-- File: StdSelect_BRepOwner.cdl -- Created: Wed Mar 8 15:56:17 1995 -- Author: Mister rmi -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1995 class BRepOwner from StdSelect inherits EntityOwner from SelectMgr ---Purpose: Defines Specific Owners for Sensitive Primitives -- (Sensitive Segments,Circles...). -- Used in Dynamic Selection Mechanism. -- A BRepOwner has an Owner (the shape it represents) -- and Users (One or More Transient entities). uses Location from TopLoc, Shape from TopoDS, SelectableObject from SelectMgr, EntityOwner from SelectMgr, Presentation from Prs3d, PresentationManager from PrsMgr, PresentationManager3d from PrsMgr, NameOfColor from Quantity, Drawer from Prs3d, Shape from StdSelect is Create(aPriority:Integer from Standard) returns mutable BRepOwner from StdSelect; ---Purpose: Constructs an owner specification framework defined -- by the priority aPriority. Create (aShape : Shape from TopoDS; aPriority : Integer = 0; ComesFromDecomposition:Boolean from Standard = Standard_False) returns mutable BRepOwner; ---Purpose: Constructs an owner specification framework defined -- by the shape aShape and the priority aPriority. -- aShape and aPriority are stored in this framework. If -- more than one owner are detected during dynamic -- selection, the one with the highest priority is the one stored. Create (aShape : Shape from TopoDS; theOrigin : SelectableObject from SelectMgr; aPriority : Integer = 0; FromDecomposition:Boolean from Standard = Standard_False) returns mutable BRepOwner; ---Purpose: Constructs an owner specification framework defined -- by the shape aShape, the selectable object theOrigin -- and the priority aPriority. -- aShape, theOrigin and aPriority are stored in this -- framework. If more than one owner are detected -- during dynamic selection, the one with the highest -- priority is the one stored. HasShape(me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---C++: inline ---Purpose: returns False if no shape was set -- Set(me : mutable; aShape : Shape from TopoDS; FromDecomposition:Boolean from Standard=Standard_False); ---Purpose: indicates whether -- comes from decomposition of a bigger shape. ComesFromDecomposition(me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---C++: inline Shape(me) returns Shape from TopoDS ; ---C++: inline ---C++: return const& ---Category: hilight of detected shapes... HasHilightMode(me) returns Boolean from Standard; ---Purpose: -- Returns true if this framework has a highlight mode defined for it. ---C++: inline SetHilightMode(me:mutable;aMode : Integer from Standard); ---C++: inline ---Purpose: Sets the highlight mode for this framework. -- This defines the type of display used to highlight the -- owner of the shape when it is detected by the selector. -- The default type of display is wireframe, defined by the index 0. ResetHilightMode(me:mutable) ; ---Purpose: Resets the higlight mode for this framework. -- This defines the type of display used to highlight the -- owner of the shape when it is detected by the selector. -- The default type of display is wireframe, defined by the index 0. ---C++: inline HilightMode(me) returns Integer from Standard; ---Purpose: Returns the highlight mode for this framework. -- This defines the type of display used to highlight the -- owner of the shape when it is detected by the selector. -- The default type of display is wireframe, defined by the index 0. ---C++: inline IsHilighted (me ; aPM : PresentationManager from PrsMgr; aMode : Integer from Standard =0) returns Boolean from Standard is redefined virtual; ---Purpose: Returns true if an object with the selection mode -- aMode is highlighted in the presentation manager aPM. Hilight(me:mutable) is redefined virtual; Hilight(me : mutable; aPM : PresentationManager from PrsMgr; aMode : Integer from Standard =0) is redefined virtual; --- Purpose: Returns the selection mode aMode defining the type -- of shape highlighted in the presentation manager aPM. HilightWithColor (me : mutable; aPM : PresentationManager3d from PrsMgr; aCol : NameOfColor from Quantity; aMode : Integer from Standard =0) is redefined virtual; Unhilight(me : mutable; aPM : PresentationManager from PrsMgr; aMode : Integer from Standard =0) is redefined virtual; ---Purpose: Removes highlighting from the type of shape -- identified the selection mode aMode in the presentation manager aPM. Clear(me: mutable; aPM : PresentationManager from PrsMgr; aMode : Integer from Standard =0) is redefined virtual; ---Purpose: Clears the presentation manager object aPM of all -- shapes with the selection mode aMode. SetLocation(me:mutable; aLoc : Location from TopLoc) is redefined; ResetLocation(me:mutable) is redefined; fields myPrsSh : Shape from StdSelect; myCurMode : Integer from Standard; myFromDecomposition : Boolean from Standard is protected; myShape : Shape from TopoDS is protected; end BRepOwner;