// File: ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds.cxx // Created: Mon Apr 27 15:59:13 1998 // Author: Daniel RISSER // // Modified: Thu Sep 17 12:27:58 1998 // Author: Roman LYGIN // // 25.12.98 pdn transmission from BRepTools_Sewing to BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing //szv#4 S4163 // 11.01.00 svv #1: porting on DEC #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //ied_modif_for_compil_Nov-19-1998 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //======================================================================= //function : ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds //purpose : Empty constructor //======================================================================= ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds::ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds() {} //======================================================================= //function : ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds //purpose : //======================================================================= ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds::ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds(const TopoDS_Shape& shape, const Standard_Real toler, const Standard_Boolean splitclosed, const Standard_Boolean splitopen) : myTolerance (toler), myShared (Standard_False), mySplitClosed (splitclosed), mySplitOpen (splitopen) { BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing Sew(toler, Standard_False, Standard_False); for (TopoDS_Iterator S (shape); S.More(); S.Next()) Sew.Add(S.Value()); Sew.Perform(); // // Extract free edges. // Standard_Integer nbedge = Sew.NbFreeEdges(); Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape) edges = new TopTools_HSequenceOfShape; Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape) wires; TopoDS_Edge anEdge; for (Standard_Integer iedge = 1 ; iedge <= nbedge ; iedge++) { anEdge = TopoDS::Edge (Sew.FreeEdge(iedge)); if ( !BRep_Tool::Degenerated(anEdge) ) edges->Append (anEdge); } // // Chainage. // ConnectEdgesToWires (edges, toler, Standard_False, wires); DispatchWires (wires, myWires, myEdges); SplitWires (); return ; } //======================================================================= //function : ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds //purpose : //======================================================================= ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds::ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds(const TopoDS_Shape& shape, const Standard_Boolean splitclosed, const Standard_Boolean splitopen, const Standard_Boolean checkinternaledges) : myTolerance (0.), myShared (Standard_True), mySplitClosed (splitclosed), mySplitOpen (splitopen) { TopoDS_Shell aTmpShell; BRep_Builder aB; aB.MakeShell(aTmpShell); for(TopExp_Explorer aExpFace(shape,TopAbs_FACE);aExpFace.More(); aExpFace.Next()) aB.Add(aTmpShell,aExpFace.Current()); ShapeAnalysis_Shell sas; sas.CheckOrientedShells (aTmpShell, Standard_True, checkinternaledges); if (sas.HasFreeEdges()) { ShapeExtend_Explorer see; Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape) edges = see.SeqFromCompound (sas.FreeEdges(), Standard_False); Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape) wires; ConnectEdgesToWires (edges, Precision::Confusion(), Standard_True, wires); DispatchWires (wires, myWires, myEdges); SplitWires (); } } //======================================================================= //function : ConnectEdgesToWires //purpose : //======================================================================= void ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds::ConnectEdgesToWires(Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape)& edges, const Standard_Real toler, const Standard_Boolean shared, Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape)& wires) { Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape) iwires = new TopTools_HSequenceOfShape; BRep_Builder B; Standard_Integer i; // svv #1 for (i = 1; i <= edges->Length(); i++) { TopoDS_Wire wire; B.MakeWire (wire); B.Add (wire, edges->Value (i)); iwires->Append (wire); } ConnectWiresToWires (iwires, toler, shared, wires); for (i = 1; i <= edges->Length(); i++) if (iwires->Value(i).Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) edges->ChangeValue(i).Reverse(); } //======================================================================= //function : ConnectWiresToWires //purpose : //======================================================================= void ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds::ConnectWiresToWires(Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape)& iwires, const Standard_Real toler, const Standard_Boolean shared, Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape)& owires) { TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape map; ConnectWiresToWires (iwires, toler, shared, owires, map); } //======================================================================= //function : ConnectWiresToWires //purpose : //======================================================================= void ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds::ConnectWiresToWires(Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape)& iwires, const Standard_Real toler, const Standard_Boolean shared, Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape)& owires, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape& vertices) { if (iwires.IsNull() || !iwires->Length()) return; Handle(TopTools_HArray1OfShape) arrwires = new TopTools_HArray1OfShape(1, iwires->Length()); //amv Standard_Integer i; for (i = 1; i <= arrwires->Length(); i++) arrwires->SetValue(i, iwires->Value(i)); owires = new TopTools_HSequenceOfShape; Standard_Real tolerance = Max (toler, Precision::Confusion()); Handle(ShapeExtend_WireData) sewd = new ShapeExtend_WireData (TopoDS::Wire (arrwires->Value (1))); Handle(ShapeAnalysis_Wire) saw = new ShapeAnalysis_Wire; saw->Load (sewd); saw->SetPrecision (tolerance); ShapeAnalysis_BoxBndTree aBBTree; NCollection_UBTreeFiller aTreeFiller(aBBTree); ShapeAnalysis_BoxBndTreeSelector aSel(arrwires, shared); aSel.LoadList(1); for (Standard_Integer inbW = 2; inbW <= arrwires->Length(); inbW++){ TopoDS_Wire trW = TopoDS::Wire (arrwires->Value (inbW)); Bnd_Box aBox; TopoDS_Vertex trV1, trV2; ShapeAnalysis::FindBounds (trW, trV1, trV2); gp_Pnt trP1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(trV1); gp_Pnt trP2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(trV2); aBox.Set(trP1); aBox.Add(trP2); aBox.SetGap(tolerance); aTreeFiller.Add(inbW, aBox); } aTreeFiller.Fill(); Standard_Integer nsel; ShapeAnalysis_Edge sae; //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 moved Standard_Boolean done = Standard_False; while (!done) { Standard_Boolean found = Standard_False, tail = Standard_False, direct = Standard_False; Standard_Integer lwire=0; aSel.SetStop(); Bnd_Box FVBox, LVBox; TopoDS_Vertex Vf, Vl; Vf = sae.FirstVertex(sewd->Edge(1)); Vl = sae.LastVertex(sewd->Edge(sewd->NbEdges())); gp_Pnt pf, pl; pf = BRep_Tool::Pnt(Vf); pl = BRep_Tool::Pnt(Vl); FVBox.Set(pf); FVBox.SetGap(tolerance); LVBox.Set(pl); LVBox.SetGap(tolerance); aSel.DefineBoxes(FVBox, LVBox); if (shared) aSel.DefineVertexes(Vf,Vl); else{ aSel.DefinePnt(pf,pl); aSel.SetTolerance(tolerance); } nsel = aBBTree.Select(aSel); if (nsel != 0 && !aSel.LastCheckStatus(ShapeExtend_FAIL)) { found = Standard_True; lwire = aSel.GetNb(); tail = aSel.LastCheckStatus (ShapeExtend_DONE1) || aSel.LastCheckStatus (ShapeExtend_DONE2); direct = aSel.LastCheckStatus (ShapeExtend_DONE1) || aSel.LastCheckStatus (ShapeExtend_DONE3); aSel.LoadList(lwire); } if (found) { if (!direct) arrwires->ChangeValue(lwire).Reverse(); TopoDS_Wire aCurW = TopoDS::Wire (arrwires->Value (lwire)); Handle(ShapeExtend_WireData) acurwd = new ShapeExtend_WireData ( TopoDS::Wire (arrwires->Value (lwire))); sewd->Add (acurwd, (tail ? 0 : 1)); } else { //making wire //1.providing connection (see ShapeFix_Wire::FixConnected()) //Standard_Integer i; // svv #1 for (/*Standard_Integer*/ i = 1; i <= saw->NbEdges(); i++) { if (saw->CheckConnected (i)) { Standard_Integer n2 = i; Standard_Integer n1 = (n2 > 1 ? n2 - 1 : saw->NbEdges()); TopoDS_Edge E1 = sewd->Edge(n1); TopoDS_Edge E2 = sewd->Edge(n2); TopoDS_Vertex Vprev, Vfol, V; //connection vertex Vprev = sae.LastVertex (E1); Vfol = sae.FirstVertex (E2); if (saw->LastCheckStatus (ShapeExtend_DONE1)) //absolutely confused V = Vprev; else { ShapeBuild_Vertex sbv; V = sbv.CombineVertex (Vprev, Vfol); } vertices.Bind (Vprev, V); vertices.Bind (Vfol, V); //replace vertices to a new one ShapeBuild_Edge sbe; if (saw->NbEdges() < 2) sewd->Set (sbe.CopyReplaceVertices (E2, V, V), n2); else { sewd->Set (sbe.CopyReplaceVertices (E2, V, TopoDS_Vertex()), n2); if (!saw->LastCheckStatus (ShapeExtend_DONE1)) sewd->Set (sbe.CopyReplaceVertices (E1, TopoDS_Vertex(), V), n1); } } } //2.making wire TopoDS_Wire wire = sewd->Wire(); if (!saw->CheckConnected (1) && saw->LastCheckStatus (ShapeExtend_OK)) wire.Closed (Standard_True); owires->Append (wire); sewd->Clear(); // Recherche de la premier edge non traitee pour un autre wire. //Searching for first edge for next wire lwire = -1; for (/*Standard_Integer*/ i = 1 ; i <= arrwires->Length() && lwire == -1; i++) if (!aSel.ContWire(i)) lwire = i; //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 optimized if (lwire == -1) done = 1; else { sewd->Add (TopoDS::Wire (arrwires->Value (lwire))); aSel.LoadList(lwire); } } } for ( /*Standard_Integer*/ i = 1; i <= iwires->Length(); i++) iwires->SetValue (i, arrwires->Value(i)); } static void SplitWire(const TopoDS_Wire& wire, const Standard_Real toler, const Standard_Boolean shared, Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape)& closed, Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape)& open) { closed = new TopTools_HSequenceOfShape; open = new TopTools_HSequenceOfShape; Standard_Real tolerance = Max (toler, Precision::Confusion()); BRep_Builder B; ShapeAnalysis_Edge sae; Handle(ShapeExtend_WireData) sewd = new ShapeExtend_WireData (wire); Standard_Integer nbedges = sewd->NbEdges(); //ConnectedEdgeSequence - list of indices of connected edges to build a wire TColStd_SequenceOfInteger ces; //statuses - array of flags describing the edge: //0-free, 1-in CES, 2-already in wire, //3-no closed wire can be produced starting at this edge TColStd_Array1OfInteger statuses (1, nbedges); statuses.Init (0); //building closed wires Standard_Integer i; // svv #1 for (i = 1; i <= nbedges; i++) if (statuses.Value (i) == 0) { ces.Append (i); statuses.SetValue (i, 1); //putting into CES Standard_Boolean SearchBackward = Standard_True; while (Standard_True) { Standard_Boolean found; TopoDS_Edge edge; TopoDS_Vertex lvertex; gp_Pnt lpoint; //searching for connection in ces if (SearchBackward) { SearchBackward = Standard_False; found = Standard_False; edge = sewd->Edge (ces.Last()); lvertex = sae.LastVertex (edge); lpoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt (lvertex); Standard_Integer j; // svv #1 for (j = ces.Length(); (j >= 1) && !found; j--) { TopoDS_Vertex fv = sae.FirstVertex (sewd->Edge (ces.Value (j)) ); gp_Pnt fp = BRep_Tool::Pnt (fv); if ((shared && lvertex.IsSame (fv)) || (!shared && lpoint.IsEqual (fp, tolerance))) found = Standard_True; } if (found) { j++;//because of decreasing last iteration //making closed wire TopoDS_Wire wire1; B.MakeWire (wire1); for (Standard_Integer cesindex = j; cesindex <= ces.Length(); cesindex++) { B.Add (wire1, sewd->Edge (ces.Value (cesindex))); statuses.SetValue (ces.Value (cesindex), 2); } wire1.Closed (Standard_True); closed->Append (wire1); ces.Remove (j, ces.Length()); if (ces.IsEmpty()) break; } } //searching for connection among free edges found = Standard_False; edge = sewd->Edge (ces.Last()); lvertex = sae.LastVertex (edge); lpoint = BRep_Tool::Pnt (lvertex); Standard_Integer j; // svv #1 for (j = 1; (j <= nbedges) && !found; j++) if (statuses.Value (j) == 0) { TopoDS_Vertex fv = sae.FirstVertex (sewd->Edge (j)); gp_Pnt fp = BRep_Tool::Pnt (fv); if ((shared && lvertex.IsSame (fv)) || (!shared && lpoint.IsEqual (fp, tolerance))) found = Standard_True; } if (found) { j--;//because of last iteration ces.Append (j); statuses.SetValue (j, 1);//putting into CES SearchBackward = Standard_True; continue; } //no edges found - mark the branch as open (use status 3) statuses.SetValue (ces.Last(), 3); ces.Remove (ces.Length()); if (ces.IsEmpty()) break; } } //building open wires Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape) edges = new TopTools_HSequenceOfShape; for (i = 1; i <= nbedges; i++) if (statuses.Value (i) != 2) edges->Append (sewd->Edge(i)); ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds::ConnectEdgesToWires (edges, toler, shared, open); } void ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds::SplitWires(const Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape)& wires, const Standard_Real toler, const Standard_Boolean shared, Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape)& closed, Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape)& open) { closed = new TopTools_HSequenceOfShape; open = new TopTools_HSequenceOfShape; for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= wires->Length(); i++) { Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape) tmpclosed, tmpopen; SplitWire (TopoDS::Wire (wires->Value (i)), toler, shared, tmpclosed, tmpopen); closed->Append (tmpclosed); open->Append (tmpopen); } } //======================================================================= //function : DispatchWires //purpose : //======================================================================= void ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds::DispatchWires(const Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape)& wires, TopoDS_Compound& closed, TopoDS_Compound& open) { BRep_Builder B; if (closed.IsNull()) B.MakeCompound (closed); if (open.IsNull()) B.MakeCompound (open); if (wires.IsNull()) return; for (Standard_Integer iw = 1 ; iw <= wires->Length(); iw++) if ( wires->Value (iw).Closed() ) B.Add (closed, wires->Value (iw)); else B.Add (open, wires->Value (iw)); } //======================================================================= //function : SplitWires //purpose : Splits compounds of closed (myWires) and open (myEdges) wires // into small closed wires according to fields mySplitClosed and // mySplitOpen and rebuilds compounds //======================================================================= void ShapeAnalysis_FreeBounds::SplitWires() { if (!mySplitClosed && !mySplitOpen) return; //nothing to do ShapeExtend_Explorer see; Handle(TopTools_HSequenceOfShape) closedwires, cw1, cw2, openwires, ow1, ow2; closedwires = see.SeqFromCompound (myWires, Standard_False); openwires = see.SeqFromCompound (myEdges, Standard_False); if (mySplitClosed) SplitWires (closedwires, myTolerance, myShared, cw1, ow1); else {cw1 = closedwires; ow1 = new TopTools_HSequenceOfShape;} if (mySplitOpen) SplitWires (openwires, myTolerance, myShared, cw2, ow2); else {cw2 = new TopTools_HSequenceOfShape; ow2 = openwires;} closedwires = cw1; closedwires->Append (cw2); openwires = ow1; openwires->Append (ow2); //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 SGI warns TopoDS_Shape compWires = see.CompoundFromSeq (closedwires); TopoDS_Shape compEdges = see.CompoundFromSeq (openwires); myWires = TopoDS::Compound (compWires); myEdges = TopoDS::Compound (compEdges); }