-- File: TransferBRep_ShapeBinder.cdl -- Created: Mon Oct 3 10:38:43 1994 -- Author: Assim -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1994 class ShapeBinder from TransferBRep inherits BinderOfShape ---Purpose : A ShapeBinder is a BinderOfShape with some additional services -- to cast the Result under various kinds of Shapes uses ShapeEnum from TopAbs, Shape from TopoDS , Vertex from TopoDS, Edge from TopoDS, Wire from TopoDS, Face from TopoDS, Shell from TopoDS, Solid from TopoDS, CompSolid from TopoDS, Compound from TopoDS raises TypeMismatch from Standard is Create returns mutable ShapeBinder; ---Purpose : Creates an empty ShapeBinder Create (res : Shape) returns mutable ShapeBinder; ---Purpose : Creates a ShapeBinder with a result ShapeType (me) returns ShapeEnum; ---Purpose : Returns the Type of the Shape Result (under TopAbs form) -- different sub-types for the Result. Result returns a Shape Vertex (me) returns Vertex raises TypeMismatch from Standard; Edge (me) returns Edge raises TypeMismatch from Standard; Wire (me) returns Wire raises TypeMismatch from Standard; Face (me) returns Face raises TypeMismatch from Standard; Shell (me) returns Shell raises TypeMismatch from Standard; Solid (me) returns Solid raises TypeMismatch from Standard; CompSolid (me) returns CompSolid raises TypeMismatch from Standard; Compound (me) returns Compound raises TypeMismatch from Standard; end ShapeBinder;