a devenir une AISShape // ->Set() est une methode de AIS_Shape (*(Handle(AIS_Shape)*)& aIO)->Set(ShapeBis); // On donne a ShapeBis le nom de l'AIS IO //Rep::Set(argv[1],ShapeBis); TheAISContext()->Redisplay(aIO,Standard_False); // On reactive la selection des primitives sensibles TheAISContext()->Activate(aIO,0); TheAISContext() ->UpdateCurrentViewer(); a3DView() -> Redraw(); myTimer.Stop(); di<<" Temps ecoule "<<"\n"; myTimer.Show(); return 0; } #endif //============================================================================== //function : VPerf //purpose : Test the annimation of an object along a // predifined trajectory //Draw arg : vperf ShapeName 1/0(Transfo/Location) 1/0(Primitives sensibles ON/OFF) //============================================================================== static int VPerf(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer , const char** argv) { OSD_Timer myTimer; if (TheAISContext()->HasOpenedContext()) TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(); Standard_Real Step=4*PI/180; Standard_Real Angle=0; Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aIO; if (GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(argv[1])) aIO = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(GetMapOfAIS().Find2(argv[1])); if (aIO.IsNull()) return 1; Handle(AIS_Shape) aShape = Handle(AIS_Shape)::DownCast(aIO); myTimer.Start(); if (atoi(argv[3])==1 ) { di<<" Primitives sensibles OFF"<<"\n"; TheAISContext()->Deactivate(aIO); } else { di<<" Primitives sensibles ON"<<"\n"; } // Movement par transformation if(atoi(argv[2]) ==1) { di<<" Calcul par Transformation"<<"\n"; for (Standard_Real myAngle=0;Angle<10*2*PI; myAngle++) { Angle=Step*myAngle; gp_Trsf myTransfo; myTransfo.SetRotation(gp_Ax1(gp_Pnt(0,0,0),gp_Dir(0,0,1) ) ,Angle ); TheAISContext()->SetLocation(aShape,myTransfo); TheAISContext() ->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } } else { di<<" Calcul par Locations"<<"\n"; gp_Trsf myAngleTrsf; myAngleTrsf.SetRotation(gp_Ax1(gp_Pnt(0,0,0),gp_Dir(0,0,1) ), Step ); TopLoc_Location myDeltaAngle (myAngleTrsf); TopLoc_Location myTrueLoc; for (Standard_Real myAngle=0;Angle<10*2*PI; myAngle++) { Angle=Step*myAngle; myTrueLoc=myTrueLoc*myDeltaAngle; TheAISContext()->SetLocation(aShape,myTrueLoc ); TheAISContext() ->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } } if (atoi(argv[3])==1 ){ // On reactive la selection des primitives sensibles TheAISContext()->Activate(aIO,0); } a3DView() -> Redraw(); myTimer.Stop(); di<<" Temps ecoule "<<"\n"; myTimer.Show(); return 0; } //================================================================================== // Function : VAnimation //================================================================================== static int VAnimation (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { if (argc != 5) { di<<"Use: "<SetColor(myAisCylinderHead, Quantity_NOC_INDIANRED); TheAISContext()->SetColor(myAisEngineBlock , Quantity_NOC_RED); TheAISContext()->SetColor(myAisPropeller , Quantity_NOC_GREEN); TheAISContext()->Display(myAisCylinderHead,Standard_False); TheAISContext()->Display(myAisEngineBlock,Standard_False ); TheAISContext()->Display(myAisCrankArm,Standard_False ); TheAISContext()->Display(myAisPropeller,Standard_False); TheAISContext()->Deactivate(myAisCylinderHead); TheAISContext()->Deactivate(myAisEngineBlock ); TheAISContext()->Deactivate(myAisCrankArm ); TheAISContext()->Deactivate(myAisPropeller ); // Boucle de mouvement for (Standard_Real myAngle = 0;angleA<2*PI*10.175 ;myAngle++) { angleA = thread*myAngle*PI/180; X = Sin(angleA)*3/8; angleB = atan(X / Sqrt(-X * X + 1)); Standard_Real decal(25*0.6); //Build a transformation on the display gp_Trsf aPropellerTrsf; aPropellerTrsf.SetRotation(Ax1,angleA); TheAISContext()->SetLocation(myAisPropeller,aPropellerTrsf); gp_Ax3 base(gp_Pnt(3*decal*(1-Cos(angleA)),-3*decal*Sin(angleA),0),gp_Vec(0,0,1),gp_Vec(1,0,0)); gp_Trsf aCrankArmTrsf; aCrankArmTrsf.SetTransformation( base.Rotated(gp_Ax1(gp_Pnt(3*decal,0,0),gp_Dir(0,0,1)),angleB)); TheAISContext()->SetLocation(myAisCrankArm,aCrankArmTrsf); TheAISContext()->UpdateCurrentViewer(); } TopoDS_Shape myNewCrankArm =myAisCrankArm ->Shape().Located( myAisCrankArm ->Location() ); TopoDS_Shape myNewPropeller =myAisPropeller->Shape().Located( myAisPropeller->Location() ); myAisCrankArm ->ResetLocation(); myAisPropeller->ResetLocation(); myAisCrankArm -> Set(myNewCrankArm ); myAisPropeller -> Set(myNewPropeller); TheAISContext()->Activate(myAisCylinderHead,0); TheAISContext()->Activate(myAisEngineBlock,0 ); TheAISContext()->Activate(myAisCrankArm ,0 ); TheAISContext()->Activate(myAisPropeller ,0 ); myTimer.Stop(); myTimer.Show(); myTimer.Start(); TheAISContext()->Redisplay(myAisCrankArm ,Standard_False); TheAISContext()->Redisplay(myAisPropeller,Standard_False); TheAISContext()->UpdateCurrentViewer(); a3DView()->Redraw(); myTimer.Stop(); myTimer.Show(); return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : VShading //purpose : Sharpen or roughten the quality of the shading //Draw arg : vshading ShapeName 0.1->0.00001 1 deg-> 30 deg //============================================================================== static int VShading(Draw_Interpretor& ,Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { Standard_Boolean HaveToSet; // Standard_Real myDevAngle; Standard_Real myDevCoef; Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) TheAisIO; // Verifications if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"vsetshading") ) HaveToSet=Standard_True; else HaveToSet=Standard_False; if (TheAISContext()->HasOpenedContext()) TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(); if (argc < 3) { myDevCoef = 0.0008; } else { myDevCoef =atof(argv[2]); } TCollection_AsciiString name=argv[1]; if (GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(name )) TheAisIO = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(GetMapOfAIS().Find2(name)); if (TheAisIO.IsNull()) TheAisIO=GetAISShapeFromName((const char *)name.ToCString()); if (HaveToSet) { TheAISContext()->SetDeviationCoefficient(TheAisIO,myDevCoef,Standard_True); } else { TheAISContext()->SetDeviationCoefficient(TheAisIO,0.0008,Standard_True); } TheAISContext()->Redisplay(TheAisIO); return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : HaveMode //use : VActivatedModes //============================================================================== #include Standard_Boolean HaveMode(const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)& TheAisIO,const Standard_Integer mode ) { TColStd_ListOfInteger List; TheAISContext()->ActivatedModes (TheAisIO,List); TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfInteger it; Standard_Boolean Found=Standard_False; for (it.Initialize(List); it.More()&&!Found; it.Next() ){ if (it.Value()==mode ) Found=Standard_True; } return Found; } //============================================================================== //function : VActivatedMode //author : ege //purpose : permet d'attribuer a chacune des shapes un mode d'activation // (edges,vertex...)qui lui est propre et le mode de selection standard. // La fonction s'applique aux shapes selectionnees(current ou selected dans le viewer) // Dans le cas ou on veut psser la shape en argument, la fonction n'autorise // qu'un nom et qu'un mode. //Draw arg : vsetam [ShapeName] mode(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) //============================================================================== #include static int VActivatedMode (Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { Standard_Boolean HaveToSet; Standard_Boolean ThereIsName = Standard_False ; if(!a3DView().IsNull()){ if (!strcasecmp(argv[0],"vsetam")) HaveToSet=Standard_True; else HaveToSet=Standard_False; // verification des arguments if (HaveToSet) { if (argc<2||argc>3) { di<<" Syntaxe error"<<"\n";return 1;} if (argc==3) ThereIsName=Standard_True; else ThereIsName=Standard_False; } else { // vunsetam if (argc>1) {di<<" Syntaxe error"<<"\n";return 1;} else { di<<" R.A.Z de tous les modes de selecion"<<"\n"; di<<" Fermeture du Context local"<<"\n"; if (TheAISContext()->HasOpenedContext()) TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(); } } // IL n'y a aps de nom de shape passe en argument if (HaveToSet && !ThereIsName){ Standard_Integer aMode=atoi(argv [1]); const char *cmode="???"; switch (aMode) { case 0: cmode = "Shape"; break; case 1: cmode = "Vertex"; break; case 2: cmode = "Edge"; break; case 3: cmode = "Wire"; break; case 4: cmode = "Face"; break; case 5: cmode = "Shell"; break; case 6: cmode = "Solid"; break; case 7: cmode = "Compound"; break; } if( !TheAISContext()->HasOpenedContext() ) { // il n'y a pas de Context local d'ouvert // on en ouvre un et on charge toutes les shapes displayees // on load tous les objets displayees et on Activate les objets de la liste AIS_ListOfInteractive ListOfIO; // on sauve dans une AISListOfInteractive tous les objets currents if (TheAISContext()->NbCurrents()>0 ){ TheAISContext()->UnhilightCurrents(Standard_False); for (TheAISContext()->InitCurrent(); TheAISContext()->MoreCurrent(); TheAISContext()->NextCurrent() ){ ListOfIO.Append(TheAISContext()->Current() ); } } TheAISContext()->OpenLocalContext(Standard_False); ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it (GetMapOfAIS()); while(it.More()){ Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aIO = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); if (!aIO.IsNull()) TheAISContext()->Load(aIO,0,Standard_False); it.Next(); } // traitement des objets qui etaient currents dans le Contexte global if (!ListOfIO.IsEmpty() ) { // il y avait des objets currents AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive iter; for (iter.Initialize(ListOfIO); iter.More() ; iter.Next() ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aIO=iter.Value(); TheAISContext()->Activate(aIO,aMode); di<<" Mode: "<Activate(aIO,aMode); } it2.Next(); } } } else { // un Context local est deja ouvert // Traitement des objets du Context local if (TheAISContext()->NbSelected()>0 ){ TheAISContext()->UnhilightSelected(Standard_False); // il y a des objets selected,on les parcourt for (TheAISContext()->InitSelected(); TheAISContext()->MoreSelected(); TheAISContext()->NextSelected() ){ Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aIO=TheAISContext()->Interactive(); if (HaveMode(aIO,aMode) ) { di<<" Mode: "<Deactivate(aIO,aMode); } else{ di<<" Mode: "<Activate(aIO,aMode); } } } else{ // il n'y a pas d'objets selected // tous les objets diplayes sont traites ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it (GetMapOfAIS()); while(it.More()){ Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aIO = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); if (!aIO.IsNull()) { if (HaveMode(aIO,aMode) ) { di<<" Mode: "<Deactivate(aIO,aMode); } else{ di<<" Mode: "<Activate(aIO,aMode); } } it.Next(); } } } } else if (HaveToSet && ThereIsName){ Standard_Integer aMode=atoi(argv [2]); Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aIO = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(GetMapOfAIS().Find2(argv[1])); if (!aIO.IsNull()) { const char *cmode="???"; switch (aMode) { case 0: cmode = "Shape"; break; case 1: cmode = "Vertex"; break; case 2: cmode = "Edge"; break; case 3: cmode = "Wire"; break; case 4: cmode = "Face"; break; case 5: cmode = "Shell"; break; case 6: cmode = "Solid"; break; case 7: cmode = "Compound"; break; } if( !TheAISContext()->HasOpenedContext() ) { TheAISContext()->OpenLocalContext(Standard_False); // On charge tous les objets de la map ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it (GetMapOfAIS()); while(it.More()){ Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aShape= Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); if (!aShape.IsNull()) TheAISContext()->Load(aShape,0,Standard_False); it.Next(); } TheAISContext()->Activate(aIO,aMode); di<<" Mode: "<Deactivate(aIO,aMode); } else{ di<<" Mode: "<Activate(aIO,aMode); } } } } } return 0; } //============================================================================== // function : WhoAmI // user : vState //============================================================================== void WhoAmI (const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject )& theShape ,Draw_Interpretor& di) { // AIS_Datum if (theShape->Type()==AIS_KOI_Datum) { if (theShape->Signature()==3 ) { di<<" AIS_Trihedron"; } else if (theShape->Signature()==2 ) { di<<" AIS_Axis"; } else if (theShape->Signature()==6 ) { di<<" AIS_Circle"; } else if (theShape->Signature()==5 ) { di<<" AIS_Line"; } else if (theShape->Signature()==7 ) { di<<" AIS_Plane"; } else if (theShape->Signature()==1 ) { di<<" AIS_Point"; } else if (theShape->Signature()==4 ) { di<<" AIS_PlaneTrihedron"; } } // AIS_Shape else if (theShape->Type()==AIS_KOI_Shape && theShape->Signature()==0 ) { di<<" AIS_Shape"; } // AIS_Dimentions et AIS_Relations else if (theShape->Type()==AIS_KOI_Relation) { Handle(AIS_Relation) TheShape= ((*(Handle(AIS_Relation)*)&theShape)); if (TheShape->KindOfDimension()==AIS_KOD_PLANEANGLE) {di<<" AIS_AngleDimension";} else if (TheShape->KindOfDimension()==AIS_KOD_LENGTH ) {di<<" AIS_Chamf2/3dDimension/AIS_LengthDimension "; } else if (TheShape->KindOfDimension()==AIS_KOD_DIAMETER ) {di<<" AIS_DiameterDimension ";} else if (TheShape->KindOfDimension()==AIS_KOD_ELLIPSERADIUS ) {di<<" AIS_EllipseRadiusDimension ";} //else if (TheShape->KindOfDimension()==AIS_KOD_FILLETRADIUS ) {di<<" AIS_FilletRadiusDimension "<KindOfDimension()==AIS_KOD_OFFSET ) {di<<" AIS_OffsetDimension ";} else if (TheShape->KindOfDimension()==AIS_KOD_RADIUS ) {di<<" AIS_RadiusDimension ";} // AIS no repertorie. else {di<<" Type Unknown.";} } } //============================================================================== //function : VState //purpose : //Draw arg : vstate [nameA] ... [nameN] //============================================================================== static int VState(Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { Standard_Boolean ThereIsCurrent=Standard_False; Standard_Boolean ThereIsArguments=Standard_False; TheAISContext()->CloseAllContexts(); if (argc>=2 ) { ThereIsArguments=Standard_True; } if (TheAISContext()->NbCurrents()>0 ) { ThereIsCurrent=Standard_True; } // Debut... // ================== // Il y a un argument // ================== if (ThereIsArguments ) { for (int cpt=1;cptIsDisplayed(theShape) ) { di<<" Displayed"<<"\n"; } else { di<<" Not Displayed"<<"\n"; } } } else { di<<"vstate error: Shape "< InitCurrent() ; TheAISContext() -> MoreCurrent() ; TheAISContext() ->NextCurrent() ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) theShape=TheAISContext()->Current(); di<IsDisplayed(theShape) ) { di<<" Displayed"<<"\n"; } else { di<<" Not Displayed"<<"\n"; } } } else { ViewerTest_DoubleMapIteratorOfDoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName it(GetMapOfAIS()); while ( it.More() ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) theShape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(it.Key1()); if (!theShape.IsNull()) { di<IsDisplayed(theShape) ) { di<<" Displayed"<<"\n"; } else { di<<" Not Displayed"<<"\n"; } } it.Next(); } } return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : PickObjects //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ViewerTest::PickObjects(Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfTransient)& arr, const AIS_KindOfInteractive TheType, const Standard_Integer TheSignature, const Standard_Integer MaxPick) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) IO; Standard_Integer curindex = (TheType == AIS_KOI_None) ? 0 : TheAISContext()->OpenLocalContext(); // step 1: prepare the data if(curindex !=0){ Handle(AIS_SignatureFilter) F1 = new AIS_SignatureFilter(TheType,TheSignature); TheAISContext()->AddFilter(F1); } // step 2 : wait for the selection... // Standard_Boolean IsGood (Standard_False); // Standard_Integer NbPick(0); Standard_Boolean NbPickGood (0),NbToReach(arr->Length()); Standard_Integer NbPickFail(0); Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "A", "B", "C","D", "E" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while(NbPickGoodNbSelected(); if((unsigned int ) NbStored != NbPickGood) NbPickGood= NbStored; else NbPickFail++; cout<<"NbPicked = "<= NbToReach) return Standard_False; Standard_Integer i(0); for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected(); TheAISContext()->MoreSelected(); TheAISContext()->NextSelected()){ i++; Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) IO2 = TheAISContext()->SelectedInteractive(); arr->SetValue(i,IO2); } if(curindex>0) TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(curindex); return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : PickObject //purpose : //======================================================================= Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) ViewerTest::PickObject(const AIS_KindOfInteractive TheType, const Standard_Integer TheSignature, const Standard_Integer MaxPick) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) IO; Standard_Integer curindex = (TheType == AIS_KOI_None) ? 0 : TheAISContext()->OpenLocalContext(); // step 1: prepare the data if(curindex !=0){ Handle(AIS_SignatureFilter) F1 = new AIS_SignatureFilter(TheType,TheSignature); TheAISContext()->AddFilter(F1); } // step 2 : wait for the selection... Standard_Boolean IsGood (Standard_False); Standard_Integer NbPick(0); Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while(!IsGood && NbPick<= MaxPick){ while(ViewerMainLoop(argccc,argvvv)){} IsGood = (TheAISContext()->NbSelected()>0) ; NbPick++; cout<<"Nb Pick :"<InitSelected(); IO = TheAISContext()->SelectedInteractive(); } if(curindex!=0) TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(curindex); return IO; } //======================================================================= //function : PickShape //purpose : First Activate the rightmode + Put Filters to be able to // pick objets that are of type ... //======================================================================= TopoDS_Shape ViewerTest::PickShape(const TopAbs_ShapeEnum TheType, const Standard_Integer MaxPick) { // step 1: prepare the data Standard_Integer curindex = TheAISContext()->OpenLocalContext(); TopoDS_Shape result; if(TheType==TopAbs_SHAPE){ Handle(AIS_TypeFilter) F1 = new AIS_TypeFilter(AIS_KOI_Shape); TheAISContext()->AddFilter(F1); } else{ Handle(StdSelect_ShapeTypeFilter) TF = new StdSelect_ShapeTypeFilter(TheType); TheAISContext()->AddFilter(TF); TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode(TheType); } // step 2 : wait for the selection... Standard_Boolean NoShape (Standard_True); Standard_Integer NbPick(0); Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "VPick", "X", "VPickY","VPickZ", "VPickShape" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while(NoShape && NbPick<= MaxPick){ while(ViewerMainLoop(argccc,argvvv)){} NoShape = (TheAISContext()->NbSelected()==0) ; NbPick++; cout<<"Nb Pick :"<InitSelected(); if(TheAISContext()->HasSelectedShape()) result = TheAISContext()->SelectedShape(); else{ Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) IO = TheAISContext()->SelectedInteractive(); result = (*((Handle(AIS_Shape)*) &IO))->Shape(); } } if(curindex>0) TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(curindex); return result; } //======================================================================= //function : PickShapes //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ViewerTest::PickShapes (const TopAbs_ShapeEnum TheType, Handle(TopTools_HArray1OfShape)& thearr, const Standard_Integer MaxPick) { Standard_Integer Taille = thearr->Length(); if(Taille>1) cout<<" WARNING : Pick with Shift+ MB1 for Selection of more than 1 object"<<"\n"; // step 1: prepare the data Standard_Integer curindex = TheAISContext()->OpenLocalContext(); if(TheType==TopAbs_SHAPE){ Handle(AIS_TypeFilter) F1 = new AIS_TypeFilter(AIS_KOI_Shape); TheAISContext()->AddFilter(F1); } else{ Handle(StdSelect_ShapeTypeFilter) TF = new StdSelect_ShapeTypeFilter(TheType); TheAISContext()->AddFilter(TF); TheAISContext()->ActivateStandardMode(TheType); } // step 2 : wait for the selection... Standard_Boolean NbPickGood (0),NbToReach(thearr->Length()); Standard_Integer NbPickFail(0); Standard_Integer argccc = 5; const char *bufff[] = { "A", "B", "C","D", "E" }; const char **argvvv = (const char **) bufff; while(NbPickGoodNbSelected(); if((unsigned int ) NbStored != NbPickGood) NbPickGood= NbStored; else NbPickFail++; cout<<"NbPicked = "<= NbToReach) return Standard_False; Standard_Integer i(0); for(TheAISContext()->InitSelected();TheAISContext()->MoreSelected();TheAISContext()->NextSelected()){ i++; if(TheAISContext()->HasSelectedShape()) thearr->SetValue(i,TheAISContext()->SelectedShape()); else{ Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) IO = TheAISContext()->SelectedInteractive(); thearr->SetValue(i,(*((Handle(AIS_Shape)*) &IO))->Shape()); } } TheAISContext()->CloseLocalContext(curindex); return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : VPickShape //purpose : //======================================================================= static int VPickShape( Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { TopoDS_Shape PickSh; TopAbs_ShapeEnum theType = TopAbs_COMPOUND; if(argc==1) theType = TopAbs_SHAPE; else{ if(!strcasecmp(argv[1],"V" )) theType = TopAbs_VERTEX; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1],"E" )) theType = TopAbs_EDGE; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1],"W" )) theType = TopAbs_WIRE; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1],"F" )) theType = TopAbs_FACE; else if(!strcasecmp(argv[1],"SHAPE" )) theType = TopAbs_SHAPE; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1],"SHELL" )) theType = TopAbs_SHELL; else if (!strcasecmp(argv[1],"SOLID" )) theType = TopAbs_SOLID; } static Standard_Integer nbOfSub[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; static TCollection_AsciiString nameType[8] = {"COMPS","SOL","SHE","F","W","E","V","SHAP"}; TCollection_AsciiString name; Standard_Integer NbToPick = argc>2 ? argc-2 : 1; if(NbToPick==1){ PickSh = ViewerTest::PickShape(theType); if(PickSh.IsNull()) return 1; if(argc>2){ name += argv[2]; } else{ if(!PickSh.IsNull()){ nbOfSub[Standard_Integer(theType)]++; name += "Picked_"; name += nameType[Standard_Integer(theType)]; TCollection_AsciiString indxstring(nbOfSub[Standard_Integer(theType)]); name +="_"; name+=indxstring; } } // si on avait une petite methode pour voir si la shape // est deja dans la Double map, ca eviterait de creer.... DBRep::Set(name.ToCString(),PickSh); Handle(AIS_Shape) newsh = new AIS_Shape(PickSh); GetMapOfAIS().Bind(newsh, name); TheAISContext()->Display(newsh); di<<"Nom de la shape pickee : "<Value(i); if(!PickSh.IsNull()){ if(autonaming){ nbOfSub[Standard_Integer(theType)]++; name.Clear(); name += "Picked_"; name += nameType[Standard_Integer(theType)]; TCollection_AsciiString indxstring(nbOfSub[Standard_Integer(theType)]); name +="_"; name+=indxstring; } } else name = argv[1+i]; DBRep::Set(name.ToCString(),PickSh); Handle(AIS_Shape) newsh = new AIS_Shape(PickSh); GetMapOfAIS().Bind(newsh, name); di<<"display of picke shape #"<Display(newsh); } } } return 0; } //======================================================================= //function : VPickObject //purpose : filters can be set (type of Object to pick.... // //======================================================================= // Unused : #ifdef DEB static int VPickObject( Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer /*argc*/, const char** /*argv*/) { // preparation de la nomination automatique static TCollection_AsciiString ObjType[] ={"None","Datum","Shape","Object","Relation"}; // static char* DatumSig [8] ={"Point","Axis","Trih","PlTri","Line","Circle","Plane","UnK"}; /* TCollection_AsciiString name; Standard_Integer NbToPick = argc>2 ? argc-2 : 1; if(NbToPick==1){ PickSh = ViewerTest::PickObject(theType); if(PickSh.IsNull()) return 1; if(argc>2){ name += argv[2]; } else{ if(!PickSh.IsNull()){ nbOfSub[Standard_Integer(theType)]++; name += "Picked_"; name += nameType[Standard_Integer(theType)]; TCollection_AsciiString indxstring(nbOfSub[Standard_Integer(theType)]); name +="_"; name+=indxstring; } } // si on avait une petite methode pour voir si la shape // est deja dans la Double map, ca eviterait de creer.... DBRep::Set(name.ToCString(),PickSh); Handle(AIS_Shape) newsh = new AIS_Shape(PickSh); GetMapOfAIS().Bind(newsh, name); TheAISContext()->Display(newsh); cout<<"Nom de la shape pickee : "<Value(i); if(!PickSh.IsNull()){ if(autonaming){ nbOfSub[Standard_Integer(theType)]++; name.Clear(); name += "Picked_"; name += nameType[Standard_Integer(theType)]; TCollection_AsciiString indxstring(nbOfSub[Standard_Integer(theType)]); name +="_"; name+=indxstring; } } else name = argv[1+i]; DBRep::Set(name.ToCString(),PickSh); Handle(AIS_Shape) newsh = new AIS_Shape(PickSh); GetMapOfAIS().Bind(newsh, name); cout<<"display of picke shape #"<Display(newsh); } } } */ return 0; } #endif //======================================================================= //function : list of known objects //purpose : //======================================================================= static int VIOTypes( Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer , const char** ) { // 1234567890 12345678901234567 123456789 TCollection_AsciiString Colum [3]={"Standard Types","Type Of Object","Signature"}; TCollection_AsciiString BlankLine(64,'_'); Standard_Integer i ; di<<"/n"<DisplayedObjects(TheType,TheSign,LIO); Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) curio; for(AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive it(LIO);it.More();it.Next()){ curio = it.Value(); if(dimension_status == -1) TheAISContext()->Erase(curio,Standard_False); else { AIS_KindOfDimension KOD = (*((Handle(AIS_Relation)*)&curio))->KindOfDimension(); if ((dimension_status==0 && KOD == AIS_KOD_NONE)|| (dimension_status==1 && KOD != AIS_KOD_NONE)) TheAISContext()->Erase(curio,Standard_False); } } TheAISContext()->UpdateCurrentViewer(); return 0; } static int VDisplayType(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv) { if(argc!=2) return 1; AIS_KindOfInteractive TheType; Standard_Integer TheSign(-1); GetTypeAndSignfromString(argv[1],TheType,TheSign); // en attendant l'amelioration ais pour les dimensions... // Standard_Integer dimension_status(-1); if(TheType==AIS_KOI_Relation){ dimension_status = TheSign ==1 ? 1 : 0; TheSign=-1; } AIS_ListOfInteractive LIO; TheAISContext()->ObjectsInside(LIO,TheType,TheSign); Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) curio; for(AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive it(LIO);it.More();it.Next()){ curio = it.Value(); if(dimension_status == -1) TheAISContext()->Display(curio,Standard_False); else { AIS_KindOfDimension KOD = (*((Handle(AIS_Relation)*)&curio))->KindOfDimension(); if ((dimension_status==0 && KOD == AIS_KOD_NONE)|| (dimension_status==1 && KOD != AIS_KOD_NONE)) TheAISContext()->Display(curio,Standard_False); } } TheAISContext()->UpdateCurrentViewer(); return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : VSetTransMode //purpose : //Draw arg : vsettransmode shape flag1 [flag2] [flag3] [X Y Z] //============================================================================== static int VSetTransMode ( Draw_Interpretor& di, Standard_Integer argc, const char** argv ) { // Verification des arguments if ( a3DView().IsNull() ) { ViewerTest::ViewerInit(); di << "La commande vinit n'a pas ete appele avant" << "\n"; } if ( argc < 3 || argc > 8 ) { di << argv[0] << " Invalid number of arguments" << "\n"; return 1; } TCollection_AsciiString shapeName; shapeName = argv[1]; Standard_Integer persFlag1 = atoi(argv[2]); Standard_Integer persFlag2 = 0; Standard_Integer persFlag3 = 0; gp_Pnt origin = gp_Pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); if ( argc == 4 || argc == 5 || argc == 7 || argc == 8 ) { persFlag2 = atoi(argv[3]); } if ( argc == 5 || argc == 8 ) { persFlag3 = atoi(argv[4]); } if ( argc >= 6 ) { origin.SetX( atof(argv[argc - 3]) ); origin.SetY( atof(argv[argc - 2]) ); origin.SetZ( atof(argv[argc - 1]) ); } Standard_Boolean IsBound = GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(shapeName); Handle(Standard_Transient) anObj; if ( IsBound ) { anObj = GetMapOfAIS().Find2(shapeName); if ( anObj->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(AIS_InteractiveObject)) ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(anObj); aShape->SetTransformPersistence( (persFlag1 | persFlag2 | persFlag3), origin ); if ( persFlag1 == 0 && persFlag2 == 0 && persFlag3 == 0 ) { di << argv[0] << " All persistence modifiers were removed" << "\n"; } } else { di << argv[0] << " Wrong object type" << "\n"; return 1; } } else { // Create the AIS_Shape from a name const Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) aShape = GetAISShapeFromName((const char* )shapeName.ToCString()); if ( !aShape.IsNull() ) { GetMapOfAIS().Bind( aShape, shapeName ); aShape->SetTransformPersistence( (persFlag1 | persFlag2 | persFlag3), origin ); TheAISContext()->Display( aShape, Standard_False ); } else { di << argv[0] << " Object not found" << "\n"; return 1; } } // Upadate the screen and redraw the view TheAISContext()->UpdateCurrentViewer(); return 0; } static Standard_Integer vr(Draw_Interpretor& , Standard_Integer , const char** a) { ifstream s(a[1]); BRep_Builder builder; TopoDS_Shape shape; BRepTools::Read(shape, s, builder); DBRep::Set(a[1], shape); Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) Ctx = ViewerTest::GetAISContext(); Handle(AIS_Shape) ais = new AIS_Shape(shape); Ctx->Display(ais); return 0; } //============================================================================ #include #include #include #include #include #include Standard_Integer hlrtest(Draw_Interpretor&, Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { Handle(AIS2D_InteractiveContext) aContext2D = Viewer2dTest::GetAIS2DContext(); ///////////////////// TopoDS_Shape aShape = DBRep::Get(a[1]); aContext2D->EraseAll(Standard_True); Standard_Boolean IsPoly = Standard_False; gp_Ax2 anAx2 = gp::XOY(); //if(n > 2) aPolyAlgo = atoi(a[2]); //IsPoly = aPolyAlgo > 0; TopoDS_Shape aResult = aShape; if (n == 11) { Standard_Real x = atof(a[2]); Standard_Real y = atof(a[3]); Standard_Real z = atof(a[4]); Standard_Real dx = atof(a[5]); Standard_Real dy = atof(a[6]); Standard_Real dz = atof(a[7]); Standard_Real dx1 = atof(a[8]); Standard_Real dy1 = atof(a[9]); Standard_Real dz1 = atof(a[10]); gp_Pnt anOrigin (x, y, z); gp_Dir aNormal (dx, dy, dz); gp_Dir aDX (dx1, dy1, dz1); anAx2 = gp_Ax2(anOrigin, aNormal, aDX); } HLRAlgo_Projector aProjector(anAx2); //Prs3d_Projector aProjector_t(Standard_False,1, 0,0,1,0,0,1000,0,1,0); //aProjector = aProjector_t.Projector(); Handle(AIS2D_ProjShape) myDisplayableShape = new AIS2D_ProjShape(aProjector,0,IsPoly, Standard_False); myDisplayableShape->ShowEdges(Standard_True, Standard_False, Standard_False, Standard_True, Standard_False); myDisplayableShape->Add( aResult ); aContext2D->Display( myDisplayableShape,Standard_True ); aContext2D->UpdateCurrentViewer(); return 0; } Standard_Integer phlrtest(Draw_Interpretor&, Standard_Integer n, const char** a) { Handle(AIS2D_InteractiveContext) aContext2D = Viewer2dTest::GetAIS2DContext(); ///////////////////// TopoDS_Shape aShape = DBRep::Get(a[1]); aContext2D->EraseAll(Standard_True); Standard_Boolean IsPoly = Standard_True; gp_Ax2 anAx2 = gp::XOY(); //if(n > 2) aPolyAlgo = atoi(a[2]); //IsPoly = aPolyAlgo > 0; TopoDS_Shape aResult = aShape; if (n == 11) { Standard_Real x = atof(a[2]); Standard_Real y = atof(a[3]); Standard_Real z = atof(a[4]); Standard_Real dx = atof(a[5]); Standard_Real dy = atof(a[6]); Standard_Real dz = atof(a[7]); Standard_Real dx1 = atof(a[8]); Standard_Real dy1 = atof(a[9]); Standard_Real dz1 = atof(a[10]); gp_Pnt anOrigin (x, y, z); gp_Dir aNormal (dx, dy, dz); gp_Dir aDX (dx1, dy1, dz1); anAx2 = gp_Ax2(anOrigin, aNormal, aDX); } HLRAlgo_Projector aProjector(anAx2); //Prs3d_Projector aProjector_t(Standard_False,1, 0,0,1,0,0,1000,0,1,0); //aProjector = aProjector_t.Projector(); Handle(AIS2D_ProjShape) myDisplayableShape = new AIS2D_ProjShape(aProjector,0,IsPoly, Standard_False); myDisplayableShape->ShowEdges(Standard_True, Standard_False, Standard_False, Standard_True, Standard_False); myDisplayableShape->Add( aResult ); aContext2D->Display( myDisplayableShape,Standard_True ); aContext2D->UpdateCurrentViewer(); return 0; } //============================================================================== //function : ViewerTest::Commands //purpose : Add all the viewer command in the Draw_Interpretor //============================================================================== void ViewerTest::Commands(Draw_Interpretor& theCommands) { ViewerTest::ViewerCommands(theCommands); ViewerTest::RelationCommands(theCommands); ViewerTest::ObjectCommands(theCommands); ViewerTest::FilletCommands(theCommands); ViewerTest::VoxelCommands(theCommands); const char *group = "AIS_Display"; // display theCommands.Add("vdisplay", "vdisplay : vdisplay2 name1 [name2] ... [name n] ", __FILE__,VDisplay2,group); theCommands.Add("verase", "verase : verase2 [name1] ... [name n] ", __FILE__,VErase2,group); theCommands.Add("vdonly", "vdonly : vdonly2 [name1] ... [name n]", __FILE__,VDonly2,group); theCommands.Add("vdisplayall", "vdisplayall : vdisplayall", __FILE__,VDisplayAll,group); theCommands.Add("veraseall", "veraseall : veraseall ", __FILE__,VEraseAll,group); theCommands.Add("verasetype", "verasetype : verasetype \n\t erase all the displayed objects of one given kind (see vtypes)", __FILE__,VEraseType,group); theCommands.Add("vdisplaytype", "vdisplaytype : vdisplaytype \n\t display all the objects of one given kind (see vtypes) which are stored the AISContext ", __FILE__,VDisplayType,group); theCommands.Add("vdisplaymode", "vdispmode : vdispmode [name] mode(1,2,..) : no name -> on selected objects ", __FILE__,VDispMode,group); theCommands.Add("verasemode", "verasemode : verasemode [name] mode(1,2,..) : no name -> on selected objects", __FILE__,VDispMode,group); theCommands.Add("vsetdispmode", "vsetdispmode : vsetdispmode [name] mode(1,2,..): no name -> on selected objects ", __FILE__,VDispMode,group); theCommands.Add("vunsetdispmode", "vunsetdispmode : vunsetdispmode [name] mode(1,2,..): no name -> on selected objects", __FILE__,VDispMode,group); theCommands.Add("vdir", "vdir", __FILE__,VDebug,group); theCommands.Add("vdump", ".{png|bmp|jpg|gif} [buffer={rgb|rgba|depth}] [width height]\n\t\t: Dump contents of viewer window to PNG, BMP, JPEG or GIF file", __FILE__,VDump,group); theCommands.Add("vsub", "vsub 0/1 (off/on) [obj] : Subintensity(on/off) of selected objects", __FILE__,VSubInt,group); theCommands.Add("vsetcolor", "vsetcolor : vsetcolor [name of shape] ColorName", __FILE__,VColor2,group); theCommands.Add("vunsetcolor", "vunsetcolor : vunsetcolor [name of shape] ", __FILE__,VColor2,group); theCommands.Add("vsettransparency", "vsettransparency : vtransparency [name of shape] TransparenctCoef (0 -> 1)", __FILE__,VTransparency,group); theCommands.Add("vunsettransparency", "vunsettransparency : vtransparency [name of shape]", __FILE__,VTransparency,group); theCommands.Add("vsetmaterial", "vmaterial : vmaterial [name of shape] MaterialName", __FILE__,VMaterial,group); theCommands.Add("vunsetmaterial", "vmaterial : vmaterial [name of shape]", __FILE__,VMaterial,group); theCommands.Add("vsetwidth", "vsetwidth : vwidth [name of shape] width(0->10)", __FILE__,VWidth,group); theCommands.Add("vunsetwidth", "vunsetwidth : vwidth [name of shape]", __FILE__,VWidth,group); theCommands.Add("vardis", "vardis : display activeareas", __FILE__,VDispAreas,group); theCommands.Add("varera", "varera : erase activeareas", __FILE__,VClearAreas,group); theCommands.Add("vsensdis", "vardisp : display active entities", __FILE__,VDispSensi,group); theCommands.Add("vsensera", "vardisp : erase active entities", __FILE__,VClearSensi,group); theCommands.Add("vperf", "vperf: vperf ShapeName 1/0(Transfo/Location) 1/0(Primitives sensibles ON/OFF)", __FILE__,VPerf,group); theCommands.Add("vanimation", "vanimation CrankArmFile CylinderHeadFile PropellerFile EngineBlockFile", __FILE__,VAnimation,group); theCommands.Add("vsetshading", "vsetshading : vsetshading name Quality(default=0.0008) ", __FILE__,VShading,group); theCommands.Add("vunsetshading", "vunsetshading :vunsetshading name ", __FILE__,VShading,group); theCommands.Add("vtexture", "'vtexture NameOfShape TextureFile' \n \ or 'vtexture NameOfShape' if you want to disable texture mapping \n \ or 'vtexture NameOfShape ?' to list available textures\n \ or 'vtexture NameOfShape IdOfTexture' (0<=IdOfTexture<=20)' to use predefined textures\n ", __FILE__,VTexture,group); theCommands.Add("vtexscale", "'vtexscale NameOfShape ScaleU ScaleV' \n \ or 'vtexscale NameOfShape ScaleUV' \n \ or 'vtexscale NameOfShape' to disable scaling\n ", __FILE__,VTexture,group); theCommands.Add("vtexorigin", "'vtexorigin NameOfShape UOrigin VOrigin' \n \ or 'vtexorigin NameOfShape UVOrigin' \n \ or 'vtexorigin NameOfShape' to disable origin positioning\n ", __FILE__,VTexture,group); theCommands.Add("vtexrepeat", "'vtexrepeat NameOfShape URepeat VRepeat' \n \ or 'vtexrepeat NameOfShape UVRepeat \n \ or 'vtexrepeat NameOfShape' to disable texture repeat \n ", VTexture,group); theCommands.Add("vtexdefault", "'vtexdefault NameOfShape' to set texture mapping default parameters \n", VTexture,group); theCommands.Add("vsetam", "vsetActivatedModes: vsetam mode(1->7) ", __FILE__,VActivatedMode,group); theCommands.Add("vunsetam", "vunsetActivatedModes: vunsetam ", __FILE__,VActivatedMode,group); theCommands.Add("vstate", "vstate [Name1] ... [NameN] :No arg, select currents; no currrent select all ", __FILE__,VState,group); theCommands.Add("vpickshapes", "vpickshape subtype(VERTEX,EDGE,WIRE,FACE,SHELL,SOLID) [name1 or .] [name2 or .] [name n or .]", __FILE__,VPickShape,group); theCommands.Add("vtypes", "vtypes : list of known types and signatures in AIS - To be Used in vpickobject command for selection with filters", VIOTypes,group); theCommands.Add("vsettransmode", "vsettransmode : vsettransmode shape flag1 [flag2] [flag3] [X Y Z]", __FILE__,VSetTransMode,group); theCommands.Add("vr", "vr : reading of the shape", __FILE__,vr, group); theCommands.Add("hlrtest" , "Usage: hlrtest s1 s2 ...", __FILE__, hlrtest, group); theCommands.Add("phlrtest" , "Usage: hlrtest s1 s2 ...", __FILE__, phlrtest, group); } //===================================================================== //========================= for testing Draft and Rib ================= //===================================================================== #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include //#include //======================================================================= //function : IsValid //purpose : //======================================================================= static Standard_Boolean IsValid(const TopTools_ListOfShape& theArgs, const TopoDS_Shape& theResult, const Standard_Boolean closedSolid, const Standard_Boolean GeomCtrl) { OSD_Environment check ("DONT_SWITCH_IS_VALID") ; TCollection_AsciiString checkValid = check.Value(); Standard_Boolean ToCheck = Standard_True; if (!checkValid.IsEmpty()) { #ifdef DEB cout <<"DONT_SWITCH_IS_VALID positionnee a :"< 4) { // == 5 rev = atoi(argv[5]); Rev = (rev)? Standard_True : Standard_False; } TopoDS_Face face2 = TopoDS::Face(Plane); if(!AIS::GetPlaneFromFace(face2, aPln, aSurf, aSurfType, Offset)) { di << "TEST : Can't find plane" << "\n"; return 1; } aDir = aPln.Axis().Direction(); if (!aPln.Direct()) aDir.Reverse(); if (Plane.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) aDir.Reverse(); di << "TEST : gp::Resolution() = " << gp::Resolution() << "\n"; BRepOffsetAPI_DraftAngle Draft (Solid); if(Abs(anAngle)< Precision::Angular()) { di << "TEST : NULL angle" << "\n"; return 1;} if(Rev) anAngle = - anAngle; Draft.Add (Face, aDir, anAngle, aPln); Draft.Build (); if (!Draft.IsDone()) { di << "TEST : Draft Not DONE " << "\n"; return 1; } TopTools_ListOfShape Larg; Larg.Append(Solid); if (!IsValid(Larg,Draft.Shape(),Standard_True,Standard_False)) { di << "TEST : DesignAlgo returns Not valid" << "\n"; return 1; } Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) Ctx = ViewerTest::GetAISContext(); Handle(AIS_Shape) ais = new AIS_Shape(Draft.Shape()); if ( !ais.IsNull() ) { ais->SetColor(DEFAULT_COLOR); ais->SetMaterial(DEFAULT_MATERIAL); // Display the AIS_Shape without redraw Ctx->Display(ais, Standard_False); const char *Name = "draft1"; Standard_Boolean IsBound = GetMapOfAIS().IsBound2(Name); if (IsBound) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) an_object = Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject)::DownCast(GetMapOfAIS().Find2(Name)); if (!an_object.IsNull()) { Ctx->Remove(an_object, Standard_True) ; GetMapOfAIS().UnBind2(Name) ; } } GetMapOfAIS().Bind(ais, Name); // DBRep::Set("draft", ais->Shape()); } Ctx->Display(ais, Standard_True); return 0; } //============================================================================ // MyCommands //============================================================================ void ViewerTest::MyCommands( Draw_Interpretor& theCommands) { DrawTrSurf::BasicCommands(theCommands); const char* group = "Check Features Operations commands"; theCommands.Add("Draft","Draft Solid Face Plane Angle Reverse", __FILE__, &TDraft,group); //Draft_Modification } //============================================================================== // ViewerTest::Factory //============================================================================== void ViewerTest::Factory(Draw_Interpretor& theDI) { // definition of Viewer Command ViewerTest::Commands(theDI); ViewerTest::AviCommands(theDI); Viewer2dTest::Commands(theDI); #ifdef DEB theDI << "Draw Plugin : OCC V2d & V3d commands are loaded" << "\n"; #endif } // Declare entry point PLUGINFACTORY DPLUGIN(ViewerTest)