-- File: PrsMgr_Presentation2d.cdl -- Created: Thu Oct 21 13:09:32 1993 -- Author: Jean-Louis FRENKEL -- --Modified by rob Dec-16-97 ---Copyright: Matra Datavision 1993 class Presentation2d from PrsMgr inherits Presentation from PrsMgr ---Purpose: A framework to manage 2D displays, graphic entities -- and their updates. Plotters, Highlights, Minima -- maxima, immediate display. uses GraphicObject from Graphic2d, PresentationManager2d from PrsMgr, KindOfPrs from PrsMgr is Create(aPresentationManager2d: PresentationManager2d from PrsMgr) returns mutable Presentation2d from PrsMgr is private; ---Purpose: Creates a framework to manage displays and graphic -- entities with the 2D view aStructureManager. KindOfPresentation(me) returns KindOfPrs from PrsMgr is redefined static; Destroy(me: mutable) is redefined; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Destructor. ---C++: alias ~ Display(me: mutable) is redefined static private; Erase(me) is redefined static private; Highlight(me: mutable) is redefined static private; Unhighlight (me) is redefined static private; IsDisplayed(me) returns Boolean from Standard is redefined static private; IsHighlighted(me) returns Boolean from Standard is redefined static private; DisplayPriority(me) returns Integer from Standard is redefined static private; SetDisplayPriority(me:mutable;aNewPrior:Integer from Standard) is redefined static private; Clear(me:mutable) ---Purpose: removes the whole content of the presentation. is redefined; Highlight(me; anIndex: Integer from Standard) is static private; ---Category: 2d specialized methods. EnablePlot (me) ---Purpose: Allows the drawing on a plotter of the graphic object -- aPresentableObject with the display mode aMode. is static private; DisablePlot (me) ---Purpose: Forbids the drawing on a plotter of the graphic object -- aPresentableObject with the display mode aMode. is static private; IsPlottable (me) returns Boolean from Standard ---Purpose: Returns true if the graphic object aPresentableObject -- with the display mode aMode can be plotted. is static private; SetOffset (me: mutable;anOffset: Integer from Standard) is static ; ---Purpose: Specifies an Offset applied to the original color -- index of all primitives in the graphic object . -- Warning: To reset the real color of the primitives -- you have to call this method with = 0. Offset (me) returns Integer from Standard is static ; ---Level: Public ---Purpose: Returns the Offset applied to the original color -- index of all primitives in the graphic object . ---Category: Methods to manage the highlight Presentation (me) returns mutable GraphicObject from Graphic2d is static ; fields myStructure: GraphicObject from Graphic2d; friends class PresentationManager2d from PrsMgr, class PresentableObject from PrsMgr end Presentation2d from PrsMgr;