-- File: TopOpeBRepBuild.cdl -- Created: Thu Jun 17 09:59:51 1993 -- Author: Jean Yves LEBEY -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 package TopOpeBRepBuild ---Purpose: -- This package describes algorithms and dedicated tools -- involved in topological operation on BRep shapes. -- These "builders" works on a data structure that must have been -- previously filled (by a "filler") according to the -- topological operation rules defined in class DataStructure -- from TopOpeBRepDS. -- The DSFiller must be considered as a "linking" tool -- dealing with geometric data as an input and a DS as an -- output. -- These geometric data may be seen as the result of 3D -- intersection between BRep shapes. uses Standard, MMgt, TCollection, TColStd, gp, Geom, Geom2d, Geom2dInt, TopAbs, TopoDS, TopTools, TopExp, BRepClass, BRep, TopOpeBRepDS, TopOpeBRepTool, --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Feb 10 11:51:54 2000 f Bnd --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Feb 10 11:51:57 2000 t is class Loop; class ListOfLoop instantiates List from TCollection(Loop); class LoopSet; deferred class LoopClassifier; enumeration LoopEnum is ANYLOOP,BOUNDARY,BLOCK end LoopEnum; class ListOfListOfLoop instantiates List from TCollection(ListOfLoop); class AreaBuilder; class Pave; class ListOfPave instantiates List from TCollection(Pave); class PaveSet; class PaveClassifier; class Area1dBuilder; class EdgeBuilder; --modified by NIZHNY-MZV Mon Sep 20 15:43:24 1999 class Tools; -- class LoopTreeNode; -- class ListOfLoopTreeNode instantiates List from TCollection (LoopTreeNode); -- class IndexedDataMapOfLoopListOfLoop instantiates IndexedDataMap from TCollection -- (Transient from Standard, ListOfLoop from TopOpeBRepBuild, MapTransientHasher from TColStd); class ShapeSet; class WireEdgeSet;pointer PWireEdgeSet to WireEdgeSet from TopOpeBRepBuild; class ShellFaceSet; class BlockIterator; class BlockBuilder; deferred class CompositeClassifier; class WireEdgeClassifier; class ShellFaceClassifier; class Area2dBuilder; class FaceAreaBuilder; class FaceBuilder; class Area3dBuilder; class SolidAreaBuilder; class SolidBuilder; class ShapeListOfShape; class ListOfShapeListOfShape instantiates List from TCollection(ShapeListOfShape); class DataMapOfShapeListOfShapeListOfShape instantiates DataMap from TCollection (Shape from TopoDS,ListOfShapeListOfShape,ShapeMapHasher from TopTools); class GTopo; pointer PGTopo to GTopo from TopOpeBRepBuild; class GIter; class GTool; class Builder; pointer PBuilder to Builder from TopOpeBRepBuild; --modified by NIZHNY-MZV Wed Sep 29 09:33:20 1999 class Builder1; class BuilderON; class HBuilder; class WireToFace; class ShellToSolid; class FuseFace; --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Feb 10 11:25:15 2000 from class CorrectFace2d; class VertexInfo; class Tools2d; class IndexedDataMapOfShapeVertexInfo instantiates IndexedDataMap from TCollection (Shape from TopoDS, VertexInfo from TopOpeBRepBuild, ShapeMapHasher from TopTools); --modified by NIZNHY-PKV Thu Feb 10 11:25:19 2000 to end TopOpeBRepBuild;