#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define END 0 #define EMPTY 1 #define COMMENT 2 #define INCLUDE 3 #define RESOURCE 4 #define ERROR -1 static Standard_Integer WhatKindOfLine(OSD_File& aFile, TCollection_AsciiString& aToken1, TCollection_AsciiString& aToken2); static Standard_Integer GetLine(OSD_File& aFile,TCollection_AsciiString& aLine); static Standard_Boolean Debug; Resource_Manager::Resource_Manager(const Standard_CString aName, TCollection_AsciiString& aDefaultsDirectory, TCollection_AsciiString& anUserDefaultsDirectory, const Standard_Boolean Verbose) : myName(aName), myVerbose(Verbose) { if ( !aDefaultsDirectory.IsEmpty() ) { Load(aDefaultsDirectory,myName,myRefMap); } else if (myVerbose) cout << "Resource Manager Warning: aDefaultsDirectory is empty." << endl; if ( !anUserDefaultsDirectory.IsEmpty() ) { Load(anUserDefaultsDirectory,myName,myRefMap); } else if (myVerbose) cout << "Resource Manager Warning: anUserDefaultsDirectory is empty." << endl; } Resource_Manager::Resource_Manager(const Standard_CString aName, const Standard_Boolean Verbose) : myName(aName), myVerbose(Verbose) { Debug = (getenv("ResourceDebug") != NULL) ; TCollection_AsciiString EnvVar, CSF_ = "CSF_" ; TCollection_AsciiString DefaultVar; TCollection_AsciiString Name = aName ; TCollection_AsciiString Directory ; Standard_CString dir ; if ( getenv ("CSF_ResourceVerbose") != NULL ) myVerbose = Standard_True; EnvVar = CSF_ + aName + "Defaults" ; if ((dir = getenv (EnvVar.ToCString())) != NULL) { Directory = dir; Load(Directory,myName,myRefMap); } else { #ifdef OCE_INSTALL_DATA_DIR if ( Name.IsEqual("STEP") || Name.IsEqual("IGES")) DefaultVar = OCE_INSTALL_DATA_DIR "/src/XSTEPResource"; else DefaultVar = OCE_INSTALL_DATA_DIR "/src/StdResource"; Load(DefaultVar,myName,myRefMap); #else if (myVerbose) cout << "Resource Manager Warning: Environment variable \"" << EnvVar << "\" not set." << endl; #endif } EnvVar = CSF_ + aName + "UserDefaults" ; if ((dir = getenv (EnvVar.ToCString())) != NULL) { Directory = dir; Load(Directory, myName, myUserMap); } else if (myVerbose) cout << "Resource Manager Warning: Environment variable \"" << EnvVar << "\" not set." << endl; } void Resource_Manager::Load(TCollection_AsciiString& aDirectory, TCollection_AsciiString& aName, Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString& aMap) { Standard_Integer Kind, Pos; TCollection_AsciiString Token1, Token2; TCollection_AsciiString Directory, Name; TCollection_AsciiString FileName; FileName = aDirectory + "/" + aName; OSD_File File = OSD_Path(FileName); File.Open(OSD_ReadOnly,OSD_Protection()); if (File.Failed()) { if (myVerbose) cout << "Resource Manager Warning: Cannot read file \"" << FileName << "\". File not found or permission denied." << endl; return; } Standard_Integer LineNumber = 1; while ((Kind = WhatKindOfLine(File, Token1, Token2)) != END) { switch (Kind) { case COMMENT : case EMPTY : break ; case INCLUDE : Directory = OSD_Path::AbsolutePath(aDirectory,Token1); Pos = Directory.SearchFromEnd("/"); if (Pos != 0) { Name = Directory.Split(Pos); Directory.Trunc(Pos-1); Load(Directory,Name,aMap); } break; case RESOURCE : if (!aMap.Bind(Token1,Token2)) aMap(Token1) = Token2; break; case ERROR : if (myVerbose) cout << "Resource Manager: Syntax error at line " << LineNumber << " in file : " << FileName << endl; break; } LineNumber++; } File.Close(); if (myVerbose) cout << "Resource Manager: " << ((&aMap == &myUserMap) ? "User" : "Reference") << " file \"" << FileName << "\" loaded" << endl; } static Standard_Integer WhatKindOfLine(OSD_File& aFile, TCollection_AsciiString& aToken1, TCollection_AsciiString& aToken2) { TCollection_AsciiString WhiteSpace = " \t" ; Standard_Integer Pos1,Pos2,Pos ; TCollection_AsciiString Line ; if (!GetLine(aFile,Line)) return END; if (Line.Value(1) == '!') return COMMENT; if (Line.Value(1) == '#') { Line.Remove(1); if ((Line.Token(" \t")).IsDifferent("include")) return ERROR; aToken1 = Line.Token(" \t\n",2); return INCLUDE; } Pos1 = Line.FirstLocationNotInSet(WhiteSpace, 1, Line.Length()); if (Line.Value(Pos1) == '\n') return EMPTY; Pos2 = Line.Location(1,':',Pos1,Line.Length()); if (!Pos2 || Pos1 == Pos2) return ERROR; for (Pos = Pos2-1; Line.Value(Pos) == '\t' || Line.Value(Pos) == ' ' ; Pos--) {} aToken1 = Line.SubString(Pos1, Pos); if (Debug) cout << "Key = '" << aToken1 << flush ; if ((Pos = Line.FirstLocationNotInSet(WhiteSpace, Pos2+1, Line.Length())) != 0) { if (Line.Value(Pos) == '\\') switch(Line.Value(Pos+1)) { case '\\' : case ' ' : case '\t' : Pos++; break; } } if (Pos == Line.Length()) aToken2.Clear(); else aToken2 = Line.SubString(Pos,Line.Length()-1); if (Debug) cout << "'\t Value = '" << aToken2 << "'" << endl << flush; return RESOURCE; } // Retourne 0 (EOF) ou une ligne toujours terminee par . static Standard_Integer GetLine(OSD_File& aFile,TCollection_AsciiString& aLine) { TCollection_AsciiString Buffer; Standard_Integer BufSize = 10; Standard_Integer Len; aLine.Clear(); do { aFile.ReadLine(Buffer,BufSize,Len); aLine += Buffer; if (aFile.IsAtEnd()) { if (!aLine.Length()) return 0; else aLine += "\n"; } } while (aLine.Value(aLine.Length()) != '\n'); return 1; } //======================================================================= //function : Save //purpose : Sort and save the user resources in the user file. // Creates the file if it does not exist. //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean Resource_Manager::Save() const { Standard_Integer Index; TCollection_AsciiString EnvVar, CSF_ = "CSF_"; Standard_CString dir; EnvVar = CSF_ + myName + "UserDefaults"; if ((dir = getenv (EnvVar.ToCString())) == NULL) { if (myVerbose) cout << "Resource Manager Warning: environment variable \"" << EnvVar << "\" not set. Cannot save resources." << endl ; return Standard_False; } TCollection_AsciiString FilePath = dir; OSD_Directory Dir = OSD_Path(FilePath); Standard_Boolean Status = Standard_True; if ( !Dir.Exists() ) { { try { OCC_CATCH_SIGNALS Dir.Build(OSD_Protection(OSD_RX, OSD_RWX, OSD_RX, OSD_RX)); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Status = Standard_False; } } Status = Status && !Dir.Failed(); if (!Status) { if (myVerbose) cout << "Resource Manager: Error opening or creating directory \"" << FilePath << "\". Permission denied. Cannot save resources." << endl; return Standard_False; } } FilePath += "/"; FilePath += myName; OSD_Path Path(FilePath); OSD_File File = Path; OSD_Protection theProt; Status = Standard_True; { try { OCC_CATCH_SIGNALS File.Build(OSD_ReadWrite, theProt); } catch (Standard_Failure) { Status = Standard_False; } } Status = Status && !File.Failed(); if (!Status) { if (myVerbose) cout << "Resource Manager: Error opening or creating file \"" << FilePath << "\". Permission denied. Cannot save resources." << endl; return Standard_False; } Resource_LexicalCompare Comp; Standard_Integer NbKey = myUserMap.Extent(); TColStd_Array1OfAsciiString KeyArray(1,NbKey); Resource_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString Iter(myUserMap); for ( Index = 1; Iter.More(); Iter.Next()) KeyArray(Index++)= Iter.Key(); Resource_QuickSortOfArray1::Sort(KeyArray, Comp); TCollection_AsciiString Line, Value; for (Index = 1 ; Index <= NbKey ; Index++) { Value = myUserMap(KeyArray(Index)); if (!Value.IsEmpty()) switch(Value.Value(1)) { case '\\' : case ' ' : case '\t' : Value.Insert(1,'\\'); break; } Line = KeyArray(Index) + ":\t" + Value + "\n"; if (Debug) cout << "Line = '" << Line << "'" << endl; File.Write(Line, Line.Length()); } if (myVerbose) cout << "Resource Manager: Resources saved in file " << FilePath << endl; File.Close(); return Standard_True; } //======================================================================= //function : Integer //purpose : Gets the value of an integer resource //======================================================================= Standard_Integer Resource_Manager::Integer(const Standard_CString aResourceName) const { TCollection_AsciiString Result = Value(aResourceName) ; if (!Result.IsIntegerValue()) { TCollection_AsciiString n("Value of resource `"); n+= aResourceName; n+= "` is not an integer"; Standard_TypeMismatch::Raise(n.ToCString()); } return Result.IntegerValue(); } //======================================================================= //function : Real //purpose : Gets the value of a real resource //======================================================================= Standard_Real Resource_Manager::Real(const Standard_CString aResourceName) const { TCollection_AsciiString Result = Value(aResourceName) ; if (!Result.IsRealValue()) { TCollection_AsciiString n("Value of resource `"); n+= aResourceName; n+= "` is not a real"; Standard_TypeMismatch::Raise(n.ToCString()); } return Result.RealValue(); } //======================================================================= //function : Value //purpose : Gets the value of a CString resource //======================================================================= Standard_CString Resource_Manager::Value(const Standard_CString aResource) const { TCollection_AsciiString Resource(aResource); if (myUserMap.IsBound(Resource)) return myUserMap(Resource).ToCString(); if (myRefMap.IsBound(Resource)) return myRefMap(Resource).ToCString(); Resource_NoSuchResource::Raise(aResource); return (""); } //======================================================================= //function : ExtValue //purpose : Gets the value of a ExtString resource //======================================================================= Standard_ExtString Resource_Manager::ExtValue(const Standard_CString aResource) { TCollection_AsciiString Resource(aResource); if (myExtStrMap.IsBound(Resource)) return myExtStrMap(Resource).ToExtString(); TCollection_AsciiString Result = Value(aResource); TCollection_ExtendedString ExtResult; Resource_Unicode::ConvertFormatToUnicode(Result.ToCString(),ExtResult); myExtStrMap.Bind(Resource, ExtResult); return myExtStrMap(Resource).ToExtString(); } //======================================================================= //function : SetResource //purpose : Sets the new value of an integer resource. // If the resource does not exist, it is created. //======================================================================= void Resource_Manager::SetResource(const Standard_CString aResourceName, const Standard_Integer aValue) { SetResource(aResourceName,TCollection_AsciiString(aValue).ToCString()); } //======================================================================= //function : SetResource //purpose : Sets the new value of a real resource. // If the resource does not exist, it is created. //======================================================================= void Resource_Manager::SetResource(const Standard_CString aResourceName, const Standard_Real aValue) { SetResource(aResourceName,TCollection_AsciiString(aValue).ToCString()); } //======================================================================= //function : SetResource //purpose : Sets the new value of ExtString resource. // If the resource does not exist, it is created. //======================================================================= void Resource_Manager::SetResource(const Standard_CString aResource, const Standard_ExtString aValue) { Standard_PCharacter pStr; TCollection_AsciiString Resource = aResource; TCollection_ExtendedString ExtValue = aValue; TCollection_AsciiString FormatStr(ExtValue.Length()*3+10, ' '); if (!myExtStrMap.Bind(Resource,ExtValue)) { myExtStrMap(Resource) = ExtValue; } // pStr=(Standard_PCharacter)FormatStr.ToCString(); // Resource_Unicode::ConvertUnicodeToFormat(ExtValue, pStr,//FormatStr.ToCString(), FormatStr.Length()) ; SetResource(aResource,FormatStr.ToCString()); } //======================================================================= //function : SetResource //purpose : Sets the new value of an enum resource. // If the resource does not exist, it is created. //======================================================================= void Resource_Manager::SetResource(const Standard_CString aResource, const Standard_CString aValue) { TCollection_AsciiString Resource = aResource; TCollection_AsciiString Value = aValue; if (!myUserMap.Bind(Resource, Value)) myUserMap(Resource) = Value; } //======================================================================= //function : Find //purpose : Tells if a resource exits. //======================================================================= Standard_Boolean Resource_Manager::Find(const Standard_CString aResource) const { TCollection_AsciiString Resource(aResource); if (myUserMap.IsBound(Resource) || myRefMap.IsBound(Resource)) return Standard_True; return Standard_False; }