-- File: TopoDS_HShape.cdl -- Created: Wed Jun 28 09:19:29 1995 -- Author: Modelistation ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1995 class HShape from TopoDS inherits TShared from MMgt ---Purpose:Class to manipulate a Shape with handle. uses Shape from TopoDS is Create returns mutable HShape from TopoDS; ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Constructs an empty shape object Create (aShape : Shape from TopoDS) returns mutable HShape from TopoDS; ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Constructs a shape object defined by the shape aShape. Shape (me : mutable; aShape : Shape from TopoDS) is static; ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Loads this shape with the shape aShape Shape (me) returns Shape from TopoDS ---C++: return const & ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Returns a reference to a constant TopoDS_Shape based on this shape. is static; ChangeShape (me : mutable) returns Shape from TopoDS ---C++: return & ---C++: inline ---Purpose: -- Exchanges the TopoDS_Shape object defining this -- shape for another one referencing the same underlying shape -- Accesses the list of shapes within the underlying -- shape referenced by the TopoDS_Shape object. -- Returns a reference to a TopoDS_Shape based on -- this shape. The TopoDS_Shape can be modified. is static; fields myShape : Shape from TopoDS; end HShape;