// File: TopoDSToStep_MakeStepWire.cxx // Created: Wed Nov 30 14:14:31 1994 // Author: Frederic MAUPAS // //szv#4 S4163 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TopoDSToStep_MakeStepWire::TopoDSToStep_MakeStepWire() { done = Standard_False; } TopoDSToStep_MakeStepWire::TopoDSToStep_MakeStepWire (const TopoDS_Wire& W, TopoDSToStep_Tool& T, const Handle(Transfer_FinderProcess)& FP) { done = Standard_False; Init(W, T, FP); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method : Init // Purpose : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TopoDSToStep_MakeStepWire::Init(const TopoDS_Wire& aWire, TopoDSToStep_Tool& aTool, const Handle(Transfer_FinderProcess)& FP) { // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // The Wire is given in its relative orientation (i.e. in the face) // ---------------------------------------------------------------- aTool.SetCurrentWire(aWire); if (aTool.IsBound(aWire)) { myError = TopoDSToStep_WireDone; done = Standard_True; myResult = aTool.Find(aWire); return; } TopoDS_Iterator It; Standard_Integer i; if (aWire.Orientation() == TopAbs_INTERNAL || aWire.Orientation() == TopAbs_EXTERNAL ) { Handle(TransferBRep_ShapeMapper) errShape = new TransferBRep_ShapeMapper(aWire); FP->AddWarning(errShape, " Wire(internal/external) from Non Manifold Topology"); myError = TopoDSToStep_NonManifoldWire; done = Standard_False; return; } BRepTools_WireExplorer ItW; TopoDS_Edge CurrentEdge; TColStd_SequenceOfTransient mySeq; // -------- // Polyloop // -------- if (aTool.Faceted()) { Handle(StepShape_VertexPoint) VertexPoint; Handle(StepGeom_Point) Point; Handle(StepShape_TopologicalRepresentationItem) Gpms; TopoDS_Vertex TopoDSVertex1, TopoDSVertex2; TopoDSToStep_MakeStepVertex MkVertex; // TopoDS_Wire ForwardWire = TopoDS::Wire(aWire.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD)); for (ItW.Init(aWire, aTool.CurrentFace()); ItW.More();ItW.Next()) { CurrentEdge = ItW.Current(); if (CurrentEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD) TopExp::Vertices(CurrentEdge, TopoDSVertex1, TopoDSVertex2); else TopExp::Vertices(CurrentEdge, TopoDSVertex2, TopoDSVertex1); MkVertex.Init(TopoDSVertex1, aTool, FP); if (MkVertex.IsDone()) { VertexPoint = Handle(StepShape_VertexPoint)::DownCast(MkVertex.Value()); Point = VertexPoint->VertexGeometry(); mySeq.Append(Point); } else { Handle(TransferBRep_ShapeMapper) errShape = new TransferBRep_ShapeMapper(aWire); FP->AddWarning(errShape, " a Vertex Point not mapped"); myError = TopoDSToStep_WireOther; done = Standard_False; return; } } Standard_Integer nbPoints = mySeq.Length(); if (nbPoints>=3) { Handle(StepGeom_HArray1OfCartesianPoint) aPolygon = new StepGeom_HArray1OfCartesianPoint(1,nbPoints); for ( i=1; i<=nbPoints; i++) { aPolygon->SetValue(i, Handle(StepGeom_CartesianPoint):: DownCast(mySeq.Value(i))); } Handle(StepShape_PolyLoop) PL = new StepShape_PolyLoop(); Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) aName = new TCollection_HAsciiString(""); PL->Init(aName, aPolygon); aTool.Bind(aWire, PL); myError = TopoDSToStep_WireDone; done = Standard_True; myResult = PL; return; } else { Handle(TransferBRep_ShapeMapper) errShape = new TransferBRep_ShapeMapper(aWire); FP->AddWarning(errShape, " PolyLoop: Wire has less than 3 points"); myError = TopoDSToStep_WireOther; done = Standard_False; return; } } // -------- // EdgeLoop // -------- else { Handle(StepShape_TopologicalRepresentationItem) Gpms; Handle(StepShape_Edge) Epms; Handle(StepShape_OrientedEdge) OrientedEdge; TopoDSToStep_MakeStepEdge MkEdge; //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 SGI warns TopoDS_Shape sh = aWire.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD); const TopoDS_Wire ForwardWire = TopoDS::Wire(sh); // test 25-01-96 FMA supprime CKY 2-JUN-1997, cf MakeStepFace->Face FWD] // remis CKY 9-DEC-1997 : chaque niveau se traite en FWD //#11 rln 16/03/98 //TestRally8 file carter2.rle face#333 (wire is not sorted, not sorted edges are seam and iso-curve): //aWire is REVERSED but ForwardWire is FORWARD, when exploding not connected seams their pcurves are //returned in incorrect order (because of mismatched orientation) //As a result not sorted edges are lost (not returned by BRepTools_WireExplorer) //By the way, in the case of aTool.Faceted() aWire is used //#11 ItW.Init(ForwardWire, aTool.CurrentFace()); //#11 for (;ItW.More();ItW.Next()) { Handle(ShapeFix_Wire) STW = new ShapeFix_Wire; STW->Load (ForwardWire); STW->FixReorder(); Handle(ShapeExtend_WireData) sbwd = STW->WireData(); Standard_Integer nb = sbwd->NbEdges(); //:abv 04.05.00: CAX-IF TRJ4: writing complete sphere with single vertex_loop // check that whole wire is one seam (perhaps made of several seam edges) //pdn remove degenerated pcurves Handle(ShapeExtend_WireData) cwd = new ShapeExtend_WireData; Standard_Integer ie; for (ie = 1; ie <=nb; ie++) { TopoDS_Edge edge = sbwd->Edge(ie); if (!BRep_Tool::Degenerated(edge)) cwd->Add(edge); } nb = cwd->NbEdges(); if(nb%2 == 0 ) { for ( ie = 1; ie < nb; ie++) { if ( cwd->Edge(ie).IsSame(cwd->Edge(ie+1)) ) break; } if ( ie < nb ) { cwd->SetLast(ie); for ( ie=nb/2+1; ie <= nb; ie++ ) { if ( ! cwd->Edge(ie).IsSame(cwd->Edge(nb-ie+1)) ) break; } if ( ie > nb ) { // make vertex_loop ShapeAnalysis_Edge sae; TopoDS_Vertex V = sae.FirstVertex(cwd->Edge(1)); TopoDSToStep_MakeStepVertex mkV ( V, aTool, FP ); Handle(StepShape_VertexLoop) vloop = new StepShape_VertexLoop; Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) name = new TCollection_HAsciiString ( "" ); vloop->Init ( name, Handle(StepShape_Vertex)::DownCast ( mkV.Value() ) ); aTool.Bind(aWire, vloop); myError = TopoDSToStep_WireDone; done = Standard_True; myResult = vloop; return; } } } nb = sbwd->NbEdges(); for (Standard_Integer nEdge = 1; nEdge <= sbwd->NbEdges(); nEdge++) { CurrentEdge = sbwd->Edge(nEdge); //#11 CurrentEdge = ItW.Current(); //if (ItW.Current().Orientation() != ItW.Orientation()) //cout << "DEBUG : Attention WireExplorer Orientation" << endl; // --------------------------------- // --- Is the edge Degenerated ? --- // --------------------------------- Standard_Real cf, cl; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) theC2d = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface(CurrentEdge, aTool.CurrentFace(), cf, cl); //BRepAdaptor_Curve CA; //CA = BRepAdaptor_Curve(CurrentEdge, //aTool.CurrentFace()); //GeomAbs_CurveType typC = CA.CurveOnSurface().GetCurve().GetType(); //if (typC == GeomAbs_Line && BRep_Tool::Degenerated(CurrentEdge)) { //Handle(TransferBRep_ShapeMapper) errShape = //new TransferBRep_ShapeMapper(aWire); //FP->AddWarning(errShape, " EdgeLoop: Degenerated Pcurve not mapped"); //} if ( //:abv 26Jan00, CAX-IF TRJ3: ! theC2d.IsNull() && theC2d->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom2d_Line)) && BRep_Tool::Degenerated(CurrentEdge)) { Handle(TransferBRep_ShapeMapper) errShape = new TransferBRep_ShapeMapper(aWire); FP->AddWarning(errShape, " EdgeLoop: Degenerated Pcurve not mapped"); continue; } else { //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 SGI warns //TopoDS_Shape ssh = CurrentEdge.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD); //const TopoDS_Edge ForwardEdge = TopoDS::Edge(ssh); MkEdge.Init(CurrentEdge, aTool, FP); if (MkEdge.IsDone()) { OrientedEdge = new StepShape_OrientedEdge(); Epms = Handle(StepShape_Edge)::DownCast(MkEdge.Value()); Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) aName = new TCollection_HAsciiString(""); OrientedEdge->Init(aName, Epms, (CurrentEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD)); mySeq.Append(OrientedEdge); } else { Handle(TransferBRep_ShapeMapper) errShape = new TransferBRep_ShapeMapper(aWire); FP->AddWarning(errShape, " EdgeLoop: an Edge not mapped"); myError = TopoDSToStep_WireOther; done = Standard_False; return; } } } Standard_Integer nbEdges = mySeq.Length(); if ( nbEdges >0 ) { Handle(StepShape_HArray1OfOrientedEdge) aList = new StepShape_HArray1OfOrientedEdge(1,nbEdges); for ( i=1; i<=nbEdges; i++ ) { aList->SetValue(i, Handle(StepShape_OrientedEdge):: DownCast(mySeq.Value(i))); } Handle(StepShape_EdgeLoop) Epmsl = new StepShape_EdgeLoop; Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) aName = new TCollection_HAsciiString(""); Epmsl->Init(aName, aList); aTool.Bind(aWire, Epmsl); done = Standard_True; myResult = Epmsl; return; } else { Handle(TransferBRep_ShapeMapper) errShape = new TransferBRep_ShapeMapper(aWire); FP->AddWarning(errShape, " No Edges of this Wire were mapped"); myError = TopoDSToStep_WireOther; done = Standard_False; return; } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method : Value // Purpose : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Handle(StepShape_TopologicalRepresentationItem)& TopoDSToStep_MakeStepWire::Value() const { StdFail_NotDone_Raise_if(!done,""); return myResult; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method : Error // Purpose : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TopoDSToStep_MakeWireError TopoDSToStep_MakeStepWire::Error() const { return myError; }