-- File: TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure.cdl -- Created: Wed Jun 23 10:00:09 1993 -- Author: Jean Yves LEBEY -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 class DataStructure from TopOpeBRepDS ---Purpose: The DataStructure stores : -- -- New geometries : points, curves, and surfaces. -- Topological shapes : vertices, edges, faces. -- The new geometries and the topological shapes have interferences. -- uses Shape from TopoDS, Edge from TopoDS, ListOfShape from TopTools, IndexedMapOfShape from TopTools, Config from TopOpeBRepDS, Interference from TopOpeBRepDS, ListOfInterference from TopOpeBRepDS, ListIteratorOfListOfInterference from TopOpeBRepDS, Surface from Geom, ShapeSurface from TopOpeBRepDS, Surface from TopOpeBRepDS, MapOfSurface from TopOpeBRepDS, Curve from TopOpeBRepDS, MapOfCurve from TopOpeBRepDS, Point from TopOpeBRepDS, MapOfPoint from TopOpeBRepDS, ShapeData from TopOpeBRepDS, MapOfShapeData from TopOpeBRepDS, --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Sep 22 11:55:19 1999 f IndexedDataMapOfShapeWithState from TopOpeBRepDS , ShapeWithState from TopOpeBRepDS --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Sep 22 11:55:23 1999 t is Create returns DataStructure; Init(me : in out) ---Purpose: reset the data structure is static; -- ===================== -- Methods to store data -- ===================== AddSurface(me : in out; S : Surface from TopOpeBRepDS) returns Integer ---Purpose: Insert a new surface. Returns the index. is static; RemoveSurface(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard) is static; KeepSurface(me; I : Integer from Standard) returns Boolean from Standard is static; KeepSurface(me; S : in out Surface from TopOpeBRepDS) returns Boolean from Standard is static; ChangeKeepSurface(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard; FindKeep : Boolean from Standard) is static; ChangeKeepSurface(me : in out; S : in out Surface from TopOpeBRepDS; FindKeep : Boolean from Standard) is static; AddCurve(me : in out; S : Curve from TopOpeBRepDS) ---Purpose: Insert a new curve. Returns the index. returns Integer is static; RemoveCurve(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard) is static; KeepCurve(me; I : Integer from Standard) returns Boolean from Standard is static; KeepCurve(me; C : Curve from TopOpeBRepDS) returns Boolean from Standard is static; ChangeKeepCurve(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard; FindKeep : Boolean from Standard) is static; ChangeKeepCurve(me : in out; C : in out Curve from TopOpeBRepDS; FindKeep : Boolean from Standard) is static; AddPoint(me : in out; PDS : Point from TopOpeBRepDS) returns Integer ---Purpose: Insert a new point. Returns the index. is static; AddPointSS(me : in out; PDS : Point from TopOpeBRepDS; S1,S2 : Shape from TopoDS) returns Integer ---Purpose: Insert a new point. Returns the index. is static; RemovePoint(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard) is static; KeepPoint(me; I : Integer from Standard) returns Boolean from Standard is static; KeepPoint(me; P : Point from TopOpeBRepDS) returns Boolean from Standard is static; ChangeKeepPoint(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard; FindKeep : Boolean from Standard) is static; ChangeKeepPoint(me : in out; P : in out Point from TopOpeBRepDS; FindKeep : Boolean from Standard) is static; AddShape(me : in out; S : Shape from TopoDS) returns Integer ---Purpose: Insert a shape S. Returns the index. is static; AddShape(me : in out; S : Shape from TopoDS; I : Integer) returns Integer ---Purpose: Insert a shape S which ancestor is I = 1 or 2. Returns the index. is static; KeepShape(me; I : Integer; FindKeep : Boolean = Standard_True) returns Boolean from Standard is static; KeepShape(me; S : Shape from TopoDS; FindKeep : Boolean = Standard_True) returns Boolean from Standard is static; ChangeKeepShape(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard; FindKeep : Boolean from Standard) is static; ChangeKeepShape(me : in out; S : Shape from TopoDS; FindKeep : Boolean from Standard) is static; InitSectionEdges(me : in out) is static; AddSectionEdge(me : in out; E : Edge from TopoDS) returns Integer is static; SurfaceInterferences(me; I : Integer) returns ListOfInterference from TopOpeBRepDS ---C++: return const & is static; ChangeSurfaceInterferences(me : in out; I : Integer) returns ListOfInterference from TopOpeBRepDS ---C++: return & is static; CurveInterferences(me; I : Integer) returns ListOfInterference from TopOpeBRepDS ---C++: return const & is static; ChangeCurveInterferences(me : in out; I : Integer) returns ListOfInterference from TopOpeBRepDS ---C++: return & is static; PointInterferences(me; I : Integer) returns ListOfInterference from TopOpeBRepDS ---C++: return const & is static; ChangePointInterferences(me : in out; I : Integer) returns ListOfInterference from TopOpeBRepDS ---C++: return & is static; ShapeInterferences(me; S : Shape from TopoDS; FindKeep : Boolean = Standard_True) returns ListOfInterference from TopOpeBRepDS ---C++: return const & is static; ChangeShapeInterferences(me : in out; S : Shape from TopoDS) returns ListOfInterference from TopOpeBRepDS ---C++: return & is static; ShapeInterferences(me; I : Integer from Standard; FindKeep : Boolean = Standard_True) returns ListOfInterference from TopOpeBRepDS ---C++: return const & is static; ChangeShapeInterferences(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard) returns ListOfInterference from TopOpeBRepDS ---C++: return & is static; ShapeSameDomain(me; S : Shape from TopoDS) returns ListOfShape from TopTools ---C++: return const & is static; ChangeShapeSameDomain(me : in out; S : Shape from TopoDS) returns ListOfShape from TopTools ---C++: return & is static; ShapeSameDomain(me; I : Integer from Standard) returns ListOfShape from TopTools ---C++: return const & is static; ChangeShapeSameDomain(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard) returns ListOfShape from TopTools ---C++: return & is static; ChangeShapes(me: in out) returns MapOfShapeData from TopOpeBRepDS ---C++: return & is static; AddShapeSameDomain(me : in out; S,SSD : Shape from TopoDS) is static; RemoveShapeSameDomain(me : in out; S,SSD : Shape from TopoDS) is static; -- reference SameDomainRef(me; I : Integer from Standard) returns Integer from Standard is static; SameDomainRef(me; S : Shape from TopoDS) returns Integer from Standard is static; SameDomainRef(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard; Ref : Integer from Standard) is static; SameDomainRef(me : in out; S : Shape from TopoDS; Ref : Integer from Standard) is static; -- orientation SameDomainOri(me; I : Integer from Standard) returns Config from TopOpeBRepDS is static; SameDomainOri(me; S : Shape from TopoDS) returns Config from TopOpeBRepDS is static; SameDomainOri(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard; Ori : Config from TopOpeBRepDS) is static; SameDomainOri(me : in out; S : Shape from TopoDS; Ori : Config from TopOpeBRepDS) is static; -- Index SameDomainInd(me; I : Integer from Standard) returns Integer from Standard is static; SameDomainInd(me; S : Shape from TopoDS) returns Integer from Standard is static; SameDomainInd(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard; Ind : Integer from Standard) is static; SameDomainInd(me : in out; S : Shape from TopoDS; Ind : Integer from Standard) is static; AncestorRank(me; I : Integer from Standard) returns Integer; AncestorRank(me; S : Shape from TopoDS) returns Integer; AncestorRank(me : in out; I : Integer from Standard; Ianc : Integer); AncestorRank(me : in out; S : Shape from TopoDS; Ianc : Integer); AddShapeInterference(me : in out; S : Shape from TopoDS; I : Interference from TopOpeBRepDS) is static; RemoveShapeInterference(me : in out; S : Shape from TopoDS; I : Interference from TopOpeBRepDS) is static; FillShapesSameDomain(me : in out; S1,S2 : Shape from TopoDS; refFirst: Boolean from Standard = Standard_True) is static; FillShapesSameDomain(me : in out; S1,S2 : Shape from TopoDS; c1,c2 : Config from TopOpeBRepDS; refFirst: Boolean from Standard = Standard_True) is static; UnfillShapesSameDomain(me : in out; S1,S2 : Shape from TopoDS) is static; -- ================================== -- Methods to read the DataStructure. -- ================================== -- - - - - - - - - - - -- The new geometries -- - - - - - - - - - - NbSurfaces(me) returns Integer is static; NbCurves(me) returns Integer is static; ChangeNbCurves(me: in out; N : Integer) is static; NbPoints(me) returns Integer is static; NbShapes(me) returns Integer is static; NbSectionEdges(me) returns Integer is static; Surface(me; I : Integer) returns Surface from TopOpeBRepDS ---Purpose: Returns the surface of index . ---C++: return const & is static; ChangeSurface(me : in out; I : Integer) returns Surface from TopOpeBRepDS ---Purpose: Returns the surface of index . ---C++: return & is static; Curve(me; I : Integer) returns Curve from TopOpeBRepDS ---Purpose: Returns the Curve of index . ---C++: return const & is static; ChangeCurve(me : in out; I : Integer) returns Curve from TopOpeBRepDS ---Purpose: Returns the Curve of index . ---C++: return & is static; Point(me; I : Integer) returns Point from TopOpeBRepDS ---Purpose: Returns the point of index . ---C++: return const & is static; ChangePoint(me : in out; I : Integer) returns Point from TopOpeBRepDS ---Purpose: Returns the point of index . ---C++: return & is static; -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- The Topological shapes -- - - - - - - - - - - - Shape(me; I : Integer; FindKeep : Boolean = Standard_True) returns Shape from TopoDS ---Purpose: returns the shape of index I stored in -- the map myShapes, accessing a list of interference. ---C++: return const & is static; Shape(me; S : Shape from TopoDS; FindKeep : Boolean = Standard_True) returns Integer from Standard ---Purpose: returns the index of shape stored in -- the map myShapes, accessing a list of interference. -- returns 0 if is not in the map. is static; SectionEdge(me; I : Integer; FindKeep : Boolean = Standard_True) returns Edge from TopoDS ---C++: return const & is static; SectionEdge(me; E : Edge from TopoDS; FindKeep : Boolean = Standard_True) returns Integer from Standard is static; IsSectionEdge(me; E : Edge from TopoDS; FindKeep : Boolean = Standard_True) returns Boolean from Standard is static; -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Geometry attached to a topological shape -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HasGeometry(me; S : Shape from TopoDS) returns Boolean from Standard ---Purpose: Returns True if has new geometries, i.e : -- True si : -- HasShape(S) True -- S a une liste d'interferences non vide. -- S = SOLID, FACE, EDGE : true/false -- S = SHELL, WIRE, VERTEX : false. is static; HasShape(me; S : Shape from TopoDS; FindKeep : Boolean = Standard_True) returns Boolean from Standard ---Purpose: Returns True if est dans myShapes is static; SetNewSurface(me : in out; F : Shape from TopoDS; S : Surface from Geom) is static; HasNewSurface(me; F : Shape from TopoDS) returns Boolean from Standard is static; NewSurface(me; F : Shape from TopoDS) returns Surface from Geom is static; ---C++: return const & Isfafa(me : in out; isfafa : Boolean) is static; Isfafa(me) returns Boolean is static; -- ======================== -- Interference management -- ======================== FindInterference(me; IT : in out ListIteratorOfListOfInterference from TopOpeBRepDS; I : Interference from TopOpeBRepDS) returns Boolean is static private; --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Sep 22 11:51:32 1999 f -------------------------- -- States Management -- -------------------------- ChangeMapOfShapeWithStateObj (me:out) returns IndexedDataMapOfShapeWithState from TopOpeBRepDS; ---C++: return & ChangeMapOfShapeWithStateTool(me:out) returns IndexedDataMapOfShapeWithState from TopOpeBRepDS; ---C++: return & ChangeMapOfShapeWithState (me:out; aShape:Shape from TopoDS; aFlag:out Boolean from Standard) returns IndexedDataMapOfShapeWithState from TopOpeBRepDS; ---C++: return & GetShapeWithState(me; aShape : Shape from TopoDS) returns ShapeWithState from TopOpeBRepDS; ---C++: return const & ChangeMapOfRejectedShapesObj (me:out) returns IndexedMapOfShape from TopTools; ---C++: return & ChangeMapOfRejectedShapesTool (me:out) returns IndexedMapOfShape from TopTools; ---C++: return & --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Sep 22 11:52:38 1999 t fields myNbSurfaces : Integer from Standard; mySurfaces : MapOfSurface from TopOpeBRepDS; myNbCurves : Integer from Standard; myCurves : MapOfCurve from TopOpeBRepDS; myNbPoints : Integer from Standard; myPoints : MapOfPoint from TopOpeBRepDS; myShapes : MapOfShapeData from TopOpeBRepDS; mySectionEdges : IndexedMapOfShape from TopTools; myEmptyListOfInterference : ListOfInterference from TopOpeBRepDS; myEmptyListOfShape : ListOfShape from TopTools; myEmptyShape : Shape from TopoDS; myEmptyPoint : Point from TopOpeBRepDS; myEmptySurface : Surface from TopOpeBRepDS; myEmptyCurve : Curve from TopOpeBRepDS; myEmptyGSurface : Surface from Geom; myNewSurface : ShapeSurface from TopOpeBRepDS; myIsfafa : Boolean; myI : Integer from Standard; --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Sep 22 09:37:26 1999 f myMapOfShapeWithStateObj : IndexedDataMapOfShapeWithState from TopOpeBRepDS; myMapOfShapeWithStateTool: IndexedDataMapOfShapeWithState from TopOpeBRepDS; myMapOfRejectedShapesObj: IndexedMapOfShape from TopTools; myMapOfRejectedShapesTool: IndexedMapOfShape from TopTools; friends class SurfaceExplorer from TopOpeBRepDS, class CurveExplorer from TopOpeBRepDS, class PointExplorer from TopOpeBRepDS end DataStructure from TopOpeBRepDS;