-- File: TopOpeBRepBuild_PaveClassifier.cdl -- Created: Thu Jun 17 10:13:19 1993 -- Author: Jean Yves LEBEY -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 class PaveClassifier from TopOpeBRepBuild inherits LoopClassifier from TopOpeBRepBuild ---Purpose: -- This class compares vertices on an edge. -- -- A vertex V1 is inside a vertex V2 if V1 is on the -- part of the curve defined by V2. -- -- If V2 is FORWARD V1 must be after V2 on the curve. -- If V2 is REVERSED V1 must be before V2 on the curve. -- If V2 is INTERNAL V1 is always inside. -- If V2 is EXTERNAL V1 is never inside. uses ShapeEnum from TopAbs, State from TopAbs, Shape from TopoDS, Edge from TopoDS, Orientation from TopAbs, Loop from TopOpeBRepBuild is Create(E : Shape from TopoDS) returns PaveClassifier; ---Purpose: Create a Pave classifier to compare vertices on edge . Compare(me : in out; L1,L2 : Loop from TopOpeBRepBuild) returns State from TopAbs; ---Purpose: Returns state of vertex compared with . SetFirstParameter(me : in out; P : Real from Standard) is static; ClosedVertices(me : in out; B : Boolean from Standard) is static; AdjustCase(myclass;p1:Real;o:Orientation; first,period:Real;tol:Real; cas:out Integer) returns Real; CompareOnNonPeriodic(me : in out) returns State from TopAbs is static private; CompareOnPeriodic(me : in out) returns State from TopAbs is static private; AdjustOnPeriodic(me : in out) is static private; ToAdjustOnPeriodic(me) returns Boolean from Standard is static private; fields myEdge : Edge from TopoDS; myEdgePeriodic : Boolean from Standard; myFirst : Real from Standard; myPeriod : Real from Standard; mySameParameters : Boolean from Standard; myClosedVertices : Boolean from Standard; myP1 : Real from Standard; myP2 : Real from Standard; myO1 : Orientation from TopAbs; myO2 : Orientation from TopAbs; myCas1 : Integer from Standard; -- debug myCas2 : Integer from Standard; -- debug end PaveClassifier from TopOpeBRepBuild;