-- File: Standard_Storable.cdl -- Created: Thu Sep 5 16:41:43 1991 -- Author: jean pierre TIRAULT -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1991 deferred class Storable from Standard ---Purpose: This class Storable is an abstract class that allows built-in -- primitive types to be extended. They are not themselves -- persistent, but are known by the database, therefore can be used -- to define the internal representation of persistent objects. -- Otherwise, all the fields of subclasses of Object MUST inherit -- from Storable. -- -- This class provides also a framework for copying, comparing and -- printing. is Delete ( me : out ) is virtual; ---C++: alias "Standard_EXPORT virtual ~Standard_Storable(){Delete();}" HashCode (me; Upper : Integer ) returns Integer is virtual; ---Purpose: Returns a hashed value denoting . This value is in -- the range 1... ---C++: function call ---Level: Advanced IsEqual (me; Other : Storable) returns Boolean ---Purpose: Returns true if the direct contents of and -- are memberwise equal. ---C++: alias operator == ---Level: Public is static; IsSimilar (me; Other : Storable) returns Boolean; ---Purpose: Returns true if the Deep contents of and -- are memberwise equal. ---C++: function call ---Level: Public ShallowDump (me; S: in out OStream) is virtual; ---Purpose: Prints the contents at the first level of on -- the stream . The Root version of ShallowDump prints -- the name of the class is instance of, followed by -- its memory address. ---C++: function call ---Level: Public end Storable;