-- File: ShapeFix_EdgeProjAux.cdl -- Created: Wed Jun 3 12:32:09 1998 -- Author: data exchange team -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1998 class EdgeProjAux from ShapeFix inherits TShared from MMgt ---Purpose: Project 3D point (vertex) on pcurves to find Vertex Parameter -- on parametric representation of an edge uses Curve from Geom2d, Face from TopoDS, Edge from TopoDS, Surface from Geom is Create returns mutable EdgeProjAux from ShapeFix; Create (F: Face from TopoDS; E: Edge from TopoDS) returns mutable EdgeProjAux from ShapeFix; Init (me: mutable; F: Face from TopoDS; E: Edge from TopoDS); Compute (me: mutable; preci: Real); IsFirstDone (me) returns Boolean from Standard; IsLastDone (me) returns Boolean from Standard; FirstParam (me) returns Real from Standard; LastParam (me) returns Real from Standard; IsIso (me: mutable; C: Curve from Geom2d) returns Boolean; Init2d (me: mutable; preci: Real) is protected; Init3d (me: mutable; preci: Real) is protected; UpdateParam2d (me: mutable; C: Curve from Geom2d) is protected; fields myFace: Face from TopoDS is protected; myEdge: Edge from TopoDS is protected; myFirstParam: Real is protected; myLastParam: Real is protected; myFirstDone: Boolean is protected; myLastDone: Boolean is protected; end EdgeProjAux;