// File: TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeClassifier.cxx // Created: Thu Jun 17 18:52:50 1993 // Author: Jean Yves LEBEY // #include #ifdef DRAW #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef DEB #define TSTRA TopOpeBRepDS_GettraceSTRANGE() static TCollection_AsciiString PRODINS("dins "); Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean TopOpeBRepDS_GettraceSTRANGE(); #endif //Standard_IMPORT extern TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder* GLOBAL_PBUILDER; Standard_IMPORT TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder* GLOBAL_PBUILDER; #define MYBB ((TopOpeBRepBuild_BlockBuilder*)myBlockBuilder) #define SAME (-1) #define DIFF (-2) #define UNKNOWN ( 0) #define oneINtwo ( 1) #define twoINone ( 2) //======================================================================= //function : TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeClassifier //purpose : //======================================================================= TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeClassifier::TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeClassifier (const TopoDS_Shape& F, const TopOpeBRepBuild_BlockBuilder& BB) : TopOpeBRepBuild_CompositeClassifier(BB) { myBCEdge.Face() = TopoDS::Face(F); } //======================================================================= //function : Compare //purpose : //======================================================================= TopAbs_State TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeClassifier::Compare (const Handle(TopOpeBRepBuild_Loop)& L1, const Handle(TopOpeBRepBuild_Loop)& L2) { TopAbs_State state = TopAbs_UNKNOWN; Standard_Boolean isshape1 = L1->IsShape(); Standard_Boolean isshape2 = L2->IsShape(); if ( isshape2 && isshape1 ) { // L1 is Shape , L2 is Shape const TopoDS_Shape& s1 = L1->Shape(); const TopoDS_Shape& s2 = L2->Shape(); state = CompareShapes(s1,s2); } else if ( isshape2 && !isshape1 ) { // L1 is Block , L2 is Shape TopOpeBRepBuild_BlockIterator Bit1 = L1->BlockIterator(); Bit1.Initialize(); Standard_Boolean yena1 = Bit1.More(); while (yena1) { const TopoDS_Shape& s1 = MYBB->Element(Bit1); const TopoDS_Shape& s2 = L2->Shape(); state = CompareElementToShape(s1,s2); yena1 = Standard_False; if (state == TopAbs_UNKNOWN) { if (Bit1.More()) Bit1.Next(); yena1 = Bit1.More(); } } } else if ( !isshape2 && isshape1 ) { // L1 is Shape , L2 is Block const TopoDS_Shape& s1 = L1->Shape(); ResetShape(s1); TopOpeBRepBuild_BlockIterator Bit2 = L2->BlockIterator(); for (Bit2.Initialize(); Bit2.More(); Bit2.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& s2 = MYBB->Element(Bit2); CompareElement(s2); } state = State(); } else if ( !isshape2 && !isshape1 ) { // L1 is Block , L2 is Block if (state == TopAbs_UNKNOWN) { TopOpeBRepBuild_BlockIterator Bit1 = L1->BlockIterator(); Bit1.Initialize(); Standard_Boolean yena1 = Bit1.More(); while (yena1) { const TopoDS_Shape& s1 = MYBB->Element(Bit1); ResetElement(s1); TopOpeBRepBuild_BlockIterator Bit2 = L2->BlockIterator(); for (Bit2.Initialize(); Bit2.More(); Bit2.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& s2 = MYBB->Element(Bit2); CompareElement(s2); } state = State(); yena1 = Standard_False; if (state == TopAbs_UNKNOWN) { if (Bit1.More()) Bit1.Next(); yena1 = Bit1.More(); } } } //UNKNOWN if (state == TopAbs_UNKNOWN) { #ifdef DEB if (TSTRA) cout<<"TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::WES::Compare UNKNOWN -> ShapeClassifier "<BlockIterator(); Bit.Initialize(); if ( !Bit.More() ) return myShape; TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = myBCEdge.Face(); const TopoDS_Face& F1 = TopoDS::Face(aLocalShape); // const TopoDS_Face& F1 = TopoDS::Face(myBCEdge.Face()); aLocalShape = F1.EmptyCopied(); TopoDS_Face F = TopoDS::Face(aLocalShape); // TopoDS_Face F = TopoDS::Face(F1.EmptyCopied()); BRep_Builder BB; TopoDS_Wire W; BB.MakeWire(W); for (; Bit.More(); Bit.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(MYBB->Element(Bit)); Standard_Real tolE; tolE = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(E); Standard_Boolean haspc = FC2D_HasCurveOnSurface(E,F); if (!haspc) { Standard_Real f,l,tolpc;Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2D; C2D = FC2D_CurveOnSurface(E,F,f,l,tolpc); if (!C2D.IsNull()) { Standard_Real tol = Max(tolpc,tolE); BB.UpdateEdge(E,C2D,F,tol); } } BB.Add(W,E); } BB.Add(F,W); myShape = F; return myShape; } static gp_Vec FUN_tgINE(const TopoDS_Vertex& v, const TopoDS_Vertex& vl, const TopoDS_Edge& e) // tg oriented INSIDE 1d(e) // vl : last vertex of e { Standard_Real par = BRep_Tool::Parameter(v,e); gp_Vec tg; Standard_Boolean ok = TopOpeBRepTool_TOOL::TggeomE(par,e,tg); if (!ok) return gp_Vec(0.,0.,0.); //NYIRAISE if (v.IsSame(vl)) tg.Reverse(); return tg; } //======================================================================= //function : CompareShapes //purpose : //======================================================================= TopAbs_State TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeClassifier::CompareShapes (const TopoDS_Shape& B1, const TopoDS_Shape& B2) { // evolution xpu101198 : - cto009K4, regularisation de f24, // on classifie 1 wire / 1 des wires connexes. // (face rectangulaire - face circulaire tangente aux bords) - // WEC completement aleatoire : depend du choix de e1 dans le cas // ou e1 est tangent a E. - e1 droite touche l'autre wire - // on fait l'hypothese que les shapes B1 et B2 proviennent du meme shape, // et que si ils ne se touchent pas, on ne passe pas par le WEC. // INCOMPLET!!! #ifdef DEB // TopAbs_ShapeEnum t1 = B1.ShapeType(); // TopAbs_ShapeEnum t2 = B2.ShapeType(); #endif TopAbs_State state = TopAbs_UNKNOWN; TopExp_Explorer ex1(B1,TopAbs_EDGE); if ( !ex1.More() ) return state; for ( ; ex1.More(); ex1.Next() ) { const TopoDS_Edge& e1 = TopoDS::Edge(ex1.Current()); TopoDS_Vertex vf1,vl1; TopExp::Vertices(e1,vf1,vl1);//xpu101198 Standard_Boolean e1clo = vf1.IsSame(vl1); TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape mapv1; mapv1.Add(vf1); mapv1.Add(vl1); ResetShape(e1); Standard_Integer iE = 0; Standard_Boolean indy = Standard_False; TopExp_Explorer Ex; for(Ex.Init(B2,TopAbs_EDGE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next()) { // for(TopExp_Explorer Ex(B2,TopAbs_EDGE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(Ex.Current()); if (E.IsSame(e1)) { state = TopAbs_UNKNOWN; break; } // eap occ416 TopoDS_Vertex vf,vl; TopExp::Vertices(E,vf,vl);//xpu101198 Standard_Boolean Eclo = vf.IsSame(vl);//xpu101198 Standard_Boolean hasf = mapv1.Contains(vf);//xpu101198 Standard_Boolean hasl = mapv1.Contains(vl);//xpu101198 Standard_Boolean filter = (hasf || hasl) && (!e1clo) && (!Eclo);// nyi : Eclo || e1clo if (filter) {//xpu101198 TopoDS_Vertex vshared; if (hasf) vshared=vf; if (hasl) vshared=vl; gp_Vec tg1 = FUN_tgINE(vshared,vl1,e1); gp_Vec tg = FUN_tgINE(vshared,vl,E); Standard_Real dot = tg1.Dot(tg); Standard_Real tol = Precision::Angular()*1.e4; // nyixpu Standard_Boolean undecided = (Abs(1+dot) < tol); if (undecided) {indy = Standard_True;} }//xpu101198 if (indy) {state = TopAbs_UNKNOWN; break;} CompareElement(E); state = State(); iE++; } // ex(B2,EDGE) if (state != TopAbs_UNKNOWN) { break; } }// ex1 Standard_Boolean resta = (state == TopAbs_UNKNOWN); resta = resta && (B2.ShapeType()==TopAbs_WIRE) && (B1.ShapeType()==TopAbs_WIRE); if (resta) { TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape mape1; TopExp::MapShapes(B1,TopAbs_EDGE,mape1); // recall : avoid auto-intersection wires (ie B1 and B2 are disjoint) TopExp_Explorer ex2(B2,TopAbs_EDGE); for (; ex2.More(); ex2.Next()){ const TopoDS_Edge& E2 = TopoDS::Edge(ex2.Current()); if (mape1.Contains(E2)) continue; const TopoDS_Face& theFace = myBCEdge.Face(); BRep_Builder BB; // p2d on E2 of B2, E2 not shared by B1 TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = theFace.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD); TopoDS_Face ftmp = TopoDS::Face(aLocalShape); // TopoDS_Face ftmp = TopoDS::Face(theFace.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD)); aLocalShape = ftmp.EmptyCopied(); TopoDS_Face F2 = TopoDS::Face(aLocalShape); // TopoDS_Face F2 = TopoDS::Face(ftmp.EmptyCopied()); BB.Add(F2,TopoDS::Wire(B2)); BRepAdaptor_Curve2d BC2d(E2,F2); Standard_Real f,l; FUN_tool_bounds(E2,f,l); Standard_Real x = 0.45678; Standard_Real p2 = (1-x)*l + x*f; gp_Pnt2d p2d = BC2d.Value(p2); aLocalShape = ftmp.EmptyCopied(); TopoDS_Face F1 = TopoDS::Face(aLocalShape); // TopoDS_Face F1 = TopoDS::Face(ftmp.EmptyCopied()); BB.Add(F1,TopoDS::Wire(B1)); Standard_Real tolF1 = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(F1); BRepClass_FaceClassifier Fclass(F1, p2d, tolF1); state = Fclass.State(); return state; } // ex2 } /*if (state == TopAbs_UNKNOWN) { const TopoDS_Face& F = TopoDS::Face(myBCEdge.Face()); Bnd_Array1OfBox2d bnd(1,2); FUN_tool_mkBnd2d(B1,F,bnd(1)); FUN_tool_mkBnd2d(B2,F,bnd(2)); TopTools_Array1OfShape B(1,2); B(1)=B1; B(2)=B2; // Standard_Boolean chklarge=Standard_True; Standard_Integer isma = 0; TopAbs_State osta = FUN_tool_classiBnd2d(bnd,isma,chklarge); // if (osta == TopAbs_OUT) return TopAbs_OUT; // if (osta == TopAbs_IN) { // if (isma == 2) return TopAbs_IN; //B2 is IN B1 // else return TopAbs_OUT; //B2 is OUT B1 (contains B1) // } Standard_Boolean chklarge=Standard_True; Standard_Integer sta = FUN_tool_classiBnd2d(bnd,chklarge); if ((sta == SAME)||(sta == UNKNOWN)) sta = FUN_tool_classiwithp2d(B); if ((sta == SAME)||(sta == UNKNOWN)) return TopAbs_UNKNOWN; if (sta == DIFF) return TopAbs_OUT; // B1 OUT B2 Standard_Integer isma = (sta == oneINtwo) ? 1 : 2; if (isma == 2) return TopAbs_IN; //B2 is IN B1 else return TopAbs_OUT; //B2 is OUT B1 (contains B1) }*/ return state; } //======================================================================= //function : CompareElementToShape //purpose : //======================================================================= TopAbs_State TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeClassifier::CompareElementToShape (const TopoDS_Shape& EE,const TopoDS_Shape& B) { // isEdge : edge E inits myPoint2d ResetElement(EE); TopExp_Explorer Ex; for(Ex.Init(B,TopAbs_EDGE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& E = Ex.Current(); CompareElement(E); } TopAbs_State state = State(); return state; } //======================================================================= //function : ResetShape //purpose : //======================================================================= void TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeClassifier::ResetShape(const TopoDS_Shape& B) { if (B.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE) { ResetElement(B); } else { TopExp_Explorer ex(B,TopAbs_EDGE); if (ex.More()) { const TopoDS_Shape& E = ex.Current(); ResetElement(E); } } } //======================================================================= //function : ResetElement //purpose : //======================================================================= void TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeClassifier::ResetElement(const TopoDS_Shape& EE) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(EE); const TopoDS_Face& F = myBCEdge.Face(); Standard_Real f2,l2,tolpc;Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2D; //jyl980406+ Standard_Boolean haspc = FC2D_HasCurveOnSurface(E,F); //jyl980406+ if (!haspc) { //jyl980406+ Standard_Boolean trim3d = Standard_True; C2D = FC2D_CurveOnSurface(E,F,f2,l2,tolpc,trim3d); //jyl980406+ Standard_Real tolE = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(E); //jyl980406+ Standard_Real tol = Max(tolE,tolpc); //jyl980406+ BRep_Builder BB; BB.UpdateEdge(E,C2D,F,tol); //jyl980406+ } //jyl980406+ C2D = FC2D_CurveOnSurface(E,F,f2,l2,tolpc); if (C2D.IsNull()) Standard_ProgramError::Raise("WEC : ResetElement"); Standard_Real t = 0.397891143689; Standard_Real par = ((1-t)*f2 + t*l2); myPoint2d = C2D->Value(par); #ifdef DEB Standard_Real f3,l3; Handle(Geom_Curve) C3D = BRep_Tool::Curve(E,f3,l3); gp_Pnt P3D; if (!C3D.IsNull()) P3D = C3D->Value(par); #endif myFirstCompare = Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : CompareElement //purpose : //======================================================================= void TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeClassifier::CompareElement(const TopoDS_Shape& EE) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(EE); const TopoDS_Face& F = myBCEdge.Face(); Standard_Real f2,l2,tolpc;Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2D; //jyl980402+ Standard_Boolean haspc = FC2D_HasCurveOnSurface(E,F); //jyl980402+ if (!haspc) { //jyl980402+ Standard_Boolean trim3d = Standard_True; C2D = FC2D_CurveOnSurface(E,F,f2,l2,tolpc,trim3d); //jyl980406+ // C2D = FC2D_CurveOnSurface(E,F,f2,l2,tolpc,trim3d); //jyl980406- Standard_Real tolE = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(E); //jyl980402+ Standard_Real tol = Max(tolE,tolpc); //jyl980402+ BRep_Builder BB; BB.UpdateEdge(E,C2D,F,tol); //jyl980402+ } //jyl980402+ if (myFirstCompare) { C2D = FC2D_CurveOnSurface(E,F,f2,l2,tolpc); Standard_Real t = 0.33334567; Standard_Real par = ((1-t)*f2 + t*l2); gp_Pnt2d p2d = C2D->Value(par); #ifdef DEB Standard_Real f3,l3; Handle(Geom_Curve) C3D = BRep_Tool::Curve(E,f3,l3); gp_Pnt P3D; if (!C3D.IsNull()) P3D = C3D->Value(par); #endif // NYI : p2d peut etre un point ou la courbe n'est pas C1. // NYI : voir TopOpeBRepTool_ShapeClassifier_FindAPointInTheFace gp_Vec2d v2d(myPoint2d,p2d); gp_Lin2d l2d(myPoint2d,v2d); Standard_Real dist = myPoint2d.Distance(p2d); Standard_Real tol2d = Precision::PConfusion(); // NYI : a voir myFPC.Reset(l2d,dist,tol2d); myFirstCompare = Standard_False; } myBCEdge.Edge() = E; TopAbs_Orientation Eori = E.Orientation(); myFPC.Compare(myBCEdge,Eori); #ifdef DEB // TopAbs_State state = myFPC.State(); #endif } //======================================================================= //function : State //purpose : //======================================================================= TopAbs_State TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeClassifier::State() { TopAbs_State state = myFPC.State(); return state; }