-- File: TNaming_Iterator.cdl -- Created: Mon Dec 16 17:20:34 1996 -- Author: Remi Lequette -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1996 class Iterator from TNaming ---Purpose: A tool to visit the contents of a named shape attribute. -- Pairs of shapes in the attribute are iterated, one -- being the pre-modification or the old shape, and -- the other the post-modification or the new shape. -- This allows you to have a full access to all -- contents of an attribute. If, on the other hand, you -- are only interested in topological entities stored -- in the attribute, you can use the functions -- GetShape and CurrentShape in TNaming_Tool. uses Label from TDF, Evolution from TNaming, NamedShape from TNaming, PtrNode from TNaming, Shape from TopoDS raises NoMoreObject from Standard, NoSuchObject from Standard is Create( anAtt : NamedShape from TNaming) returns Iterator from TNaming; ---Purpose: Iterates on all the history records in -- . Create( aLabel : Label from TDF) returns Iterator from TNaming; ---Purpose: Iterates on all the history records in -- the current transaction Create( aLabel : Label from TDF; aTrans : Integer from Standard) returns Iterator from TNaming; ---Purpose: Iterates on all the history records in -- the transaction More(me) returns Boolean; ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Returns True if there is a current Item in -- the iteration. Next(me : in out) ---Purpose: Moves the iteration to the next Item raises NoMoreObject from Standard; OldShape(me) returns Shape from TopoDS ---Purpose: Returns the old shape in this iterator object. -- This shape can be a null one. ---C++: return const& raises NoSuchObject from Standard; NewShape(me) returns Shape from TopoDS ---Purpose: Returns the new shape in this iterator object. ---C++: return const& raises NoSuchObject from Standard; IsModification(me) returns Boolean; ---Purpose: Returns true if the new shape is a modification (split, -- fuse,etc...) of the old shape. -- Evolution(me) returns Evolution from TNaming; fields myNode : PtrNode from TNaming; myTrans : Integer from Standard; -- is < 0 means in Current Transaction. friends class NewShapeIterator from TNaming, class OldShapeIterator from TNaming end Iterator;