#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //======================================================================= //function : IsRightContour (static) //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean IsRightContour (const TColgp_SequenceOfPnt& pts, const Standard_Real prec) { Standard_Integer len = pts.Length(); if (len < 4) return Standard_True; TColgp_Array1OfPnt thePts(1,len); Standard_Integer i; // svv Jan11 2000 : porting on DEC for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) thePts(i) = pts(i); gp_XYZ Norm(0,0,0); if (ShapeAnalysis_Curve::IsPlanar(thePts,Norm,prec)) { // Make polygonal wire from points BRepBuilderAPI_MakePolygon mkPoly; for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) mkPoly.Add(thePts(i)); mkPoly.Close(); mkPoly.Build(); if (mkPoly.IsDone()) { // Create mean plane gp_XYZ center(0,0,0); for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) center += thePts(i).XYZ(); center /= len; gp_Pnt pc(center); gp_Dir pd(Norm); gp_Pln pl(pc,pd); Handle(Geom_Plane) thePlane = new Geom_Plane(pl); BRep_Builder B; TopoDS_Face theFace; B.MakeFace(theFace,thePlane,Precision::Confusion()); TopoDS_Wire theWire = mkPoly.Wire(); B.Add(theFace,theWire); Handle(ShapeAnalysis_Wire) saw = new ShapeAnalysis_Wire(theWire,theFace,prec); return !saw->CheckSelfIntersection(); } } return Standard_False; } //======================================================================= //function : MeanNormal (static) //purpose : //======================================================================= gp_Vec MeanNormal (const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& pts) { Standard_Integer len = pts.Length(); if (len < 3) return gp_Vec(0,0,0); Standard_Integer i; gp_XYZ theCenter(0,0,0); for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) theCenter += pts(i).XYZ(); theCenter /= len; gp_XYZ theNorm(0,0,0); for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) { gp_Vec v1(pts(i).XYZ() - theCenter); gp_Vec v2(pts((i==len)? 1 : i+1).XYZ() - theCenter); theNorm += (v1^v2).XYZ(); } return gp_Vec(theNorm).Normalized(); } //======================================================================= //function : ShapeConstruct_MakeTriangulation //purpose : //======================================================================= ShapeConstruct_MakeTriangulation::ShapeConstruct_MakeTriangulation (const TColgp_Array1OfPnt& pnts, const Standard_Real prec) { myPrecision = (prec > 0.0)? prec : Precision::Confusion(); // Make polygonal wire from points BRepBuilderAPI_MakePolygon mkPoly; for (Standard_Integer i = pnts.Lower(); i <= pnts.Upper(); i++) mkPoly.Add(pnts(i)); mkPoly.Close(); mkPoly.Build(); if (mkPoly.IsDone()) { myWire = mkPoly.Wire(); Build(); } } //======================================================================= //function : ShapeConstruct_MakeTriangulation //purpose : //======================================================================= ShapeConstruct_MakeTriangulation::ShapeConstruct_MakeTriangulation (const TopoDS_Wire& wire, const Standard_Real prec) { myPrecision = (prec > 0.0)? prec : Precision::Confusion(); myWire = wire; Build(); } //======================================================================= //function : Build //purpose : //======================================================================= void ShapeConstruct_MakeTriangulation::Build() { if (myShape.IsNull()) { // Triangulate polygonal wire if (!myWire.IsNull()) Triangulate(myWire); } } //======================================================================= //function : IsDone //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean ShapeConstruct_MakeTriangulation::IsDone() const { return (!myShape.IsNull()); } //======================================================================= //function : Triangulate //purpose : //======================================================================= void ShapeConstruct_MakeTriangulation::Triangulate (const TopoDS_Wire& wire) { // Fill sequence of edges Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape) theEdges = new TopTools_HSequenceOfShape; for (TopoDS_Iterator ite(wire); ite.More(); ite.Next()) theEdges->Append(ite.Value()); Standard_Integer NbEdges = theEdges->Length(); if (NbEdges < 4) AddFacet(wire); else { // Fill array of end points ShapeAnalysis_Edge sae; Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt) theAPnt = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1,NbEdges); for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= NbEdges; i++) theAPnt->SetValue(i,BRep_Tool::Pnt(sae.FirstVertex(TopoDS::Edge(theEdges->Value(i))))); TopoDS_Wire theNewWire; // Check planarity on array of points gp_XYZ Norm(0,0,0); if (ShapeAnalysis_Curve::IsPlanar(theAPnt->Array1(),Norm,myPrecision)) AddFacet(wire); else { // Current contour is not planar - triangulate TColStd_SequenceOfInteger theSegments; Standard_Integer cindex = 1, seqFlag = 1; TColStd_Array1OfInteger llimits(1,2), rlimits(1,2); llimits.Init(NbEdges+1); rlimits.Init(0); // Find all "good" planar segments while (seqFlag) { // Set up limits for current sequence Standard_Integer llimit = llimits(seqFlag); Standard_Integer rlimit = rlimits(seqFlag); if (rlimit <= llimit) rlimit += NbEdges; // Check stop condition if ((rlimit - llimit) > (NbEdges - 2)) break; TColgp_SequenceOfPnt theSPnt; // Add 3 points of minimal facet Standard_Integer lindex = (cindex==1? NbEdges : cindex-1); Standard_Integer rindex = (cindex==NbEdges? 1 : cindex+1); theSPnt.Append(theAPnt->Value(lindex)); theSPnt.Append(theAPnt->Value(cindex)); theSPnt.Append(theAPnt->Value(rindex)); // Try prepending points Standard_Boolean isGood = Standard_True; while (isGood) { cindex = (lindex==1? NbEdges : lindex-1); if (cindex == rindex) { AddFacet(wire); return; } Standard_Integer cid = cindex; if (rlimit > NbEdges && cid <= llimit) cid += NbEdges; if (cid > llimit && cid < rlimit) isGood = Standard_False; if (isGood) { theSPnt.Prepend(theAPnt->Value(cindex)); isGood = IsRightContour(theSPnt,myPrecision); if (isGood) lindex = cindex; else theSPnt.Remove(1); } } // Try appending points isGood = Standard_True; while (isGood) { cindex = (rindex==NbEdges? 1 : rindex+1); if (cindex == lindex) { AddFacet(wire); return; } Standard_Integer cid = cindex; if (rlimit > NbEdges && cid <= llimit) cid += NbEdges; if (cid > llimit && cid < rlimit) isGood = Standard_False; if (isGood) { theSPnt.Append(theAPnt->Value(cindex)); isGood = IsRightContour(theSPnt,myPrecision); if (isGood) rindex = cindex; else theSPnt.Remove(theSPnt.Length()); } } // Record new planar segment theSegments.Append(lindex); theSegments.Append(rindex); // Set up new limits cindex = rindex; rlimits(seqFlag) = rindex; if (llimit > NbEdges) llimits(seqFlag) = lindex; // Set up sequence index seqFlag = (seqFlag == 1)? 2 : 1; } cindex = theSegments.Length(); if (cindex%4 == 0) { gp_Vec theBaseNorm = MeanNormal(theAPnt->Array1()); // Identify sequence of matching facets Standard_Integer len = cindex/2, lindex, rindex, seqlen, j; Standard_Real theC, theC1 = 0.0, theC2 = 0.0; Standard_Integer ii; // svv Jan11 2000 : porting on DEC // skl : change "i" to "ii" for (ii = 0; ii < len; ii++) { // Compute normal collinearity for facet lindex = theSegments(ii*2+1); rindex = theSegments(ii*2+2); seqlen = ((rindex > lindex)? rindex - lindex + 1 : NbEdges - lindex + rindex + 1); TColgp_Array1OfPnt theArr(1,seqlen); for (j = 1; j <= seqlen; j++) { theArr(j) = theAPnt->Value(lindex); lindex++; if (lindex > NbEdges) lindex = 1; } theC = theBaseNorm*MeanNormal(theArr); if (ii%2) theC2 += theC; else theC1 += theC; } Standard_Integer best1 = ((theC1 > theC2)? 0 : 2); // Add "best" planar facets BRep_Builder B; TopoDS_Wire theFacetWire; TopoDS_Edge theLEdge, theSLEdge; len = cindex/4; // Check for special case - 1 shared line Standard_Boolean special = (len == 2 && theSegments(best1+1) == theSegments(4+best1+2) && theSegments(best1+2) == theSegments(4+best1+1)); Standard_Integer pindex = theSegments((len-1)*4+best1+2); for (ii = 0; ii < len; ii++) { lindex = theSegments(ii*4+best1+1); rindex = theSegments(ii*4+best1+2); if (special && !theSLEdge.IsNull()) { TopoDS_Shape aLocalShape = theSLEdge.Reversed(); theLEdge = TopoDS::Edge(aLocalShape); // theLEdge = TopoDS::Edge(theSLEdge.Reversed()); } else { TopoDS_Vertex v1 = sae.FirstVertex(TopoDS::Edge(theEdges->Value(lindex))); TopoDS_Vertex v2 = sae.FirstVertex(TopoDS::Edge(theEdges->Value(rindex))); v1.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); v2.Orientation(TopAbs_REVERSED); theLEdge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(v1,v2); theSLEdge = theLEdge; } // Create new facet wire B.MakeWire(theFacetWire); B.Add(theFacetWire,theLEdge.Reversed()); Standard_Integer cur_edge = lindex; while (cur_edge != rindex) { TopoDS_Edge theNEdge = TopoDS::Edge(theEdges->Value(cur_edge)); B.Add(theFacetWire,theNEdge); if (cur_edge == NbEdges) cur_edge = 1; else cur_edge++; } AddFacet(theFacetWire); if (!special) { // Add edges to the new wire if (theNewWire.IsNull()) B.MakeWire(theNewWire); cur_edge = pindex; while (cur_edge != lindex) { TopoDS_Edge theNEdge = TopoDS::Edge(theEdges->Value(cur_edge)); B.Add(theNewWire,theNEdge); if (cur_edge == NbEdges) cur_edge = 1; else cur_edge++; } B.Add(theNewWire,theLEdge); pindex = rindex; } } } // Clear storage variables theEdges.Nullify(); theAPnt.Nullify(); // Triangulate the rest of edges if (!theNewWire.IsNull()) Triangulate(theNewWire); } } } //======================================================================= //function : AddFacet //purpose : //======================================================================= void ShapeConstruct_MakeTriangulation::AddFacet (const TopoDS_Wire& wire) { if (wire.IsNull()) return; // Fill sequence of points ShapeAnalysis_Edge sae; TColgp_SequenceOfPnt pts; for (TopoDS_Iterator ite(wire); ite.More(); ite.Next()) pts.Append(BRep_Tool::Pnt(sae.FirstVertex(TopoDS::Edge(ite.Value())))); Standard_Integer i, nbp = pts.Length(); if (nbp < 3) return; // Create mean plane Standard_Real cMod, maxMod = 0.0; gp_XYZ maxVec, Normal(0,0,0); for (i = 1; i <= nbp; i++) { gp_XYZ vb(pts(i).XYZ()); gp_XYZ v1(pts(i==nbp? 1 : i+1).XYZ()-vb); cMod = v1.SquareModulus(); if (cMod == 0.0) continue; else if (cMod > maxMod) { maxMod = cMod; maxVec = v1; } gp_XYZ v2(pts(i==1? nbp : i-1).XYZ()-vb); cMod = v2.SquareModulus(); if (cMod == 0.0) continue; else if (cMod > maxMod) { maxMod = cMod; maxVec = v2; } Normal += gp_XYZ(v1^v2); } if (Normal.SquareModulus() == 0.0) { if (maxMod == 0.0) Normal = gp_XYZ(0,0,1); else if (maxVec.X() != 0.0) Normal = gp_XYZ(-maxVec.Y()/maxVec.X(),1,0); else if (maxVec.Y() != 0.0) Normal = gp_XYZ(0,-maxVec.Z()/maxVec.Y(),1); else Normal = gp_XYZ(1,0,0); } gp_Pln Pln(pts(1),gp_Dir(Normal)); Handle(Geom_Plane) thePlane = new Geom_Plane(Pln); // Mean plane created - build face BRep_Builder B; TopoDS_Face theFace; B.MakeFace(theFace,thePlane,Precision::Confusion()); B.Add(theFace,wire); // Add new face to the shell if (myShape.IsNull()) myShape = theFace; else { if (myShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE) { TopoDS_Face firstFace = TopoDS::Face(myShape); TopoDS_Shell theShell; B.MakeShell(theShell); myShape = theShell; B.Add(myShape,firstFace); } B.Add(myShape,theFace); } }