-- File: Units_UnitsDictionary.cdl -- Created: Mon Jun 22 18:08:47 1992 -- Author: Gilles DEBARBOUILLE -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1992 class UnitsDictionary from Units inherits TShared from MMgt ---Purpose: This class creates a dictionary of all the units -- you want to know. uses HAsciiString from TCollection, AsciiString from TCollection, Quantity from Units, QuantitiesSequence from Units, Dimensions from Units is Create returns mutable UnitsDictionary from Units; ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Returns an empty instance of UnitsDictionary. Creates(me : mutable ; afilename : CString) ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Returns a UnitsDictionary object which contains the -- sequence of all the units you want to consider, -- physical quantity by physical quantity. is static; Sequence(me) returns any QuantitiesSequence from Units ---Level: Internal ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Returns the head of the sequence of physical -- quantities. is static; UpToDate(me) returns Boolean ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Returns true if there has been no modification of the -- file Units.dat since the creation of the dictionary -- object, false otherwise. is static; ActiveUnit(me ; aquantity : CString) returns AsciiString from TCollection ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Returns for the active unit. is static; Dump(me ; alevel : Integer) ---Level: Internal ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Dumps only the sequence of quantities without the -- units if is equal to zero, and for each -- quantity all the units stored if is equal to -- one. is static; Dump(me ; adimensions : Dimensions) ---Level: Internal ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Dumps for a designated physical dimensions -- all the previously stored units. is static; fields thefilename : HAsciiString from TCollection; thetime : Integer; thequantitiessequence : QuantitiesSequence from Units; end UnitsDictionary;