-- File: ShapeFix_ShapeTolerance.cdl -- Created: Wed Jul 22 17:46:14 1998 -- Author: data exchange team -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1998 class ShapeTolerance from ShapeFix ---Purpose: Modifies tolerances of sub-shapes (vertices, edges, faces) uses Shape from TopoDS, ShapeEnum from TopAbs is Create returns ShapeTolerance from ShapeFix; LimitTolerance (me; shape: Shape from TopoDS; tmin : Real; tmax : Real = 0.0; styp : ShapeEnum from TopAbs = TopAbs_SHAPE) returns Boolean; ---Purpose: Limits tolerances in a shape as follows : -- tmin = tmax -> as SetTolerance (forces) -- tmin = 0 -> maximum tolerance will be -- tmax = 0 or not given (more generally, tmax < tmin) -> -- ignored, minimum will be -- else, maximum will be and minimum will be -- styp = VERTEX : only vertices are set -- styp = EDGE : only edges are set -- styp = FACE : only faces are set -- styp = WIRE : to have edges and their vertices set -- styp = other value : all (vertices,edges,faces) are set -- Returns True if at least one tolerance of the sub-shape has -- been modified SetTolerance (me; shape: Shape from TopoDS; preci: Real; styp : ShapeEnum from TopAbs = TopAbs_SHAPE); ---Purpose: Sets (enforces) tolerances in a shape to the given value -- styp = VERTEX : only vertices are set -- styp = EDGE : only edges are set -- styp = FACE : only faces are set -- styp = WIRE : to have edges and their vertices set -- styp = other value : all (vertices,edges,faces) are set end ShapeTolerance;