-- File: StdSelect_SensitiveText2d.cdl -- Created: Fri Apr 21 10:53:42 1995x -- Author: Robert COUBLANC -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1995 class SensitiveText2d from StdSelect inherits SensitiveEntity from Select2D ---Purpose: A framework to define a sensitive text entity for 2D views. uses ExtendedString from TCollection, EntityOwner from SelectBasics, ListOfBox2d from SelectBasics, Projector from Select2D, Array1OfPnt2d from TColgp, Box2d from Bnd is Create(anOwnerId : EntityOwner from SelectBasics; aString : ExtendedString from TCollection; XPox,YPos : Real from Standard; Angle : Real = 0; aFontIndex: Integer = -1) returns mutable SensitiveText2d from StdSelect; ---Purpose: Constructs a sensitive 2D text object defined by the -- owner anOwnerId, the string aString, the point -- defined by the parameters XPos and YPos, the angle -- Angle and the font index aFontIndex. NeedsConversion (me) returns Boolean is redefined static; ---Purpose: returns Standard_True ---Level: Public ---C++: inline Convert(me:mutable; aTextProj : Projector from Select2D) is redefined virtual; ---Purpose: gets the size of the text in the 2d view ---Level: Public Areas(me:mutable; aresult : in out ListOfBox2d from SelectBasics) is redefined static; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: to be implemented specifically by each type of -- sensitive primitive . -- Matches (me :mutable; X,Y : Real from Standard; aTol: Real from Standard; DMin: out Real from Standard) returns Boolean is redefined static; Matches (me :mutable; XMin,YMin,XMax,YMax : Real from Standard; aTol: Real from Standard) returns Boolean is redefined static; Matches (me :mutable; Polyline:Array1OfPnt2d from TColgp; aBox:Box2d from Bnd; aTol: Real from Standard) returns Boolean is redefined static; fields mytext : ExtendedString from TCollection; myxpos : Real; myypos : Real; myangle: Real; myfont : Integer; myinitbox: Box2d from Bnd; --box before rotation... end SensitiveText2d;