// File: StepToTopoDS_TranslateCompositeCurve.cxx // Created: Fri Feb 12 13:29:35 1999 // Author: Andrey BETENEV // //:o3 abv 17.02.99: r0301_db.stp #57082: apply FixReorder to composite curve //:s5 abv 22.04.99 Adding debug printouts in catch {} blocks #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //======================================================================= //function : Create //purpose : //======================================================================= StepToTopoDS_TranslateCompositeCurve::StepToTopoDS_TranslateCompositeCurve () {} //======================================================================= //function : Create //purpose : //======================================================================= StepToTopoDS_TranslateCompositeCurve::StepToTopoDS_TranslateCompositeCurve ( const Handle(StepGeom_CompositeCurve) &CC, const Handle(Transfer_TransientProcess) &TP) { Init ( CC, TP ); } //======================================================================= //function : Create //purpose : //======================================================================= StepToTopoDS_TranslateCompositeCurve::StepToTopoDS_TranslateCompositeCurve ( const Handle(StepGeom_CompositeCurve) &CC, const Handle(Transfer_TransientProcess) &TP, const Handle(StepGeom_Surface) &S, const Handle(Geom_Surface) &Surf) { Init ( CC, TP, S, Surf ); } //======================================================================= //function : Init //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean StepToTopoDS_TranslateCompositeCurve::Init (const Handle(StepGeom_CompositeCurve) &CC, const Handle(Transfer_TransientProcess) &TP) { Handle(StepGeom_Surface) S; Handle(Geom_Surface) Surf; return Init ( CC, TP, S, Surf ); } //======================================================================= //function : Init //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean StepToTopoDS_TranslateCompositeCurve::Init (const Handle(StepGeom_CompositeCurve) &CC, const Handle(Transfer_TransientProcess) &TP, const Handle(StepGeom_Surface) &S, const Handle(Geom_Surface) &Surf) { myWire.Nullify(); if ( CC.IsNull() ) return Standard_False; Standard_Boolean SurfMode = ( ! S.IsNull() && ! Surf.IsNull() ); Standard_Boolean isClosed = Standard_False; if ( SurfMode ) { Standard_Integer modepcurve = Interface_Static::IVal("read.surfacecurve.mode"); if ( modepcurve ==-3 ) SurfMode = Standard_False; } Handle(ShapeExtend_WireData) sbwd = new ShapeExtend_WireData; Standard_Integer nbs = CC->NbSegments(); for ( Standard_Integer i=1; i <= nbs; i++ ) { Handle(StepGeom_CompositeCurveSegment) ccs = CC->SegmentsValue ( i ); if ( ccs.IsNull() ) { TP->AddFail ( CC, "Null segment" ); return Standard_False; } Handle(StepGeom_Curve) crv = ccs->ParentCurve(); if ( crv.IsNull() ) { TP->AddFail ( CC, "Segment has null parent curve" ); return Standard_False; } isClosed = ( ccs->Transition() != StepGeom_tcDiscontinuous ); // if segment is itself a composite_curve, translate recursively if ( crv->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(StepGeom_CompositeCurve)) ) { if ( crv == CC ) { // cyclic reference protection TP->AddFail (ccs, "Cyclic reference; segment dropped" ); continue; } Handle(StepGeom_CompositeCurve) cc = Handle(StepGeom_CompositeCurve)::DownCast ( crv ); if ( ! Init ( cc, TP, S, Surf ) || myWire.IsNull() ) continue; Standard_Integer nb = sbwd->NbEdges() + 1; for ( TopoDS_Iterator it ( myWire ); it.More(); it.Next() ) { TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge ( it.Value() ); if ( ccs->SameSense() ) sbwd->Add ( edge ); else { edge.Reverse(); sbwd->Add ( edge, nb > sbwd->NbEdges() ? 0 : nb ); } } myWire.Nullify(); continue; } // ordinary segment // detect pcurve and 3d curve Handle(StepGeom_Pcurve) pcurve = Handle(StepGeom_Pcurve)::DownCast ( crv ); if ( pcurve.IsNull() ) { Handle(StepGeom_SurfaceCurve) sc = Handle(StepGeom_SurfaceCurve)::DownCast ( crv ); if ( ! sc.IsNull() ) { crv = sc->Curve3d(); if ( SurfMode ) { // find proper pcurve for ( Standard_Integer j=1; j <= sc->NbAssociatedGeometry(); j++ ) { StepGeom_PcurveOrSurface PCorS = sc->AssociatedGeometryValue ( j ); Handle(StepGeom_Pcurve) pc = PCorS.Pcurve(); if ( pc.IsNull() || pc->BasisSurface() != S ) continue; pcurve = pc; if ( ccs->SameSense() ) break; } } } } else { if ( ! SurfMode || pcurve->BasisSurface() != S ) pcurve.Nullify(); crv.Nullify(); } // prepare edge TopoDS_Edge edge; // translate 3d curve, if present if ( ! crv.IsNull() ) { try { OCC_CATCH_SIGNALS Handle(Geom_Curve) c3d; if (StepToGeom_MakeCurve::Convert(crv,c3d)) { BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge MkEdge ( c3d, c3d->FirstParameter(), c3d->LastParameter() ); if ( MkEdge.IsDone() ) edge = MkEdge.Edge(); } } catch(Standard_Failure) { #ifdef DEB cout << "Warning: StepToTopoDS_TranslateCompositeCurve: Exception: "; Standard_Failure::Caught()->Print(cout); cout << endl; #endif } } // translate pcurve, if available if ( ! pcurve.IsNull() ) { try { OCC_CATCH_SIGNALS StepToTopoDS_TranslateEdge TrE; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) c2d = TrE.MakePCurve ( pcurve, Surf ); if ( ! c2d.IsNull() ) { if ( edge.IsNull() ) { BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge MkEdge ( c2d, Surf, c2d->FirstParameter(), c2d->LastParameter() ); if ( MkEdge.IsDone() ) edge = MkEdge.Edge(); } else { BRep_Builder B; TopLoc_Location L; B.UpdateEdge ( edge, c2d, Surf, L, 0. ); B.Range ( edge, Surf, L, c2d->FirstParameter(), c2d->LastParameter() ); B.SameRange ( edge, Standard_False ); B.SameParameter ( edge, Standard_False ); } } } catch(Standard_Failure) { #ifdef DEB cout << "Warning: StepToTopoDS_TranslateCompositeCurve: Exception: "; Standard_Failure::Caught()->Print(cout); cout << endl; #endif } } if ( edge.IsNull() ) { TP->AddFail ( crv, "Curve can not be translated"); continue; } if ( ! ccs->SameSense() ) edge.Reverse(); sbwd->Add ( edge ); } if ( sbwd->NbEdges() <=0 ) { TP->AddFail ( CC, "Translation gives no result" ); return Standard_False; } // connect wire; all other fixes are left for caller Standard_Real preci = Precision(); Handle(ShapeFix_Wire) sfw = new ShapeFix_Wire; sfw->Load ( sbwd ); sfw->SetPrecision ( preci ); sfw->ClosedWireMode() = isClosed; sfw->FixReorder(); //:o3 abv 17 Feb 99: r0301_db.stp #57082 if ( sfw->StatusReorder ( ShapeExtend_DONE ) ) { TP->AddWarning ( CC, "Segments were disordered; fixed" ); } sfw->FixConnected ( preci ); if ( sfw->StatusConnected ( ShapeExtend_FAIL ) ) { TP->AddWarning ( CC, "Segments are not connected" ); } myWire = sbwd->Wire(); done = ( sbwd->NbEdges() >0 ); return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : Value //purpose : return resulting wire //======================================================================= const TopoDS_Wire& StepToTopoDS_TranslateCompositeCurve::Value () const { return myWire; }