-- File: Select2D_SensitiveCircle.cdl -- Created: Mon Jan 30 16:13:58 1995 -- Author: Mister rmi -- ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1995 class SensitiveCircle from Select2D inherits SensitiveEntity from Select2D ---Purpose: A framework to define sensitive Areas for a Circle -- Radius and center, or a geometric circle is given. uses Circ2d from gp, TypeOfSelection, EntityOwner from SelectBasics, ListOfBox2d from SelectBasics is Create (OwnerId : EntityOwner from SelectBasics; TheCirc : Circ2d from gp; TheType : TypeOfSelection = Select2D_TOS_BOUNDARY) returns mutable SensitiveCircle ; --- Purpose: Constructs a sensitive circle object defined by the -- owner OwnerId, the circle Circle, and the selection type Type. -- Type can be: -- - interior -- - boundary. Areas (me:mutable ; aresul : in out ListOfBox2d from SelectBasics) is static; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: returns the sensitive areas for a circle... Matches (me : mutable ; X,Y : Real from Standard; aTol: Real from Standard; DMin: out Real from Standard) returns Boolean is static; ---Purpose: Returns true if the minimum distance DMin -- between the postion x,y and the circle is less than aTol.. Matches (me :mutable; XMin,YMin,XMax,YMax : Real from Standard; aTol: Real from Standard) returns Boolean is static; Circle(me) returns Circ2d from gp; ---Purpose: Returns the circle used at the time of construction of this object. ---C++: inline ---C++: return const& SetTypeOfSelection(me:mutable;aType : TypeOfSelection); ---Purpose: Sets the selection type. ---C++: inline Selection(me:mutable) returns TypeOfSelection from Select2D; ---Purpose: Returns the selection type used at the time of construction of this object. ---C++: inline fields myCirc : Circ2d from gp; mytype : TypeOfSelection; end SensitiveCircle;