-- File: TestTopOpe.cdl -- Created: Mon Oct 21 10:59:41 1996 -- Author: Jean Yves LEBEY -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1996 package TestTopOpe uses Draw, TopOpeBRepBuild, TopOpeBRepDS, TopoDS is AllCommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); ---Purpose: Defines all Top. Ope. test commands TOPOCommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); BOOPCommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); HDSCommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); ---Purpose: commands on a HDS involved in topological operations CurrentHB(HDS : HBuilder from TopOpeBRepBuild); ---Purpose : Defines the HBuilder on which BOOPCommands will operate. CurrentDS(HDS : HDataStructure from TopOpeBRepDS); ---Purpose : Defines the HDS on which HDSCommands/BOOPCommands will operate. Shapes(S1,S2 : Shape from TopoDS); ---Purpose: Defines current shapes of current topological operation MesureCommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); CORCommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); DSACommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); OtherCommands(I : in out Interpretor from Draw); Factory (theDI : out Interpretor from Draw); ---Purpose: Loads all Draw commands of TKDrawDEB. Used for plugin. end TestTopOpe;