-- File: TopTools_ShapeSet.cdl -- Created: Thu Jul 1 17:13:36 1993 -- Author: Remi LEQUETTE -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 -- class ShapeSet from TopTools ---Purpose: A ShapeSets contains a Shape and all its -- sub-shapes and locations. It can be dump, write -- and read. -- -- Methods to handle the geometry can be redefined. -- uses Shape from TopoDS, IndexedMapOfShape from TopTools, LocationSet from TopTools, ShapeEnum from TopAbs, AsciiString from TCollection, ProgressIndicator from Message is Create returns ShapeSet from TopTools; ---Purpose: Builds an empty ShapeSet. Delete(me:out) is virtual; ---C++: alias "Standard_EXPORT virtual ~TopTools_ShapeSet(){Delete() ; }" SetFormatNb(me : out; theFormatNb : Integer) is static; FormatNb(me) returns Integer is static; ---Purpose: two formats available for the moment: -- First: does not write CurveOnSurface UV Points into the file -- on reading calls Check() method. -- Second: stores CurveOnSurface UV Points. -- On reading format is recognized from Version string. Clear(me : in out) ---Purpose: Clears the content of the set. This method can be -- redefined. is virtual; Add(me : in out; S : Shape from TopoDS) returns Integer ---Purpose: Stores and its sub-shape. Returns the index of . -- The method AddGeometry is called on each sub-shape. is static; Shape(me; I : Integer) returns Shape from TopoDS ---Purpose: Returns the sub-shape of index . -- ---C++: return const & is static; Index(me; S : Shape from TopoDS) returns Integer ---Purpose: Returns the index of . is static; Locations(me) returns LocationSet from TopTools ---C++: return const & is static; ChangeLocations(me : in out) returns LocationSet from TopTools ---C++: return & is static; DumpExtent(me; OS : in out OStream) returns OStream ---Purpose: Dumps the number of objects in me on the stream . -- (Number of shapes of each type) ---C++: return & is static; DumpExtent(me; S : in out AsciiString from TCollection) ---Purpose: Dumps the number of objects in me in the string S -- (Number of shapes of each type) is static; Dump(me; OS : in out OStream) ---Purpose: Dumps the content of me on the stream . -- -- Dumps the shapes from first to last. -- For each Shape -- Dump the type, the flags, the subshapes -- calls DumpGeometry(S) -- -- -- Dumps the geometry calling DumpGeometry. -- -- Dumps the locations. is virtual; Write(me: in out; OS : in out OStream) ---Purpose: Writes the content of me on the stream in a -- format that can be read back by Read. -- -- Writes the locations. -- -- Writes the geometry calling WriteGeometry. -- -- Dumps the shapes from last to first. -- For each shape : -- Write the type. -- calls WriteGeometry(S). -- Write the flags, the subshapes. is virtual; Read(me : in out; IS : in out IStream) ---Purpose: Reads the content of me from the stream . me -- is first cleared. -- -- Reads the locations. -- -- Reads the geometry calling ReadGeometry. -- -- Reads the shapes. -- For each shape -- Reads the type. -- calls ReadGeometry(T,S). -- Reads the flag, the subshapes. is virtual; Dump(me; S : Shape from TopoDS; OS : in out OStream) ---Purpose: Dumps on the shape . Dumps the -- orientation, the index of the TShape and the index -- of the Location. is static; Write(me; S : Shape from TopoDS; OS : in out OStream) ---Purpose: Writes on the shape . Writes the -- orientation, the index of the TShape and the index -- of the Location. is static; Read(me; S : in out Shape from TopoDS; IS : in out IStream) ---Purpose: Reads from a shape and returns it in S. is static; Read(me; S : in out Shape from TopoDS; IS : in out IStream; NbShapes : Integer) ---Purpose: Reads from a shape and returns it in S. -- is the number of tshapes in the set. is static private; -- -- Auxliary methods for the geometry. They can be redefined. In -- this class the perform nothing. -- AddGeometry(me : in out; S : Shape from TopoDS) ---Purpose: Stores the geometry of . is virtual; DumpGeometry(me; OS : in out OStream) ---Purpose: Dumps the geometry of me on the stream . is virtual; WriteGeometry(me : in out; OS : in out OStream) ---Purpose: Writes the geometry of me on the stream in a -- format that can be read back by Read. is virtual; ReadGeometry(me : in out; IS : in out IStream) ---Purpose: Reads the geometry of me from the stream . is virtual; DumpGeometry(me; S : Shape from TopoDS; OS : in out OStream) ---Purpose: Dumps the geometry of on the stream . is virtual; WriteGeometry(me; S : Shape from TopoDS; OS : in out OStream) ---Purpose: Writes the geometry of on the stream in a -- format that can be read back by Read. is virtual; ReadGeometry(me : in out; T : ShapeEnum from TopAbs; IS : in out IStream; S : out Shape from TopoDS) ---Purpose: Reads the geometry of a shape of type from the -- stream and returns it in . is virtual; AddShapes(me : in out; S1 : in out Shape from TopoDS; S2 : Shape from TopoDS) ---Purpose: Inserts the shape in the shape . This -- method must be redefined to use the correct -- builder. is virtual; Check(me : in out; T : ShapeEnum from TopAbs; S : in out Shape from TopoDS) ---Purpose: This method is called after each new completed -- shape. is the type. is the shape. In this -- class it does nothing, but it gives the opportunity -- in derived classes to perform extra treatment on -- shapes. is virtual; NbShapes(me) returns Integer; ---Purpose:Returns number of shapes read from file. SetProgress(me : in out; PR : ProgressIndicator from Message); GetProgress(me) returns ProgressIndicator from Message; fields myShapes : IndexedMapOfShape from TopTools; myLocations : LocationSet from TopTools; myFormatNb : Integer from Standard; -- jfa 26.09.2001 myProgress : ProgressIndicator from Message; end ShapeSet;