#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // --- Enum : KnotType --- static TCollection_AsciiString ktUniformKnots(".UNIFORM_KNOTS."); static TCollection_AsciiString ktQuasiUniformKnots(".QUASI_UNIFORM_KNOTS."); static TCollection_AsciiString ktPiecewiseBezierKnots(".PIECEWISE_BEZIER_KNOTS."); static TCollection_AsciiString ktUnspecified(".UNSPECIFIED."); // --- Enum : BSplineCurveForm --- static TCollection_AsciiString bscfEllipticArc(".ELLIPTIC_ARC."); static TCollection_AsciiString bscfPolylineForm(".POLYLINE_FORM."); static TCollection_AsciiString bscfParabolicArc(".PARABOLIC_ARC."); static TCollection_AsciiString bscfCircularArc(".CIRCULAR_ARC."); static TCollection_AsciiString bscfUnspecified(".UNSPECIFIED."); static TCollection_AsciiString bscfHyperbolicArc(".HYPERBOLIC_ARC."); RWStepGeom_RWBSplineCurveWithKnots::RWStepGeom_RWBSplineCurveWithKnots () {} void RWStepGeom_RWBSplineCurveWithKnots::ReadStep (const Handle(StepData_StepReaderData)& data, const Standard_Integer num, Handle(Interface_Check)& ach, const Handle(StepGeom_BSplineCurveWithKnots)& ent) const { // --- Number of Parameter Control --- if (!data->CheckNbParams(num,9,ach,"b_spline_curve_with_knots")) return; // --- inherited field : name --- Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) aName; //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `Standard_Boolean stat1 =` not needed data->ReadString (num,1,"name",ach,aName); // --- inherited field : degree --- Standard_Integer aDegree; //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `Standard_Boolean stat2 =` not needed data->ReadInteger (num,2,"degree",ach,aDegree); // --- inherited field : controlPointsList --- Handle(StepGeom_HArray1OfCartesianPoint) aControlPointsList; Handle(StepGeom_CartesianPoint) anent3; Standard_Integer nsub3; if (data->ReadSubList (num,3,"control_points_list",ach,nsub3)) { Standard_Integer nb3 = data->NbParams(nsub3); aControlPointsList = new StepGeom_HArray1OfCartesianPoint (1, nb3); for (Standard_Integer i3 = 1; i3 <= nb3; i3 ++) { //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `Standard_Boolean stat3 =` not needed if (data->ReadEntity (nsub3, i3,"cartesian_point", ach, STANDARD_TYPE(StepGeom_CartesianPoint), anent3)) aControlPointsList->SetValue(i3, anent3); } } // --- inherited field : curveForm --- StepGeom_BSplineCurveForm aCurveForm = StepGeom_bscfPolylineForm; if (data->ParamType(num,4) == Interface_ParamEnum) { Standard_CString text = data->ParamCValue(num,4); if (bscfEllipticArc.IsEqual(text)) aCurveForm = StepGeom_bscfEllipticArc; else if (bscfPolylineForm.IsEqual(text)) aCurveForm = StepGeom_bscfPolylineForm; else if (bscfParabolicArc.IsEqual(text)) aCurveForm = StepGeom_bscfParabolicArc; else if (bscfCircularArc.IsEqual(text)) aCurveForm = StepGeom_bscfCircularArc; else if (bscfUnspecified.IsEqual(text)) aCurveForm = StepGeom_bscfUnspecified; else if (bscfHyperbolicArc.IsEqual(text)) aCurveForm = StepGeom_bscfHyperbolicArc; else ach->AddFail("Enumeration b_spline_curve_form has not an allowed value"); } else ach->AddFail("Parameter #4 (curve_form) is not an enumeration"); // --- inherited field : closedCurve --- StepData_Logical aClosedCurve; //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `Standard_Boolean stat5 =` not needed data->ReadLogical (num,5,"closed_curve",ach,aClosedCurve); // --- inherited field : selfIntersect --- StepData_Logical aSelfIntersect; //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `Standard_Boolean stat6 =` not needed data->ReadLogical (num,6,"self_intersect",ach,aSelfIntersect); // --- own field : knotMultiplicities --- Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aKnotMultiplicities; Standard_Integer aKnotMultiplicitiesItem; Standard_Integer nsub7; if (data->ReadSubList (num,7,"knot_multiplicities",ach,nsub7)) { Standard_Integer nb7 = data->NbParams(nsub7); aKnotMultiplicities = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger (1, nb7); for (Standard_Integer i7 = 1; i7 <= nb7; i7 ++) { //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `Standard_Boolean stat7 =` not needed if (data->ReadInteger (nsub7,i7,"knot_multiplicities",ach,aKnotMultiplicitiesItem)) aKnotMultiplicities->SetValue(i7,aKnotMultiplicitiesItem); } } // --- own field : knots --- Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) aKnots; Standard_Real aKnotsItem; Standard_Integer nsub8; if (data->ReadSubList (num,8,"knots",ach,nsub8)) { Standard_Integer nb8 = data->NbParams(nsub8); aKnots = new TColStd_HArray1OfReal (1, nb8); for (Standard_Integer i8 = 1; i8 <= nb8; i8 ++) { //szv#4:S4163:12Mar99 `Standard_Boolean stat8 =` not needed if (data->ReadReal (nsub8,i8,"knots",ach,aKnotsItem)) aKnots->SetValue(i8,aKnotsItem); } } // --- own field : knotSpec --- StepGeom_KnotType aKnotSpec = StepGeom_ktUniformKnots; if (data->ParamType(num,9) == Interface_ParamEnum) { Standard_CString text = data->ParamCValue(num,9); if (ktUniformKnots.IsEqual(text)) aKnotSpec = StepGeom_ktUniformKnots; else if (ktQuasiUniformKnots.IsEqual(text)) aKnotSpec = StepGeom_ktQuasiUniformKnots; else if (ktPiecewiseBezierKnots.IsEqual(text)) aKnotSpec = StepGeom_ktPiecewiseBezierKnots; else if (ktUnspecified.IsEqual(text)) aKnotSpec = StepGeom_ktUnspecified; else ach->AddFail("Enumeration knot_type has not an allowed value"); } else ach->AddFail("Parameter #9 (knot_spec) is not an enumeration"); //--- Initialisation of the read entity --- ent->Init(aName, aDegree, aControlPointsList, aCurveForm, aClosedCurve, aSelfIntersect, aKnotMultiplicities, aKnots, aKnotSpec); } void RWStepGeom_RWBSplineCurveWithKnots::WriteStep (StepData_StepWriter& SW, const Handle(StepGeom_BSplineCurveWithKnots)& ent) const { // --- inherited field name --- SW.Send(ent->Name()); // --- inherited field degree --- SW.Send(ent->Degree()); // --- inherited field controlPointsList --- SW.OpenSub(); for (Standard_Integer i3 = 1; i3 <= ent->NbControlPointsList(); i3 ++) { SW.Send(ent->ControlPointsListValue(i3)); } SW.CloseSub(); // --- inherited field curveForm --- switch(ent->CurveForm()) { case StepGeom_bscfEllipticArc : SW.SendEnum (bscfEllipticArc); break; case StepGeom_bscfPolylineForm : SW.SendEnum (bscfPolylineForm); break; case StepGeom_bscfParabolicArc : SW.SendEnum (bscfParabolicArc); break; case StepGeom_bscfCircularArc : SW.SendEnum (bscfCircularArc); break; case StepGeom_bscfUnspecified : SW.SendEnum (bscfUnspecified); break; case StepGeom_bscfHyperbolicArc : SW.SendEnum (bscfHyperbolicArc); break; } // --- inherited field closedCurve --- SW.SendLogical(ent->ClosedCurve()); // --- inherited field selfIntersect --- SW.SendLogical(ent->SelfIntersect()); // --- own field : knotMultiplicities --- SW.OpenSub(); for (Standard_Integer i7 = 1; i7 <= ent->NbKnotMultiplicities(); i7 ++) { SW.Send(ent->KnotMultiplicitiesValue(i7)); } SW.CloseSub(); // --- own field : knots --- SW.OpenSub(); for (Standard_Integer i8 = 1; i8 <= ent->NbKnots(); i8 ++) { SW.Send(ent->KnotsValue(i8)); } SW.CloseSub(); // --- own field : knotSpec --- switch(ent->KnotSpec()) { case StepGeom_ktUniformKnots : SW.SendEnum (ktUniformKnots); break; case StepGeom_ktQuasiUniformKnots : SW.SendEnum (ktQuasiUniformKnots); break; case StepGeom_ktPiecewiseBezierKnots : SW.SendEnum (ktPiecewiseBezierKnots); break; case StepGeom_ktUnspecified : SW.SendEnum (ktUnspecified); break; } } void RWStepGeom_RWBSplineCurveWithKnots::Share(const Handle(StepGeom_BSplineCurveWithKnots)& ent, Interface_EntityIterator& iter) const { Standard_Integer nbElem1 = ent->NbControlPointsList(); for (Standard_Integer is1=1; is1<=nbElem1; is1 ++) { iter.GetOneItem(ent->ControlPointsListValue(is1)); } } void RWStepGeom_RWBSplineCurveWithKnots::Check (const Handle(StepGeom_BSplineCurveWithKnots)& ent, const Interface_ShareTool& , Handle(Interface_Check)& ach) const { Standard_Integer nbCPL = ent->NbControlPointsList(); Standard_Integer dgBSC = ent->Degree(); Standard_Integer nbMult = ent->NbKnotMultiplicities(); Standard_Integer nbKno = ent->NbKnots(); Standard_Integer sumMult = 0; // cout << "BSplineCurveWithKnots: nbMult=" << nbMult << " nbKno= " << // nbKno << " nbCPL= " << nbCPL << " degree= " << dgBSC << endl; if(nbMult != nbKno) { ach->AddFail("ERROR: No.of KnotMultiplicities not equal No.of Knots"); } Standard_Integer i;//svv Jan 10 2000: porting on DEC for (i=1; i<=nbMult-1; i++) { sumMult = sumMult + ent->KnotMultiplicitiesValue(i); } Standard_Integer sumNonP = nbCPL + dgBSC + 1; Standard_Integer mult1 = ent->KnotMultiplicitiesValue(1); Standard_Integer multN = ent->KnotMultiplicitiesValue(nbMult); // cout << "BSplineCurveWithKnots: mult1=" << mult1 << " multN= " << // multN << " sumMult= " << sumMult << endl; if((sumMult + multN) == sumNonP) { } else if((sumMult == nbCPL) && (mult1 == multN)) { } else { ach->AddFail("ERROR: wrong number of Knot Multiplicities"); } for(i=2; i<=nbKno; i++) { Standard_Real distKn = ent->KnotsValue(i-1) - ent->KnotsValue(i); if(Abs(distKn) <= RealEpsilon()) ach->AddWarning("WARNING: Curve contains identical KnotsValues"); else if(distKn > RealEpsilon()) ach->AddFail("ERROR: Curve contains descending KnotsValues"); } }