-- File: PrsMgr_PresentationManager3d.cdl -- Created: Thu Oct 21 12:45:31 1993 -- Author: Jean-Louis FRENKEL -- -- Modified by rob Aug 20 98 : -- new Methods : Is3D() , AddToImmediateList (Prs) -- BeginDraw redefined -- new field : myStrList -- => allows users to store independant Graphic Structures -- which will be displayed in immediate mode when EndDraw -- is applied ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 class PresentationManager3d from PrsMgr inherits PresentationManager from PrsMgr ---Purpose: A framework to manage 3D displays, graphic entities -- and their updates. -- Used in the AIS package (Application Interactive -- Services), to enable the advanced user to define the -- default display mode of a new interactive object which -- extends the list of signatures and types. -- Definition of new display types is handled by calling -- the presentation algorithms provided by the StdPrs package. uses ListOfTransient from TColStd, StructureManager from Graphic3d, PresentableObject from PrsMgr, Length,NameOfColor from Quantity, Transformation from Geom, NameOfMaterial from Graphic3d, --NameOfMaterialPhysic from Graphic3d, --NameOfPhysicalMaterial from Graphic3d, Presentation from PrsMgr, Presentation3d from PrsMgr, View from Viewer, ShadingAspect from Prs3d, Presentation from Prs3d is Create(aStructureManager: StructureManager from Graphic3d) returns mutable PresentationManager3d from PrsMgr; ---Purpose: -- Creates a framework to manage displays and graphic -- entities with the 3D view aStructureManager. Is3D(me) returns Boolean from Standard is redefined; Color(me: mutable; aPresentableObject: mutable PresentableObject from PrsMgr; aColor: NameOfColor from Quantity = Quantity_NOC_YELLOW; aMode: Integer from Standard = 0) ---Purpose: Highlights the graphic object aPresentableObject in -- the color aColor. -- aPresentableObject has the display mode aMode; -- this has the default value of 0, that is, the wireframe display mode. is static; BoundBox(me: mutable; aPresentableObject: mutable PresentableObject from PrsMgr; aMode: Integer from Standard = 0) ---Purpose: highlights the boundbox of the presentation is static; ---Category: Immediate display methods. -- BeginDraw(me:mutable) is redefined static; AddToImmediateList(me:mutable;aPrs:Presentation from Prs3d); ---Purpose: stores in a list of structure to be displayed -- in immediate mode. will be taken in account in EndDraw Method. EndDraw(me: mutable; aView: View from Viewer; DoubleBuffer: Boolean from Standard = Standard_False) is redefined static; ---Category: references to other presentation. Connect(me: mutable; aPresentableObject: PresentableObject from PrsMgr; anOtherObject: mutable PresentableObject from PrsMgr; aMode: Integer from Standard = 0; anOtherMode: Integer from Standard = 0) is static; ---Category: Transformation methods. Transform (me: mutable; aPresentableObject: PresentableObject from PrsMgr; aTransformation: Transformation from Geom; aMode: Integer from Standard = 0) ---Purpose: -- Sets the transformation aTransformation for the -- presentable object aPresentableObject. -- aPresentableObject has the display mode aMode; -- this has the default value of 0, that is, the wireframe -- display mode. is static; Place (me: mutable; aPresentableObject: PresentableObject from PrsMgr; X,Y,Z: Length from Quantity; aMode: Integer from Standard = 0) ---Purpose: -- Sets a position to move the presentable object -- aPresentableObject to. This position is defined by the -- lengths along the x, y and z axes: X, Y and Z respectively. -- aPresentableObject has the display mode aMode; -- this has the default value of 0, that is, the wireframe display mode. is static; Multiply (me: mutable; aPresentableObject: PresentableObject from PrsMgr; aTransformation: Transformation from Geom; aMode: Integer from Standard = 0) ---Purpose: -- Defines the transformation aTransformation for the -- presentable object aPresentableObject. -- aPresentableObject has the display mode aMode; -- this has the default value of 0, that is, the wireframe -- display mode. is static; Move (me: mutable; aPresentableObject: PresentableObject from PrsMgr; X,Y,Z: Length from Quantity; aMode: Integer from Standard = 0) ---Purpose: -- Sets a position to move the presentable object -- aPresentableObject to. This position is defined by the -- lengths along the x, y and z axes: X, Y and Z respectively. -- aPresentableObject has the display mode aMode; -- this has the default value of 0, that is, the wireframe -- display mode. is static; StructureManager(me) returns mutable StructureManager from Graphic3d is static; ---C++: inline ---C++: return const& ---Purpose: Returns the structure manager. SetShadingAspect(me: mutable; aPresentableObject: PresentableObject from PrsMgr; aColor: NameOfColor from Quantity; aMaterial: NameOfMaterial from Graphic3d; --aMaterial: NameOfPhysicalMaterial from Graphic3d; aMode: Integer from Standard = 0) ---Purpose: this method will change the color and the aspect -- of the presentations containg shaded structures. is static; SetShadingAspect(me: mutable; aPresentableObject: PresentableObject from PrsMgr; aShadingAspect: ShadingAspect from Prs3d; aMode: Integer from Standard = 0) ---Purpose: this method will change the color and the aspect -- of the presentations containg shaded structures. is static; CastPresentation(me; aPresentableObject: PresentableObject from PrsMgr; aMode: Integer from Standard = 0) returns mutable Presentation3d from PrsMgr is static ; newPresentation(me: mutable; aPresentableObject: PresentableObject from PrsMgr) returns mutable Presentation from PrsMgr ---Level: Internal ---Purpose: Creates a new presentation in the presentation manager. is redefined static private; fields myStructureManager : StructureManager from Graphic3d; myStrList : ListOfTransient from TColStd; end PresentationManager3d from PrsMgr;