-- File: TDocStd_Document.cdl -- Created: Wed Apr 7 11:01:48 1999 -- Author: Denis PASCAL -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1999 class Document from TDocStd inherits Document from CDM ---Purpose: The contents of a TDocStd_Application, a -- document is a container for a data framework -- composed of labels and attributes. As such, -- TDocStd_Document is the entry point into the data framework. -- To gain access to the data, you create a document as follows: -- Handle(TDocStd_Document) MyDF = new TDocStd_Document -- The document also allows you to manage: -- - modifications, providing Undo and Redo functions. -- - command transactions. -- Warning: The only data saved is the framework (TDF_Data) ---Purpose: uses Data from TDF, Label from TDF, LabelMap from TDF, ExtendedString from TCollection, AsciiString from TCollection, Context from TDocStd, Delta from TDF, DeltaList from TDF, Transaction from TDF, CompoundDelta from TDocStd is --Destroy (me : mutable); ---Purpose: Will Abort any execution, and commit the Undo transaction -----C++: alias ~ Get (myclass; L : Label from TDF) ---Purpose: returns the document which contains . raises an -- exception if the document is not found. returns Document from TDocStd; Create (astorageformat : ExtendedString from TCollection) returns mutable Document from TDocStd; ---Purpose: Constructs a document object defined by the -- string astorageformat. IsSaved (me) ---Purpose: the document is saved in a file. returns Boolean from Standard; IsChanged (me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: returns True if document differs from the state of last saving. -- this method have to be called only wroking in the transaction mode ---C++: inline SetSaved (me : mutable); ---Purpose: This method have to be called to show document that it has been saved ---C++: inline SetSavedTime (me : mutable; theTime : Integer from Standard); ---Purpose: Say to document what it is not saved. -- Use value, returned earlier by GetSavedTime(). ---C++: inline GetSavedTime (me) ---Purpose: Returns value of to be used later in SetSavedTime() ---C++: inline returns Integer from Standard; GetName (me) ---Purpose: raise if is not saved. returns ExtendedString from TCollection; GetPath (me) ---Purpose: returns the OS path of the file, in wich one is -- saved. Raise an exception if is not saved. returns ExtendedString from TCollection; ---Category: Data Framework -- ============== SetData (me : mutable ; data : Data from TDF); GetData (me) returns Data from TDF; Main (me) ---Purpose: Returns the main label in this data framework. -- By definition, this is the label with the entry 0:1. returns Label from TDF; IsEmpty(me) ---Purpose: Returns True if the main label has no attributes returns Boolean from Standard; ---Category: Durty Flag and Modified labels -- ============================== IsValid(me) returns Boolean; ---Purpose: Returns False if the document has been modified -- but not recomputed. SetModified (me : mutable; L : Label from TDF); ---Purpose: Notify the label as modified, the Document becomes UnValid. --IsModified (me; L : Label from TDF) --returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: returns True if has been notified as modified. PurgeModified (me : mutable); ---Purpose: Remove all modifications. After this call The document -- becomesagain Valid. GetModified (me) ---Purpose: Returns the labels which have been modified in -- this document. ---C++: return const& returns LabelMap from TDF; ---Category: COMMAND Transaction and UNDO/REDO -- ================================= NewCommand (me : mutable); ---Purpose: Launches a new command. This command may be undone. HasOpenCommand (me) ---Purpose: returns True if a Command transaction is open in the curret . returns Boolean from Standard; OpenCommand (me : mutable); ---Purpose: Opens a new command transaction in this document. -- You can use HasOpenCommand to see whether a command is already open. -- Exceptions -- Standard_DomainError if a command is already open in this document. CommitCommand (me : mutable) returns Boolean; ---Purpose: Commits documents transactions and fills the -- transaction manager with documents that have -- been changed during the transaction. -- If no command transaction is open, nothing is done. -- Returns True if a new delta has been added to myUndos. AbortCommand (me : mutable); ---Purpose: Abort the Command transaction. Does nothing If there is -- no Command transaction open. GetUndoLimit(me) returns Integer; ---Purpose: The current limit on the number of undos SetUndoLimit(me : mutable; L : Integer); ---Purpose: Set the limit on the number of Undo Delta stored 0 -- will disable Undo on the document A negative value -- means no limit. Note that by default Undo is disabled. -- Enabling it will take effect with the next call to -- NewCommand. Of course this limit is the same for Redo ClearUndos(me : mutable); ---Purpose: Remove all stored Undos and Redos ClearRedos(me : mutable); ---Purpose: Remove all stored Redos GetAvailableUndos (me) returns Integer; ---Purpose: Returns the number of undos stored in this -- document. If this figure is greater than 0, the method Undo -- can be used. Undo (me:mutable) returns Boolean; ---Purpose: Will UNDO one step, returns False if no undo was -- done (Undos == 0). -- Otherwise, true is returned and one step in the -- list of undoes is undone. GetAvailableRedos (me) returns Integer; ---Purpose: Returns the number of redos stored in this -- document. If this figure is greater than 0, the method Redo -- can be used. Redo (me : mutable) returns Boolean; ---Purpose: Will REDO one step, returns False if no redo was -- done (Redos == 0). -- Otherwise, true is returned, and one step in the list of redoes is done again. GetUndos (me) ---C++: return const & returns DeltaList from TDF; GetRedos (me) ---C++: return const & returns DeltaList from TDF; RemoveFirstUndo (me : mutable); ---Purpose: Removes the first undo in the list of document undos. -- It is used in the application when the undo limit is exceed. InitDeltaCompaction(me : mutable) ---Purpose: Initializes the procedure of delta compaction -- Returns false if there is no delta to compact -- Marks the last delta as a "from" delta returns Boolean from Standard; PerformDeltaCompaction(me : mutable) ---Purpose: Performs the procedure of delta compaction -- Makes all deltas starting from "from" delta -- till the last one to be one delta. returns Boolean from Standard; ---Category: External references -- =================== UpdateReferences (me : mutable; aDocEntry : AsciiString from TCollection); ---Purpose: Set modifications on labels impacted by external -- references to the entry. The document becomes invalid -- and must be recomputed. Recompute (me : mutable); ---Purpose: Recompute if the document was not valid and propagate -- the reccorded modification. ---Category: deferred methods CDM_Document -- ============================= Update (me: mutable; aToDocument : Document from CDM; aReferenceIdentifier : Integer from Standard; aModifContext : Address from Standard) is redefined; --Update(me:mutable; ErrorString: out ExtendedString from TCollection) --returns Boolean from Standard ---Purpose: This method Update will be called -- to signal the end of the modified references list. -- The document should be recomputed and -- UpdateFromDocuments should be called. Update should -- returns True in case of success, false otherwise. In -- case of Failure, additional information can be given in -- ErrorString. --is redefined; --Update (me: mutable) --is redefined; ---Purpose: Update the document by propagation -- ================================== --Propagate (me: mutable); ---Purpose: Update the document from internal stored -- modifications. If you want to undoing this -- operation, please call NewCommand before. ---Purpose: to change format (advanced programming) -- ================ StorageFormat(me) returns ExtendedString from TCollection is virtual; ChangeStorageFormat(me : mutable; newStorageFormat : ExtendedString from TCollection) is virtual; ---Purpose: methods for the nested transaction mode SetNestedTransactionMode(me : mutable; isAllowed : Boolean = Standard_True); ---Purpose: Sets nested transaction mode if isAllowed == Standard_True IsNestedTransactionMode (me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: Returns Standard_True if mode is set ---C++: inline AppendDeltaToTheFirst (myclass; theDelta1 : CompoundDelta from TDocStd; theDelta2 : Delta from TDF) is private; ---Purpose: Appends delta to the first delta in the myUndoFILO ---Purpose: private methods -- =============== CommitTransaction (me : mutable) returns Boolean is virtual protected; ---Purpose: Returns Standard_True done AbortTransaction (me : mutable) is virtual protected; OpenTransaction (me : mutable) is virtual protected; ---Purpose: methods for protection of changes outside transactions SetModificationMode (me : mutable; theTransactionOnly : Boolean from Standard); ---Purpose: if theTransactionOnly is True changes is denied outside transactions ---C++: inline ModificationMode (me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: returns True if changes allowed only inside transactions ---C++: inline fields ---Purpose: storage format myStorageFormat : ExtendedString from TCollection is protected; ---Purpose: data framework myData : Data from TDF; myUndoLimit : Integer from Standard; myUndoTransaction : Transaction from TDF; myUndos : DeltaList from TDF is protected; myRedos : DeltaList from TDF is protected; myFromUndo : Delta from TDF; myFromRedo : Delta from TDF; mySaveTime : Integer from Standard; ---Purpose: data for the nested transactions myIsNestedTransactionMode : Boolean from Standard; myUndoFILO : DeltaList from TDF; ---Purpose: data for protection of changes outside transactions myOnlyTransactionModification : Boolean from Standard; end Document;