-- File: ShapeFix.cdl -- Created: Wed Jun 3 12:07:35 1998 -- Author: data exchange team -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1998 package ShapeFix ---Purpose: This package provides algorithms for fixing -- problematic (violating Open CASCADE requirements) shapes. -- Tools from package ShapeAnalysis are used for detecting the problems. The -- detecting and fixing is done taking in account various -- criteria implemented in BRepCheck package. -- Each class of package ShapeFix deals with one -- certain type of shapes or with some family of problems. uses gp, Geom, Geom2d, Geom2dAPI, GeomAbs, Adaptor3d, TCollection, TColStd, TopAbs, TopLoc, TopoDS, TopTools, Message, ShapeExtend, ShapeAnalysis, ShapeConstruct, ShapeBuild, Bnd is -- classes class Root; class EdgeProjAux; class Edge; ---Purpose: Fixing different problems on edge class Wire; ---Purpose: Fixing different problems with wires class Face; ---Purpose: Fixing problems with face (orientation of wires and wrong wires) class FixSmallFace; ---Purpose: Fixing face with small size class WireVertex; ---Purpose: Fixing disconnected edges in the wire class Wireframe; ---Purpose: Provides methods to fix wireframe of shape class FreeBounds; ---Purpose: Fixing free bounds of the shape (connecting open wires) class FaceConnect; ---Purpose: Rebuilds connectivity between faces in shell class Shell; ---Purpose: Fixing orientation of faces in shell class Solid; ---Purpose: Creating solid from shell and orienting it to have finite volume class ShapeTolerance; ---Purpose: Modifying shape tolerances class Shape; ---Purpose: Fixing problem of shape. class EdgeConnect; ---Purpose: Rebuilds edges to connect with new vertices, was moved from ShapeBuild class ComposeShell; ---Purpose: Splits a (pseudo)face onto grid of faces (shell) class SplitCommonVertex; ---Purpose: Splits vertex which is common for two wires -- (for writing into STEP) class WireSegment; ---Purpose: Auxiliary class (data storage) for ComposeShell class IntersectionTool; ---Purpose: Tool for fixing selfintersecting wire -- and intersecting wires --class OverlappingTool; now it is in package OverlapShape of Products ---Purpose: Tool for fixing overlapping class SplitTool; ---Purpose: Tool for splitting and cutting edges; incudes methods -- used in OverlappingTool and IntersectionTool class SequenceOfWireSegment instantiates Sequence from TCollection (WireSegment from ShapeFix); class DataMapOfShapeBox2d instantiates DataMap from TCollection (Shape from TopoDS, Box2d from Bnd, ShapeMapHasher from TopTools); SameParameter (shape : Shape from TopoDS; enforce: Boolean; preci : Real = 0.0) returns Boolean; ---Purpose : Runs SameParameter from BRepLib with these adaptations : -- forces computations, else they are made only on -- Edges with flag SameParameter false -- , if not precised, is taken for each EDge as its own -- Tolerance -- Returns True when done, False if an exception has been raised -- In case of exception anyway, as many edges as possible have -- been processed EncodeRegularity (shape: Shape from TopoDS; tolang: Real = 1.0e-10); ---Purpose : Runs EncodeRegularity from BRepLib taking into account -- shared components of assemblies, so that each component -- is processed only once RemoveSmallEdges (shape: in out Shape from TopoDS; Tolerance: Real; context: in out ReShape from ShapeBuild) returns Shape from TopoDS; ---Purpose: Removes edges which are less than given tolerance from shape -- with help of ShapeFix_Wire::FixSmall() FixVertexPosition(theshape: in out Shape from TopoDS; theTolerance: Real; thecontext: ReShape from ShapeBuild) returns Boolean; ---Purpose: Fix position of the vertices having tolerance more tnan specified one.; LeastEdgeSize(theshape: in out Shape from TopoDS) returns Real; ---Purpose: Calculate size of least edge; end ShapeFix;