-- File: StepReaderTool.cdl -- Created: Tue Feb 11 16:48:58 1992 -- Author: Christian CAILLET -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1992 class StepReaderTool from StepData inherits FileReaderTool ---Purpose : Specific FileReaderTool for Step; works with FileReaderData -- provides references evaluation, plus access to litteral data -- and specific methods defined by FileReaderTool -- Remarks : works with a ReaderLib to load Entities uses Integer, Boolean, Transient, InterfaceModel, Check, GeneralLib, ReaderLib, StepReaderData, FileRecognizer, Protocol from StepData is -- -- File data storing and access (specific) -- -- Create (reader : mutable StepReaderData; protocol : Protocol from StepData) returns StepReaderTool; ---Purpose : creates StepReaderTool to work with a StepReaderData according -- to a Step Protocol. Defines the ReaderLib at this time -- -- setting empty entities before loading model -- -- Prepare (me : in out; optimize : Boolean = Standard_True); ---Purpose : Bounds empty entities to records, uses default Recognition -- provided by ReaderLib and ReaderModule. Also calls computation -- of references (SetEntityNumbers from StepReaderData) -- Works only on data entities (skips header) -- given False allows to test some internal algorithms -- which are normally avoided (see also StepReaderData) Prepare (me : in out; reco : mutable FileRecognizer; optimize : Boolean = Standard_True); ---Purpose : Bounds empty entities to records, works with a specific -- FileRecognizer, stored and later used in Recognize -- Works only on data entities (skips header) -- is to call -- RecognizeByLib -- -- managing Header -- -- -- Header is defined as a list of StepEntities (without ident) PrepareHeader (me : in out; reco : mutable FileRecognizer); ---Purpose : bounds empty entities and sub-lists to header records -- works like Prepare + SetEntityNumbers, but for header -- (N.B.: in Header, no Ident and no reference) -- FileRecognizer is to specify Entities which are allowed to be -- defined in the Header (not every type can be) -- -- loading entities into the model -- -- BeginRead (me : in out; amodel : mutable InterfaceModel); ---Purpose : fills model's header; that is, gives to it Header entities -- and commands their loading. Also fills StepModel's Global -- Check from StepReaderData's GlobalCheck AnalyseRecord (me : in out; num : Integer; anent : mutable Transient; acheck : in out Check) returns Boolean; ---Purpose : fills an entity, given record no; works by using a ReaderLib -- to load each entity, which must be a Transient -- Actually, returned value is True if no fail, False else EndRead (me : in out; amodel : mutable InterfaceModel) is redefined; ---Purpose : Ends file reading after reading all the entities -- Here, it binds in the model, Idents to Entities (for checks) fields thereco : FileRecognizer; theglib : GeneralLib; therlib : ReaderLib; end StepReaderTool;