// File: ShapeFix_SplitTool.cxx // Created: 14.07.04 16:10:47 // Author: Sergey KUUL #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //======================================================================= //function : ShapeFix_SplitTool() //purpose : Constructor //======================================================================= ShapeFix_SplitTool::ShapeFix_SplitTool() { } //======================================================================= //function : SplitEdge //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_SplitTool::SplitEdge(const TopoDS_Edge& edge, const Standard_Real param, const TopoDS_Vertex& vert, const TopoDS_Face& face, TopoDS_Edge& newE1, TopoDS_Edge& newE2, const Standard_Real tol3d, const Standard_Real tol2d) const { Standard_Real a, b; ShapeAnalysis_Edge sae; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) c2d; sae.PCurve(edge,face,c2d,a,b,Standard_True ); if( Abs(a-param)Value(param); if(!L.IsIdentity()) P1 = P1.Transformed(L.Transformation()); } else { Handle(Geom_Surface) surf = BRep_Tool::Surface(face,L); Handle(ShapeAnalysis_Surface) sas = new ShapeAnalysis_Surface(surf); P1 = sas->Value(c2d->Value(param)); if(!L.IsIdentity()) P1 = P1.Transformed(L.Transformation()); } gp_Pnt P2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(vert); if(P1.Distance(P2)>tol3d) { //return Standard_False; BRep_Builder B; B.UpdateVertex(vert,P1.Distance(P2)); } Handle(ShapeAnalysis_TransferParametersProj) transferParameters = new ShapeAnalysis_TransferParametersProj; transferParameters->SetMaxTolerance(tol3d); transferParameters->Init(edge,face); Standard_Real first, last; if (a < b ) { first = a; last = b; } else { first = b; last = a; } ShapeBuild_Edge sbe; Handle(ShapeFix_Edge) sfe = new ShapeFix_Edge; TopAbs_Orientation orient = edge.Orientation(); BRep_Builder B; TopoDS_Edge wE = edge; wE.Orientation ( TopAbs_FORWARD ); TopoDS_Shape aTmpShape = vert.Oriented(TopAbs_REVERSED); //for porting newE1 = sbe.CopyReplaceVertices ( wE, sae.FirstVertex(wE), TopoDS::Vertex(aTmpShape) ); sbe.CopyPCurves ( newE1, wE ); transferParameters->TransferRange(newE1,first,param,Standard_True); B.SameRange(newE1,Standard_False); sfe->FixSameParameter(newE1); //B.SameParameter(newE1,Standard_False); aTmpShape = vert.Oriented(TopAbs_FORWARD); newE2 = sbe.CopyReplaceVertices ( wE, TopoDS::Vertex(aTmpShape),sae.LastVertex(wE) ); sbe.CopyPCurves ( newE2, wE ); transferParameters->TransferRange(newE2,param,last,Standard_True); B.SameRange(newE2,Standard_False); sfe->FixSameParameter(newE2); //B.SameParameter(newE2,Standard_False); newE1.Orientation(orient); newE2.Orientation(orient); if (orient==TopAbs_REVERSED) { TopoDS_Edge tmp = newE2; newE2 = newE1; newE1=tmp; } return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : SplitEdge //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_SplitTool::SplitEdge(const TopoDS_Edge& edge, const Standard_Real param1, const Standard_Real param2, const TopoDS_Vertex& vert, const TopoDS_Face& face, TopoDS_Edge& newE1, TopoDS_Edge& newE2, const Standard_Real tol3d, const Standard_Real tol2d) const { Standard_Real param = (param1+param2)/2; if(SplitEdge(edge,param,vert,face,newE1,newE2,tol3d,tol2d)) { // cut new edges by param1 and param2 Standard_Boolean IsCutLine; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) Crv1, Crv2; Standard_Real fp1,lp1,fp2,lp2; ShapeAnalysis_Edge sae; if(sae.PCurve ( newE1, face, Crv1, fp1, lp1, Standard_False )) { if(sae.PCurve ( newE2, face, Crv2, fp2, lp2, Standard_False )) { if(lp1==param) { if( (lp1-fp1)*(lp1-param1)>0 ) { CutEdge(newE1, fp1, param1, face, IsCutLine); CutEdge(newE2, lp2, param2, face, IsCutLine); } else { CutEdge(newE1, fp1, param2, face, IsCutLine); CutEdge(newE2, lp2, param1, face, IsCutLine); } } else { if( (fp1-lp1)*(fp1-param1)>0 ) { CutEdge(newE1, lp1, param1, face, IsCutLine); CutEdge(newE2, fp2, param2, face, IsCutLine); } else { CutEdge(newE1, lp1, param2, face, IsCutLine); CutEdge(newE2, fp2, param1, face, IsCutLine); } } } } return Standard_True; } return Standard_False; } //======================================================================= //function : CutEdge //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ShapeFix_SplitTool::CutEdge(const TopoDS_Edge &edge, const Standard_Real pend, const Standard_Real cut, const TopoDS_Face &face, Standard_Boolean &iscutline) const { if( Abs(cut-pend)<10.*Precision::PConfusion() ) return Standard_False; Standard_Real aRange = Abs(cut-pend); Standard_Real a, b; BRep_Tool::Range(edge, a, b); iscutline = Standard_False; if( aRange<10.*Precision::PConfusion() ) return Standard_False; // case pcurve is trimm of line if( !BRep_Tool::SameParameter(edge) ) { ShapeAnalysis_Edge sae; Handle(Geom2d_Curve) Crv; Standard_Real fp,lp; if ( sae.PCurve(edge,face,Crv,fp,lp,Standard_False) ) { if(Crv->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve))) { Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve) tc = Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve)::DownCast(Crv); if(tc->BasisCurve()->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(Geom2d_Line))) { BRep_Builder B; B.Range(edge,Min(pend,cut),Max(pend,cut)); if( Abs(pend-lp)0 ) { par1 = fp; par2 = lp; } else { par1 = lp; par2 = fp; IsReverse = Standard_True; } if( fabs(a-par1)<=tol2d && fabs(b-par2)<=tol2d ) { if(IsReverse) { Standard_Real newtol = tolVF + PVF.Distance(PV2); if(tolV2Replace(VF,V2); VF = V2; } else { context->Replace(VF,V2.Reversed()); VF = TopoDS::Vertex(V2.Reversed()); } newtol = tolVL + PVL.Distance(PV1); if(tolV1Replace(VL,V1); VL = V1; } else { context->Replace(VL,V1.Reversed()); VL = TopoDS::Vertex(V1.Reversed()); } } else { Standard_Real newtol = tolVF + PVF.Distance(PV1); if(tolV1Replace(VF,V1); VF = V1; } else { context->Replace(VF,V1.Reversed()); VF = TopoDS::Vertex(V1.Reversed()); } newtol = tolVL + PVL.Distance(PV2); if(tolV2Replace(VL,V2); VL = V2; } else { context->Replace(VL,V2.Reversed()); VL = TopoDS::Vertex(V2.Reversed()); } } SeqE.Append(edge); aNum = 1; } if( fabs(a-par1)<=tol2d && fabs(b-par2)>tol2d ) { TopoDS_Edge newE1, newE2; if(IsReverse) { if(!SplitEdge(edge,par2,V1,face,newE1,newE2,tol3d,tol2d)) return Standard_False; Standard_Real newtol = tolVF + PVF.Distance(PV2); if(tolV2Replace(VF,V2); VF = V2; } else { context->Replace(VF,V2.Reversed()); VF = TopoDS::Vertex(V2.Reversed()); } } else { if(!SplitEdge(edge,par2,V2,face,newE1,newE2,tol3d,tol2d)) return Standard_False; Standard_Real newtol = tolVF + PVF.Distance(PV1); if(tolV1Replace(VF,V1); VF = V1; } else { context->Replace(VF,V1.Reversed()); VF = TopoDS::Vertex(V1.Reversed()); } } SeqE.Append(newE1); SeqE.Append(newE2); aNum = 1; } if( fabs(a-par1)>tol2d && fabs(b-par2)<=tol2d ) { TopoDS_Edge newE1, newE2; if(IsReverse) { if(!SplitEdge(edge,par1,V2,face,newE1,newE2,tol3d,tol2d)) return Standard_False; Standard_Real newtol = tolVL + PVL.Distance(PV1); if(tolV1Replace(VL,V1); VL = V1; } else { context->Replace(VL,V1.Reversed()); VL = TopoDS::Vertex(V1.Reversed()); } } else { if(!SplitEdge(edge,par1,V1,face,newE1,newE2,tol3d,tol2d)) return Standard_False; Standard_Real newtol = tolVL + PVL.Distance(PV2); if(tolV2Replace(VL,V2); VL = V2; } else { context->Replace(VL,V2.Reversed()); VL = TopoDS::Vertex(V2.Reversed()); } } SeqE.Append(newE1); SeqE.Append(newE2); aNum = 2; } if( fabs(a-par1)>tol2d && fabs(b-par2)>tol2d ) { TopoDS_Edge newE1,newE2,newE3,newE4; if(IsReverse) { if(!SplitEdge(edge,par1,V2,face,newE1,newE2,tol3d,tol2d)) return Standard_False; if(!SplitEdge(newE2,par2,V1,face,newE3,newE4,tol3d,tol2d)) return Standard_False; } else { if(!SplitEdge(edge,par1,V1,face,newE1,newE2,tol3d,tol2d)) return Standard_False; if(!SplitEdge(newE2,par2,V2,face,newE3,newE4,tol3d,tol2d)) return Standard_False; } SeqE.Append(newE1); SeqE.Append(newE3); SeqE.Append(newE4); aNum = 2; } if(aNum==0) return Standard_False; Handle(ShapeExtend_WireData) sewd = new ShapeExtend_WireData; for(Standard_Integer i=1; i<=SeqE.Length(); i++) { sewd->Add(SeqE.Value(i)); } context->Replace(edge,sewd->Wire()); for (TopExp_Explorer exp ( sewd->Wire(), TopAbs_EDGE ); exp.More(); exp.Next() ) { TopoDS_Edge E = TopoDS::Edge ( exp.Current() ); BRepTools::Update(E); } return Standard_True; }