-- File: TNaming_NamedShape.cdl -- Created: Tue Feb 4 14:12:59 1997 -- Author: Yves FRICAUD -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1997 class NamedShape from TNaming inherits Attribute from TDF ---Purpose: The basis to define an attribute for the storage of -- topology and naming data. -- This attribute contains two parts: -- - The type of evolution, a term of the -- enumeration TNaming_Evolution -- - A list of pairs of shapes called the "old" -- shape and the "new" shape. The meaning -- depends on the type of evolution. uses GUID from Standard, PtrNode from TNaming, Evolution from TNaming, DeltaOnModification from TDF, DeltaOnRemoval from TDF, RelocationTable from TDF, AttributeIndexedMap from TDF, Attribute from TDF, AttributeDelta from TDF, Delta from TDF, DataSet from TDF, Shape from TopoDS is ---Purpose: class method -- ============ GetID(myclass) returns GUID from Standard; ---Purpose: Returns the GUID for named shapes. ---C++: return const & Create returns mutable NamedShape from TNaming; IsEmpty (me) returns Boolean from Standard; Get (me) ---Purpose: Returns the shapes contained in . Returns a null -- shape if IsEmpty. returns Shape from TopoDS; Evolution (me) returns Evolution from TNaming; ---Purpose: Returns the Evolution of the attribute. ---C++: inline Version (me) returns Integer from Standard; ---Purpose: Returns the Version of the attribute. ---C++: inline SetVersion (me : mutable; version : Integer from Standard); ---Purpose: Set the Version of the attribute. ---C++: inline Clear (me : mutable); ID(me) returns GUID from Standard is redefined static; ---Purpose: Returns the ID of the attribute. ---C++: inline ---C++: return const & BackupCopy(me) returns mutable Attribute from TDF is redefined; ---Purpose: Copies the attribute contents into a new other -- attribute. It is used by Backup(). Restore(me: mutable; anAttribute : Attribute from TDF) is redefined; ---Purpose: Restores the contents from into this -- one. It is used when aborting a transaction. -- -- Delta use methods -- ----------------- DeltaOnModification(me; anOldAttribute : Attribute from TDF) returns DeltaOnModification from TDF ---Purpose : Makes a DeltaOnModification between and -- . DeltaOnRemoval(me) returns DeltaOnRemoval from TDF ---Purpose : Makes a DeltaOnRemoval on because has -- disappeared from the DS. is redefined virtual; -- Copy use methods -- ---------------- NewEmpty(me) returns mutable Attribute from TDF is redefined; ---Purpose: Returns an new empty attribute from the good end -- type. It is used by the copy algorithm. Paste(me; intoAttribute : mutable Attribute from TDF; aRelocTationable : mutable RelocationTable from TDF) is redefined; ---Purpose: This method is different from the "Copy" one, -- because it is used when copying an attribute from -- a source structure into a target structure. This -- method pastes the current attribute to the label -- corresponding to the insertor. The pasted -- attribute may be a brand new one or a new version -- of the previous one. OldPaste(me; intoAttribute : mutable Attribute from TDF; aRelocTationable : mutable RelocationTable from TDF); References(me; aDataSet : DataSet from TDF) is redefined; ---Purpose: Adds the directly referenced attributes and labels -- to . "Directly" means we have only to -- look at the first level of references. BeforeRemoval(me: mutable) is redefined; BeforeUndo(me: mutable; anAttDelta : AttributeDelta from TDF; forceIt : Boolean from Standard = Standard_False) returns Boolean from Standard is redefined; ---Purpose: Something to do before applying AfterUndo(me: mutable; anAttDelta : AttributeDelta from TDF; forceIt : Boolean from Standard = Standard_False) returns Boolean from Standard is redefined; ---Purpose: Something to do after applying . -- Methods to build contents of the TNaming attribute -- This methods are private. the only one way to build -- an Attribute is to use the TNaming_Builder. ----------------------------------------------------- Add(me : mutable ; Evolution : in out PtrNode from TNaming) ---Purpose: Adds an evolution is private; Dump(me; anOS : in out OStream from Standard) returns OStream from Standard is redefined ; ---Purpose: Dumps the attribute on . ---C++: return & fields myNode : PtrNode from TNaming; myEvolution : Evolution from TNaming; myVersion : Integer from Standard; friends class Builder from TNaming, class Iterator from TNaming, class NewShapeIterator from TNaming, class OldShapeIterator from TNaming end Attribute;