// File V3d_View_Print.cxx // Created March 2000 // Author THA // e-mail t-hartl@muenchen.matra-dtv.fr /************************************************************************/ /* Includes */ /************************************************************************/ #ifdef WNT #include #pragma comment( lib, "comdlg32.lib" ) #endif #include #include #ifdef WNT struct Device { Device(); ~Device(); PRINTDLG _pd; }; //********************************************************************** static Device device; //********************************************************************** Device::Device() { memset(&_pd, 0, sizeof(PRINTDLG)); _pd.hDevNames = NULL; _pd.hDevMode = NULL; _pd.lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLG); } //********************************************************************** Device::~Device() { // :TODO: if (_pd.hDevNames) GlobalFree(_pd.hDevNames); if (_pd.hDevMode) GlobalFree(_pd.hDevMode); if (_pd.hDC) DeleteDC(_pd.hDC); } #endif /************************************************************************/ /* Print Method */ /************************************************************************/ Standard_Boolean V3d_View::Print (const Aspect_Handle hPrnDC, const Standard_Boolean showDialog, const Standard_Boolean showBackground, const Standard_CString filename, const Aspect_PrintAlgo printAlgorithm) const { #ifdef WNT if( MyView->IsDefined() ) { if (hPrnDC != NULL) { return MyView->Print(hPrnDC, showBackground, filename, printAlgorithm) ; } if (device._pd.hDC == NULL || showDialog ) { if (device._pd.hDC) DeleteDC(device._pd.hDC); if ( !showDialog ) { device._pd.Flags = PD_RETURNDC | PD_NOSELECTION | PD_RETURNDEFAULT; } else { device._pd.Flags = PD_RETURNDC | PD_NOSELECTION; } BOOL ispd; ispd = PrintDlg((LPPRINTDLG)(&(device._pd))); if (!ispd) { return Standard_False; } if (!(device._pd.hDC)) { if (device._pd.hDevNames) { GlobalFree(device._pd.hDevNames); device._pd.hDevNames = NULL; } if (device._pd.hDevMode) { GlobalFree(device._pd.hDevMode); device._pd.hDevMode = NULL; } MessageBox(0, "Couldn't create Printer Device Context", "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); return Standard_False; } } // process scale factor accordingly to the new printing approach DEVMODE* aMode = (LPDEVMODE)GlobalLock(device._pd.hDevMode); // convert percents to multiplication factor, 100% = 1.0 Standard_Real aScaleFactor = (Standard_Real) aMode->dmScale / 100.0; GlobalUnlock (device._pd.hDevMode); return MyView->Print(device._pd.hDC, showBackground, filename, printAlgorithm, aScaleFactor) ; } #else Standard_NotImplemented::Raise ("V3d_View::Print is implemented only on Windows"); #endif return Standard_False; }