// File: TopOpeBRepBuild_Section.cxx // Created: Tue Jan 14 17:02:50 1997 // Author: Jean Yves LEBEY // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MGhc3 Handle(Geom_Curve) #define MGhc2 Handle(Geom2d_Curve) #ifdef DEB Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean TopOpeBRepBuild_GettraceSPS(); Standard_IMPORT Standard_Boolean TopOpeBRepDS_GettraceDSNC(); Standard_EXPORT void debsplitse(const Standard_Integer) {} Standard_EXPORT void debsplitsemess(const Standard_Integer i,const TCollection_AsciiString& s = ""); Standard_EXPORT void debsplitsemess(const Standard_Integer i,const TCollection_AsciiString& s){cout<<"+++ debsplitse "< #endif //Standard_IMPORT void FUN_tool_ttranslate(const gp_Vec2d& tvector, const TopoDS_Face& fF, TopoDS_Edge& fyE); #include #include #include //--------------------------------------------- static Standard_Boolean FUN_periodicS(const TopoDS_Shape& F) //--------------------------------------------- { if (F.IsNull()) return Standard_False; if (F.ShapeType() != TopAbs_FACE) return Standard_False; Handle(Geom_Surface) SSS = TopOpeBRepTool_ShapeTool::BASISSURFACE(TopoDS::Face(F)); GeomAdaptor_Surface GAS(SSS); GeomAbs_SurfaceType styp = GAS.GetType(); Standard_Boolean periodic = Standard_False; if (styp == GeomAbs_Cylinder) periodic = Standard_True; if (styp == GeomAbs_Cone) periodic = Standard_True; if (styp == GeomAbs_Sphere) periodic = Standard_True; // NYI : for Torus,SurfaceOfRevolution.. return periodic; } static Standard_Boolean FUN_periodic(const TopoDS_Face& F,Standard_Boolean& uper,Standard_Boolean& vper) { const Handle(Geom_Surface)& su = BRep_Tool::Surface(F); uper = su->IsUPeriodic(); vper = su->IsVPeriodic(); Standard_Boolean per = (uper || vper); return per; } static Standard_Boolean FUN_onboundsper(const gp_Pnt2d& uv,const TopoDS_Face& F) { // 2d : const Handle(Geom_Surface)& su = BRep_Tool::Surface(F); Standard_Boolean uclo = su->IsUPeriodic(); Standard_Boolean vclo = su->IsVPeriodic(); if (!uclo && !vclo) return Standard_False; Standard_Real u1,u2,v1,v2; su->Bounds(u1,u2,v1,v2); Standard_Real toluv = 1.e-8*1.e-2; // nyinyitol if (uclo) { Standard_Real d1 = Abs(u1-uv.X()); Standard_Boolean on1 = (d1 < toluv); Standard_Real d2 = Abs(u2-uv.X()); Standard_Boolean on2 = (d2 < toluv); return (on1 || on2); } if (vclo) { Standard_Real d1 = Abs(v1-uv.Y()); Standard_Boolean on1 = (d1 < toluv); Standard_Real d2 = Abs(v2-uv.Y()); Standard_Boolean on2 = (d2 < toluv); return (on1 || on2); } return Standard_False; } static Standard_Boolean FUN_onboundsper(const TopoDS_Edge& E,const TopoDS_Face& F, gp_Pnt2d& uv) // uv is found by projection pnt(E,par) { // 3d : Standard_Real f,l; FUN_tool_bounds(E,f,l); Standard_Real x=0.45678; Standard_Real par=f*x+(1-x)*l; Standard_Real tolF = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(F)*1.e2; // nyitol Standard_Boolean ok = FUN_tool_parF(E,par,F,uv,tolF); if (!ok) return Standard_False; Standard_Boolean onbp = ::FUN_onboundsper(uv,F); return onbp; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- static Standard_Boolean FUN_PinC(const gp_Pnt& P,const Handle(Geom_Curve)& C,const Standard_Real pmin,const Standard_Real pmax,const Standard_Real tol) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- { Standard_Boolean PinC = Standard_False; GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve mydm(P,C,pmin,pmax); Standard_Boolean dmdone = ( mydm.Extrema().IsDone() ); if ( dmdone ) { if ( mydm.NbPoints() ) { Standard_Real d = mydm.LowerDistance(); PinC = (d <= tol); } } return PinC; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- static Standard_Boolean FUN_PinE(const gp_Pnt& P, const TopoDS_Edge& E) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- { Standard_Boolean PinE = Standard_False; Standard_Real f,l; Handle(Geom_Curve) CE = BRep_Tool::Curve(E,f,l); Standard_Real tolE = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(E); PinE = FUN_PinC(P,CE,f,l,tolE); return PinE; } #include //----------------------------------------------------------------------- static Standard_Boolean FUN_EstaEE(const TopoDS_Edge& E, const TopAbs_State sta, const TopoDS_Edge& EE) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- { Standard_Boolean EinEE = Standard_False; Standard_Real f,l; //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Nov 3 11:40:14 1999 from if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(E)) { if (sta == TopAbs_IN) return Standard_False; else return Standard_True; } //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Wed Nov 3 11:40:19 1999 to Handle(Geom_Curve) CE = BRep_Tool::Curve(E,f,l); Standard_Real t = 0.417789; // Oi blya... ??? Standard_Real p = (1-t)*f + t*l; gp_Pnt P = CE->Value(p); EinEE = FUN_PinE(P,EE); if (sta == TopAbs_IN) return EinEE; else if (sta == TopAbs_OUT) return !EinEE; else Standard_ProgramError::Raise("TopOpeBRepBuild FUN_EstaEE on invalid state"); return EinEE; } //======================================================================= //function : TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::InitSection //purpose : //======================================================================= void TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::InitSection() { mySectionDone = Standard_False; mySection.Clear(); mySplitSectionEdgesDone = Standard_False; mySplitON.Clear(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // LE : list of edges from where is extracted LEsta = edges located / edge E // N.B. : LEsta is expanded and NOT reinitialized static void FUN_selLEE(TopTools_ListOfShape& LE,const TopoDS_Edge& E,const TopAbs_State sta,TopTools_ListOfShape& LEsta) { TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(LE); while (it.More()) { const TopoDS_Edge& Ecur = TopoDS::Edge(it.Value()); Standard_Boolean ok = FUN_EstaEE(Ecur,sta,E); if (ok) { LEsta.Append(Ecur); LE.Remove(it); } else it.Next(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // search the existence of shape E in time as shape of a mesh cell // (shape,listofshape) of the list loslos. Standard_Boolean FUN_FindEinSLOS(const TopoDS_Shape& E,const TopOpeBRepBuild_ListOfShapeListOfShape& loslos) { Standard_Boolean f = Standard_False; for (TopOpeBRepBuild_ListIteratorOfListOfShapeListOfShape it(loslos); it.More(); it.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& S = it.Value().Shape(); Standard_Boolean issame = (S.IsSame(E)); if (issame) { f = Standard_True; break; } } return f; } //======================================================================= //function : SplitSectionEdges //purpose : //======================================================================= void TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::SplitSectionEdges() { if (mySplitSectionEdgesDone) return; const TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& BDS = myDataStructure->DS(); Standard_Integer i,n = BDS.NbSectionEdges(); #ifdef DEB if (TopOpeBRepDS_GettraceDSNC() && !mySplitSectionEdgesDone) cout<<"TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::SSE : compute "<Shape(E); Standard_Integer rE = BDS.AncestorRank(E); #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean tSPS = GtraceSPS(E,iE); if (tSPS) debsplitsemess(iE); Standard_Integer DEBiESD = 1; #endif Standard_Boolean isspliton = IsSplit(E,TopAbs_ON); if (!isspliton) continue; const TopTools_ListOfShape& LESD = BDS.ShapeSameDomain(E); if ( LESD.IsEmpty() ) continue; const TopTools_ListOfShape& LEspon = Splits(E,TopAbs_ON); TopTools_ListOfShape LEoutLESD; GCopyList(LEspon,LEoutLESD); Standard_Integer iRef = BDS.SameDomainRef(E); // LEoutLESD = list of edges Split(E,ON) OUT of all // edges of the list of edges same domain of E in 3d only // edges LEoutLESD are attached in Split(ON) to E only. for (TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itLESD(LESD); itLESD.More(); itLESD.Next()) { // 2.1 const TopoDS_Edge& ESD = TopoDS::Edge(itLESD.Value()); Standard_Integer iESD = myDataStructure->Shape(ESD); const TopTools_ListOfShape& LESDspon = Splits(ESD,TopAbs_ON); #ifdef DEB if (tSPS) { TCollection_AsciiString str("# edge ");str=str+iE+" sd3d edge "+iESD; TCollection_AsciiString stru(str.Length(),'-'); cout< LR TopTools_ListOfShape LR; for (TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape ite(LE1inE2);ite.More();ite.Next()){ const TopoDS_Edge& e = TopoDS::Edge(ite.Value()); TopTools_ListOfShape newle; Standard_Boolean ok = TopOpeBRepTool_TOOL::SplitE(e,newle); if (ok) LR.Append(newle); else LR.Append(e); } { TopOpeBRepBuild_ShapeListOfShape thelist3; LE1loslos.Append(thelist3); TopOpeBRepBuild_ShapeListOfShape& E1slos = LE1loslos.Last(); E1slos.ChangeShape() = E2; GCopyList(LR,E1slos.ChangeList()); } { TopOpeBRepBuild_ShapeListOfShape thelist4; LE2loslos.Append(thelist4); TopOpeBRepBuild_ShapeListOfShape& E2slos = LE2loslos.Last(); E2slos.ChangeShape() = E1; GCopyList(LR,E2slos.ChangeList()); } } } // 2.2 } #ifdef DRAW if (tSPS) { cout<Shape(it.Value()); Standard_Integer n=LEoutLESD.Extent();cout<<" : ("<Shape(E); // Standard_Integer rE = GShapeRank(E); Standard_Boolean tSPS = GtraceSPS(E,iE); if (tSPS) debsplitsemess(iE); #endif Standard_Boolean isspliton = IsSplit(E,TopAbs_ON);; if (!isspliton) continue; const TopTools_ListOfShape& LESD = BDS.ShapeSameDomain(E); if ( LESD.IsEmpty() ) continue; Standard_Boolean isbMEOUT = MEOUT.IsBound(E); Standard_Boolean isbMEIN = MEIN.IsBound(E); if (!isbMEOUT && !isbMEIN) continue; TopTools_ListOfShape& LEspon = ChangeSplit(E,TopAbs_ON); LEspon.Clear(); if (isbMEOUT) { const TopTools_ListOfShape& LEOUT = MEOUT.Find(E); #ifdef DEB // Standard_Integer nOUT = LEOUT.Extent(); #endif GCopyList(LEOUT,LEspon); } if (isbMEIN) { const TopOpeBRepBuild_ListOfShapeListOfShape& loslos = MEIN.Find(E); #ifdef DEB // Standard_Integer nloslos = loslos.Extent(); #endif for (TopOpeBRepBuild_ListIteratorOfListOfShapeListOfShape it(loslos); it.More(); it.Next()) { const TopTools_ListOfShape& los = it.Value().List(); #ifdef DEB // Standard_Integer nlos = los.Extent(); #endif GCopyList(los,LEspon); } } } // 3 BRep_Builder BB; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { // 4 const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(BDS.SectionEdge(i)); if(E.IsNull()) continue; #ifdef DEB Standard_Integer idebE; Standard_Boolean tSPS = GtraceSPS(E,idebE); if (tSPS) debsplitsemess(idebE); #endif const TopTools_ListOfShape& lesd = BDS.ShapeSameDomain(E); if (lesd.IsEmpty()) continue; Standard_Integer iE = BDS.Shape(E); #ifdef DEB // Standard_Integer rE = BDS.AncestorRank(E); #endif Standard_Integer RE = BDS.SameDomainRef(E); if (iE != RE) continue; TopTools_ListOfShape lF; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itlesd; for(itlesd.Initialize(lesd);itlesd.More();itlesd.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& esd = TopoDS::Edge(itlesd.Value()); #ifdef DEB // Standard_Integer iesd = BDS.Shape(esd); #endif const TopTools_ListOfShape& lf = FDSCNX_EdgeConnexitySameShape(esd,myDataStructure); GCopyList(lf,lF); } #ifdef DEB // Standard_Integer nlF = lF.Extent(); #endif TopTools_ListOfShape& lon = ChangeSplit(E,TopAbs_ON); Standard_Real tolE = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(E); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(lF); for(;it.More();it.Next()) { const TopoDS_Face& F = TopoDS::Face(it.Value()); Standard_Integer iF = BDS.Shape(F); Standard_Integer rF = BDS.AncestorRank(iF); TopoDS_Edge esdF; Standard_Boolean besdF = Standard_False; // NYI pointer on esdF for(itlesd.Initialize(lesd);itlesd.More();itlesd.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& esd = TopoDS::Edge(itlesd.Value()); Standard_Integer iesd = BDS.Shape(esd); Standard_Integer resd = BDS.AncestorRank(iesd); if (resd == rF) { TopExp_Explorer ex; for (ex.Init(F,TopAbs_EDGE);ex.More();ex.Next()) { // for (TopExp_Explorer ex(F,TopAbs_EDGE);ex.More();ex.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& ee = ex.Current(); Standard_Boolean eq = (ee.IsEqual(esd)); if (eq) { esdF = esd; besdF = Standard_True; break; } } } if (besdF) break; } TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itlon(lon); for(;itlon.More();itlon.Next()) { TopoDS_Edge& eon = TopoDS::Edge(itlon.Value()); Standard_Real f,l; Standard_Boolean hasPC = FC2D_HasCurveOnSurface(eon,F); if (hasPC) continue; #ifdef DEB if (TopOpeBRepTool_GettraceC2D()) { cout<<"\n#TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::SSE : hasPC = 0 ES"<Shape(i); Standard_Boolean isface = (FOR.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE); if (!isface) continue; const TopoDS_Face& FF = TopoDS::Face(FOR); #ifdef DEB // Standard_Integer iFF = BDS.Shape(FF); #endif const TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference& LI = BDS.ShapeInterferences(FF); Standard_Integer nLI = LI.Extent(); if (nLI == 0) continue; for (TopOpeBRepDS_ListIteratorOfListOfInterference ILI(LI); ILI.More(); ILI.Next() ) { const Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_ShapeShapeInterference)& SSI = Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_ShapeShapeInterference)::DownCast(ILI.Value()); if (SSI.IsNull()) continue; TopOpeBRepDS_Kind GT,ST;Standard_Integer GI,SI;FDS_data(SSI,GT,GI,ST,SI); if (ST != TopOpeBRepDS_FACE) continue; const TopOpeBRepDS_Transition& TFE = SSI->Transition(); TopAbs_ShapeEnum shab = TFE.ShapeBefore(),shaa = TFE.ShapeAfter(); if (shaa != TopAbs_FACE || shab != TopAbs_FACE) continue; const TopoDS_Face& FS = TopoDS::Face( myDataStructure->Shape(SI)); #ifdef DEB // Standard_Integer iFS = myDataStructure->Shape(FS); #endif Standard_Boolean FSisper = FUN_periodicS(FS); if (!FSisper) continue; const TopoDS_Edge& EG = TopoDS::Edge(myDataStructure->Shape(GI)); #ifdef DEB // Standard_Integer iEG = myDataStructure->Shape(EG); #endif Standard_Boolean isrest = myDataStructure->DS().IsSectionEdge(EG); if (!isrest) continue; #ifdef DEB // Standard_Real tolE = BRep_Tool::Tolerance(EG); #endif Standard_Boolean haspc = FC2D_HasCurveOnSurface(EG,FS); if (haspc) continue; Standard_Boolean hasc3d = FC2D_HasC3D(EG); if (!hasc3d) Standard_ProgramError::Raise("TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::SSE EG without C3D"); Standard_Real pf,pl,tolpc; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) PC; Standard_Boolean trim3d = Standard_True; PC = FC2D_CurveOnSurface(EG,FS,pf,pl,tolpc,trim3d); if (PC.IsNull()) Standard_ProgramError::Raise("TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::SSE EG without PC on FS"); } } //5 for (i = 1; i <= nsha; i++) { // 6 // xpu201198, for all periodic surfaces const TopoDS_Shape& FOR = myDataStructure->Shape(i); Standard_Boolean isface = (FOR.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE); if (!isface) continue; const TopoDS_Face& FF = TopoDS::Face(FOR); #ifdef DEB // Standard_Integer iFF = BDS.Shape(FF); #endif Standard_Boolean FFuper,FFvper; Standard_Boolean FFisper = FUN_periodic(FF,FFuper,FFvper); if (!FFisper) continue; const TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference& LI = BDS.ShapeInterferences(FF); Standard_Integer nLI = LI.Extent(); if (nLI == 0) continue; for (TopOpeBRepDS_ListIteratorOfListOfInterference ILI(LI); ILI.More(); ILI.Next() ) { const Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_ShapeShapeInterference)& SSI = Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_ShapeShapeInterference)::DownCast(ILI.Value()); if (SSI.IsNull()) continue; TopOpeBRepDS_Kind GT,ST;Standard_Integer GI,SI;FDS_data(SSI,GT,GI,ST,SI); if (ST != TopOpeBRepDS_FACE) continue; Standard_Boolean GB = SSI->GBound(); if (GB == 1) continue; const TopoDS_Edge& EG = TopoDS::Edge(myDataStructure->Shape(GI)); #ifdef DEB // Standard_Integer iEG = myDataStructure->Shape(EG); #endif Standard_Boolean isrest = myDataStructure->DS().IsSectionEdge(EG); if (!isrest) continue; // xpu191198 : cto016* Standard_Real pf,pl,tolpc; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) PC; Standard_Boolean trim3d = Standard_True; PC = FC2D_CurveOnSurface(EG,FF,pf,pl,tolpc,trim3d); Standard_Boolean isoU,isoV; gp_Pnt2d o2d; gp_Dir2d d2d; Standard_Boolean ISO = TopOpeBRepTool_TOOL::UVISO(PC,isoU,isoV,d2d,o2d); if (ISO) { TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itON(Splits(EG,TopAbs_ON)); TopTools_ListOfShape newlON; for (; itON.More(); itON.Next()){ TopoDS_Edge eon = TopoDS::Edge(itON.Value()); Standard_Real pfon,plon,tolpcon; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) PCon; PCon = FC2D_CurveOnSurface(eon,FF,pfon,plon,tolpcon,trim3d); Standard_Boolean isouon,isovon; gp_Pnt2d o2don; gp_Dir2d d2don; Standard_Boolean ISOon = TopOpeBRepTool_TOOL::UVISO(PCon,isouon,isovon,d2don,o2don); Standard_Boolean PCko = !ISOon || ((isoU && !isouon) || (isoV && !isovon)); if (PCko) Standard_ProgramError::Raise("TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::splitON"); Standard_Boolean test = (FFuper && isoU) || (FFvper && isoV); if (!test) { newlON.Append(eon); continue;} gp_Pnt2d uvok; Standard_Boolean isonclo = FUN_onboundsper(eon,FF,uvok); //3d if (isonclo) { newlON.Append(eon); continue;} Standard_Boolean isonclo2 = FUN_onboundsper(o2don,FF); //2d if (isonclo2) { gp_Vec2d tr; if (isoU) {Standard_Real dtr = uvok.X() - o2don.X();tr = gp_Vec2d(dtr,0.);} else {Standard_Real dtr = uvok.Y() - o2don.Y();tr = gp_Vec2d(0.,dtr);} Standard_Real mag = tr.Magnitude(); Standard_Real toluv = 1.e-8*1.e2; // NYINYI if (mag > toluv) TopOpeBRepTool_TOOL::TrslUVModifE(tr,FF,eon); } newlON.Append(eon); } // itON TopTools_ListOfShape& nlON = ChangeSplit(EG,TopAbs_ON); nlON.Clear(); nlON.Append(newlON); } // ISO } //ILI(LI) } //6 mySplitSectionEdgesDone = Standard_True; } // SplitSectionEdges //Standard_IMPORT extern TopoDS_Shape GLOBALDS_shape1; Standard_EXPORTEXTERN TopoDS_Shape GLOBALDS_shape1; //Standard_IMPORT extern TopoDS_Shape GLOBALDS_shape2; Standard_EXPORTEXTERN TopoDS_Shape GLOBALDS_shape2; //unused /*#ifdef DEB static void FUN_removeonGB(const Handle(TopOpeBRepDS_HDataStructure)& HDS, const TopoDS_Edge& E) { // xpu041198 : removing interferences attached to bounds // or vertices sdm to bounds of edge // (PRO16032, e3on) TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& BDS = HDS->ChangeDS(); TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference& LI = BDS.ChangeShapeInterferences(E); TopOpeBRepDS_TKI tki; tki.FillOnGeometry(LI); for (tki.Init(); tki.More(); tki.Next()) { TopOpeBRepDS_Kind K; Standard_Integer G; tki.Value(K,G); TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference& loi = tki.ChangeValue(K,G); if (K==TopOpeBRepDS_VERTEX) { const TopoDS_Vertex& vG = TopoDS::Vertex(BDS.Shape(G)); Standard_Integer iv = FUN_tool_orientVinE(vG,E); if (iv == 0) { TopoDS_Shape oovG; Standard_Boolean sdm = FUN_ds_getoov(vG,BDS,oovG); iv = FUN_tool_orientVinE(TopoDS::Vertex(oovG),E); } Standard_Boolean isonboundE = (iv != 0); if (isonboundE) loi.Clear(); } } LI.Clear(); for (tki.Init(); tki.More(); tki.Next()) { TopOpeBRepDS_Kind K; Standard_Integer G; tki.Value(K,G); TopOpeBRepDS_ListOfInterference& loi = tki.ChangeValue(K,G); LI.Append(loi); } } // FUN_removeonGB #endif*/ #define TheIN (1) #define TheON (2) #define TheOUT (3) Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer GLOBAL_issp = 0; //++ #define HASSD2d (2) #define HASSD3d (3) Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer GLOBAL_hassd = 0; //++ //======================================================================= //function : SplitSectionEdge //purpose : //======================================================================= void TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::SplitSectionEdge(const TopoDS_Shape& EA) { #ifdef DEB Standard_Integer iE; Standard_Boolean tSPS = GtraceSPS(EA,iE); if (tSPS) debsplitsemess(iE); #endif TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& BDS = myDataStructure->ChangeDS(); const TopoDS_Edge& EOR = TopoDS::Edge(EA); TopoDS_Edge EF = EOR; EF.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); Standard_Integer rankEF = myDataStructure->DS().AncestorRank(EF); // GShapeRank <- GMapShapes, appele par Merge // FUN_removeonGB(myDataStructure,EOR); //xpu041198 Standard_Boolean hg = myDataStructure->HasGeometry(EOR); Standard_Boolean hsd3d = FDS_HasSameDomain3d(BDS,EOR); Standard_Boolean hsd2d = FDS_HasSameDomain2d(BDS,EOR); #ifdef DEB Standard_Boolean issplit = IsSplit(EOR,TopAbs_ON); #endif Standard_Boolean cond = (hg || hsd3d); //REST2 //( hg && (!hsd) ); GLOBAL_hassd = 0; // initializing if(hsd3d) GLOBAL_hassd=3; //++ if(hsd2d) GLOBAL_hassd=2; //++ if (mySplitSectionEdgesDone) { #ifdef DEB if(tSPS) { GdumpSHA(EF, (char *) "SplitSectionEdges done : "); if (issplit) cout<<" "<HasSameDomain(v); if (hsd) ivref = myDataStructure->SameDomainReference(v); Standard_Boolean setref = hsd && (iv != ivref); TopoDS_Vertex vref = TopoDS::Vertex(BDS.Shape(ivref)); if (!setref) {BB.Add(newEOR,v); FUN_ds_Parameter(newEOR,v,parv); continue;} hasnewEOR = Standard_True; vref.Orientation(v.Orientation()); BB.Add(newEOR,vref); FUN_ds_Parameter(newEOR,vref,parv); } if (hasnewEOR) LON.Append(newEOR); else LON.Append(EOR); return; } // mke TopTools_ListOfShape LESD1,LESD2; GFindSamDom(EOR,LESD1,LESD2); #ifdef DEB if(tSPS)GdumpSHASTA(EF,TopAbs_ON,"--- SplitSectionEdges "); if(tSPS){ cout<<" (hg="<DS()); for (; cex.More(); cex.Next()) { Standard_Integer ic = cex.Index(); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itloe(NewEdges(ic)); for(;itloe.More();itloe.Next()) { LSE.Append(itloe.Value()); } } } //======================================================================= //function : SectionEdges //purpose : //======================================================================= void TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::SectionEdges(TopTools_ListOfShape& LSE) { const TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& BDS = myDataStructure->DS(); Standard_Integer i,nes = BDS.NbSectionEdges(); Standard_Integer iskpart = IsKPart(); if ( iskpart == 1 ) { // iskole for (i=1;i<=nes;i++ ) { const TopoDS_Edge& E = TopoDS::Edge(BDS.SectionEdge(i)); // modif fbi 16-09-97: case possible if RemoveSectionEdge was called if(E.IsNull()) continue; // end modif fbi LSE.Append(E); } return; } SplitSectionEdges(); // common of edges of section TopTools_MapOfShape MOS; for (i=1;i<=nes;i++) { const TopoDS_Shape& es = BDS.SectionEdge(i); // modif fbi 16-09-97: case possible if RemoveSectionEdge was called if(es.IsNull()) continue; // end modif fbi Standard_Boolean issplitIN = IsSplit(es,TopAbs_IN); Standard_Boolean issplitON = IsSplit(es,TopAbs_ON); TopAbs_State staspl=(issplitON)?TopAbs_ON:(issplitIN)?TopAbs_IN:TopAbs_UNKNOWN; #ifdef DEB Standard_Integer iii; Standard_Boolean tSPS = GtraceSPS(es,iii); if (tSPS) { GdumpSHA(es, (char *) "--- Section "); cout<<" splitIN "<HasGeometry(es); Standard_Boolean hassame = myDataStructure->HasSameDomain(es); Standard_Boolean take = !(hasgeom || hassame); if (take) { if ( !MOS.Contains(es) ) { MOS.Add(es); LSE.Append(es); } } } } // for i [1..nes] } // SectionEdges //======================================================================= //function : FillSecEdgeAncestorMap //purpose : //======================================================================= void TopOpeBRepBuild_Builder::FillSecEdgeAncestorMap(const Standard_Integer aShapeRank, const TopTools_MapOfShape& aMapON, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape& anAncMap) const { const TopOpeBRepDS_DataStructure& BDS = myDataStructure->DS(); Standard_Integer i,nse = BDS.NbSectionEdges(); for (i=1; i<=nse; i++) { const TopoDS_Shape& es = BDS.SectionEdge(i); if(es.IsNull() || ShapeRank(es) != aShapeRank) continue; if (aMapON.Contains(es)) { anAncMap.Bind(es,es); continue; } TopAbs_State states[3] = {TopAbs_IN, TopAbs_ON, TopAbs_OUT}; for (Standard_Integer j=0; j < 3; j++) { // Standard_Boolean isSplit = IsSplit(es,states[j]); if (IsSplit(es,states[j])) { TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape it(Splits(es,states[j])); for(;it.More();it.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aS = it.Value(); if (aMapON.Contains(aS)) anAncMap.Bind(aS,es); } } } } }