-- File: TopOpeBRep.cdl -- Created: Thu Jun 17 09:59:51 1993 -- Author: Jean Yves LEBEY ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 package TopOpeBRep ---Purpose: This package provides the topological operations -- on the BRep data structure. uses Standard, MMgt, TColStd, TopAbs, TopoDS, TopTools, TopExp, gp, Geom, Geom2d, GeomAbs, Geom2dAdaptor, Bnd, BRep, BRepClass, BRepAdaptor, BRepTopAdaptor, ProjLib, IntRes2d, Geom2dInt, IntSurf, IntPatch, GeomAdaptor, IntCurveSurface, BRepIntCurveSurface, TopOpeBRepDS, TopOpeBRepTool, TCollection is enumeration TypeLineCurve is ANALYTIC,RESTRICTION,WALKING, LINE,CIRCLE,ELLIPSE,PARABOLA,HYPERBOLA, OTHERTYPE end TypeLineCurve; class VPointInter; class Array1OfVPointInter instantiates Array1 from TCollection (VPointInter from TopOpeBRep); class HArray1OfVPointInter instantiates HArray1 from TCollection (VPointInter from TopOpeBRep, Array1OfVPointInter from TopOpeBRep); pointer PThePointOfIntersection to Point from IntPatch; class VPointInterIterator; pointer PPntOn2S to PntOn2S from IntSurf; class WPointInter; class WPointInterIterator; class LineInter; pointer PLineInter to LineInter from TopOpeBRep; class Array1OfLineInter instantiates Array1 from TCollection (LineInter from TopOpeBRep); class HArray1OfLineInter instantiates HArray1 from TCollection (LineInter from TopOpeBRep, Array1OfLineInter from TopOpeBRep); class DataMapOfTopolTool instantiates DataMap from TCollection (Shape from TopoDS, TopolTool from BRepTopAdaptor, ShapeMapHasher from TopTools); pointer PIntRes2d_IntersectionPoint to IntersectionPoint from IntRes2d; class Hctxff2d; class Hctxee2d; enumeration P2Dstatus is P2DUNK,P2DINT,P2DSGF,P2DSGL,P2DNEW end P2Dstatus; class Point2d; class SequenceOfPoint2d instantiates Sequence from TCollection(Point2d from TopOpeBRep); class PointClassifier; class VPointInterClassifier; class GeomTool; class FacesIntersector; ---Purpose: Describes the intersection of two faces. pointer PFacesIntersector to FacesIntersector from TopOpeBRep; class EdgesIntersector; ---Purpose: Describes the intersection of two edges on the same surface pointer PEdgesIntersector to EdgesIntersector from TopOpeBRep; class FaceEdgeIntersector; ---Purpose: Describes the intersection of a face and an edge. class ShapeScanner; class ShapeIntersector; class ShapeIntersector2d; class PointGeomTool; class FFTransitionTool; class Bipoint; class ListOfBipoint instantiates List from TCollection(Bipoint); class FacesFiller; pointer PFacesFiller to FacesFiller from TopOpeBRep; class FFDumper; class EdgesFiller; class FaceEdgeFiller; class DSFiller; Print(TLC : TypeLineCurve from TopOpeBRep; OS : in out OStream) ---C++: return & returns OStream; ---Purpose: Prints the name of as a String on the -- Stream and returns . end TopOpeBRep;