-- File: Viewer2dTest.cdl package Viewer2dTest ---Purpose: uses Draw, TCollection, TColStd, TopAbs, TopTools, TopoDS, V2d, AIS2D, AIS, Graphic2d is class EventManager; ---Purpose: used to manage mouse event (move,select,shiftselect) -- By default the events are transmitted to interactive context. class DoubleMapOfInteractiveAndName instantiates DoubleMap from TCollection (InteractiveObject from AIS2D, AsciiString from TCollection, MapTransientHasher from TColStd, AsciiString from TCollection); class DataMapOfText instantiates DataMap from TCollection (AsciiString from TCollection, Text from Graphic2d, AsciiString from TCollection); ---Category: Create the viewer.... ViewerInit ( thePxLeft, thePxTop : Integer from Standard = 0; thePxWidth, thePxHeight : Integer from Standard = 0); ---Purpose: -- implemented in Viewer2dTest_ViewerCommands.cxx ---Category: Selection in the viewer.... PickShape (aType : ShapeEnum from TopAbs; MaxPick : Integer from Standard = 5) returns Shape from TopoDS; ---Purpose: waits until a shape of type is picked in the AIS2D Viewer and returns it. -- if == TopAbs_Shape, any shape can be picked... -- MaxPick is the Max number before exiting, if no pick is successfull PickShapes (aType : ShapeEnum from TopAbs; thepicked : in out HArray1OfShape from TopTools; MaxPick : Integer from Standard = 5) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: wait until the array is filled with picked shapes. -- returns True if the array is filled. -- exit if number of unsuccesfull picks = PickObject(Type : KindOfInteractive from AIS = AIS_KOI_None; Signature : Integer from Standard = -1; MaxPick : Integer from Standard = 5) returns InteractiveObject from AIS2D; ---Purpose: waits until an interactive object of a given Type -- and signature is picked (defaut values authorize -- selection of any Interactive Object) -- exit if number of unsuccesfull picks = PickObjects(thepicked : in out HArray1OfTransient from TColStd; Type : KindOfInteractive from AIS = AIS_KOI_None; Signature : Integer from Standard = -1; MaxPick : Integer from Standard = 5) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: selection of several interactive objects. Number is given -- by the size of -- exit if number of unsuccesfull picks = GetMousePosition(xpix,ypix: out Integer from Standard); GetViewerFromContext returns Viewer from V2d; GetCollectorFromContext returns Viewer from V2d; GetAIS2DContext returns InteractiveContext from AIS2D; SetAIS2DContext (aContext: InteractiveContext from AIS2D); CurrentView returns View from V2d; CurrentView (aViou:View from V2d); Clear ; ---Category: Change behaviour on move,select,... events. SetEventManager (aMgr:EventManager from Viewer2dTest); ---Purpose: puts as current eventmanager (the -- move,select,...will be applied to UnsetEventManager; ---Purpose: removes the last EventManager from the list. ResetEventManager; ---Purpose: clear the list of EventManagers and -- sets the default EventManager as current CurrentEventManager returns EventManager from Viewer2dTest; ---Category: privateMethods... RemoveSelected; StandardModeActivation (Mode : Integer from Standard); ---Category: Draw Commands Commands (theCommands : in out Interpretor from Draw); MyCommands (theCommands : in out Interpretor from Draw); -- My Own Com-s GeneralCommands (theCommands :in out Interpretor from Draw); ViewerCommands (theCommands :in out Interpretor from Draw); DisplayCommands (theCommands : in out Interpretor from Draw); ObjectCommands (theCommands :in out Interpretor from Draw); end;